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2019-2020年高中英语周末培优第05周Unit3Lifeinthefuture1含解析新人教版必修.用所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题0.5分,共5分)1We didnt have the picnic because the weather was (certain)2We shall be landing at Gatwick Airport shortly;please (fast) your seat belts.3The house is situated in very pleasant (surround)4The teacher said that the child (lack) confidence.5Weve had to make some (adjust) to our original plan.6The bank is (press) us for repayment of the loan.7What was your first (impress) of the Birds Nest? Is it wonderful?8According to the professor,language slowly but (constant) develops from older forms into newer ones.9We simply cannot tolerate (cheat) in exams.10A driver is not supposed (flash) his lights at the ing vehicles.【参考答案】1. uncertain 2. fasten 3. surroundings 4. lacked 5. adjustments6. pressing 7. impression 8. constantly 9. cheating 10. to flash.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)1. Catching _ sight of their headteacher ing,the students fell silence in _ flash.Athe;the B/;a Cthe;/ D/;/【答案】B【解析】catch sight of看见;in a flash转瞬间,立即。2. If you want to slow down,you must _ harder on the brakes.Atake Bpress Csweep Dcarry【答案】B3. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise.Alimit Black Cneed Ddemand【答案】B【解析】句意为:健康问题与不良的饮食习惯和缺少锻炼密切相关。a lack of“缺乏”,符合题意。4. Many countries are faced with the problem about how to _ economic development.Atake up Bspeed up Cget up Dstay up【答案】B【解析】句意:许多国家都面临着如何加快经济发展这个问题。speed up加速;take up占据(时间、空间);get up起床;stay up熬夜。5. I must _ your promise _ you wont be late again.Aremind you for;why Bremind you to;in whichCremind you of;that Dremind you;which【答案】C【解析】remind sb. of sth.“使某人想起某事,提醒某人某事”;第二空that引导同位语从句。6. Can you lend me your book on scientific achievements? You are not _ to get this book from me, because I will read it soon.Apossible Blikely Cperhaps Dprobable【答案】B【解析】由句子主语是you可知选likely,be likely to do sth.“有可能做某事”。likely既可用人也可用物作主语。7. Dont worry.Theres still time _ a newspaper before the bus leaves.Aleft to buy Bleaving to buy Cleft buying Dleaving buy【答案】A8. _ I understand what you say,I dont agree with you.AWhen BWhile CAs DIf【答案】B【解析】while引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”。9. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it _.Abreaks Bhas brokenCwere broken Dhad been broken【答案】C【解析】本题考查与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,在as if从句中,如果表达与现在事实相反,谓语动词使用动词过去式(be动词使用were)。10. This is the building _ during the Qing Dynasty.Abuilt Bto be built Cbuilding Dbeing built【答案】A【解析】building与build之间是被动关系,故此处用过去分词作后置定语。B项表示“将要被建”,D项表示“正在被建”,均不符合题意。11. _ by a greater demand for vegetables, farmers have built more green houses.ADriven BBeing driven CTo drive DHaving driven【答案】A12. _ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.AFail B. Failed CTo fail DHaving failed【答案】D【解析】分词作状语。很显然fail 和主语之间是主谓关系,而且有先后顺序,故用having done。13. Everything _,we went home happily.Adid Bdoing Cto do Ddone【答案】D【解析】考查独立主格结构。由“we went home happily”及everything与do的被动关系,可知用过去分词形式表示被动与完成。14. _,crying.ACame in Jacks wife BIn came Jacks wifeCCame in she DIn came she【答案】B15. In this seaside resort,you can _ all the fort and convenience of modern tourism.Aenjoy Bapply Creceive Dachieve【答案】A【解析】A.享受;B.申请,运用;C.收到;D.实现,得到。由句意可知此处是“享受”到所有现代旅游业的舒适与便利。故选A。. 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)I wrote my first novel when I was 22. It was a 1. I didnt know how to properly format dialogue or 2a plot. Those were all 3I planned to work out later. I gave the book to my father to read, and within a day he left me a voice mail saying that it was 4and that I was going to sell it for $300,000.5, and rather quickly, the book was 6by every publisher in New York. If there were a literary prize for Most Rejections, I would have won it. I was 7, of course, but I knew better than to 8 writing wasnt an easy job, and if this book wasnt my 9in, maybe the next one would be. I got back to work.But this scenario(剧情) happened again: I wrote booksand then they wouldnt 10. Still, my fathers faith in me never wavered(摇摆), even 11I worked a host of other jobs. Some of the jobs, like being a bookseller, were great and 12to my writing life. Some, like selling overpriced jeans to 12-year-olds, were only good insofar as they were material for future 13. And they were because it finally 14. I sold a book! I was going to make it big!I pletely agree with motivational speaker and author John Maxwells words: “Successful and unsuccessful people do not 15greatly in their abilities but in their 16to reach their potential.”Lifes not 17. It never was, it isnt now, it wont ever be. But do not fall into the entitlement trap of feeling you are a 18, you are not. Get over it and 19with it. And yes, most things are more 20when you break a sweat to get them.1. A. messB. mixC. confusionD. puzzle2. A. followB. structureC. discoverD. hatch3. A. factsB. messagesC. meaningsD. details4. A. practicalB. plexC. wonderfulD. dissatisfactory5. A. ButB. InsteadC. ThereforeD. Regardless6. A. rejectedB. acceptedC. abusedD. mented7. A. depressedB. surprisedC. frightenedD. embarrassed8. A. continueB. fightC. withdrawD. write9. A. cardB. ticketC. penD. bill10. A. writeB. buyC. workD. sell11. A. ifB. becauseC. asD. since12. A. turnedB. openedC. ledD. contributed13. A. livesB. decisionsC. storiesD. jobs14. A. happenedB. failedC. madeD. passed15. A. varyB. changeC. matchD. diversify16. A. requestB. demandC. hopeD. desire17. A. sadB. happyC. hardD. easy18. A. witnessB. victimC. ownerD. winner19. A. get roundB. get onC. get aboutD. get by20. A. challengingB. demandingC. rewardingD. paying【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。通过叙述自己写书售书的过程,作者体会到任何事情的成功都不是那么容易的,需要人们的付出,因为只要你付出了,就会得到回报的。5B考查副词。根据后文“the book was rejected by every publisher in New York. ”可知与前面父亲认为的形成对比,故选B。6A考查动词。句意:相反的,而且很快的,这本书被纽约的很多家出版商拒绝,故选A。7A考查形容词。根据前文“If there were a literary prize for Most Rejections, I would have won it. ”可知此处作者感到很沮丧,故选A。8B考查动词。句意:但是比起退回我知道写作不是意见容易的事那是较好的,故选C。9考查名词。句意:如果这本书不是我入门的票的话,那么下一本将会是的,故选B。10D考查动词。根据前文“But this scenario(剧情) happened again:”说明作者的另外一本书又没有卖出,故选D。16D考查名词。句意:而在于他们挖掘潜能的欲望,故选D。17D考查形容词。句意:人生不是容易的与后文“It never was, it isnt now, it wont ever be. ”形成并列,故选D。18B考查名词。句意:但是不要陷入这样的一种自认为是受害者的圈中,故选B。19B考查动词短语。句意:克服掉它然后与它相处,故选B。20C考查形容词。句意:当你付出的时候,大部分的事情都是值得做的,故选C。. 七选五型阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)Controlling AngerBeing angry is something beyond the control of people 1 Being angry can do a lot of damages, both mental and physical. However, there are methods for discovering how to control anger and not suffer later. 2 The moment you feel there are chances of you being angry, get away from those circumstances. In fact, there can be no better a judge than you, for discovering what it is or who it is that makes you bee angry, and then at that moment choose to think about something else that can lighten your feelings.Keep a check on your breathing. 3 By controlling the process of breathing, you can actually slow down your anger greatly. You can count till the number three as you breathe in, hold it for 3 seconds and again count till three while breathing out. You have to concentrate on the count as you do this and repeat for as many times as is required. 4 For example, if youre experiencing road anger while driving, you can choose to tell yourself that the person who overtook you by a vehicle was in a hurry as a result of some emergency and appreciate the fact that nothing major had happened to your car. Repeat this form of self-talk to yourself every time you are in the middle of such an angry situation.Look for a support in other people. 5 It needs to be clear right at the beginning as to why you are discussing your concerns with that individual. Let the other individual know what you want from the other person. After youre done with your part of discussing about the circumstances, chances are that youll feel much better than before.A. Talk to yourself positively.B. e to a stop as soon as you are angry.C. Try to see the situation in a different light.D. You can also ask for help from the one you rely on.E. What you can do when you bee angry is to breathe deeply.F. In fact, almost all people at one point of time or the other bee angry.G. You can imagine going to a place you consider to be calming as well as relaxing.【语篇解读】生气伤身,但是每个人不可避免地会生气。如何控制生气呢?本文给出了四项有效措施:生气时停一停;生气时深呼吸;生气时自嘲;寻求别人的帮助等。3. E根据段落标题和空格下文By controlling the process of breathing, you can actually slow down your anger greatly.可知,生气时调整呼吸,通过控制呼吸的过程,减慢生气,根据关键词“breathe”可知E项“生气时你可以做深呼吸”符合语境。故选E。4. A空格处为段落标题。本段通过一个例子,当你开车路怒的时候,你可以告诉自己超过你的那个人可能有紧急事情感激你的车没有发生什么大事,生气的情况下多重复几遍这个过程。因此推断本段建议生气时积极的自言自语。故选A。5. D根据段落标题Look for a support in other people.可知,本段建议生气时寻求别人的支持,support与D项中提到的“help”一样相近,因此推断D项“你可以尝试向你信赖的人寻求帮助”符合语境。故选D。. 完成句子(每小题1分,共10分)1你既然已经长大成人,就得学会自食其力。 Now that you have grown up,you must learn to 2这位妇女深爱这些孩子们,好像是她自己的一样。 The woman loves the children deeply 3尽管我已经接近10年没见她了,但第一眼就认出了她。 I recognised her although I havent seen her for almost ten years.4被污染的河流里的水不适合饮用。 The water in the polluted river 5智能手机不仅占据了我们宝贵的时间,而且对我们的健康有害。 Smart phones not only ,but also do great harm to our health.6. The effective solution would be to set up a clean system nobody dares to be corrupt. 真正有效的解决方法是建立起一个无人敢于贪污的透明机制。7. It was a wonderful film. Never before such an interesting film. 影片棒极了。我以前从未看过这么有趣的电影。8. ,he cant fall asleep. 因为担心她的安全,他睡不着。9. Have you in the article? 文章中你已经发现什么错误了吗?10. ,they fell in for action. 他们一听到警报,就立即集合准备战斗。【参考答案】 1. stand on your own feet 2. as if/though they were her own 3. at first sight 4. is not fit to drink 5. take up our valuable time 6. where/in which 7. had I seen 8. Worried about her safety 9. found anything wrong 10. The instant they heard the alarm


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