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2019-2020年高中英语必修10Module2AustraliaandNewZealand-WordsandexpressionsPart 1: Some key words to learnattackn. 1. violent attempt to hurt, overe, defeat: make an attack upon the enemy. A attack is said to be the best form of defense. 2. adverse criticism in speech or writing: a strong attack against the Governments policy. 3.start, occurrence, eg of disease: an attack of fever/a heart attack.vt. make an attack upon: attack the enemy/a disease that attacks children.remoteadj. 1. far away in space or time: in the remotest part of Asia/in the remote future. 2. widely separated (in feeling, interests) Some of your statements are rather remote from the subject we are discussing. 1. slight: a remote possibility/have not the remotest idea of what sth means.adv. remotely: He and I are remotely related.deadlyadj. 1.causing, likely to cause death: Fog is one of the sailors deadliest enemies. 2. filled with hate: deadly enemies 3. like that of death: a deadly palenessadv. deadly pale/deadly seriousresponsibleadj. 1. be responsible to sb./be responsible for sb. or sth.: The pilot of an airliner is for the safety of the passengers. 2. be responsible for sth: Isnt he too young for such a job? 3. trustworthy; to be relied upon: Give the task to a man.responsibility n.You did it on your own responsibility.amazevt. Fill with great surprise or wonder: I was amazed at the new.amazing adj.The film is amazing.amazement n.His amazement at the news was immense.spectacularadj. making a fine spectacle; attracting public attention: a spectacular firework. transformvt. transform sth. into sth.; change the shape, appearance, quality or nature of: Success and wealth transformed his character/A steam-engine transforms heat into energy.transformation n.His character has undergone a transformation since his brain operation.releasevt. 1. release from: allow to go; set free; unfasten: release ones hold of sth/release sb from his suffering. 2. allow (news) to be known or published; allow (a film) to be exhibited or (goods) to be placed or sale:recently released films or discs.n. releasing or being released: obtain a release from obligation/the release of a film for public exhibition.attainvt, vi. 1. succeed in doing or getting: attain ones hopes. 2. attain to: reach, arrive at: attain to perfection/power.attainable adj.: The goal is not yet attainable.attainment n.: for the attainment of ones purpose.embodyvt. 1. give form to ideas/feelings: embody ones ideas in a speech. 1. include; prise: The latest machines embody many new features.imposevt, vi. 1. impose on: lay or place a tax, duty.: I must perform the task that has been imposed upon me.2. force (sth, oneself, ones pany) on sb: Dont impose yourself on people who dont want you. 3. take advantage of: impose upon sbs good nature.Part 2: Some expressions and patterns to learn1. put together (结合各部分而构成(整体);装配)Its easier to take a machine to pieces than to put it together again.I must put my thought together before I go on the platform.put 的有关短语put sth aside放下,储蓄,忽视put sth away将某物放置惯常保存之处,储蓄put back放回原处,向后移put down放下,按下put on穿,戴,假装,增加put through实行,完成put up举起,抬起put up with 容忍,忍受2. consist of (由组成)/consist in(在于)The mittee consists of ten members.The happiest of a country consists in the freedom of its citizens.3. depend on/upon (依赖,依靠)/that depends; it( all) depends (视情形而定)Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.-When do you leave for Shanghai?-It all depends.4. by parison(with)/in parison(with) 与相比较/make a parison between A and B 比较A和B/bear/stand parison with比得上,不亚于The tallest buildings in London are small in parison with those in New York.It is often useful to make a parison between two things.Thats a good dictionary, but it cant stand parison with this.5. in half成两半/in trouble处于困境中/in terms of按说法/in chains被囚禁,为奴役/in rows成排地Cut the apple in half.I will help whoever is in trouble.He referred to your work in terms of high praise.Those people were in chains for the entire voyage.All the students sat quietly in rows.6. belong toAs we all know, China belongs to the developing countries.I want to know which club you belong to.7. be home toThe country is home to some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world.North-eastern Australia is also home to the salt water crocodile.8. pared to/withpared to/with those novels, I like the one on the shelf.pared to/with the buildings in London, those in New York are much higher.

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