2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note当堂达标 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note当堂达标 新人教版必修3一、双基知识达标:1. Now he has a large _of money, and can do anything he wants to. A. number B. amount C. plenty D. deal2. Could I ask you a rather personal question?A. Yes, dont worry. B. Of course, go ahead. C. Yes, help yourself. D. Of course, why not?3. Jack was _ in electronic games and therefore failed his end-term examinations.A. lost B. struck C. missed D. accepted4. Weather _, we ll go for a picnic in the mountain. A. permits B. permitting C. permitted D. to permit5. He found, _, the place where his brother had hidden the treasure. A. by accident B. by an accident C. with accident D. with an accident6. Toward_ sunset, he found himself _to a deserted island.A. the ;taken B.; takenC. the; taking D. ; takings; 7. The thief had himself _by the police when he was trying o break into the bank.A. to spot B. to be spotted C. spotted D. being spotted8. She has been working hard day and night, which of course,_ her pale face.A. accounts for B. stands for C. goes for D. answer for9. I wouldnt buy that house; _, its too close to the main road.A. being honest B. honest_ C. to be honest D. having been honest10. “Can I _ take your order, sir,” the waiter said politely the moment I sat down.A. give B. place C. follow D. take11. We decided to _ a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors.A. make B. take C. have D. pick 12. He _ be joking. He must mean it.A. mustnt B. neednt C. darent D. cant13. _ I have to sell my house, I will keep my business going.A. Now that B. Just as C. Even if D. So far as 14. His conclusion, _ careful research, was accepted by most of the scientists of his time.A. based on B. basing on C. to be based on D. having based on15. The true value of life is not in _ you take, but in _ you gave.A. which; what B. what; what C. which; which D. what; which 汉译英:1. 妈妈不许我独自去游泳。(permit sb. to do sth.)_2. 在这家电影院里抽烟是不允许的。(permit)_3. 如果你在森林里迷路了你将怎么办?(be lost)_4. 她看上去很友好,但实际上是很难与她相处的。(as a matter of fact)_5. 我们正要回家,这时候天突然下起了大雨。(be about to do)_6. 你能对昨天的缺课作出解释吗?(account for)_7. 他们跟我们打赌说申花队会以3:0击败国安队。(make a bet with sb.)_8. 我是偶然找到那个丢失的钱包的。(by accident)_9. 说实话,我不太同意你的观点。(to be honest)_10. 你穿红颜色看上去很年轻。(be in)_二、语法知识达标一、用适当的连接介词或连接副词填空1. I did not know _ or not he would quit the job and leave this city.2. I dont doubt _ he will gave a hand when we need that.3. We think it quite right _ all people are treated equal.4. Do you think it necessary _ he should do it again.5. I didnt understand _ he said that to her.6. They want to know _ they can do to help us.7. My teacher was satisfied with _ I did.8. I am not sure _he has finished the work or not now, but I was told _he had half the work done last month.9. We all want to know _Mr. Lee still works in that factory.10. Our teacher always tries his best to teach us _ he knows.二、语法单项填空1._ she couldnt understand was _fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.A. What, why. B. That; what C. Why;because D. Why; that2. After _seemed a very long time, the badly wounded soldier came back to life.A. that B. which C. it D. what3. It isnt quite certain _she will take the advice.A. that B. if C. whether D. which4. He doubted _it was true.A. what B. that C. as if D. whether5. Father made a promise _ I passed the examination he would buy me a puter.A. if B. that C. whether D. that if6. He didnt tell me _.A. what the matter was B. what is the matterC. what was the matter D. the matter was what7. Go and get your umbrella. Its _ you left it.A. there B. where C. there where D. where there8. She asked me _.A. if I knew her and the hospital where she workedB. whether I knew her and the hospital she workedC. that I knew her and the hospital she worked thereD. whether I knew her and where did she work9. The reason _farmers plant “cash crops” is _ they want to pay off the debts.A. that; because B. why; because C. that; why D. why; that10. The question is _ the film is worth seeing.A. if B. what C. whether D. how当堂达标知识点单项填空:1-5 B B A B A 6-10 B C A C D 11-15 B D C A B 汉译英:1M other doesnt permit me to go swimming alone.2. Smoking is not permitted in this cinema.3. What would you do if you were lost in the forest.4. She appears to be friendly .As a matter of fact ,she is hard to get along with.5. We were about to go home when it began to rain heavily.6. Can you account for your absence from school yesterday.7. They made a bet with us that Shenhua Team would bet Guoan Team by 3 to 0.8. I found the missing purse by accident.9. To be honest, I dont quite agree with you.10.You look young in red语法 一、 适当连接代词或连接副词1,whether 2.that. 3.that. 4.that. 5. why 6.what 7. what. 8.whether,that 9.whetherif 10.what二、单项选择:15 A D C D D 610 C B A D C

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