2019-2020年高中英语《Society》教案2 北师大版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语Society教案2 北师大版选修8Teaching Aim: (1) to read a passage about Hutongs (2) to learn some reading strategiessummarizing(3) to master uses of some words and expressionsStage 1 introduction of the topic through some pictures Look at the photos and the title, and predict where these people lived and what the article is about. Stage 2 predicting the topic of the passageStage 3 introduction of the reading strategiesReading Strategies: SummarizingRead the text to get the general idea and identify paragraph topics.Underline the key sentence in each paragraph (often the beginning but not always). Then find information that backs it up.Write notes of the main points and the key information. Use your own words.Stage 4 reading extensively read for the first time, choose the best title for the passage, match the title to each paragraph and finish true or false questionsa). Beijing Urban Planningb). Chinese Buildingsc). Beijings Hutongsd). The History of Hutongsanswer:c read for the second time, match the headings to the correct paragraphs and finish note takingPara A a). Bad times for hutongsPara B b). When and why hutongs were builtPara C c). Beijings hutongs todayPara D d). What is a hutong?Para E e). Connecting lives Note-taking1.Hutongs are _ that connect the court-yards of traditional Chinese houses.2. The term hutong is nowadays used to describe the alleyways, courtyards and the _ that live there3. The Emperors organised Beijing in blocks of houses because this made the city easier to _ _.4. Most of Beijings hutongs were built during the _ _ and _ Dynasties.5. Wealthy and important people lived in hutongs built close to the _.6. Near the end of the Qing Dynasty, conditions in Beijings hutongs worsened because of _ _.7. After the Peoples Republic of China was established, conditions in Beijings hutongs _. 8. Today, _ of Beijings residential areas are hutongs.9. Today, _ of Beijings population still lives in hutongs10. Hutongs are still an important part of Beijing. They attract many _ each year. Stage 5 solve language puzzles 1Here, several words are explained. They are:leave an impression onrefer tocontrol overkeep an eye ondate backan ancient yet modern city2Language Points1. flock vi. (常与to, together连用) 聚集成群People in the town flocked to the theatre to see the new opera.镇上的人蜂拥到剧院去看那部新歌剧。Birds of a feather flock together.一丘之貉。 flock n. 禽群;畜群a flock of sheep 一群羊2. wander vi. (常与in, off连用) 漫游;漫步;漂泊The children wandered in the woods.孩子们在森林里漫步。The river wanders through beautiful country. 那河蜿蜒流过美丽的村庄。His mind is wandering. 他神志不清。3. gaze vi. (常与at, into, on连用) 凝视,注视The child gazed at the toys in the shop window. 孩子眼睛盯着商店橱窗里的玩具。He just sat gazing into space/gazing through the window. 茫然地望着/呆呆地望着4. in awe 敬畏地 No difficulty could awe these young men. We felt awe when contemplating(欣赏) the works of Bach. be in awe of 对望而生畏;对感到害怕;对十分崇敬5. see sights 观光6. leaveimpression7. refer -rr- (常与to 连用)涉及; 提到Dont refer to this matter again, please. The new law does not refer to farm land. 新法律与耕地无关。 The shop referred the plaint to the manufacturers.商店把投诉转交给制造商。8. control over 控制9.keep an eye on sb./sth.: make sure that sb./sth. is safe, etc; look after sb./sth. Keep an eye on the baby. Could you keep an eye on my suitcase for a moment?10. be situated in/on adj. 坐落, 位于 The house is situated on a hill. 11. due to 因为;由引起;由于Many accidents are due to driving at high speed. Her illness was due to bad food. 她的病是吃了坏了的食物造成的。12. make up One hundred years make up a century. made up an excuse make up the lost time make up a room13. be fascinated by: be attracted by14. date back (to/from)This castle dates from the 14th century.This castle dates back 6 centuries. Our partnership dates back to 1960.15. an ancient yet modern city a beautiful and tender lady an ugly yet tender ladyStage 6 exercises for some vocabularies alley, thirst, arch, squeeze, undertake, turning, cast, fragrant, recipe, mop, guard, grand, ancient, rectangle, edition stage 7 SpeakingWork in groups. Retell the text to each other using the notes from Exercise 5. Try to use your own words and the headings below. What is a hutong?When and why hutongs were built?Connecting livesbad times for hutongsBeijings hutongs todayStage 8 homework.

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