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2019-2020年高中英语Unit5NelsonMandel-amodSectionGrammer训练落实新人教版.单句语法填空1Could you tell me the reason why you were late for your work yesterday?2The car whose window got broken in the accident belongs to Mr Brown.3This is the primary school where both my brother and I stayed for six years.4This is the little girl whose parents both got killed in the train accident last year.5Mother always remembers the day when I was born.6Though it is reasonable for the director to educate his staff, I dont like the way that/in_which he spoke to them.7This is the house where my grandfather lived three years ago.8The reason that/which he explained at the meeting was not sound.9I still remember the day on which I first came to this school.10We went through a period when munications were very difficult in the rural areas.阅读理解We all know some great people in our lives. So what makes them so great? Dr Kimbro, author of the book What Makes the Great Great, believes that being great depends on a promise of making dreams e true. He writes in his book, “All high achievers make choices, not excuses.” We all have a million excuses for the failure of something, but only some go on to achieve their goals in life.Here are some other important things that make great people great.If you wish to achieve greatness, you should be willing to work your butt off. As Margaret Thatcher puts it beautifully, “I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near.”Practice and you shall get there. We learn things by practicing, be it walking, dancing, or even brushing our teeth. We do these things again and again until we bee good at them. Great people practice like theres no tomorrow.Your critics (批评者) do you the biggest favor. They fuel you to do better. Every great person has his or her critics, who think the worse about them and doubt their talent. “Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things,” Winston Churchill once said.All great people have one thing in mon. They all have been selfless in their services to others. That was their intention (意图) all along: to serve others and to help them overe difficulties. As Martin Luther King said, “Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.”When the time es, be ready to lead. That is what separates (区分) the weak from the strong. Great people are not just about talking. They actually jump in when the need appears.【文章大意】有所成就的人是如何取得成就的呢?本文告诉我们如何成为有所成就的人。1What does the author want to show by mentioning Margaret Thatchers words?AHard work is very important.BNot everyone can get to the top.CWe should have the right method.DAlmost everyone around her works hard.解析:A细节理解题。根据第三段的I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near.可知,撒切尔夫人所说的话主要强调了努力的重要性。2What does Winston Churchill think of criticism?AUnavoidable.BImportant.CDisappointing. DAnnoying.解析:B推理判断题。根据第五段的Criticism may not be agreeable, but its necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things可知,丘吉尔认为别人的指责对我们很重要。3What does the author think separates the weak from the strong?AAccepting criticism.BBeing critics to others.CHolding on to promises.DLeading the weak when needed.解析:D细节理解题。根据末段的When the time es, be ready to lead. That is what separates the weak from the strong.可知,强者跟弱者的区别在于强者在必要的时候能勇于站出来帮助弱者,领导他们。.完形填空One of my favorite high school teachers was Mrs. Ide. She was my _1_ teacher and the leader of our choir (合唱团), in which I was a member during high school in France. It was Mrs. Ide who asked me to _2_ the school choir. Mrs. Ide was a great teacher, _3_ she didnt play favorites, believed in all of us and was a musical genius (天才)First of all, Mrs. Ide always had _4_ topics for her music class. She had _5_ to make them fun every time. We _6_ in groups in class. We studied for musicals (like Cats, My Fair Lady) _7_ every one of us had a part to act and sing. When we _8_ studying our parts, we had a “creative evening”, where all our families, friends and teachers came and watched our _9_.Secondly, Mrs. Ide _10_ our musical talents (才能). She taught us to be selfconfident (自信的) with our _11_ and how to use different skills to _12_ our singing. She told us every week that we all have great talent, and it felt really _13_ that she had such confidence in our musical _14_.Finally, I can _15_ that Mrs. Ide was the best teacher and she _16_ cared about us. She helped everyone in her class to improve our _17_ and be more selfconfident. _18_ she taught us skills, so that we were able to _19_ at home alone. She was the person who encouraged me to study singing. I really _20_ that there are other teachers like her, who are an inspiration (鼓舞人的人) for students and their future.【文章大意】本文是议论文。作者在文中介绍了自己最喜欢的老师并陈述了理由。1A.musicBhistoryCscience Dlanguage解析:A根据下文中的Mrs. Ide. was a musical genius和her music class可知,Mrs. Ide是作者的“音乐(music)”老师。2A.direct BvisitCjoin Dhelp解析:C根据该空前的in which I was a member during high school可知,是Mrs. Ide让作者“参加(join)”校合唱团的。3A.when BbecauseCif Dthough解析:B“Mrs. Ide不仅对我们大家一视同仁,相信我们的能力而且还是个音乐天才”是对“Mrs. Ide是一个非常了不起的老师”的解释说明,故此处填because。4A.interesting BseriousCuseful Ddifficult解析:A根据下一句中的make them fun可以推测,Mrs. Ide的课堂一般都很“有趣(interesting)”。5A.excuses BexamplesCsenses Dideas解析:D根据该空后的to make them fun可知,Mrs. Ide总会有“办法(ideas)”让课堂变得生动有趣起来。6A.danced BaskedCworked Dwaited解析:C根据作者回忆高中上音乐课的情形可知,我们在课堂上以小组形式“上课(worked)”。7A.but BandCfor Dor解析:B“我们学习诸如猫和窈窕淑女之类的音乐剧”和“我们每个人都有自己的角色”之间是并列关系,故填and。8A.finished BtriedCkept Dpracticed解析:A根据下文中的all our families, friends and teachers came and watched可知,这是我们学习“完(finished)”音乐剧之后发生的事。9A.study BfilmsCphotos Dplay解析:D根据上文中的musicals可知,家人、好友和老师来观看我们的“演出(play)”。10A.thought of Bbelieved inCmade use of Dmade up for解析:B根据下文中的She told us every week that we all have great talent可知,Mrs. Ide“相信(believed in)”我们的音乐才能。11A.hearing BfutureCplans Dvoices解析:D根据该句末尾的our singing并联系全文的语境可知,Mrs. Ide教我们要对自己的“声音(voices)”有信心。12A.change BimproveCfind Dcheck解析:Buse different skills的目的是“提高(improve)”我们的歌唱水平。13A.nervous BstrangeCgood Dstupid解析:C根据该空后的she had such confidence in our musical.可知,老师对学生充满信心会让大家感觉很“好(good)”。14A.taste BcultureCtraditions Dabilities解析:D根据前半句中的great talent可知,此处指我们的音乐“能力(abilities)”。15A.say BagreeCexpect Dremember解析:A“我”可以这样“说(say)”:Mrs. Ide是最好的老师。16A.hardly BtrulyCfinally Dalready解析:B根据下一句中的She helped everyone in her class可知,Mrs. Ide“真的(truly)”非常关心我们。17A.singing BreadingCwriting Dpainting解析:A根据整篇文章回忆的是作者音乐课的相关情况可知,此处指提高我们的“歌唱水平(singing)”。18A.Soon BAgainCAlso DOnce解析:CMrs. Ide除了教导我们要自信,她“还(Also)”教给我们很多唱歌技巧。19A.train BstayCeat Dpay解析:A根据该句中的she taught us skills和at home alone可知,Mrs. Ide教给我们的技巧便于我们自己在家“练习(train)”。20A.realize BpromiseCsuggest Dhope解析:D根据上一句She was the person who encouraged me to study singing可知,作者“希望(hope)”其他老师也能像Mrs. Ide一样对学生和他们的未来有所启迪。.语法填空I am now on my year abroad in Germany as part of my university course. At the _1_ (begin) of my time here, I had the chance to meet so many new people and make lots of new friends. It is almost like _2_ (start) a new life and can make you feel nervous and lonely at first. But I knew that when I moved to Germany I had to be open and friendly. This is _3_ (certain) what I have done since moving here and I have made some great friends along the way.Next week a friend of _4_ (I) is moving to Spain for the next part of her year abroad. She will be living near a beach and have a lot of fun. But I am also _5_ (concern) about her as she will have to start a new life in another new country. She said that she _6_ (want) to go back in time very much.In order _7_ (say) goodbye to her, a group of friends and I had a surprise party. We made her a scrapbook (剪贴簿) with photos and memories of her time here so _8_ she could take it along! We hope that she has _9_ wonderful time in Spain and that she will get along well _10_ her new classmates and settle into her new home.1解析:beginning考查名词。at the beginning of.意为“在刚开始的时候”。2解析:starting考查动词ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词like的宾语,故填starting。3解析:certainly考查副词。设空处作状语修饰动词is,故填certainly。4解析:mine考查代词。设空处作of的宾语,指代“我的朋友”,应用名词性物主代词,故填mine。5解析:concerned考查过去分词作表语的用法。be concerned about意为“关心,挂念”。6解析:wanted考查一般过去时。由She said that可知,此处表示过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时,故填wanted。7解析:to say考查固定结构。in order to do.意为“为了做”。8解析:that考查连词。so that引导目的状语从句,表示“以便”。9解析:a考查不定冠词。have a wonderful time意为“过得开心”。10解析:with考查介词。get along well with.意为“与相处融洽”。

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