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2019-2020年高中英语Unit5ThepowerofnatureWordsandexpressionsPart Two: Teaching Resources (第二部分:教学资源)Section 3: Words and expressions from Unit 2 Healthy eatingexcite v.1. produce a magnetic field in: Excite the neurons. 2. raise to a higher energy level: Excite the atoms. 3. arouse or elicit a feeling 4. stir feelings in: Excite the audience. 5. act as a stimulant 6. stimulate sexually 7. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of 8. cause to be agitated, excited, or rousedimpress n. the act of coercing someone into government service v.1. dye (fabric) before it is spun 2. produce or try to produce a vivid impression of 3. mark or stamp with or as if with pressure: To make a batik, you impress a design with wax. 4. impress positively: The young chess player impressed her audience. 5. take (someone) against his will for pulsory service, especially on board a ship 6. reproduce by printing 7. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon: This child impressed me as unusually mature.cancel n. a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat v. 1. declare null and void; make ineffective: cancel the election results 2. postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled: cancel the dinner partyeffort n.1. use of physical or mental energy; hard work: He got an A for effort. 2. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or acplish something: make an effort to cover all the reading material 3. a notable achievement: The book was her finest effort. 4. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end: contributed to the war effort.relieve v.1. take by stealing: The thief relieved me of $100. 2. free from a burden, evil, or distress 3. provide physical relief, as from pain: This pill will relieve your headaches. 4. alleviate or remove: relieve the pressure and the stresstremble n. reflex shaking caused by cold or fear or excitement v. move or jerk quickly and involuntarily up and down or sidewaysanxious adj.1. causing or fraught with or showing anxiety: spent an anxious night waiting for the test results 2. mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc; worried: anxious parentspanic n. sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events: panic in the stock market. v.1. cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic: The mere thought of an isolation cell panicked the prisoners. 2. be overe by a sudden fear: The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away.courage n. a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear: He didnt have the courage to tell his mother that he had failed in the exam.diverse adj.1. distinctly dissimilar or unlike: diverse parts of the country 2. many and different: a person of diverse talentsunique adj.1. highly unusual or rare but not the single instance: spoke with a unique accent 2. the single one of its kind: the unique existing example of Donnes handwriting 3. radically distinctive and without equal: Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.bathe n. the act of swimming: The Englishman said he had a good bathe. v.1. cleanse the entire body: bathe daily 2. clean ones body by immersion into water: Its a good habit to bathe every day. 3. suffuse with or as if with light: The room was bathed in sunlight.swallow1 n.1. the act of swallowing: One swallow of the liquid was enough. 2. small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations 3. a small amount of liquid food v.1. believe or accept without questioning or challenge: Am I supposed to swallow that story? 2. keep from expressing: I swallowed my anger and kept quiet. 3. take back what one has said: He swallowed his words. 4. utter indistinctly: She swallowed the last words of her speech. 5. engulf and destroy: The Nazis swallowed the Baltic countries. 6. pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking: Swallow the raw fish-it wont kill you. 7. enclose or envelop pletely, as if by swallowing: The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter. 8. tolerate or acmodate oneself to: I swallowed the insult.persuadev. cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebodys arm: You cant persuade me to buy this ugly vase.persuasion n.1. inducement to act by argument or reasoning or entreaty 2. the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); munication intended to induce belief or action 3. a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty: It is my persuasion that such people should not be allowed to enter this country. guarantee n.1. a pledge that something will happen or that something is true: There is no guarantee that they are not lying. 2. a collateral agreement to answer for the debt of another in case that person defaults v.1. give surety or assume responsibility 2. make certain of: Preparation will guarantee success. 3. stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of 4. promise to do or acplish: guarantee to free the prisoners


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