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2019-2020年高中英语Unit20NewFrontiersLesson1Futurology教案北师大版选修7 一、教学课型:阅读课这是本单元第一篇阅读文章,它给学生提供了一个近距离感受科学技术迅猛发展的机会,让学生了解到什么是未来学和未来学家,从而鼓励学生积极、勇敢地面对人类社会所面临的经济、政治、文化等多方面的挑战。二、教材分析1、教学内容(1) Before reading21st century Mobile PhonesGenerationsFeatures1GReceivemake calls within the mobile phone network2GSend SMS cheaply3GSend photographs and video imagesAccess the InternetWhat of the future? It has been predicted that mobile phones might soon replace our wallets. For example, instead of handing over cash to pay for groceries, our mobile phones would be scanned and the cost added to our next phone bill. The idea that in the future we wont need to carry money seems crazy, but 80 years ago, the idea that you could walk out of your house with your phone in your hand probably seemed crazier! Mobile phones have bee a major part of our lives and one wonders what the next technological advance will be.(2) ReadingHannah Jones looks into the future of futurology.I love talking about the future - and I am not the only one. Over the centuries, people have always wondered about the future. Some like to read fantasy stories and imagine what the world will be like in 10, 50 or even 1000 years time. Others foresee future opportunities and problems. They plan the future of the world for a living. These people are called futurologists.This weekend, hundreds of futurologists are meeting at Newcastle University. The seminar starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the influence of technology on the future. The future is now big business. I clicked into the websites of some futurologists and heres what theyre predicting:The technology already exists, so very soon all of us are going to use our voices to give instructions to puters. In the next few years, we will be municating with our friends around the world using life-sized video screens in our living rooms.By the year 2020, puters will already have bee more handy and also more powerful than the human brain both in terms of intelligence and the amount of information they can store.By the year 2030, development in biochemistry and medical science will make it theoretically possible for us to live for at least 150 years. Tiny, insect-like robots may be sent around our bodies to carry out repairs and keep us healthy.By the middle of the century, puters that are millions of times smarter than us will have been developed. We will be linking our brains to these puters and a huge database. A new species might have developed!By the end of the century, we will have discovered other places in our solar system suitable for living and will have discovered ways to go further into space.Ill be there in Newcastle this weekend. At nine oclock on Saturday morning, Ill be sitting in the front row and listening to the great Duke Willard talking about the future of my brain. If you cant beat the future, join it!(3) Post-readinga) The Programme of the futurologists conference Friday4-5:30 p.mProf. Howard Green: Alternative Sources of Energy-New Concept6-7:30 p.mGroup discussion: Love and Friendship in the 21st century 8 p.mReceptionSaturday9-11:30 a.mProf. Duck Willard: The Future of the Human Brain12-1:30 p.mDr.B.A. Lorry: Vehicles of the Future2-3:30 p.mLunch4-5:30 p.mProf. Stella Spacek: Exploration of Mars and Venus6-7:30 p.mDr. D.N.A. Gene The Energy of the Atom Hope or threat?8 p.mReceptionSunday9-11:30 a.mGroup discussion: Earth in 205012:00 p.mClosing ceremonyTell the statements T or F according to the information in the table. If false, correct it.( ) 1) At 5 p.m on Friday Prof Howard Green will be giving a lecture on alternative sources of energy. ( ) 2) By Saturday lunchtime, they will be listening to two lectures. ( ) 3) At 2.30 p.m on Saturday, everyone will have had lunch.( ) 4) On Sunday night, they will be having a reception. ( ) 5) On Sunday morning, the participants will have identified a few problems of the future.( ) 6) At noon on Sunday they will have attended the closing ceremony. b) Title: _ISRAEL: In our worlds oceans, wind, waves and underwater currents spread dissolved air through the water. At a depth of 200m below the sea, there is still about 1.5% dissolved air. Fish gills work fortably with this amount of air, and now Israeli inventor Alon Bodner has designed a way for man to do the same, eliminating the need for cumbersome oxygen tanks and expensive air pression units. If it goes to plan, a tankless underwater breathing system in the form of a vest that will be attached to a diver should be available in a few years time.(4) Homeworka) Match the vocabulary with the explanations. 1)wonder about a. estimate in advance 2)foresee b. survive or continue living with difficulty 3)meet c. go into a website 4)seminar d. get together 5)click into e. (of things or places) convenient, useful 6)predict f. feel curiosity 7)exist g. know or see something in advance 8)handy h. according to 9)in terms of i. a group of animals or plants 10)store j. collect and keep for future use 11)carry out k. a meeting where students discussing a topic with teachers12)link to l. connect to13)species m. finish doing somethingb) plete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.wonder about foresee meet click into predict in terms of store carry out linkto suitable handy1) A toolbox will be very _ if you have got one at home.2) Scientists are _ research into using spiders cobwebs to produce tiny wire.3) I was _ why he did this.4) There is no one who can _ or _ what the human future will be.5) Many people _ in front of the City Government Building yesterday.6) Nowadays if you _ the websites of some famous writers, you can read their works.7) It is said that puters will be more powerful than the human brain _intelligence.8) Many animals like squirrels will _ food for future use.9) In some slowly developing districts, there are no roads _ the city _ villages.10) We call for middle school students to read more books _ for their ages and health.c) Read more information about “the Future” and do exercises.1) By the time you get home I _.你到家之前我将把房子彻底打扫了一遍。2) I am sure he _.我相信他一定得到了这个信息。3) They _ at the station. 他们会在车站接我们的。4) My duties will end in July and I _.我的任务在7月结束,之后我会回上海。5) - Lets go out to play football, shall we? - Ok, I _. A. will be ing B. am going to e C. am ing D. e 6) It _ take us a long time to learn English well. A. takes B. will take C. spends D. will spend7) The train _ at 11. A. is going to arrive B. will be arrived C. is arriving D. will have arrived8) When we get to the station, the train _. A. will probably have left B. will probably leave C. had left D. have left9) Mr. Smith _ home by next month. A. returned B. will have returned C. will be returning D. returns10) If you e and see me at 10 oclock on Monday, I _ an English lesson. A. am having B. will be having C. have D. had2、教材处理 由于本课阅读材料篇幅较短,理解难度不太大,因而在课前安排学生重读“21st century MobilePhones”(简写)内容,要求学生在1G、2G、3G手机的基础上,设计自己喜爱的未来4G产品。然后附加了一段有关未来学及未来学家的背景材料,让学生对相关知识先有所了解,为更好进入话题做好铺垫。另外, 根据学生的实际及认知规律,将练习10改编成“阅读表格信息,判断正误”,还增加一段选自China Daily的新闻阅读,作为拓展练习。而其余练习如Grammar部分以及词汇巩固,设计成学生自主学习的课后练习。总之,教材处理遵循两个方向:每个环节环环相扣,突出教学目标;学生能自主完成的任务,教师绝不替代。3、教学目标To read a text about predictions, summarize the main ideas of paragraphs, and then select an appropriate headline for the whole text.To practise using the words and expressions.To practise using the Future Perfect and Future Continuous tense.4、教学重点和疑点(1)To help students summarize the main idea of each paragraph and decide an appropriate headline for the text.(2)To practise using the Future Tenses to give future predictions.三、教学设计1、总体思路本课的教学设计以学生先学为主,辅之以教师的精讲精评。因而教学整体过程以学案形式呈现。学生独立通过课前或课中自学,初步了解相关内容,发现问题,与同伴讨论、交流,教师引领其研究、分析、解决问题。因而学案中必须明确学习目标、具体阅读方法、学习重点和疑点、课前预习先学、课堂交流研讨、课内训练巩固、课后拓展延伸等内容。2、教学过程Step1 Before reading1. Watch an advertisement on mobile phones.设计说明观看手机广告,以图片直观形式集中学生注意力,使学生自然进入学习状态。2. Talk about what 4G mobile phones will be like.设计说明通过小组(4-6人)讨论,让学生描述未来手机的外观及性能,为下面的阅读理解及语言运用打下埋伏。3. Discuss what Futurology is concerned about.设计说明学生对“未来学”比较陌生。通过多媒体输入相关背景信息,有利调动学生的情绪,排除陌生感,唤起其亲近科学技术的冲动,还可帮助学生更好地理解本课阅读文章。Step2 Reading1. Read the text quickly. Summarize the main idea of each paragraph.ParagraphsMain ideaVocabularyP1P2P3P4 设计说明通过快速阅读,学生可快速获取文章每一段的主要信息,即训练学生有目的进行阅读,又为归纳全文主旨大意做好准备。2. Decide which of the following headlines will be the best title of the text and give reasons. From the Past to the Future The Future Business Tomorrows World A perfect Future?_.设计说明这一步骤可促进学生对已获得的信息进行分析和筛选,提高学生语言表示及概括能力。3. Find out how many predictions the writer has found on the Internet. And plete the table.设计说明确定了文章主旨大意之后,将注意力聚焦具体信息,可自然转入新的语言点(将来完成时和将来进行时)的学习。4. Voice your opinions: Why is the writer interested in futurology? Which of the predictions would you like to e true? 设计说明学生有了足够的语言输入后,可尝试组织语言并输出信息。这样,即能引领学生领会作者的写作意图,又给空间学生围绕主题展开对未来的憧憬。5. Read the text again and speak out at least one sentence you think excellent.设计说明提供机会学生说自己喜爱的句子,即突出了学生课堂的主体地位,又可培养学生更高的学习热情。与同伴交流,还可检查发音及语速,促进合作提高。Step3 Post-reading1. Tell the statements T or F according to the information in the table.设计说明改编练习10的形式,可将锻炼学生阅读信息、理解信息的能力与运用新语言知识的能力结合起来。另外,考虑到不少学生以前做类似练习都觉得较难,这样处理也可降低难度。2. Read the news from China daily. First underline the topic sentence and then decide a title for it.设计说明从课内到课外,将学校学习与社会新闻结合,引导学生关注社会,关注科学技术对人类生存的巨大影响,是课堂教学不可忽视的一方面。同时,也进一步突出了本节课把握文章主旨大意、培养阅读能力的目标。Step4 Homework1. Match the vocabulary with the explanations.2. plete the sentences with the correct form of the words given.设计说明学生认为阅读的最大障碍是词汇不过关。这两个练习可帮助学生归纳、理解和运用本课词汇。3. Read more information about “the Future” and do exercises.设计说明课堂中,学生对将来完成时和将来进行时已自然地运用上了,但还存在疑虑。学生通过对具体材料的感悟,可自己归纳、整理和完成任务。教师只需个别点评。

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