2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Careers and skills-Task 教案 牛津译林版选修11.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Careers and skills-Task 教案 牛津译林版选修11.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Careers and skills-Task 教案 牛津译林版选修11Teaching Aims:1. Students are expected to learn how to taking useful notes about a job, how to persuade parents to agree with their choice and hot to write a diary entry.2. Enable students to understand and useTeaching Important and difficult Points:Develop the students ability by writing a diary entry about male nurses.Teaching Methods:Listening, speaking reading and writing.Teaching Procedures1. Skill building 1: Listening for facts about a job.When you are listening to someone talk about his or her job, you will often find out certain facts. These facts include:1. reasons for doing the job2. likes and dislikes about the job3. information such as holidays, dress code and training opportunities4. qualities needed for the job5. any other useful informationStep 1: Taking notes about a job .A. You are a male student and have decided you want to be a nurse. Your parents do not support your choice because they do not think it is a good job for a man. You want to prove that it is a good job. Listen to this interview with a male nurse and take useful notes.B. You want more information about male nurses. Listen to the second half of the interview and plete your notes above.C. Your aunt has given you a copy of Nurse magazine. It contains an article written by the head of staff of a hospital. Read the article and make a list of the benefits of having male nurses in hospitals. Skill building 2: persuading people by using positive arguments. In some ways I agree, but this canSorry, I do not agree. I dont think it is a good idea becauseThere are a lot of benefits toTimes are changing, and there was an article /TV programme that saidI have found some interesting facts that showStep 2. Persuading your parents to agree with your career choice. A sample dialogue:S: Mum and Dad. I just want to be a nurse. Would you agree with me?D: Oh, my son, I dont think its a good choice. It is a job for women, not for men.S: Having more male nurses help creat a positive balance between male and female stuff, and it will allow patients the choice of a male or female carer.M: Men do not have qualities to be nurses. Besides, the hours are long and everyday will be the sameS: Skills building 3: Writing a diary entryWhen writing a diary, what entries should be often included?1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _ Step 3: Writing about what happenedWrite a diary entry about what you found out about male nurses and the conversation that you had with your parents.2 AprilToday I found out some copies of Nurse magazine which contained an article written by the head of staff of a hospital. From there, I knew that hospitals are in great need of male nurses. I wanted to be a male nurse, so I had a conversation with my parents about the matter. When I told them my idea, they didnt agree with me. They said that Please go on with it.Homework:1. Write a diary entry about male nurses2. Preview the Project part.


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