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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4AstronomythescienceofthestarsSection自我小测新人教版必修一、根据句意用适当的连词填空1They lost their way in the forest and _ made matters worse was _ night began to fall.2_ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.3It is said _ Peter will have a chance to travel abroad next month.4_ Liu Yang ate her food in space is _ we want to know.5_ he lost his new car upset him a lot.6I read about it in some book or other.Does it matter _ it was?7_ answers the question correctly will be given a prize.8_ he didnt e yesterday is unknown.9_ we will go tomorrow hasnt been decided yet.10_ will be sent to help them is very important.二、填入适当的从句引导词,完成句子1Is _ you told me really true?2_ he was chosen made us very happy.3_ has happened proves that our prediction is right.4What happens is not as important as _ you react(作出反应)to what happens.5It doesnt matter _ you win or lose.6He explained why he did it,but _ he did it often remained a mystery.No one knew about the process(过程)7It worried the mother a lot _ she couldnt afford the medical treatment for her son.8It is a fact _ football is one of the most popular sports throughout the world.9_ we should put the money is hard to decide.No place seems to be safe.10_ wants the book may have it.三、请将下列每组句子合并成带主语从句的复合句1Some schools in Guangzhou took in students from Sichuan.It is true._2What caused this strange phenomenon?It remains unknown._3Can he catch the bus?It is not clear._4When will the meeting be held?It is still a question._5The young man died soon after he was saved.It made the rescuers very sad._四、翻译句子1It worried her a bit that her hair was turning grey._2Whether well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather._3What makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services._4Whoever wants to stay in the hotel has to pay their own way._5How the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids puzzled people for centuries._6That the earth moves around the sun is well known to us all._7What she couldnt understand was why fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons._8Is it decided that they should start the project next week?_9What made the school proud was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities._10It matters little how a person dies,but what matters much more is how he lives._ 五、完形填空I am a mother of three and have recently pleted my college degree.My teachers last _1_ of the term was called “Smile”I am a very friendly person and always _2_ at everyone.So I thought this would be very _3_.Soon after we were given the project,my _4_ went out to McDonalds.We were waiting to be _5_,when all of a sudden everyone around us began to _6_,and even my husband did.There standing behind me were two homeless men _7_.As I looked down at the short gentleman with _8_ eyes,he said,“Good day.”The second man stood behind his friend.I _9_ the second man was mentally challenged(智障)and the blueeyed gentleman was his helper.The young _10_ at the counter asked him what they wanted.He said,“Coffee is all,Miss.”Because that was all they could _11_.I smiled and asked the young lady to give me two more breakfast meals on a _12_ tray(托盘)I then said to the men,“I did not do this for you.God is here _13_ me to give you hope.” When I joined my husband,he smiled at me,saying,“That is _14_ God gave you to me,honey,to give me hope.”I returned to _15_ with this story in hand.I _16_ “my project” and the teacher read it.Then she looked up at me and said,“Can I _17_ this with the class?”I slowly _18_ and she began to read and that was when I knew that we,as human beings,share this to help people and to be _19_.In my own way I had _20_ the people at McDonalds,my husband,sons,teacher,and every person that shared the classroom on the last night I spent as a college student.1AquestionBproject Cclass Dexpression2Asmile Blaugh Clook Dstare3Adifficult Bfunny Cimportant Deasy4Ateacher Bclassmates Cfamily Dchildren5Aordered Bserved Cpaid Dcalled6Arun away Bcrowd in Cshout out Dmove away7Ain surprise Bin silence Cin rags Din fear8Atearful Bblue Cclosed Dblack9Arealized Baccepted Cpermitted Dadmitted10Ahelper Bgentleman Clady Dfriend11Adrink Bwant Ctake Dafford12Abig Bseparate Cflat Dround13Awhispering Bgoing Ctaking Dcarrying14Ahow Bwhen Cwhere Dwhy15Acollege Bhome Cchurch DMcDonalds16Aput up Bhanded out Chanded in Dput away17Apunished Bshare Ccopy Dkeep18Aturned Bleft Cshook Dnodded19Aforgiven Bthanked Chelped Dremembered20Atouched Bknew Cforgot Drecognized六、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Son:Mom,this road is so strange!It is different from the other roads.Mom:Oh,it _1_(build)for the blind last year.They can feel and find their way to any place they want.Son:Is that so?Oh,great.Now they dont need to buy _2_(extreme)expensive seeingeye dogs(导盲犬)Mom:Yeah,seeingeye dogs are expensive _3_ they can look after their masters without any problems.Son:But _4_ do blind people without seeingeye dogs have normal lives?Mom:They have much less trouble _5_ public places now thanks to good social services.You know,we have a lot of public facilities _6_(design)especially to assist the blind,such as those in elevators and on the subway.Son:I recall that you told me there is something that you can touch on paper money to identify how much _7_ is.Where is that?Mom:Mr Forgetful,I told you its right here.Can you feel it?Son:Oh,its impossible for me.I feel nothing.How _8_ blind people feel it just by touching it?Mom:Their sense of touch is very sensitive.Son:Sounds quite reasonable.Mom:People should do more for _9_ disabled.Son:Oh,I want to be an _10_(invent)to make useful things.Mom:Thats a good idea.参考答案一、1what;that2Whoever3that4How;what5That6which7Whoever8Why9Where/How/Whether10Who二、1what2That3What4how5whether6how7that8that9Where10Whoever三、1It is true that some schools in Guangzhou took in students from Sichuan/That some schools in Guangzhou took in students from Sichuan is true.2What caused this strange phenomenon remains unknown./It remains unknown what caused this strange phenomenon.3Whether he can catch the bus is not clear./Its not clear whether he can catch the bus.4When the meeting will be held is still a question./Its still a question when the meeting will be held.5What made the rescuers very sad was that the young man died soon after he was saved./It made the rescuers very sad that the young man died soon after he was saved.四、1她的头发变白这件事让她有点担心。 2我们明天是否会去野营取决于天气。3使这家商店与众不同的是它提供更多的个人服务。4任何想住在这家宾馆的人必须自己付钱。5古代埃及人是如何建造金字塔的困扰人们好几个世纪了。6地球围绕太阳转是众所周知的。 7她不明白的是为什么越来越少的学生对她的课感兴趣。 8他们应该下周开始这个项目决定了吗?9使这所学校自豪的事情是90%多的学生被重点大学录取。10一个人怎么死的不太重要,但重要的是他是如何活着的。五、1B句意为“这个学期老师留给我们的最后一个作业(课题)是微笑”。question“问题”;project“课题”;class“课”;expression“表情”。2A由前面老师留的课题是“smile”和“friendly”这两处信息可知答案为A项。3D由前面的“.always smile at everyone”可知,此处答案应为D项。4C由下文中的“.even my husband did”可知,此处应该是“全家人”。5B由前面“my(family)went out to McDonalds”可知,此处应为等待“服务”。6D由下文“There standing behind me were two homeless men(in rags)”可知,此处应为“躲避”。run away“跑掉”;crowd in“涌入”;shout out“大声叫喊”;move away “躲避,避开”。7C由“homeless”这一信息可知,此处应为“in rags”,意为“衣衫褴褛”。8B由下文“.and the blueeyed gentleman was his helper”可知,B项正确。9A句意为“我意识到第二个人有智障”。realize“意识到”;accept“接受”;permit“允许”;admit“承认”。10C句意为“柜台里面的那位女士问他们想要什么”。此处“lady”指的是店员。11D由上文可知,他们衣衫褴褛,此处应为“那就是他们所能买得起的所有东西”。12B句意为“我微笑着让那位年轻女士再给我来两份早餐放在另一个托盘里”。separate“分开的,单独的”。13A句意为“我这样做不是为了你们,上帝在这里小声告诉我让我给你们希望”。whisper “耳语,低声说”。14D由上下文意可知,此处是丈夫对妻子说:“亲爱的,这就是为何上帝把你给我,也就是给我希望。”15A由后面的“.and the teacher read it”可知,此处应为“我带着这个故事回到了大学”。16C应该是先“交上作业”,然后老师才能读,故此处应为“hand in”。17B句意为“我可以把这个故事和大家分享吗?”即老师想读给全班同学听。18D由后面的“and she began to read”可知,此处表示“点头同意”。19C由前面的“to help people”和“and”表示并列关系可知,此处应为“to be helped”,即帮助别人和被帮助。20A句意为“我用我自己的方式在麦当劳接触到了人们”。touch“触动,触摸,接触”。六、1was built2extremely3but4how5in6designed7it8can9the10inventor


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