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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3AmazingpeopleSection3Wordsandexpressions1. Some amazing people have changed our world for the better through their thoughts and actions.(P41)一些了不起的人已通过他们的思想和行动将我们的世界改变的更好。amazing adj. causing great surprise or wonder because of quantity or quality surprising令人惊奇的, 了不起的What an amazing embroidery! They are all amazing people.amaze vt. fill with great surprise; cause wonder in使惊异, 惊奇Her knowledge amazes me. I was amazed by the news of Georges sudden death.2. In pairs, discuss the achievements of the following amazing people and answer the questions below. (P41) 讨论下列了不起的人物的成就并回答以下问题。achievementn. sth. successfully finished or gained with effort and skill成就, 成绩scientific achievements 科学成就a brilliant achievement in war 辉煌的战功 Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement.achievevt. 1. to finish succesfully完成(功绩等), 实现(目标, 目的等) Youll never achieve anything if you dont work harder. 2. to get as the result of action; gain获得 He hopes to achieve all his aims by the end of the year.Reading1. The curse of the mummy. (P42) 木乃伊的诅咒。cursen. 1. word, phrase or sentence calling for the punishment, injury or destruction of sth or sb. 诅咒(祈天惩罚,伤害或毁灭某物或某人)call down s (from Heaven) upon sb.祈天降祸于某人lay a curse upon sb.诅咒人2. cause of misfortune or ruin祸因,祸源Mosquitoes used to be a curse in this part of the country. v. use a curse against; use violent language against诅咒,咒骂The rider cursed his unwilling horse. Curse it/you!该死2. Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers the world has ever known. (P42) 霍华德卡特是世界闻名的大探险家之一。explore v. 1. travel into or through (a country, etc) for the purpose of learning about it勘察,探测They were exploring the Amazon jungle. 2. examine thoroughly in order to test, learn about探索,探究We must explore all the possibilities for the solution of the problem. (喻)explorern. a person who explores 探索者; 勘探者; 探测器3. He was brave and adventures. (P42) 他勇敢无畏,富有冒险精神。brave adj. ready to face danger; pain or suffering; having no fear 勇敢的a brave firemanadventurousadj. fond of; eager for adventures爱冒险的; 充满危险的 adventurous pioneersadventure n. risk, danger/strange or unusual happening, esp an exciting or dangerous journey or activity冒险; 惊险活动; 奇遇; 冒险性(经历) adventures in the mountains 山中的奇遇 All the children listened to his adventures with eager attention.vt. = venture以.冒险; 胆敢; 敢于; 大胆提出或进行adventure an opinion大胆提出意见No man would adventure it.4. During his lifetime, he discovered many amazing things. (P42) 他在其一生中发现了许多令人惊奇的东西。discover vt. find out; get knowledge of, bring to view (sth. existing but not yet known); realize (sth. new or unexpected) 发现(存在而未为人所知之物);发觉(新奇或意外之物)Columbus discovered America in 1492. We have discovered that he is quite untrustworthy.discovery n. 1. discovering or being discovered发现;发觉a new discovery in medical science 医学科学的新发现The discovery of oil on their land made the people rapidly rich. 2. (sth. or sb.) that is discovered 被发现的人,被发现的事物5. He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown.(p42) 他天资聪颖,对家乡外部的世界充满了好奇心。bright adj. 1. giving out or reflecting much light; shining闪光的;明亮的;发光的What a bright sunny day! 2. (of color strong, clear and easily seen)鲜艳的bright red 3. famous, glorious闻名的,辉煌的 Its one of the brightest moments in our countrys history. 4. cheerful and happy生气勃勃的;愉快的bright eyes 流露喜悦的眼神The garden is bright with flowers. 5. quick-witted; clever聪明的;伶俐的What a bright child/idea! 6. lit up with joy or hope乐观的;前途光明的You young kids have a bright future ahead of you!curiousadj. 1. eager (to learn/know, etc); interested (in sth) 好奇的;有求知欲的It is good to be curious about the world around you. be curious to (do) 很想(做); 渴望(做)Im curious to know what he said. 2. meddlesome; having or showing too much interest in the affairs of others好管闲事的;爱东探西问的curious neighborscuriosity n. being curious; strange or rare object 好奇(心);珍奇的事物,珍品The article aroused his curiosity about the outer space.6. By the 1920s, he had bee an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptians kings. (P42) 到里20世纪20年代他已经成为一名探险家,致力于寻找古埃及国王们的陵墓。searching for现在分词短语作状语。表伴随。现在分词作状语还可表时间、原因、条件、结果、方式等。相关高考试题xx上海 More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, _ advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.A. taking B. taken C. having takenD. having been takenxx上海. He sent me an e-mail, _ to get further information.A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope98上海. She asked me to help her, _ that she couldnt move the heavy suitcase alone.A. only to realize B. realizing C. having been realized D. realized99NMET. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door, _”Sorry to miss you; will call later.”A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading94 NMET. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, _ that he had enjoyed his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added答案:A B B D C 7. Inside the tombs, he found jewels, gold and the preserved bodies of dead kings. (P42) 在这些陵墓中,他找到了各种珠宝,黄金和已故国王们经过处理的遗体。preservevt. 1. to keep (someone) safe or alive; protect (from)保护,防护Taking part of various social activities will preserve old people from the loneliness of old age. God us all! What can we do to the pany from ruin? 2. keep from decay, risk or going bad, etc (by pickling, making into jam,etc ) (腌制成果酱等而)保藏;贮存 preserved fruit/eggs, etc. 3. keep from loss; retain (qualities, etc) 使不损失;维持(品质等)Its important to preserve ones eyesight. a well- preserved old man 一位保养得很好的老人Salt s food from decay. 4. care for and protect land, rivers, lakes, etc with the animals, birds and fish, esp. to prevent these from being taken by poachers 禁止鱼猎并保护土地,河,湖等The fishing in this stream is strictly preserved.preserve the dignity 维护尊严 preserve public order维护公共秩序 preserve the environment preserve the tradition 保留传统 preserve the natural resources preserve the world peace 维护世界和平preserve the style of plain living and hard struggle保持艰苦奋斗的作风8. The tomb contained more riches, gold and jewels than any of us had ever seen before. (P42) 这个陵墓含有的财物,黄金和珠宝比我们任何人先前所见过的都要多。c.f.contain, includecontain指一个整体包括的内容,侧重“内有”的意思。vt. 1. hold; have within itself; be capable of holding 包含,含有,容纳Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol. How much does this bottle contain? Try to avoid foods which contain a lot fat. 2. keep (feelings, enemy forces, etc) under control控制,抑制Unable to contain himself, he began scolding his daughter. We have done everything we could to contain the scandal.include表示一个整体由几个部分组成,侧重包括者只是整体的一部分。vt. 1. to have as a part包括,包含 The price includes postage charges. 2. to put in with sth. else把包括在内 I included eggs on the list of things to buy.This package contains 500sheets of notepaper and among them are included 400of white paper and 100of yellow. This book _18 articles, _ three written by my father.A. contains; includes B. includes; containing C. contains; including D. includes; contained答案:C9. The tomb contained more riches, gold and jewels than any of us had ever seen before, as well as the mummy of the king. (P42) 这个陵墓含有的财物,黄金和珠宝比我们任何人先前所见过的都要多,还有国王图坦卡蒙本人的木乃伊。as well as: in addition to: He gave me money as well as advice. He gave me advice, and money as well. We shall travel by night as well as by day. (both by night and by day)10. Upon entering the tomb, Carters lucky pet bird, which had led him to the place, was eaten by a snake. (P42) 进入陵墓的那一刻,卡特的幸运爱鸟(就是这只鸟将卡特带到了国王图坦卡蒙的陵墓)upon: on the occasion of or directly after在的场合;一就Upon/On hearing the news, the sad mother burst into tears.lead to 1. 把带到,领到The girl led her little brother to school. The path can lead you to the foot of the mountain. 2.(道路)通向All roads led to Rome. This road leads to the park. 3.导致,引起I dont think it will lead to a good result. An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever. 11. Lord Carnarvon, who was also present when the tomb was opened, fell ill with a fever and died in Egypt. (P42) 当时也在场的卡那封勋爵突然生病,发高烧,最后死于埃及。presentadj. 1. be present: a) to be in a particular place: How many people were present at the meeting yesterday?(opposite of “ absent”) What he said amused all the people present. b) to be remembered for a long time: The memory of the disaster last year is still present in her mind. 2. (only before noun) existing now: Whats your present address? n. gift birthday presentsvt. 1. give; offer; put forward赠与,交给,呈递 present the village with a new library/present a new library to the village 12. Within seven years, 21 people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died. (P43)七年间,与陵墓发掘工作有关的人员中又21人死亡。have something/nothing to do with: have/havent a connection with与有/没关系 He has something to do with a plan to blow up the Parliament.13. Some people say the deaths were just coincidence. (P43) 有人说所有那些死亡只是巧合。coincidence n. the condition of coinciding; instance of this, happening by chance巧合,碰巧, 巧合的事 What a coincidence that I was in Paris at the same time as you! by coincidence碰巧,由于巧合14. When a bomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses. (P43) 一旦打开了陵墓,外界的新鲜空气就搅动了这些病毒。disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱to break the quite, calm, peace or order of; to stop sb. thinking or working well; to put out of the right or usual position; to change the usual or natural condition of: A light wind ed the surface of the water. She has ed his plans for going abroad. Do not disturb.disturb the early morning 打破清晨的宁静 disturb the minds of the people 扰乱人心disturb the papers弄乱文件 disturb the peace扰乱治安 disturb sweet dreams 15. If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. (P43)如果这些病毒被人体吸入,他们就可能导致疾病甚至死亡。If breathed in means“ If the air viruses are breathed in”在以if, when, though, unless, as if(好象)等连词引导的从句中,如从句中的主要动词是be,常将主语和动词be 省略。1)If (it is)necessary, we shall send a telegram home. 2)Whenever(it is) possible, he will e to my help. 3)While(you are) cycling, dont forget the traffic lights. 4)The room, if(it is) well furnished, will be more fortable to live in. 5)The information means a great deal if(it is) true. 6)If(you are)in doubt, you may look up it in the dictionary.7)Ill go and attend his wedding party if (Im ) invited.相关高考试题xx福建When help, one often says “Thank you.” or “Its kind of you.” Aoffering Bto offer Cto be offered Dofferedxx上海春 Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invitedxx上海Generally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken答案:DABresultvi. 1. be the oute or consequence; to be caused by 产生,发生The people would object and civil war might result. Floods resulted from heavy rains. 2. end in导致Their carelessness resulted in failure.n. that which is produced by an activity or cause; oute; effect结果;效果 How did you get on in the examination and when will you know your results? as a result(of): because (of); therefore因为;由于He was late as a result of the traffic jam. He always gets good results as a result of his hard work.16. Good readers learn to think ahead and predict information in advance. (P43)in advance: before in time预先Ive got to pay the rent in advance. Before our customer service confirm your order, please do not pay the payment in advance. predict vt. to say or discribe (a future happening) in advance as a result of knowledge, experience, reason, etc. 预言;预测;预示Is there anything we can do to predict how and when volcanoes will erupt? Will you try to predict the results of soccer matches? Weather forecasts predict rain will continue until the end of this month.prediction n. weather prediction; earthquake prediction17. pay off (P45)1. to bring good results; to be successful使人得益,有报偿,成功The gamble paid off. His patience and hard work finally paid off with a gold medal. 2. to pay in full; to pay the whole of还清Soon after he left school, he paid off all his debt. 3. to pay and dismiss (someone)(付清工资)后解雇The boss paid off the employees. 4. to pay the whole of ones wage付清工资They are usually paid off at weekends.pay back 偿还;报复I am sure that he will pay back every cent he owes you.How can I pay you pack for all your kindness?pay for 为付钱;赔偿;因受罚,因受痛苦We got to the hotel, and I paid for the taxi.I have to pay 150 yuan for the sewing machine.Let me pay for the broken window.He paid dearly for his mistake.Youll have to pay for your crime.pay a visit 访问,拜访Ill pay you a visit next week.Every time I went back to my hometown I would pay my visit to the middle school teachers.pay attention to 注意;专心于,倾听The teacher told the students to pay attention to his spelling.It was obvious that the matter had never been paid attention to.You will have to pay more attention to your work if you wish to get a rise.


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