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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module5TheConquestoftheUniverseCloning高效演练稳达标外研版选修单句语法填空1. The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou has developed a drug that can cure patients malaria(疟疾). 2. He refused (join) in the fun because he was unhappy. 3. Dont be worried about the small fire in that place. It wont be long before it burns . 4. The writer (absorb) in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar. 【变式备选】 (absorb) in the play, she didnt look up even when I came in. 5. I wish I (tell) his identity but in fact I know nothing about him. 6. (contrast) with their system, ours seems very old-fashioned. 7. Another doubt (arise) in his mind, however, as this one disappeared. 8. His health breaks under the great pressure of work. 9. Although we can rely him, wed better improve ourselves first. 10. The teacher took me for my twin sister mistake. 【知识拓展】by +n. 介词短语by hand手工by accident/chance偶然by turns轮流by law根据法律by day在白天by weight按重量by agreement约好by contrast相比之下by design有意的, 故意的by nature天生的, 生性by heart单凭记忆答案:1. of 2. to join 3. out. 4. was absorbed 【变式备选】Absorbed 5. had been told 6. Contrasting 7. arose 8. down 9. on/upon 10. by单句改错1. Acpanying by my children, I climbed to the top of the mountain. _2. It was on a cold November night when I saw my creation for the first time. _【变式备选】It was in the park where we found the monster. _3. He is disgusted so he cannot find any friends. _4. This book which is identical with mine belongs to Tim. _5. You cant be too careful when drive on the narrow road. _6. Ive paid this bill twice by the mistake. _7. Confusion has been arisen since the terrorists attacked this area. _8. I wish I will go to the moon one day. _9. Had she given us a hand, we will have finished it. _10. My bike has been broken down so I have to have it repaired. _答案:1. Acpanying改为Acpanied2. when改为that【变式备选】 where改为that3. disgusted改为disgusting4. with改为to5. drive改为driving或在when后面加you6. 去掉the7. 去掉been8. will改为would9. will改为would10. 去掉been【教材变形题组】. 教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In 1816, a nineteen-year-old Englishwoman wrote a novel called Frankenstein. Frankenstein is the name 1. _a young scientist from Geneva, in Switzerland. While 2. _(study)at university, he discovers the secret of 3. _to create life. Then he creates a creature that resembles a human being. But the creature is the 4. _(ugly)thing the scientist has ever seen so that it terrifies anyone who sees it. In fact, Frankenstein has tried to make him beautiful. 5. _(see)the ugly monster, Frankenstein wishes he had not created this creature and wishes he could disappear. He hides in the garden, terrified by 6. _he has done. The monster bees lonely 7. _unhappy, so when Frankenstein refuses to create 8. _wife for him, he murders Frankensteins brother, best friend and wife. At the end of the story, Frankenstein decides to chase and destroy 9. _(he). Finally, the monster disappears into the ice of the Arctic 10. _(end)his life. 答案: 1. of 2. studying 3. how 4. ugliest 5. Seeing 6. what 7. and 8. a 9. him 10. to end. 教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。Is it possible to clone dinosaurs? It is well known that dinosaur DNA would not intact after the long period of time since their extinct. When life ends, DNA breaks out and doesnt repair it. So clone dinosaurs seems scientifically impossible. The world is not ready for them and the materials needed are not yet available. Even if it was possible to bring dinosaurs back to the life they probable could not survive in the present day environment. Temperature, air, disease, and plant are all different today than in the era of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are used to live in a pletely different world and would find difficulty living here. 答案: 1. 第二句not后面加be2. 第二句extinctextinction3. 第三句outdown4. 第三句ititself5. 第四句clonecloning6. 第五句themit7. 第六句去掉life前面的the8. 第六句probableprobably9. 第七句plantplants10. 第八句liveliving教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. Recently, our class_. 最近, 我们班关于克隆进行了热烈的讨论。2. Some think cloning_. For one thing, people can_. 一些人认为克隆对人类是有益的。一方面, 人们可以依靠这项技术治愈疾病。3. For another, cloning can_, making the world more colorful. 另一方面, 克隆可以使已经灭绝的物种复活, 使得我们的世界更多姿多彩。4. Others are against it. If cloning_, _. For example, scientists may create monsters_, which may_. 其他人反对克隆。如果克隆失去控制, 很多问题就会出现。例如, 科学家有可能错误地制造出毁灭我们的世界的怪物。5. If many people or animals_, the world_. 如果许多人或动物都彼此一模一样, 这个世界是令人害怕的。6. _, cloning is not perfect. We should_. 就我所知, 克隆技术还不是很完美。我们应该拒绝广泛使用它。答案:1. has had a heated discussion about cloning2. is beneficial to human beings;rely on this technology to cure some diseases. 3. help bring extinct species back to life 4. got out of control, many problems would arise;by mistake;knock out our world5. were identical to each other;would be terrifying6. As far as I know;refuse to use it widely组篇公式: 加入适当过渡词(如however, whats more等)_【参考范文】Recently, our class has had a heated discussion about cloning. Some think cloning is beneficial to human beings. For one thing, people can rely on this technology to cure some diseases. For another, cloning can help bring extinct species back to life, making the world more colorful. However, others are against it. If cloning got out of control, many problems would arise. For example, scientists may create monsters by mistake, which may knock out our world. Whats more, if many people or animals were identical to each other, the world would be terrifying. As far as I know, cloning is not perfect. We should refuse to use it widely.

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