2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookI Unit7教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookI Unit7教学案 人教大纲版Unit 7-Unit 8提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点Unit 7单词Pyramid represent include ruin burn restore beauty photograph portrait recreate unite period vase stone damage ancient project brick official cave pollution breath limit短语give in give up in ruins bring.back to life pull down set up in ones opinion with the help of so far句型1.where引导地点状语从句2.make+宾语+过去分词(作宾补)Unit 8单词continent tie athlete medal torch final dive shooting petitor further rank prepare effect pete weigh weight position point skill weigh title gesture facial短语stand for because of would rather take part in preparation for prefer.to. have.effect on by hand句型1.do everything one can to do.2.would rather.(than.)Unit 7理解:要点诠释单词1.include讲:vt.包括;包含;使成为的一部分例:The tour includes a visit to the Science Museum.这次游览包括参观科学博物馆。You should include some examples in your essay.你应该在文章里举一些例子。We no longer include him among our friends.我们不再把他看作朋友。链接提示 (1)included(包括在内)放在被包括的之后。 (2)including(包括在内)放在被包括的之前。 We all went,me included. 我们都去了,包括我在内。 Ive got three days holiday including New Years Day.包括元旦在内,我有三天假。练:How can a simple meal like this cost so much? We have _in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke just.A.increased B.included C.obtained D.charged提示:increase 增长,增加,加强;include 包括;obtain 得到,获得,买到;charge 收费,索价。根据语境和句意,首先排除A、C两项;charge作“收费、索价”解常用以下句式:(1)charge sb.for (doing) sth.;(2)charge money for(doing)sth.;(3)charge sb.money for(doing)sth.,本句的宾语是cost,故排除D项。答案:B2.burn讲:v.着火;燃烧;烧伤;烧焦;发烫;渴望;有强烈的情感n.烧伤;灼伤;烧的痕迹例:The fire burned her hand.火烧伤了她的手。Fires were burning all over the city.全城处处燃烧着大火。The smell of burning rubber filled the air.空气中弥漫着橡胶燃烧的气味。Your forehead is burning.Have you get a fever?你的前额很烫,你发烧了吗?He was burning to go climbing again.他渴望再去爬山。She had a burn on her hand.她手上有一处烧伤。链接拓展 (1)burn sth.down (被)烧毁 The fire burned down the house. 火烧毁了房子。 (2)burn sth.up 被烧毁;被烧掉 The spaceship burned up as it entered the earths atmosphere. 宇宙飞船进入地球大气层时被烧毁。 (3)burn away (使)烧掉;烧光 The clothing on his back got burnt away in the fire. 他穿的衣服背部在大火中烧掉了。 (4)burn out/burn itself out 烧尽;熄灭 The fire had burnt(itself)out before the fire engines arrived. 救火车到达之前,火就熄灭了。 (5)burn out/burn sth.out(因过热或使用过久)出故障 The clutch has burnt out. 离合器因过热而失灵。 (6)burn out或burn yourself/sb.out 耗尽体力;积劳成疾;累垮 If he doesnt stop working so hard,hell burn himself out. 他要是继续这样拼命工作,就会把自己累垮。练:In order to keep the fire_ ,they kept _wood on it.A.burning;to put B.to burn;puttingC.burnt;putting D.burning;putting提示:keep doing不断做某事;keep sb./sth.doing使不断做。答案:D3.breathe讲:v.呼吸;呼出breath n.呼吸;呼出的空气例:Most people dont realize that they are breathing polluted air.大多数人没有意识到自己正在呼吸污染的空气。He came up close,breathing alcohol fumes all over me.他走过来靠近我,喷得我满身酒气。He opened his mouth and took a deep breath.他张开嘴深深地吸了一口气。链接拓展 (1)hold ones breath(由于激动、害怕等)不出声;屏息 (2)out of breath 上气不接下气;喘不过气来 (3)short of breath 呼吸短促 (4)take ones breath away 令人惊叹;让人叹绝 My first view of the island from the air took my breath away. 我第一次从空中看到这个岛屿时,赞赏不已。练:When he meets with something unpleasant,he often takes a deep _,and shouts with all his might until he is _.A.strength;out of breath B.breath;out of breathC.strength;quiet D.breath;quiet提示:shouts with all his might是解题的关键,因为只有吸口气后,才能shouts with all his might,因此第一空填breath;由于shouts with all his might,他最后才喘不过气来。故选B。答案:B短语1.give in,give up讲:give in让步;屈服;投降;勉强同意;交上give up放弃;戒掉;认输give up可以用作及物或不及物动词词组,用作及物动词词组时,后接名词或动名词作宾语,不可接动词不定式。例:He would rather die than give in.他宁死不屈。The authorities have shown no signs of giving in to the kidnappers demands.当局对绑架者的要求没有丝毫让步迹象。Please give your work in before Monday.请在星期一之前把作业交上来。He gave up smoking last year and became fat.他去年戒烟后就发胖了。链接拓展 (1)give away 背弃;出卖;泄漏;暴露;赠送 They are giving away prizes at the new store. 新开张的商店在送赠品。 She gave away state secrets to the enemy. 她把国家的机密泄漏给了敌人。 (2)give off (散)发出 She gives off a smell of rose. 她身上散发着玫瑰的香味。 (3)give back 还给;归还;使恢复 My friend gave back the tools that he borrowed. 我朋友归还了他借的工具。 The operation gave him back the use of his legs. 手术使他的双腿恢复了功能。 (4)give sb.a hand 帮某人的忙 Give me a hand with this table. 帮我搬这张桌子。练:(1)Dont mention that at the beginning of the story,or it may_ the shocking ending.A.give away B.give out C.give up D.give off提示:本题检测考生在特定语境中对短语动词的辨异和使用能力。准确把握各选项中短语动词的意思是解题的关键。give away意为“泄露(机密)、捐赠”;give out意为“分发,用完,耗尽”;give up意为“放弃”;give off意为“发出(光、热、气味等)”。只有give away符合题意,故选A项。句意为:不要在故事开头就提到那事,否则便将惊人的结局暴露了。答案:A(2)I argued with him for more than half an hour,but had to _in the end.A.give out B.give off C.give up D.win提示:句中表示转折的but had to是解题的关键。全句意思为:我同他辩论了半个多小时,但最后不得不认输。答案:C2.base sth.on/upon讲:该短语意为:以为根据(基础);把建立在上例:What are you basing this theory on?你这种理论的根据是什么?The film is based on a famous novel.这部电影是根据一部著名的小说改编的。One should always base his opinion on facts.一个人应该始终以事实为依据发表自己的观点。链接拓展 base用作动词时是及物动词;用作名词时,意思是“底部;基础;基地”。 The army was cut off from its base. 那支部队与基地失去了联系。练:(xx江苏南京一模) The movie _ on J.K.Rowlings Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was put on in theaters on November 18,xx.A.basing B.based C.being based D.to be based提示:based on.是过去分词短语作定语,修饰名词the movie,相当于定语从句which was based on.。句意为:根据JKRowling的小说哈利波特和火焰杯拍摄的电影xx年11月18日在各大影院上映。答案:B3.so far讲:该短语意为“迄今为止;到目前为止”。so far在句中作状语,有时谓语动词要用现在完成时态。例:What do you think of the show so far?到目前为止你觉得这场演出怎么样?Detectives are so far at a loss to explain the reason of his death.至今侦探对他的死因仍茫然不解。We havent heard from Tom so far.到目前为止,我们还没收到汤姆的来信。链接拓展 (1)by far (常用来修饰比较级或最高级,用以加强语气)大大的;得多 (2)as far as the eye can/could see极目所尽 (3)as far as I know就我所知 (4)as far as I can remember(see,tell,etc).据我所记得的;依我看 (5)as far as sb./sth.be concerned就而言 (6)as far as it goes在有限程度上(通常指不满意)练:_I can see,there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.A.As long as B.Just as C.As far as D.Even if提示:as long as 只要;as far as I can remember(see,tell,etc.)尽我所记得的;依我看;even if即使。全句意思为:在我看来,可能只有一种避开危险的方法。故选C。答案:C4.under attack讲:该短语意为“受到攻击”。介词under可以表示过程,意思是“在中;在期间”,还可以表示负荷、条件等,意为“在之下”。例:It was under attack for 900 days,but the people of the city never gave in.城市受到了900天的攻击,但是城里人从来没有屈服。The bridge is under construction.We cant drive through it.这座桥正在修建中,开车过不去。The car is under repair.You cant use it now.车正在维修,现在不能用。链接拓展 “be+介词+名词”可以用来表示动作,名词前不能使用冠词。 They are now at work.You can find them at the factory. 他们在上班,你可以在工厂里找到他们。 He is on business.We couldnt find him at his office. 他出差了,我们在办公室里没找到他。 The workers are on strike. 工人们正在罢工。 The Whites are on holiday in Egypt. 怀特一家正在埃及度假。 He is now in hospital,but I think hell be out of hospitalsoon. 他住院了,我想他不久就会出院。练:Everything is_his control here.A.on B.out C.under D.with提示:under ones control意为“在某人的控制之下”,句意为:这里一切都在他的掌控之下。答案:C句型1.where引导地点状语从句讲:注意观察下面教材原句:Where there is a river,there is a city.哪里有河,哪里就有城市。where引导地点状语从句时,有时不表示具体的地点概念,而表示模糊的抽象概念,常含有条件意味。例:Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成。链接拓展 where引导的状语从句和定语从句的区别: (1)where引导状语从句时,其前无先行词,where不可换成“介词+which”。 (2)where引导定语从句时,其前有名词作先行词,where可以换成“介词+which”。 Make a mark where you have any question.(状语从句) Make a mark at the place where you have any question.(定语从句) 在有问题的地方作个记号。练:(1)You should make it a rule to leave things _you can find them again.A.when B.where C.then D.which提示:where引导地点状语从句。答案:B(2)(xx江苏南京一模) I have kept the photo _ I can always see it,as it reminds me of the days when I studied in Britain.A.at which B.when C.where D.at the place提示:where引导地点状语从句,意为“被在我总能看到的地方”。答案:C2.make+宾语+过去分词(作宾补)讲:注意观察下面教材原句:To make your voice heard,you can write a letter to a newspaper editor.要让别人知道你的意见,你可以给报社编辑写一封信。“make+宾语+done”表示“使得被”。例:Youd better speak louder to make yourself heard.你最好大声说话,以便别人能听到。链接拓展 使役动词make,have,get及感官动词see,find,feel等都可出现此类搭配,表示宾语与宾补之间的被动关系。练:(xx全国模拟) Helen had to shout_ above the sound of the music.A.making herself hear B.to make herself hearC.making herself hear D.to make herself heard提示:根据句意和结构判断,句子后部分是表达大声喊的目的,一般用不定式表达,故排除A、C两项。hear与宾语herself有逻辑上的被动关系,故选D项。答案:D辨析1.included,including including意为“包含在内,包括”,要放在被包括的名词或代词之前。included意为“包括在内”,要放在被包括的名词或代词之后。即时练习:(1)There are a lot of names in the list,_his name.(2)There are a lot of names in the list,his name _.(3)There are 40 students in our class,_four students from America.答案:(1)including (2)included (3)including2.bring,take,carry,fetchbring指将某物或某人从其他地方带到说话人所在地方。take将人或物从说话人所在的地方带到别处。carry携带东西从一处到另一处,无方向性。fetch指到别处去,然后把某物或人带来。即时练习:(1)Go and_todays newspaper for me.(2)Please _your son along next time you e.(3)The woman is _a baby in her arms.(4)Let me _the suitcase for you.(5)Who has _away todays newspaper?(6)_the umbrella.Its going to rain.答案:(1)fetch (2)bring (3)carrying (4)carry (5)taken (6)Take【例1】 (xx江苏南通九校联考) It was in the very house _ was built with stones _ he spent his childhood.A.that;that B.that;whereC.which;that D.which;where提示:第二空是强调句型,强调的是状语in the very house。house后是定语从句,从句缺少主语,用that或which引导;由于house前有the very修饰,故只能用that引导。答案:A【例2】 (xx江苏模拟) Is Bob still performing?Im afraid not.He is said_the stage already as he has bee an official.A.to have left B.to leaveC.to have been left D.to be left提示:从句意可看出,leave表示的动作发生在is said之前,因此用动词不定式的完成式。答案:A讲评:动词不定式的一般时(to do)表示经常性的动作或状态;进行时表示正在进行的动作或状态;完成时表示已经完成的动作或状态。解题时要依据动词不定式所作的句子成分,以及动作发生的时间确定动词不定式的形式。【例3】 She found her calculator _ she lost it.A.where B.when C.in which D.that提示:where引导地点状语从句。句意为:计算器是在她丢失的地方找到的。这个句子没有先行词,不能填in which。答案:A讲评:where引导状语从句和where引导定语从句是经常考查的语言点。

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