2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 No DrugsSection Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module教学案 外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2 No DrugsSection Other Parts of the Module教学案 外研版必修2原文呈现读文清障Stop SmokingNow We Can Help!In almost every US city and town, there are local organisations to help people stop smoking. Participants learn torecognise smoking triggers (things that start them smoking) and they try to set a date in the futurewhen they will stop smoking. One of the most popular and successful is the California Smokers Helpline. Here is an extract from one of their leaflets.When you really want a cigarette try the four Ds:1 Delay: Look at your watch and wait for a couple of minutes. If you can wait two minutes, you wont want to smoke. 2 Distraction: Whatever youre doing when you want to smoke do something else! For example, if youre alone, find someone to talk to. If youre sitting down, take a short walk.3 Drink water: If you drink water, you reduce the need to have something in your mouth.4 Deep breathing: Breathe in slowly and deeply. Count to five when your lungs are full. Then breathe out slowly. Repeat several times.stop smoking戒烟to help people stop smoking 为不定式短语作定语。participant/patIsIpnt/n参与者;参加者recognise/rekgnaIz/vt.认识;认知;认出trigger n. 引发问题的因素try to do sth. 尽力做某事try doing sth. 试着做某事set a date 定个日期in the future 在将来in future 今后when引导定语从句,修饰date。helpline n服务热线extract n摘录leaflet/liflt/n传单;印刷品delay n. 拖延(时间)a couple of 一双,一对;两三个distraction/dIstrkn/n分心;分散注意力whatever无论什么,引导让步状语从句,该从句中又含有when引导的时间状语从句。alone adj.独自一人的;孤单的(强调客观)lonely adj.孤独的(强调主观)to have . mouth是need的定语。count to 数到现在戒烟我们能帮助!以上部分译文几乎在美国的每一个城镇都有帮助人们戒烟的地方性组织。参与者学着认识吸烟的诱因(让他们开始吸烟的事物)并试图在未来选定一个他们将要戒烟的日期。其中最受欢迎的也是最成功的组织之一就是“加利福尼亚吸烟者服务热线”。下面是其中一份传单的摘录:当你确实想要抽烟时试试“4D”:1拖延(时间):看着手表,等几分钟。假如你可以等上两分钟,那你就不再想抽烟了。2分散注意力:无论你在做什么,当你想吸烟时做点别的!例如,如果你是一个人,那就找人聊聊天。如果你正坐着,那就散一小会儿步。3喝水:如果喝了水,你就会减少想在嘴里含点儿什么的需要。4深呼吸:慢慢地、深深地吸气,当你的肺充满的时候数到5,然后再慢慢地呼气。重复几次。And here are some ideas to help people to give up smoking: 1 Make a plan: Make a list of friends who smoke and places where you smoke. Dont see those people and dont go to those places! 2 Set a date when youre going to stop: Choose a time when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking.3 Keep busy: Instead of smoking, make a phone call, take a short walk, talk with a friend.4 Develop new interests: Exercise walking, biking,jogging, swimming, or taking a gymnastic class helps you to forget about cigarettes.give up 戒除;放弃make a plan 制定计划make a list of 列一份的清单when引导定语从句,修饰date。relaxed adj.放松的too .to . 太以至于不能instead of 代替;而不是develop vt.培养;发展jogging/dgI/n慢跑gymnastic/dImnstIk/adj.体操的以上部分译文这里还有一些帮助人们戒烟的办法:1.制定一个计划:把你那些吸烟的朋友和你吸烟的地方列一张清单。别去见那些人,也别去那些地方!2.定一个你打算戒烟的日期:选择一个你很放松但又太忙而来不及考虑吸烟的时候。3.保持忙碌:打个电话,散一小会儿步,和朋友说说话,就不要抽烟了。4.培养新兴趣:锻炼散步、骑车、慢跑、游泳或者上体操课会帮你忘记香烟。Step 1Skim the text and answer the following questions.1Whats the main idea of this passage?The_passage_mainly_tells_us_how_to_stop_smoking.2. According to the text, what are the four Ds you try when you really want a cigarette?_Delay;_Distraction;_Drink_water;_Deep_breathing.3. What new interests can you develop to give up smoking according to the text?Walking,_biking,_jogging,_swimming,_or_taking_a_gymnastic_class.Step 2Choose the best answers according to the text.1Which of the following CANNOT help you to give up smoking?ADont see your friends who smoke.BKeep busy.CDevelop new interests.DEat as much as possible.2Whats the purpose of the California Smokers Helpline?ATo tell people smoking is bad for their health.BTo help people stop smoking.CTo help people set a date on which theyll stop smoking.DTo persuade people not to smoke.3You most probably find this text in the _ column in a newspaper.AscientificBculturalClife Dsports4If you began smoking just because you felt lonely, you can stop it by _.Adeep breathingBtaking a gymnastic classCfinding a friend to talk toDtaking a short walk答案:14DBCC一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.adultn成人2.joggingn. 慢跑.拓展词汇1.burglaryn盗窃;窃案;盗窃罪burglar n窃贼2.crimen罪行;犯罪行为criminaln罪犯3.connectionn联系;关系;关联connect vt.联系;连接4.illegaladj.违法的;不合法的legal adj.合法的5.treatmentn治疗treat v治疗;对待6.disagreevi.不同意;意见不合disagreement n不同意;争执7.horribleadj.令人不快的;极讨厌的horror n恐怖;厌恶8.participantn参与者;参加者participate v参加;参与9.recognisevt.认识;认知;认出recognition n认出,识别10.distractionn分心;分散注意力distract vt.分散的注意力11.gymnasticadj.体操的gymnastics n体操1.likely adj.可能的联想后缀ly形容词荟萃lovely可爱的lively生动活泼的lonely孤独寂寞的 friendly友好的2.crime n罪行;犯罪行为 词块fight crime打击犯罪活动 mit a crime犯罪serious crime严重的犯罪 crime rate犯罪率3.jogging n慢跑联想各种体育运动rope skipping跳绳 running跑步long jump跳远 high jump跳高4.participant n参与者;参加者联想后缀ant常见名词assistant助手;助理 servant仆人merchant商人;店主 accountant会计5.horrible adj.令人不快的;极讨厌的联想归纳ible结尾形容词impossible 不可能的terrible 可怕的;糟糕的accessible 可进入的;可使用的 二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.put_up提高;抬高2.be_against 违背3.such_as 例如;诸如之类4.agree/disagree_with_sb. 同意/不同意某人5.a_couple_of 一双;一对;两三个6.give_up 戒除;放弃7.make_a_list_of 列一份的清单8.instead_of 代替;而不是1.advertising campaign广告宣传活动2.break the law 犯法3.shopping centre 购物中心4.public transport 公共交通5.set a date 定个日期6.in the future 在将来,在未来7.make a plan 制定计划8.develop new interests 培养新兴趣三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.I think it would be good if they banned smoking in restaurants and cafs as well.我认为如果他们在餐馆和咖啡馆也禁烟就好了。if虚拟条件句,表示与现在事实相反。If I were you, I_would_marry_her.如果我是你,我就娶她。2.Whatever youre doing when you want to smoke do something else!无论你在做什么,当你想吸烟时做点别的!whatever“无论什么”,引导让步状语从句。Whatever_happens,_you shouldnt lose heart.无论发生什么事,你都不要丧失信心。3.Choose a time when you will be relaxed but alsotoo busy to thinkabout smoking.选择一个你很放松但又太忙而来不及考虑吸烟的时候。too .to . “太而不能”。She is too_busy_to_look_after_her child.她太忙了,不能照顾自己的孩子。1(教材P14)The government put up the price of cigarettes in order to stop people buying them.政府提高香烟价格为了阻止人们购买它们。put up 增加,提高;举起;建造,搭起;张贴;为提供食宿,投宿;留过夜 写出下列句中put up的含义Theyve put up the rent by 20 pounds a month.提高Put upyour hand when you ask questions.举起Have you put up the tent?搭起Put up the school timetable.张贴We can putall of you up for the night.留过夜名师点津put 相关短语荟萃:put on穿上put off 推迟,拖延;使分神put away 把收拾好;储存put down 记下,放下;镇压put out 扑灭2(教材P15)Do all drug users attend treatment centres?所有吸毒者都进入戒毒中心了吗?treatment n治疗;对待(1)treatment for .对的治疗(2)treat v. 治疗;对待;款待n. 请客,作东treat .as . 把看作treat sb.to . 款待某人This/It is my treat. 由我请客/付钱。The injured in the earthquake have received timely treatment in the hospital.地震中的受伤人员已经在医院得到了及时的治疗。The local people are so friendly that they treat us as their friends.当地人很友好,他们把我们当成他们的朋友对待。The host treated us to a delicious meal.主人用一顿丰盛的饭菜招待我们。3(教材P16)Drug users are morelikely to get into trouble at school.吸毒者更有可能在学校陷入麻烦。likely adj.可能的adv.可能(1)be likely to do sth.很可能做某事It is likely that . 很可能not likely 绝不可能,才不呢(表示强烈反对)(2)unlikely adj. 不太可能的My parentsis very likely not to allowme to go.It_is_very_likely_that my parents will not allow me to go.我父母很可能不会让我去。He said that youd be giving them a lift.Not_likely!他说你会让他们搭便车。绝不可能!辨析比较likely, possible, probablelikely指从表面迹象来判断,表面上看来有可能。常用结构:Sth./Sb. is likely to do sth.; Its likely that .possible指客观上有可能,也许实际发生的可能性并不大。常用结构:It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.; It is possible that .probable表示有几分根据的推测,比possible表示的可能性大,一般不用表示人的词作主语。常用结构: It is probable that .选用上述单词填空It is possible that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesnt seem probable. In that case, we are likely to go climbing this afternoon.天可能会下雨,但是有如此蓝天,似乎不大可能。如果那样的话,我们今天下午很可能去爬山。4(教材P18)I pletely disagree.我完全不同意。disagree vi.不同意;意见不合(1)disagree with不同意;不适合disagree to 不同意(建议、提案、主意等)disagree on 就意见不统一(2)disagreement n. 分歧,不一致,意见不合agree v. 同意,意见一致;约定agreement n. 协议;同意;一致Hedisagreed with his parents on most things.他在多数事情上都与父母意见不一。The climate here disagrees_with me.这儿的气候对我不适合。语境串记A few people agreed to the suggestion while most people disagreed, so no agreement was made.一些人同意这个提议,而大部分人反对,所以并未达成一致意见。形象记忆5.(教材P18)The government is thinking about banning smoking on public transport.政府正在考虑禁止在公交车上吸烟。ban vt.禁止;取缔n.禁止;禁令(1)ban doing sth.禁止做某事ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事(2)a ban on . 有关的禁令put a ban on 禁止Swimming is banned in this lake.这个湖里禁止游泳。He was banned from driving for three years because of the accident he caused.因为他造成的那起事故,他被禁驾三年。Most people are for the ban on smoking in public places.多数人赞成在公共场所吸烟的禁令。名师点津“禁止/阻止某人做某事”的短语还有:keep sb. from doing sth., prevent sb. (from) doing sth., stop sb. (from) doing sth., forbid sb. from doing sth.。6(教材P18)Smoking in a park doesntaffectother people in the same way. 在公园里吸烟是不会以同样的方式影响他人的。affect vt.影响;对有坏影响;打动;(疾病)侵袭(1)be affected by被打动;被(疾病)侵袭be affected with high fever发高烧(2)effect n. 影响have an effect on 对有影响We were all deeply affected bythe news of her death.她去世的消息使我们都深感悲痛。He didnt attend the conference because he was affected with high fever.他因为发高烧没有参加会议。We want to know whether the drug has_an_effect_on peoples health.我们想知道这药对人们的健康是否有影响。7(教材P19)Participants learn torecognise smoking triggers (things that start them smoking) and they try to set a date in the future when they will stop smoking. 参与者学着认清吸烟的诱因(让他们开始吸烟的事物),并试图在未来选定一个他们将要戒烟的日期。recognise vt.认识;认知;认出(1)recognise .as/to be .承认是It is recognised that . 人们意识到(2)recognition n. 认出;认识out of/beyond recognition 认不出来Lincoln is recognised as/to be one of the greatest presidents in America.林肯被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。It_was_recognised_that time was too limited.时间十分有限,这为大家所公认。The town has changed out_of/beyond_recognition since I was last here.自从我上次离开这里以来,这座小镇已经变得让人认不出来了。8(教材P19)And here are some ideas to help people to give up smoking .这里还有一些帮助人们戒烟的办法give up戒除;放弃;让出give away泄露(机密);捐赠;分发(奖品等)give back 归还,送还give in (to sb.) (向某人)屈服,让步give off 发出(蒸汽、味道);发散(光线)give out 用完,用尽;分发;公布In the bus, the young should give uptheir seats to the old.在公共汽车上,年轻人应该把座位让给老年人。The little boy gave_away his hiding place when he coughed. 小男孩一咳嗽就把他躲藏的地方暴露了。The argument went on for hours because neither side would give in.因为双方都不肯让步,争论持续了几个小时。1Whatever youre doingwhen you want to smoke do something else!无论你在做什么,当你想吸烟时做点别的!(1)句中whatever引导让步状语从句,其相当于no matter what,意为“不管什么,无论什么”。Whatever you do, you cant go against nature.No_matter_what you do, you cant go against nature.无论你做什么,都不能违背自然规律。(2)whatever还可引导名词性从句,相当于anything that,不可转换为no matter what。Now that I have passed my exams, I can do whatever_I_like. 既然我考试及格了,可以做任何我喜欢的事了。名师点津whatever/whoever/whichever这一类词既可引导名词性从句,也可引导让步状语从句;而however/wherever/whenever一般只引导让步状语从句。He can answer the question however hard it is.无论问题有多难,他都能回答。(让步状语从句)Whoever breaks the law should be punished.任何人违法都要受惩罚。(主语从句)2Choose a time when you will be relaxed but also too busy to think about smoking. 选择一个你很放松但又太忙而来不及考虑吸烟的时候。(1)该句用了too . to .结构表示“太而不能”,表示否定含义。He wastoo tired to walkany farther.他累得一步也走不动了。(2)当too后接glad, pleased, surprised, delighted, happy, willing, ready, eager, anxious等表示感情的形容词时,表示肯定意义。I am too_pleased_to_see you here.在这儿见到你我很高兴。(3)当too前有only, all, but时,加强肯定语气,相当于very或very much。We areonly too happy to live in China.生活在中国,我们太幸福了。(4)当too或to前有not, never等否定词时,整个句子表达肯定意义。It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。The girl is too careful not_to_do it well.这姑娘很细心,完全能做好那件事。.单句语法填空1He is not likely to_e (e) at this time of the day.2The climate of the north disagrees with her. 3He was sent to the hospital to receive treatment (treat). 4The Chinese government put a ban on eating wild animals. 5We were deeply affected (affect) by the drought in the south.6At last, her fathers work has received popular recognition (recognise)7Many buildings have been put up in the area in the past ten years.8Ill give the ticket to whoever (who) wants it.完成句子1Giving_up_his_job was the last thing we expected him to do.放弃他的工作是我们最不希望他做的事情。2Whatever_difficulties_he_may_meet_with,_he will carry on his plan.无论遇到什么样的困难,他都要推行他的计划。3He taught us that it is never_too_late_to_start something new.他教会了我们:开始新的事情永远都不会太晚。4Is_it_likely_that we will hand in the paper the day after tomorrow?我们后天交上论文的可能性大吗?5She is_banned_from_playing puter games before her homework is finished.在完成家庭作业前,她被禁止玩电脑游戏。一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1Look at the rainbow. It is likely (可能的) to be fine tomorrow.2Does the amount of rain affect (影响) the growth of crops?3I think it good if they ban (禁止) chatting in reading room.4The best treatment (治疗) for a cold is to rest and drink lots of water.5Children under 14 must be acpanied by an adult (成年人)6Its illegal (不合法的) to read peoples private letters without permission.7It is walking and jogging (慢跑) that get his weight down.8I recognised (认出) her at first sight although I havent seen her for almost ten years.9I have to study in the library there are too many distractions (分心) at home.10Although all people could take part in the activity, most of the participants (参与者) were young people.单句改错1Because of the heavy fog, Mr. Smith is possible to arrive a bit late.possiblelikely2Your story disagrees to what I have heard.towith3Whatever he says it, the manager doesnt believe him.去掉it4The Chinese government has decided to ban smoke in public places.smokesmoking5Its good manners to give out the things which you picked up.outback6The days are gone that physical strength was all you needed to make a living.thatwhen7The box is too heavy for the little boy to carry it.去掉it8What you have done will not have good effect on your fame.good前加a或effecteffects.选词填空1We have put_a_ban_on swimming here.2They are all too satisfied to go and do this work.3Most big stores admit that they darent put_up prices for fear of losing their customers.4Have you set_a_date for your wedding?5Dont do whatever is_against the rules of our pany.6. Many adults used to be smokers, but they gave it up.7He sent me a letter and some money as_well.8She spent her time in going to the cinema instead_of studying.本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填空1The sales of goods were reduced by 25 per cent this year.2The nurse is injecting (inject) penicillin into his arm.3The chairman is the most powerful (power) man in the Chinese government.4Those addicted to drugs have much difficulty in getting rid of the addiction. (addict)5Tigers are dangerous (danger) to man, but they are in danger of dying out now.6The paper is used to_draw (draw) a picture.7My car broke down on the way to work.8All the fans stood in the rain, waiting (wait) for their singer.9If it were (be) not for your help, we should be in a very difficult position.10Its mon that there is disagreement (disagree) between friends.完成句子1You cant_praise_him_more for saving the little girl.他救了这个小女孩,你再怎么表扬他也不过分。2We dont allow_the_children_to_stay_up_late.我们不允许孩子们熬夜。3The matter related_to_your_fate cant be taken for granted.与你命运(fate)相关的事情不能儿戏。4The house belongs_to_Tom,_but he doesnt live here.这房子属于汤姆,可他并不在这儿住。5Someone broke_into_my_house and stole my puter.有人闯入我家,偷走了我的电脑。6Learning_new_words_is very useful to me.学习新单词对我非常有用。7The students who are_addicted_to_Internet_games usually dont work hard.那些沉迷于网络游戏的学生通常学习不努力。8I took_my_fathers_advice and went to the station very early.我听从父亲的劝告,很早就去车站了。9It was a pity that the great writer died_from_heart_attack last night. 真遗憾,这位伟大的作家昨晚死于心脏病。10When I was little, my mother used_to_sit by my bed, telling_me_stories till I fell asleep.我小时候,妈妈常常坐在我的床边给我讲故事,一直讲到我睡着。二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解One day, while I was walking on the street, I saw a young cat attacking an old cat. I immediately ran to them and drove the young cat away. When I got close to the old cat, I found he had got injured.I held him in my arms and rushed to the Best Friends Animal Clinic. There he received important medical care. But with a serious infection (感染) in his leg, he_was_far_from_out_of_the_woods. He was very sick and in shock. His body temperature was far below normal. He couldnt move and was breathing hard for air. The vet team immediately cleaned his wounds, used medicine to fight off the infection and reduce his pain, and placed him in an oxygen tank. But he was still getting weaker by the minute. At last, the vet team had to remove his damaged and infected leg to save him.After he recovered, I took him home and named him Tommy. He learned how to ride in a stroller (小推车). Once he got used to the stroller, doors began to open for him. He began going on morning rounds with me. He made a few furry friends, too, including a Chihuahua. He even had a picnic with the Chihuahua on a blanket under the sunny sky.Though Tommys life as an outdoor cat may have ended, the medical care he received has made it possible for him to have a whole new life. Now Tommy stays very positive (积极的). He taught me a good lesson though bad things happen in our life, we should always stay positive and enjoy what we have.语篇解读:作者救了一只受伤的猫并且精心照顾他,让他过上了新的生活1The underlined part in Para. 2 means that the cat _.Awas making a slow recoveryBwas in great dangerCwas filled with angerDsuffered a lot from his wounds解析:选B句意猜测题。根据画线部分后面的“He was very sick and in shock . He couldnt move and was breathing hard for air.”可知,画线部分的内容是指这只猫处于危险之中。2After using medicine to fight off the infection in the cats leg, the vet team found that _.Athe cats body got infected tooBthe medicine wasnt very helpfulCthe cats body temperature became normalDthe cat would die unless all his legs were removed解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“But he was still getting weaker by the minute. At last, the vet team had to remove his damaged and infected leg to save him.”可知,兽医们发现药物并不能阻止那只猫的伤势恶化。3What does Para. 3 mainly tell us?AThe cat was very clever and friendly.BIt took a long time for the cat to recover.CThat stroller was of great importance to the cat.DThe cat started a new life with the authors help.解析:选D段落大意题。根据文章第三段的描述,尤其是其中的“Once he got used to the stroller, doors began to open for him.”可知,本段主要是讲这只猫开始了新的生活。4What did the author learn from the cat?AWe shouldnt be beaten by bad things.BHumans should treat animals kindly.CBad things can happen to anyone.DAnimals are humans best friends.解析:选A推理判断题。根据末段中的“He taught me a good lesson though bad things happen in our life, we should always stay positive and enjoy what we have.”可知,这只猫让作者明白我们不应该被坏事情击败。.语法填空I was walking with a friend yesterday _1_ I found a cellphone in a pile of snow. I picked _2_ up and it still worked! I started looking through the name list and dialing numbers to see whether I could figure out whose phone it was. _3_ (luck), only one person answered and she didnt recognize the number.Since that lady didnt know whose phone it was, my friend suggested that we go back to _4_ house in front of which we found the cellphone. I knocked on the door and two collegeage persons answered. They _5_ (not lose) their phones, but as I told them the story a


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