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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2Poem-usinglanguagePart One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language (IVE SAVED THE SUMMER)AimsTo listen, read and discussTo write a list poem starting with What if ProceduresI. Warming up by listening to a poemMary Oliver - Little Summer Poem Touching The Subject Of FaithEvery summerI listen and look under the suns brass and eveninto the moonlight, but I cant hearanything, I cant see anything 孟浩然 春晓not the pale roots digging down, nor the green stalks muscling up,nor the leavesdeepening their damp pleats,nor the tassels making,nor the shucks, nor the cobs.And still,every day,the leafy fieldsgrow taller and thicker - green gowns lofting up in the night,showered with silk. And so, every summer,I fail as a witness, seeing nothing - I am deaf tooto the tick of the leaves, the tapping of downwardness from the banyan feet - all of ithappeningbeyond any seeable proof, or hearable hum. And, therefore, let the immeasurable e.Let the unknowable touch the buckle of my spine.Let the wind turn in the trees,and the mystery hidden in the dirtswing through the air.How could I look at anything in this worldand tremble, and grip my hands over my heart?What should I fear? One morningin the leafy green oceanthe honeyb of the corns beautiful bodyis sure to be there. 速衷情 (欧阳修)II. Guided reading1.Reading and circlingWhat is rhythm?It is a term designating the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in verse or prose. Different lines of verse can have the same metre but a different rhythm. Thus two lines of alliterative verse in Middle English poetry might have the same metrical pattern of four stressed syllables, but their rhythm might differ by having a greater or lesser number of unstressed syllables intervening between the stressed syllables.Now turn to page 14. Read the poem IVE SAVED THE SUMMER and circle the words that rhyme.2. Reading and underliningAfter reading a poem, ask yourself, What do I notice? What do I like? ment on what the writer did and note the followings as you discuss the poem as a whole:Topic Word choice Expression of feelings Rhythm Shape Line breaks Title Ending line Special or missing punctuationNow go to page15. In small groups discuss the questions.Listening and discussingTurn to page 15 and listen to a talk by Miss Jiang. Do questions number 1, 2, 3 and 4. III. Writing1. Learn to write a poem that starts with What ifSample:What if summer lasted half a year?I might finally learn to swimWhat if chocolate were good for your health?I could earn a medal for wellnessWhat if worrying made you smarter?I would be a brain surgeon, thats for sureWhat if poems were wishes that could actually e true?Now write an instant What If poem Method: Line 1: What if ?Line 2: I mightLine 3: What if ?Line 4: I could Line 5: What if ?Line 6: I would Line 7: Ask a question ? 水调歌头(苏轼)2. Learn to write poems about feelings Some of the best poems ever written are about feelings. You may want to write poems about your feelings, but perhaps you dont know how to begin. Heres a good way to get started:1. On a piece of paper, write sad, mad, and happy. Now add as many feelings as you can to the list. If youre stumped for feelings, have a friend or two brainstorm with you. Sometimes two (or three) heads are better than one!2. Choose one feeling from the list.3. Write down your answers to one of the following questions:-When do I feel insert feeling?-Why do I feel insert feeling?-How does it feel to be insert feeling? 王维诗句(行到水穷处)Your answer will bee the poem, although you may want to revise and polish the poem as needed. What will make the poem work best is if it tells a story or if people can learn something about you from the poem. Often its easier to write about feelings in free verse-which means you dont have to worry about rhythm and rhyme patterns. Just write whatever es to mind.Heres an example:I feel miserable whenI have a big math test ing up so I have to study instead of watching my favorite TV showmy mother doesnt believe I have a fever, so I cant stay home and miss a big math test I didnt study formy teacher doesnt believe I have a fever and refuses to send me to the school nurse until after the math testI get a D on the math testHeres another example that answers two questions: When do I feel happy? and What is it like to feel happy?When Santa brings me the toy I wanted most for Christmas Im so happy I feel like:singing at the top of my lungsjumping in a mud puddle (too bad its December and the puddle is covered with ice)raiding the cookie jar and eating all the cookiesplaying with my new toy all day and not letting my bratty little brother touch it for a single second (which, as I recall, is why my parents took away my favorite Christmas toy last year and hid it from me for one whole week) IV. Closing down by reading out a poemFinally, heres an example of a finished poem about what happens when you feel a little dazed and confused after a kiss:ScrambledI climbed up the door andI opened the stairs.I said my pajamasand buttoned my prayers. I turned off the covers and pulled up the light.Im all scrambled up sinceshe kissed me last night.


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