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2019-2020年高中英语Module6TheWorldsCulturalHeritage单元加餐练一-二外研版.完形填空When others get off the train to finally go home, Leonie Mller stays _1_. Thats because the train is her home, and she says she _2_ this way. “It all started with a _3_ I had with my landlord (房东),” Mller says.“I instantly _4_ I didnt live there anymore and then I realized: _5_, I didnt want to live anywhere anymore.”_6_, she bought a subscription (预定) that allows her to board every train in the country for free. Now, Mller _7_ in the train and writes her college papers _8_ traveling at a speed of up to 190 mph. She says that she enjoys the _9_ she has experienced since she gave up her apartment. “I really feel at home on trains. Its like being on _10_ all the time,” says Mller.“I read, I write, I look out of the window and I meet _11_ people all the time, who give me a hand,” says Mller. Since _12_ the move, Mllers life _13_ a small backpack in which she carries clothes, her tablet puter and college documents.So far, she has _14_ a lot. Financially, she _15_ from living on a train: The flatrate ticket only costs her about $380, whereas she had to pay about $450 for her previous apartment. However, living _16_ is not the only goal she has in mind. “I want to _17_ people to question their habits and the things they consider to be _18_,” Mller says. “There are always more _19_ than one thinks there are. The next _20_ is waiting just around the corner provided that you want to find it.”语篇解读:大学生 Mller 因与房东发生争执,从此不愿再住公寓。她选择生活在火车上。她喜欢上了这种简单的生活,并想通过自己的故事告诉大家去审视一下大家认为是正常的事物。1A.behindBupCaway Doutside解析:选A由下文 “the train is her home”可知,大家下了火车回家,她却留了下来不走。 stay behind 意为“留在后面;留下来不走”。 2A.regrets BlikesCignores Dhates解析:选B由9空前的 “enjoys” 可知,她喜欢 (likes) 这种生活方式。3A.game BjokeCquarrel Dconversation解析:选C由下文内容可知, Mller 不想再住公寓,由此推断出她和房东发生了争执 (quarrel)。4A.doubted BbelievedCworried Ddetermined解析:选D空格后就是她决定 (determined) 的内容,即决定不再在那里居住了。5A.Actually BFrequentlyCHopelessly DUnfortunately解析:选A由下文她生活在火车里可知,实际上 (Actually), 不论是哪里的公寓她都不想住了。6A.Moreover BOtherwiseCInstead DBesides解析:选C她反而 (Instead) 购买了一种可以让她免费乘坐国内每一辆火车的预定。7A.wanders BlivesCstruggles Drecovers解析:选B由上文的她不离开火车及下文的写论文可知,当 (while) 火车在行驶时,她生活 (lives) 在火车上,并在上面写她的大学论文。8A.while BafterCbefore Duntil解析:选A参见上题解析。9A.speed BfreedomCoccupation Djourney解析:选B由下文 “I really feel at home on trains” 可知,她喜欢离开租住公寓后的自由 (freedom)。10A.strike BguardCbusiness Dvacation解析:选DMller 一直生活在火车上,由此推断出,她的这种生活就像一直在度假 (vacation)。11A.kind BfamiliarCimportant Dpatient解析:选A由下文的“give me a hand” 可知,她在火车上遇见的这些人给予她帮助。由此可知,她遇见了善良 (kind) 的人。12A.considering BriskingCquitting Ddiscovering解析:选B由常识可知,相对于住在常规的房子里,移居到火车上是一种冒险 (risking)。13A.steps into Bdeals withCfits into Ddisagrees with解析:选C自从冒险移居到火车上,她的生活就纳入到了 (fits into) 她的背包里。14A.lost BgainedCaccepted Dchanged解析:选B由下文内容可知,到目前为止,她收获 (gained) 很多。她因生活在火车上而在经济上获益。15A.suffers BbenefitsClearns Ddiffers解析:选B由空格后的 “The flatrate ticket only costs her about D|S380”可知,这里是指获益 (benefits)。16A.alone BapartCcheaply Dhappily解析:选C由上文“only costs”可知,这是一种便宜的 (cheaply)生活方式。17A.inspire BpersuadeCallow Dteach解析:选A她想启发 (inspire) 人们去审视他们的习惯及人们认为是正常的 (normal) 事物。18A.normal BstrangeCspecial Dboring解析:选A参见上题解析。19A.trains BapartmentsCtroubles Dopportunities解析:选D总有很多的机会 (opportunities), 只要你愿意,下一个冒险 (adventure) 就会等着你。20A.trip BstoryCproject Dadventure解析:选D参见上题解析。.阅读理解Many people tend to plain about not having good friends in their lives. Sadly, they seem to think that their own pany is not enough to make them happy. Nothing could be further from the truth though. In order to get along with others, the first thing you need to do is to learn to get along with yourself. Only in this way will you succeed in developing healthy, solid relationships with others. How to develop?Listen to your inner voice. Remember that inner voice keeps whispering to you what you really want and need as well as what you do not really want and need. It is about time you started listening to it. In order to get to know yourself in depth, it is important to learn and accept what you want and what you do not want.Learn to enjoy your own pany. You will be surprised to find out how many things you can do by yourself and actually have fun with in the process. Reading romantic novels, poetry or science fiction is only one of a few of the things that you can do by yourself, which can not only offer you hours of enjoyment, but also the chance to get to know yourself better.Satisfy yourself. Pay special attention to your personal hygiene (卫生). Do your hair and nails often and experiment with new styles. Follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly to stay in good shape. No matter how busy your daily schedule is, always find at least an hour per day for yourself, when you can relax either by doing absolutely nothing, or doing something that you enjoy.Learn to respect your own boundaries. Find out what your boundaries are and learn to respect them. You are the only one who knows what you can and what you cannot accept; no one else can point that out to you, or force you to promise (妥协)语篇解读:这是一篇议论文。本文提出了一个观点:人最好的伴侣是自己,我们要学会倾听自己内心的声音,学会了解自己,这是与他人相处的前提。1What is the purpose of listening to your inner voice?ATo keep a good state of mind.BTo know more about yourself.CTo enjoy the time by yourself.DTo form a relationship with others.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,学会倾听自己内心的声音,能让你对自己有更深的了解。故B项正确。2In order to please yourself, the writer gives some suggestions EXCEPT _.Aeating healthilyBexercising regularlyCexperimenting with new hair stylesDkeeping on struggling解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段的第三、四句可知,A、B、C均为作者的建议,D“继续奋斗”文章没有提到。3What is the structure of the passage?解析:选A篇章结构题。本文首先提出论点:我们要学会做自己的伴侣。然后从四个方面进行具体介绍,因此本文的结构如A图所示。单元加餐练(二) 第卷规范增分练.语法填空My name is Billy Smith. Im 50 years old this year. I was about 440 pounds two years ago. _1_ (lucky), I managed to lose weight.I began to gain weight when my mom developed Parkinsons disease in 1992. I soon became her caregiver, and continued to provide her _2_ care for over 10 years. But when the pressure of taking care of my mother and _3_ (keep) my job got too much for me, I began to skip meals and feed on fast food. I gained weight quickly.My huge weight gain caused me to develop high blood pressure. I also had _4_ (difficult) in breathing at times. In xx I went to see my doctor, _5_ told me that I would die within two years if I didnt lose weight. This wasnt what I expected. I wanted to see my young son grow up, and I knew it was time to make a change.I started to eat healthy food and work out in the gym. Finally, I _6_ (succeed) in losing weight. Now I weigh just 260 pounds. I had never been to my sons Parents Evenings _7_ I was so ashamed and _8_ (scare) that my weight would lead to him being bullied. Now, _9_ (look) normal, I can do the things I have never been able to do, but should _10_ (do) as his father.答案:1.Luckily2.with3.keeping4.difficulty5who6.succeeded7.because/for8.scared9looking10.have done.短文改错Greta was my neighbor. When I was the little girl, I liked spending time for her. She often taught me why to read and write. Because of her, I fall in love with reading and writing. I had many wonderful memory with her. After Gretas husband died, the local bank tried take away her house and land. Thanks to my father, Greta got to keeping everything. When I was asked my father why he tried so hardly to help Greta, he said, “She taught you the basic knowledge of reading and writing. She was your first teacher. They deserved my help.”答案:第二句:thea; forwith第三句:whyhow第四句:fallfell第五句:memorymemories第六句:tried后加to第七句:keepingkeep第八句:去掉was; hardlyhard第十句:TheyShe.书面表达假设你是李华,你的美国网友Tom对中国的剪纸很感兴趣,给你发来邮件询问相关信息。请你根据表格内容,给他回一封邮件。剪纸历史1 500多年形式有动物、花等多种形式用途装饰墙壁、门窗等寓意作品寄托人们对生活的美好愿望和祝福地位xx年被联合国教科文组织列入世界非物质文化遗产注意:1.词数100左右;2邮件开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数;3可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:剪纸作品papercuts;装饰decorate;联合国教科文组织UNESCO;世界非物质文化遗产world intangible cultural heritageDear Tom,Im writing to tell you something about Chinese papercutting. _Yours,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Tom,Im writing to tell you something about Chinese papercutting.As one of the most popular traditional Chinese folk arts, papercutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. In China, almost everyone, whether old or young, male or female, is fond of it. With knives or scissors, we can cut paper into different shapes, like animals and flowers. We mainly use papercuts to decorate our walls, windows, doors, etc. during festivals and celebrations, and with papercuts, we express our good wishes for a happy life. In xx, Chinese papercutting was in the list of world intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.If you have a chance to e to China, dont forget to learn papercutting.Yours,Li Hua

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