2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Australia 知识点汇总 新人教版选修9.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Australia 知识点汇总 新人教版选修9New words 1. associate 使联系;结交;合伙人;同事associatewith 把。和。联系起来associate with与。交往associated (adj)有关联的,有联系的association (n)联合;交往2. adequate 适当的;足够的be adequate for/to适合;能满足于be adequate to do 足够做某事adequacy (n)适合;足够【相关链接】adequate和 enough的辨析adequate 通常指数量上和质量上满足要求enough偏重数量的足够The prisoners received adequate food.犯人们领取相当好的食物。(质好或量足)The prisoners received enough food.犯人们领取足够吃的食物。(指量)3.defence 防卫;辩护in defence of 保卫;保护;为。辩护out of defence for 处于为。辩护defence against 对。的防御e/rush/leap/spring to sbs defence挺身为某人辩白defenceless (adj )无防御的defend (vt)防卫;保护4.tax (n) 税,税款,负担,压力 (vt) 对。征税pay/impose/introduce/levy/put a tax on 对。征税pay money in tax付税金taxable (adj)可征税的5.celebration (c/u)庆祝,庆典hold a celebration 举行庆祝会in celebration of 庆祝celebrate(vt) sth庆祝某事【相关链接】congratulate (vt) sb on sth祝贺某人某事congratulations (pl.) to sb on (doing)sth6.tolerate 忍受,容忍tolerate /bear/stand doing sth容许做某事tolerance /toleration(n)忍受;容忍;宽容tolerant (adj)忍受的;容忍的tolerable (adj)可忍受的,可宽容的7.migrant(c)移居者,移民,候鸟migration(c/u)移居migrate(vt)移居8.out of respect处于尊敬out of respect for出于对。的尊敬as respects关于;至于in respect to /of关于,就。而言with respect恕我直言 with respect to至于,关于in all/other/some respects在各其他某些方面in every respect 在各方面in no respect完全不9.reservation预订;保留make reservations for预订cancel the reservations取消预订without reservation 无保留地;无条件地with some reservations 有所保留地reserve (vt)/(n)预订;保留reserved (adj)预订的;保留的10.sow 播种;传播sow the seeds of 播下。的种子sow sth with sth在某地播种某物reap as one has sown自食其果sower (n)播种者;播种机;传播者11.bachelor 单身汉;学士【相关链接】Bachelor of Arts/Science文(理)学士a bachelors degree学士学位master硕士doctor博士12.correspond通信;符合correspond with sb与某人通信correspond to /with sth于某事物相一致符合correspondence/correspondency (n)符合;一致correspondent (n)类似物corresponding (adj)符合的,一致的;通讯的13.owe感激;欠owe sb sth/owe sth to sb欠某人某物把某事归功于某人owe sb for sth欠某人某物因某事而感激某人owe it to oneself to do sth认为自己应该有必要做某事owing (adj)欠着的14.desperate不顾一切的;绝望的;极度渴望的be desperate at 因。而绝望be desperate for sth/to do sth极度渴望做某事desperately (adv)绝望地desperateness/desperation (n)绝望15.shrink收缩,缩短shrink back 退缩,畏缩shrink from回避shrink into oneself缩作一团;变得沉默寡言shrink up(因害羞)畏畏缩缩shrinkable (adj)会收缩的shrinkage (n)收缩,缩水16.talkinto说服。做talk/persuade sb into doing sth说服某人做某事talk /persuade sb out of (doing ) sth说服某人放弃做某事17.wind绕;缠;弯曲wind down完全松开,放松一下wind off 解开,松开wind up 卷紧,上紧。的发条18.recover 痊愈;复原recover from经历。以后恢复原状recover oneself 恢复正常状态recovery(n)复原;恢复19.unconscious未发觉得;无意识的be unconscious of 未察觉到;未意识到unconsciously (adv)无意地;不知不觉地unconsciousness (n)昏迷Reading 11. mon (adj) 共同的,普遍的,常见的【相关链接】 mon knowledge/sense 常识 mon people 老百姓have sth in mon with sb 与某人有共同之处have nothing in mon with sb与某人没有共同之处反义词:unmon (adj) 2. include (vt) 包括,包含【相关链接】n/pron. +includedincluding + n/pronincluded (adj) : eg. Everyone laughed , me included.(每个人都笑了,包括我)including (prep.) :eg. Everyone laughed, including me.3. sb be famous for 某人因某种知识技能而出名 sb be famous as 某人以某种职业身份而出名eg1.Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity.爱因斯坦因相对论而出名。2.Einstein was famous as a great scientist. 爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家著称。Sp be famous for 某地以某种特产而出名Sp be famous as 以什么样的产地或地方而出名eg.1The area is famous for its green tea.这个地区以绿茶出名。2.The area is famous as a green tea producing place.这个地区是产绿茶的地区。4. be popular with受。欢迎eg. He is popular with his students.5. be made up of : 由。组成eg. Our class is made up of 50 students.【相关链接】consist of : 由。组成(无进行时和被动语态)eg. Our class consists of 50 students.be made of 由。制成(看得见原材料)be made from由。制成(看不见原材料)be made in 产于某地be made out of 用。制成make out 辨认;理解make up编造,虚构,组成,构成,化妆make up for弥补,补偿make use of 利用make up ones mind下决心6. be located 位于eg. The information office is located in the city center.咨询处位于市中心。7. consider doing考虑做某事eg. I am considering changing my job.consider sb/sth to be /to do sth认为。consider sb to have done认为某人已经做了某事eg.We consider this (to be ) very important.consider (as)=regard as=treatas=think of as=look on/upon as把。当作considering (prep.) 就。而言;考虑到8. 祈使句+and/or(else)+陈述句eg1.Go straight ahead, and you will find a supermarket.(and表并列 ) 2.Give him some food or(else) he will starve.(or“否则” )Reading 21. home to .产地2. the majority大多数+单数动词/复数动词(强调整体时用单数动词,强调个体用复数动词)eg The majority is /are against the plan.a/the majority of+复数名词:谓语用复数A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.3.while 然而 eg. He is a doctor while I am a teacher.当。时候eg.My wife kept silent while I was writing.尽管 eg.While I admit that there are some problems ,I dont agree that they cant be solved.4.all but除。以外都;几乎,差不多【与all相关的词组】above all首先;最重要的after all毕竟all in all总的说来all around在。周围,各处all over全身all at once突然;马上for all尽管5.be harmless to 对。无害be harmful to (adj)=do harm to(u)对。有害6.no more than 仅仅 not more than至多,不超过 no morethan和。一样不(两者的否定) Jack is no more diligent than John.杰克和约翰都不勤奋。 not morethan不如。(前者不如后者)Jack is not more diligent than John.杰克不如约翰勤奋。more than 超过;很,非常;并非morethan 与其说。倒不如说。She is more diligent than clever.与其说她聪明不如说她勤奋。7.a handful of一把;少数eg. She invited many friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.


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