2019-2020年高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice教材优化全析.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice教材优化全析 Warming up思维拓展 1.The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人businessman C 实业家(公司的经营者或有重要地位的人)businesswoman 女实业家 merchant C 商人(批发商人) a coal-merchant 煤商 a wine-merchant 酒商 2.Read the following quotations from different Shakespeares plays:选自Hamlet 阅读下列摘自莎士比亚不同戏剧作品的句子: (1)“To be or not to be: thats the question.” 活下去呢,还是一死了之,这是一个问题。选自King Henry (2)“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” 位高心不宁。选自King Henry (3)“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” 既不借债也不还账。选自Romeo & Juliet (4)“Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name” 罗密欧,罗密欧,为什么你是罗密欧? 忘了你父亲,抛弃你的姓名吧。选自Troilus & Cressida (5)“Words, words, only words, no matter from the heart.” 总是花言巧语,不论是否真心。Listening思维拓展 1.In which city does the play take place?take place 通常用于预先决定的事,已计划、安排好;happen表示“突然、碰巧”。例如:I happen to have no money with me that day.恰好我那天没带钱。 这出戏发生在哪个城市? take place(事情)发生;举行(活动)。例如: The wedding took place yesterday. 昨天举行了婚礼。 The May Fourth Movement took place in 1919. 五四运动发生于1919年。 Great changes have taken place in my hometown. 我的家乡发生了很大的变化。要点提拣 2.How much money does Bassanio need to marry Portia?marry不与with连用be married结婚(表状态,可以延续)get married结婚(表动作,不可延续)be married to sb.与某人结婚marry sb. to sb.使与结婚 巴萨尼奥需要多少钱才能娶鲍西娅? marry vt. & vi. 娶;嫁;使结婚。例如: He married young. 他早婚。 He married a classmate from high school. 他与高中时代的同班同学结婚了。 He married his daughter to a doctor. 他把他女儿嫁给了一位医生。 Is he married? 他结婚了吗? They have been married for 50 years. 他们已结婚50年了。pay for补偿;受报应pay off 还清pay up(把应支付的钱)还清pay ones way靠自己做;付自己的账全析提示 3.What must Antonio give Shylock if he cant pay back the debt? 如果安东尼奥不能偿还债务,他必须要给夏洛克什么? pay back 偿还。例如: He paid back his debts. 他偿还了借款。 Can you lend me some money? I will pay you back tomorrow. 你能不能借给我一点钱?我明天就还你。 He paid me back 100 dollars. 他还给我100美元。思维拓展 4.Whats their relation to the other characters in the play?in/with relation to和相关,就而言build up/hurt/strengthen the relation with建立/伤害/加强与的关系 在戏剧里,他们跟其他人物是什么关系? relation U & C 关系,关联;人际关系;亲戚。例如: We have business relations with the pany. 我们公司与那家公司有业务关系。 Relations between the two countries are getting worse. 那两个国家之间的关系日益恶化。 Is he any relation to you? 他是你的亲戚吗?Speaking思维拓展 1.Mercy and Revenge 宽恕与复仇at the mercy of sb. /sth.受的摆布,在的掌握之中。例如:His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke.他的生命全凭公爵处理。The ship was at the mercy of the storm.船在暴风雨中飘摇。 (1)mercy U 宽恕,怜悯;C 幸运。例如: have mercy on (upon) sb. show (give) mercy to sb. be merciful to sb. 宽恕某人 with mercy 宽恕地 without mercy 毫不宽恕地 beg for mercy 祈求宽恕 (2)revenge U 复仇。例如: I took revenge on the people for what they did. 我报了仇,让他们对自己的行为付出了代价。思维拓展 2.Some people dont like each other or are even enemies.the enemy 敌军(集合名词,如果指每个个体用复数)。例如:The enemy was/were forced to retreat.敌军被迫撤退。 有些人彼此不喜欢,甚至是敌人。 enemy C 敌人。例如: Dont make an enemy of him. 不要与他为敌。 He has many enemies. 他树敌太多。 Cancer is an enemy of mankind. 癌症是人类的敌人。 3.It sometimes happens that people are in a position where they can take an important decision about a person they hate. 有时有这样的事发生,人们处在某个位置,这个位置可使他们对所恨的人作出重大的决定。where也可引导非限制性定语从句。例如:They have gone to Beijing, where they will stay for a week.他们到南京去了,将在那里待一周。思维拓展 (1)where引导限制性定语从句,常用来修饰表示地点的名词,在本句中修饰a position。例如: I know of a place where we can have fun. 我知道一个可以玩得开心的地方。 Is there a shop around where we can get fruit? 附近有什么商店可以买到水果吗? Lets think a situation where bronzes can be used. 让我们想一个可以用青铜器的场合。要点提炼 (2)It happens thatvi. 碰巧发生。例如:sth. happen to sb.某人碰巧发生某事Something has happened to him.他出事了。sb. happen to do sth.某人碰巧做某事He happened to know that.他碰巧知道那事。 It happened that I saw her standing by the window. 我碰巧看见她站在窗边。 It happened that I didnt have any time then. 我当时碰巧没时间。 It happened that the bridge had been built. 碰巧桥已经建成了。 4.But when the roles are turned around, it is Shylock who must beg the Duke to save his life.思维拓展 但是当角色发生转变,又该夏洛克乞求公爵饶命了。turn around 倒转。例如:The market turned around very sharply about a week ago.约一周前,市场情况急剧逆转。 turn around 转身,掉头。例如: I turned around and saw that she was sitting behind me. 我转身看见她正坐在我身后。 5.Often the parents of the girl dont allow them to get married. 通常,女孩的父母不允许他们结婚。 allow vt.允许,许可。例如:要点提炼 We cant allow such a thing.allow sth. 允许某事allow sb. to do sth.允许某人干某事be allowed to do sth.被许可干某事 我们不能听任这种事情发生。 Smoking is not allowed here. 此地禁止抽烟。 They didnt allow him to stay there. 他们不允许他呆在那里。 6.If not, what do you think about a situation like that? 如果不是的话,你认为是什么样的情况?全析提示 do you think 你认为(插入语)。例如:在疑问句中,常常用do you think作插入语,放在疑问词及其被修饰的成分之后,表示询问对方的看法和意见。因为do you think已经表示疑问,所以疑问句只能用陈述语序。 Which of these books do you think is the best? 这些书哪一本最好? How much money do you think I can lend to you? 你认为我能借给你多少钱? How many people do you think I should invite? 你认为我应邀请多少人? Who do you think can answer this question?要点提炼 你认为谁能回答这个问题? 7.As far as I know 据我所知as far as prep. & conj.远至某处。例如:They walked as far as the foot of a mountain.他们走到山脚那么远。 例如: as far as Im concerned 就我而言 as far as they are concerned 就他们而言 as far as the eye can reach 就视力所及 8.after all 结果,终究;毕竟,究竟 例如:全析提示 I expected to fail the exam, but I passed after all.after all表结果与预想不同,通常置于句尾。表原因时,通常置于句首。 我想这次考试可能通不过,可我终究还是通过了。 I thought I could e to see you this afternoon. but Im not free now after all. 我本想今天下午来看你,但是现在毕竟没时间。 I know youre tired. After all you have been working all day. 我知道你很累,因为你工作了整整一天。Pre-reading思维拓展 1.What are the names of the main characters in the play?in character与自身个性相称的out of character与自身个性不相称的 在戏剧中主要角色的名字是什么? character C(作品中的)人物;文字。U 性格;好品质。例如: There are only two characters in the play. 这个戏剧中只有两个人物。 Chinese characters are hard to learn. 汉字难学。 He is a man who has character. 他品行好。要点提炼 2., but we all believe that you will give it up in the end.give up doing sth.停止做某事give sth. up对放弃希望 但我们都认为你最终将放弃。 give up 放弃,停止做某事。例如: She gave up her seat to the old woman. 她把座位让给了那位老大娘。 She was forced to give up school. 他被迫辍学了。 Never give up studying foreign languages. 不要放弃学习外语。anymore虽常分开写,但应注意:He doesnt work here anymore (any longer) .他已不在这里工作了。全析提示 3.If you wont let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws anymore. 如果你不让我得到它,那将是软弱的表现,而且将来没有人相信你们的法律。 anymore adv. 再也(不),(不)再。例如: He doesnt e here anymore. 他再也不到这儿来了。I cant eat any more (even the smallest quantity) .我再也吃不下了。 Are they making this model anymore? 他们还做这种模型吗? We promised not to quarrel anymore. 我们答应再也不争吵了。思维拓展 4.Its useless trying to argue with Shylock.make use of 利用be in use 使用之中be of use 有用的bringinto use 启用putto use 使用e into use 开始使用 同夏洛克讲理是没用的。 its (of) no use doing=its useless doing =its no use to do=there is no use doing 做没用。例如: Its no use crying over spilt milk. 不要为无益的事而后悔。 Its no good drinking and smoking a lot. 过度吸烟喝酒没好处。 There is no use in arguing with him. 与他争论没用。as well as 等于;既又;与其不如。例如:He has understanding as well as you.他的理解力和你一样好。She plays the piano as well as sings.她不仅会唱歌,而且会弹钢琴。全析提示 5.You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. 你倒不如站在海滩上与大海争论。 may as well do sth. (as do sth. else) 还是做某事好,不如做某事。例如: We may as well have a try and see if it can be done. 我们还是试一试,看看能否办成。 There is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed. 没什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。 6.Dont wait any longer.思维拓展 别再等了。 notany longer (=no longer) 不再。例如:no longer用于肯定句,在行为动词前,be后;notany longer用于否定句,not在助动词或be后,any longer在句尾。She no longer works here.她不再在这儿工作了。 She does not work here any longer. 她不再在这儿工作了。 We are not poor any longer. 我们不再贫穷了。 He could not catch up with them any longer. 他再也赶不上他们了。 7.Pass judgment on me and give Shylock what he wants.思维拓展 对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要的东西给他。pass judgment on/upon sb. 开庭审判in my judgment在我看来 judgment U 宣判,审判。例如: The judgment is against her. 那项判决对她不利。思维拓展 8.How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? 如果你一点儿都不表现出仁慈,又怎么样得到别人的仁慈?in the hope of doing希望做She came here in the hope of getting rich. hope for 希望,期待。例如: She is hoping for her sons early marriage. 她希望她的儿子能早日结婚。 There is every reason to hope for success.她来这里希望发财。in the hope that希望(后跟从句) 有充分的理由期待成功的到来。 He hoped for the best. 他作了最好的打算。要点提炼 9.I desire my pound of flesh.desire sth. 要求某物desire to do sth. 要求做某事desire that sb. (should) do/sth. (should) be done要求某人干某事Its desired that sb.(should) do/sth. (should) be done要求某人干某事 我要求得到我应得的一磅肉。 desire vt. 要求。例如: Many people desire better working conditions. 好多人渴望好的工作条件。 We always desire to live in peace with our neighbours. 我们一贯渴望与邻国和平相处。 The Queen desires that you (should) e at once. 女王要求你马上来。 Its desired that you finish your homework before you leave. 你应完成作业再离开。 10.I dont envy you your job.思维拓展 我并不羡慕你的职业。the envy C 可羡慕的人She is the envy of her friends.她的朋友都羡慕她。I feel envy at his success. 我羡慕他的成功。 envy vt. 羡慕,嫉妒。例如: How I envy you your talent! 我多羡慕你的才能! She always envy me my hair. 她总是嫉妒我的头发。 11.This is a most troublesome case. 这是一个非常麻烦的案子。 troublesome adj. 讨厌的,麻烦的。例如: a troublesome boy/task 使人头疼的男孩/工作思维拓展 12.Please be seated. 请就座。be seated=seat oneself=sit down=take/have a seat=take ones seat=take ones place 就座 例如: seat vt. 就座;容纳。例如: She seated herself on the sofa. 她坐在沙发上。 I found him seated at the back of the classroom. I found him seating himself at the back of the classroom. 我发现他坐在教室后面。 The big cinema can seat 1000 people. 这家电影院能容纳1000人。gentle adj. 温顺的;高贵的。例如:She is as gentle as a lamp.她像羔羊一样温顺。He is a person of gentle birth.他是位家世良好的人。思维拓展 13.Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. 慈悲就像甘露从天空降到大地。 gentle adj. (人、态度等)温柔的,和善的。例如: He is a very gentle person. 他是一个很和善的人。 Mothers are always gentle with their babies. 母亲对待孩子总是温柔体贴。 He gave me a gentle tap on the shoulder. 他在我肩头轻轻拍了一下。思维拓展 14.It blesses those who give it and those who receive it.blessing C 祝福;值得感谢的事。Good health is a blessing.健康就是幸福。 它不但赐福给施与的人,而且赐福给受施与的人。 bless vt. 赐福。例如: Fortune blessed him with success and victory. 命运之神赐他成功与胜利。 I am blessed with good friends. 我有好朋友,真是幸运。 God bless you!思维拓展 愿上帝保佑你!right and duties权利与义务the right to vote选举权in ones own right凭自己的天赋 15.To do a great right, do a little wrong and in that way we can save Antonio. 做大而正确的事,犯点小错误,这样我们才能救安东尼奥。 (1)right U 正当,公正。例如: do right 做正当的事 tell/know right from wrong思维拓展 辨别是非 (2)wrong U 邪恶,不正义。例如:wrong U 坏事,不法行为do a person wrong=do wrong to a person冤枉某人 Little children do not know right from wrong. 小孩不能明辨是非。 He has a sense of right and wrong. 他有是非观念。tear C 眼泪。例如:The sad play moved us to tears.那出悲哀的戏使我们感动得流下了眼泪。She burst into tears.她突然哭起来。She was in tears.她在流着眼泪。思维拓展 16.Take more than three times your money and let me tear up this paper. 你拿三倍多的钱,让我撕掉这张纸吧。 tear (tore, torn) vt. & vi. 撕裂;撕开。例如: He tore the letter to pieces. 他把信撕成碎片。 She tore the skirt on a nail. 她的裙子被钉子钩破了。 Angry worker tore the notice down from the notice board. 愤怒的工人把布告栏上的通告撕下来了。 17.I have sworn to heaven to have my pound of flesh.思维拓展 我已经对天发誓要我的那磅肉。swear by God对天发誓。例如:I swear by God that I didnt do it.我对天发誓我没干那事。 swear vt. & vi. (swore, sworn) 发誓;断言。例如: He swore that he would never drink. (=He swore never to drink.) 他发誓说决不再喝酒。 I swear that you are wrong.思维拓展 我断言你错了。offer vt. 提供。例如:They offered me the puter for $1000. 18.Antonio, get ready and offer up your breast. 安东尼奥,准备好献出你的胸膛。 offer 献出。例如:他们开价1000美元把那部电脑卖给我。 They offer up a lamb to God. 他们向神献出羔羊。 She offered him a cup of tea. 她给他一杯茶。deed指难度大而崇高的行为或行动,带有理智的判断或责任,较庄重。例如:do heroic deeds做出英勇事迹全析提示 19.And Shylock take your knife and prepare to do the deed. 夏洛克,拿起你的刀准备割吧。 do the deed 付诸行动,实施。例如: deed U 事件。如: To help the poor is a good deed. 帮助贫苦者是件好事。 A friend in need is a friend in deed. 患难见真交。Take care not to smoke too much.=Take care that you dont smoke too much.注意别抽太多烟。思维拓展 20.Do you bring a surgeon Shylock, to take care of Antonios wounds and make sure that he doesnt bleed to death? 夏洛克,你带外科医生照顾安东尼奥的伤口,确保他不流血而死吗? (1)take care of 照料,注意例如: Who takes care of the pet? 谁照顾宠物? Take care of your health. 注意你的健康。 You should take care of yourself. 你应该照顾自己。思维拓展 (2)make sure that 确定,查明。例如:make sure of/about对有把握Will you make sure of his return?请你查明他是否真的回来了,好吗? Make sure that you pick me up at five. 你一定要在5点来接我。 Will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了,好吗? Make sure that the lights are off when you go to bed. 睡觉时务必关灯。 I can make sure that she is taken good help of. 我可以保证使她得到很好的照料。pay U 报酬。例如:I get my pay every Friday.我每星期五领薪水。payday 发薪日思维拓展 21.If Shylock cuts deep enough, Ill pay him back with all my heart. 如果夏洛克割得够深的话。我就要用整个心偿还他的债了。 pay sb. back 偿还;报答;报复。例如: Susan doesnt know how to pay him back for his help. 苏珊得到他的帮助,不知如何回报。 I have paid him back for the trick he played on me.思维拓展 他捉弄了我,我已回敬他了。declare against 声明反对declare for 声明赞成 22.I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you. 我宣布法庭许可你这样做,法律把它判给你。declare oneself表明身份declaration C & U宣言the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 declare vt. 宣告;发表;公告。例如: They will declare the results of the election soon. 他们将很快公布选举的结果。 I declare this meeting open. 本人宣布本次会议开始。 He declared that he was right. 他声称他是对的。Post-readingprefer sth. 喜欢某物prefer sth. to sth.喜欢某物,而不喜欢另一物prefer to do 喜欢干prefer to do rather than do喜欢干而不喜欢干prefer doing sth. to doing喜欢干而不喜欢干prefer sb. to do喜欢让某人干要点提炼 Why do you think Shylock prefers to take his pound of flesh instead of the money from Bassanio? 你认为为什么夏洛克愿意要那磅肉而不要巴萨尼奥的钱? (1)prefer vt. 更喜欢,宁愿。例如: Do you prefer milk or coffee? 你喜欢牛奶还是咖啡? She prefers to live in the country. 她宁愿住在乡下。 I prefer you to answer the question. 我宁愿让你回答这个问题。 I prefer her not to e here. 我宁愿她不来。 I prefer walking to riding a bike. =I prefer to walk rather than ride a bike.全析提示 我宁愿步行而不愿骑自行车。 (2)instead of 代替,而不是。例如:instead of后面可以跟名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动名词等。instead of肯定前面的内容,否定后面的内容。instead of通常放在句首或句中。instead代替,顶替。有时表示否定上文提到的事物。例如:You may write in pencil instead.你可以用铅笔写。 As he was ill, she went to the meeting instead of her. 因为他病了,她代替他去开会。 He has e instead of his father. 他代他父亲来了。 It has bee larger instead of smaller. 它变得更大,而不是更小。 Price rose quickly instead of slowly. 价格上涨快,而不是慢。 He went to the park on foot instead of by bus. 他是步行而不是乘车去公园的。 His words decreased instead of increased her courage. 他的话使她泄了气,而不是鼓励了她。Language study全析提示 suggestion U & C 建议 make/offer/put forward a suggestion 1.The judge suggested that Shylock take the money that was offered by Bassanio and tear up the agreement. 法官建议夏洛克拿着巴萨尼奥提供的钱,撕毁协议。提出建议follow ones suggestion遵照某人的建议adopt a suggestion采纳建议suggest vt. 暗示。例如:His pale face suggested that he was ill.他苍白的脸色表明他病了。suggest不能直接跟不定式。 suggest vt. 建议。例如: He suggested some books for me to read. 他向我推荐几本书读。 Did you suggest anything to her? 你向她提什么建议没有? I suggest doing it in a different way. 我建议用不同的方法做这件事。 He suggested that she (should) e the next day. 他建议她第二天来。 Its suggested that the match (should) be put off. 建议取消比赛。思维拓展 2.Bassanio told Antonio that he was in love with Portia.first love 初恋Love is blind.爱是盲目的。They are in love with each other.他们彼此相爱。 巴萨尼奥告诉安东尼奥说他爱上鲍西娅了。 be/fall in love with 爱上,喜欢上。例如: He had never been in love before. 他从未谈过恋爱。 They have been in love with each other for three years. 他们已经恋爱三年了。 They fell in love with each other at a ball. 他们在一次舞会上相爱了。思维拓展 on condition that在条件下。例如:Hell lend you the money on condition that you return it on time.他会把钱借给你,条件是你要按时归还。on no condition 决不On no condition shall I agree. 我决不会同意。 3.However, he agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition. 不管怎么说,他答应借钱给安东尼奥,但有一个条件。 condition U & C 状态,健康状态;条件。例如: My car is old but in good condition. 我的车虽老,但状况良好。 He is not in a condition to make a long trip. 他的健康状况不佳,不适合长途旅行。 He has been out of condition for two weeks. 他两周来精神欠佳。 Their working conditions are improving. 他们的工作条件正在改善。思维拓展 4.I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgment.in ones place 在适当的位置上。例如:Everything in the room is in its place.房间里一切都井井有条。The bookshelf is out of place here.书架放这里不协调。 我请求你让他代我作出裁决。 in ones place=in place of 代替某人。例如: The manager is away and Ill attend the meeting in his place (in place of the manager). 经理不在,我将代替他出席会议。 Who will go in my place? 谁愿意代替我去? 5.He is young, but I never seen so young a body with so wise a head. 他很年轻,但是,我过去从来不知道有这么年轻又如此聪明的人。全析提示 so adv. 如此,非常。例如:so当副词用通常置于所修饰的形容词、副词之前。修饰a + adj. + n. 时,排列顺序为so + adj. + a + n.。 Ive never seen so amusing a film. 我从来没看过这么有趣的电影。 Ive never seen so beautiful a child. 我从来没见过这么漂亮的孩子。 He wrote so good a book as his first one. 他写了一本和他的处女作一样好的书。Integrating skillsbring a person to justice处罚某人do justice to公平对待思维拓展 1.You wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted. 你想要公正,你就会得到公正,甚至比你想要的还多。 (1)justice U 公正;正当。例如: a sense of justice 正义感 The justice of our cause is clear to everyone. 每个人都明白我们的主张是正当的。shall和第一、三人称连用,在疑问句中表示征求意见或许可。如:Shall I/he e in?我/他可以进来吗?思维拓展 (2)shall和第二人称连用,在陈述句中表


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