2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4《Body Language》教案(4) 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4Body Language教案(4) 新人教版必修4一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,使学生了解身势语在各国人民交往中的重要性。了解在各国不同身势语所表示的不同的交际含义,并以此来学习一些国家的风俗习惯和文化背景,学会如何礼貌待人;学生能运用所学语言,对不同的身势语及其含义进行介绍;复习动词不定式作宾语、定语、表语和状语的用法;复习表述提供帮助积应答的用语;正确完成练习册安排的练习。二、教学重点与难点1重点词汇 manage;wave;nod;realize;agreement;disagreement;while;manners;municate;make sb;body language;one another;not all2重要句型 1)Although we may not realize it,when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words 2)But not all body language means the same thing in different countries3)In some Asian countries,you must not touch the head of another person4)But English people do not like to be too close to one another unless there is a rea-son3语法 复习动词不定式作宾语、定语、表语和状语。(The Infinitive) 1) They dont like to be too close to one another2)They will move back to keep a certain distance away3)Have you got anything to say?4) Its a pleasure to meet you5)Waving ones hand is to say “Goodbye”6)I dont know how to municate with foreigners4日常交际用语 提供帮助和应答(Offers and responses)1) Can I take those boxes for you?2)ThanksThsts very kind3)What about your bag?Would you like me to carry it?4)No,thanksI can manage it myself5)Is there anything else I can do for you?6)No,thank youThanks for all your help7)Shall I show you how to use this electrical typewrit-er?8)ThanksI havent used this one before三、课型(一)对话课教具 录音机、投影仪。课堂教学设计1教师可通过以下句子导入正课:What do we do if we have something to tell others or if we want to learn something from the others?Yes,we use our language,that is,either spoken language or written language But actually,there is another kind of language and it is also very importantDo you know what it is?Yes,that is itThat is the body languageCan you tell me something about body language? For example,if you agree with what I said just now,what do you do?And if you dont agree with what I said,what do you do?2准备放对话录音,用投影仪打出听前提问:1)Do the speakers know each other?How do you know?2)If you want to refuse somebodys offer politely,what would you say?放录音一至两遍,请一位同学回答上述问题。Key:1)No,they dont One is the organizer of a conference and the other is a speak-er and the dialogue takes place at the airport2)No,thank youThanks for all your help3再放录音,学生跟读一至两遍。学生两个人一组,练习对话三至五分钟。教师请几组同学到前面表演。4教师指导学生归纳本课中所出现的有关提供帮助和应答(Offers and responses)的常用语(见日常交际用语部分)。要求学生能熟练掌握这些语句,并在编练新的对话时加以运用。5组织学生两个人一组,练习Oral practice所提供的问答练习。教师可请几组同学进行问答表演。6教师提供如下情景,组织学生编演新的对话:Situation 1:Someone has got a broken bicycleHe asks for your helpAnd you offer to repair this bicycleSituation 2:You offer to fix ones TV setSituation 3:You offer to check ones puter学生可任选其中之一的情景编小对话。数分钟后,请两组同学到前面表演。7布置作业 1)预习第10课;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。 (二)阅读理解课()教具 录音机、投影仪。课堂教学设计1检查生词及短语。2教师给出读前提问:1)In which countries does nodding the head mean“No”? 2)In which country do people touch each other very often?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文(默读),之后请同学回答上述问题。Key:1)In some Asian countries nodding the head means“No”2)In Puerto Rico people touch each other very often放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师就课文内容提问,检查学生的理解程度(可参阅练习册所列出的问题)。3教师用投影仪打出以下statements,要求学生判断其正误,并对错误的statements进行修改。1)The only way to make others understand you is to use either spoken or written lan-guage2)people who use their expressions and body movements cannot speak well3)Ev-erywhere in the world nodding ones head means“Yes”4)Some gestures mean the same thing in both China and English-speaking countries5)You must never touch the head of an-other person in some Asian countries6)In Arab countries,you use either hand when eat-ing7)According to this passage,foreigners dont have to follow these customs when they are visiting other countries8)The passage tells us that if you know a foreign language very well,it doesnt matter whether you know the meaning of gestures and movements in that countryKey:1F 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F 7F 8F4教师要求学生再次默读课文,并用简洁的语言归纳本课大意。数分钟后,请几位同学交流。Model:This passage mainly talks about the following:1)How do we make ourselves understoodwe use words and body language,and ex-amples of this(The first two paragraphs)2)Kissing and shaking hands(The third paragraph)3)Touching(The fourth paragraph)4)Other things one has to follow when in a foreign country(The fifth paragraph)5教师朗读以下结论,要求学生做出正确判断,并给予解释。Which conclusion can you draw from this passage?ABody language is very importantYou can use body language to municate with people from foreign countries without any difficulty even if you dont know their languageBWhen youre in a foreign country,its very important for you to know what they speakIt doesnt matter whether you know the meaning of gestures and movements of the people in their countryCWhen you are in a foreign country,using body language in a correct way is important even though you know the language they speak very well,for it can make your stay in the country easy and fortableKey:C6课堂活动 组织学生进行以下活动: What other body language do you know? First,show it to your classmates and then explain the meaning of the body language in munica-tion7布置作业 1)复述课文,介绍不同身势语所表示的不同的交际含义;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。 阅读理解课()教具 录音机、投影仪。课堂教学设计1通过提问,温习第10课内容:1)When we talk to each other,do we send messages only by words?What other ways do we use?2)Does all the body language mean the same thing in the world?Please give an example to explain this3)Do people from English-speak-ing countries often touch each other? 4)Can you tell in which countries you must not touch the head of another person?5)Do you have to follow the customs when you are visiting a for-eign country?Why?2检查第10课课文复述。3准备阅读第11课,教师给出读前提问:1)What are good manners for an Arab to show when talking with a friend? 2)What can make your stay in a foreign country easy and -fortable?教师给学生两三分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文,之后请同学回答上述问题。Key:1)It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when talking with each other 2)To use body language in a correct way will make your stay in a foreign country easy and fortable放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。4教师用投影仪打出以下内容:1)in China 2)in some Asian countries 3)in Arab countries 4)in France 5)in English-speaking countries教师口头形式给出以下各句,要求学生判断使用这些身势语的国家和地区。每个句子可有若干答案:AWaving ones hand is to say“Goodbye”BKissing each other is to say“Goodbye”CNoddifig the head means disagreementDNodding the head means agreementEKissing each other is to say“Hello”FShaking hands is to say“Hello”GStand close to one another when talkingHKeep a distance away when talkingISitting with ones feet pointing at another person is bad mannersJTouching another persons head is bad mannersKey:A,D,Fin China C,I,Jin some Asian countries E,Gin Arab countries B,E,Fin France 6)A,D,Hin English-speaking countries5布置作业 1)将两课内容结合,复述整篇课文,对不同的身势语及其含义进行介绍;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。 (三)语言训练课教具 投影仪。课堂教学设计1教师检查课文复述。2教师从本单元词语中选择部分常用词语,配以例句介绍给学生。要求学生反复练习这些例句,并视学生情况,请同学造句,教师予以订正。词语:1)manageIts heavy,but I can manage to carry itWe cant manage with these poor toolsShe knows how to manage him when he is angry2)realizeShe has made a mistake, but she doesnt realize itShe suddenly realized that what she had said might have hurt the boyHis wish was realized at last3) make sbThe chemistry teacher had a special way to make his students interested in chemistryWhat made them so frightened?I think you should make your view known to others4)nodHe nodded to me as he passedShe greeted us with a nod of her head5)whileI like tea while she likes coffeeSome people waste food while many others havent enough6)agreement/disagreementYou have broken our agreement by not doing the work you promisedThere has been serious disagreement between the two political parties over this ques-tion7)not all(部分否定)Not all the birds can flyNot all English people like fish and chips8)municate/municationWe can municate with people in most parts of the world by telephoneRadio and television are important means of municationThe purpose of learning languages is municate with each other3书面表达练习中文提示(用投影片打出):班主任老师要求班长组织一次讨论,题目是良好礼貌的重要性。班长认为自己能独立承担。但在讨论开始之前,班里产生了不同意见:女同学想先发言,就几位男生的举止发表看法;男生不同意,有人甚至不想参加讨论。最后班长使大家认识到,如果讨论会开得成功,每人应先注意自己的举止。英文提示(用投影片打出):good manners;manage;disagree;disagreement;realize;mind ones manners将首句给出:The form master asked the monitor to organize a discassion,which was about the importance of having good manners七八分钟后,请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以讲评。Model:The form master asked the monitor to organize a discussion,which was about the im-portance of having good mannersThe monitor agreed and thought he could manage it with-out the teachers helpBut before the discussion was held,there was disagreement between the boys and the girlsThe girls wanted to speak first,expressing their opinions on the behaviour of some of the boy studentsThe boys,however,strongly disagreed Some didnt even want to take part in the discussionFinally the monitor made his classmates realize that if they wanted to have a successful discussion on having good manners,everyone should mind his or her manners first4布置作业 1)预习第4单元;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。四、难句分析1No,thanksI can manage it myself不用了,谢谢。我自己能行。动词manage意为:设法(终于)完成;能办到。可作及物动词,后面接名词或代词。例如:Without your help I dont think I can manage it没有你的帮助,我觉得我办不成这事。Can you manage all those heavy bags?你拿得动那些重的袋子吗?manage作及物动词时,后面常接动词不定式。表示:设法完成某事。例如:I dont know how he managed to pass the maths test我不知道他是怎么设法通过数学考试的。We managed to get what we wanted, anyhow不管怎样,我们设法得到了我们所需要的东西。manage 还可表示:“管理,经营”,这时它仍是及物动词。例如:Though he is quite young,he can manage his pany quite well虽然他很年轻,但他能把他的公司管得很好。manage还可作不及物动词,这时后面不跟特别结构,表示“能办到”等。例如:I have a good deal of work to do at present,more than I can manage眼下我有很多工作要做,多得我都做不完。2Although we may not realize it,when we talk with others we make ourselves under-stood not just by words我们同别人谈话时,并不仅限于用语言来让人明白自己的意思,对于这一点我们可能并没有意识到。这是一个主从复合句。主句是we make ourselves understood not just by words,它带有两个状语从句,although we may not realize it是让步状语从句;when we talk with others是时间状语从句。make ourselves understood可以理解为:使我们自己被别人了解。 make在短语中意为:“令/使某人做某事”,后面可接形容词、名词、动词不定式、过去分词等构成复合结构。本句中的understood即是过去分词,与ourselves一起构成复合结构。请看以下例句:1)Well,just sit down and make yourself fortable坐下吧,尽量让自己舒服些。It will make me so happy if youll accept it如果你能接受这东西我将十分高兴。(带有形容词的复合结构)2)She made herself the centre of the class她使自己成为班里的中心。(带有名词的复合结构)3)What makes you think so?什么东西使你有这种想法?(带有不定式的复合结构)4)What made the children so frightened?什么让孩子们这么害怕?He spoke in such a low voice that he could not make himself heard他讲话声音很低,别人听不见。(带有过去分词的复合结构)3These gestures are accepted both by Chinese and English speakers as having the same meanings这些姿势对说汉语的人和讲英语的人来说,都具有相同的意思。动词accept在句中意为:接受;同意(某种看法)。acceptas表示“认为是”。在介词as后可接名词或动名词,也可接形容词。例如:1)Many scientists cannot accept this theory很多科学家不能接受这种理论。2)His explanation cannot be accepted as being satisfactory他的解释不能认为是满意的。3)The police accepted his story as true警察认为他的讲述是真实的。4But not all body language means the same thing in different countries但是,并非所有的身势语在不同的国家里都有着相同的意思。这是一个部分否定句型,由 not all引导。例如:Not all smokers can give up smoking不是所有吸烟的人都能戒烟。Not all the students are interested in English不是所有的学生都对英语感兴趣。在使用部分否定句型时,一般都用not all作主语,而不常用all作主语。例如:All English people dont like fish and chips不是所有的英国人都喜欢吃炸鱼和炸土豆片儿。上面这个句子不能说错误,但往往讲英语的人用下面的方式表达:Not all English people like fish and chips注意not all与no的区别。例如:Not all birds can fly不是所有的鸟都会飞。No birds can play chess鸟是不会下棋的。5In some Asian countries it means not“Yes” but“No”在有些亚洲国家,它(指点头)并不表示“是”,而是表示“不”。本句中notbut意为:不是而是,连接两个并列的成分,表示意思的转拆。例如:1)He is not a musician but a writer他不是个音乐家而是个作家。(连接两个表语)2)She cant read and write in English,but can speak English well她不能读英语也不会写英语,但能流利地说英语。(连接两个谓语)3)They need not money but time他们需要的不是金钱而是时间。(连接两个宾语)4)Not the students but the teacher wants to see the exhibition不是学生而是老师想去看这个展览。(连接两个主语)当notbut 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要与紧靠它的主语在人称和数上保持一致。

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