2019-2020年高二英语 period 1 Introduction Listening Grammar学案 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语 period 1 Introduction Listening Grammar学案 外研版选修6我的目标:1、通过理解文章的大意,猜测、理解并记忆 2、听录音,抓住对话的主题,听懂和辨别didnt need to do 和 neednt have done我参与:重点:了解small talk 的特征以及常见的话题。 难点:理解didnt need to do 和 neednt have done 的区别1、 我自学:Introduction: Listening:123PlaceTypeSmall talkFeaturesPlacesWhatSerious talk: Small talk:2、 我探究:Listening:(1)find the sentences which express what she cant understand Eg: Language course? - Are you taking a language course? a. Staying long? - _ b. Been there before? - _ c. Go there a lot - _(2)what did the woman say to the mans help? You _ so slowly.Grammar:(1)It was Sunday, he didnt need to go to work. (2) You neednt have said so much about your being late.解释为:_ 两者有什么区别呢? _3、 我评价:(1)it is the first time that Lily has been to a school dance. At the dance, she meets her teacher. Miss Brown.Lily: Good evening, Miss Brown. Helen: Nice to meet you again, Just call me Hellen.Helen means that _(2)Jane visited Lily to e to her home on the weekend, Lily bought a lot of gifts for her family.Jane: Im so glad you could e. Lily: Thank you for inviting me and here are some gifts.Jane: its kind of you, they are so beautiful. Thank you.Lily learned that _1、 Chairman Hu will attend an_(非正式的) meeting .2、I asked him but he gave no _(答复).3、Its not_(礼貌的) to talk with your mouth full .4、Dont laugh . You should be _(严肃).5. You _ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do. A. dont need to e B. dont need e C. neednt have e D. neednt e4、 我反思:(我的记忆):(我的体会):(我的疑问):


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