2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Learning about Language同步检测 新人教版必修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Learning about Language同步检测 新人教版必修7.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Learning about Language同步检测 新人教版必修71He was h_ by the lack of fresh air.2I still enjoyed meeting the a_on the space station.3The little girl was f_by the noise outside.4They are so rich that they l_ nothing.5The room is c_empty.答案:1.hit2.aliens3.frightened4.lack5pletely.根据汉语提示完成句子1Where _(究竟;到底)is that cat?2If you want to _(加速),you must press harder on the pedal.3_(担心)the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.4You can be trained and then _(准备)enjoy the benefits of working in space.5The castle is _(在修理中)6_ (他一到电影院),the film began.7. I found my book_(在我放它的地方)8He studied hard last term. _(结果),he passed the examination.9He speaks perfect English _(好像他是一个英国人)10I dont know the reason _(他为什么没有来这里)11_(众所周知),he is the best player of the team.12_(他是否来)doesnt interest me.13We should _(持乐观态度)our future.14_ (他在会上没说什么)surprised us.15Im not sure _(他是否是一个好学生)答案:1.on earth2.speed up3.Worried about4.be ready to5.under repair6.On arriving at the cinema/The moment he arrived at the cinema7.where I had put it8.As a result9.as if he were an Englishman10.why he didnt e here11.As is known to all12.Whether he will e or not13.be optimistic about14.That he said nothing at the meeting15.if/whether he is a good student.用所给词的适当形式填空1Tell me the _(long) of the rope.2Soon we _(lose) sight of that famous astronomer.3The box is_(plete) empty.4It is built of wood and _(muddy)5He got a bad _(head)答案:1.length2.lost3pletely4.mud5.headache.单项填空1(xx青岛检测)The Internet is widely used, which_ _the development of English.Aspeeds up Btakes overCgets across Dturns to答案:A句意:网络的广泛使用加速了英语的发展。speed up“加速”;take over“接管”;get across“理解”;turn to“转向”。2It was already past midnight and only three young men_ _in the tea house.Aleft BremainedCdelayed Ddeserted答案:B句意:已过午夜,只有三个年轻人仍在茶馆里。leave“离开”;delay“延迟”;desert“抛弃,舍弃”。3Neighbors described him as a_man who didnt mix(平安相处)much.Adeserted BreservedClively Deasygoing答案:B句意:邻居们把他描述成一个不太容易相处的内向的人。deserted“被遗弃的”;reserved“内向的”;lively“活泼的”;easygoing“易相处的”。4(xx安徽模考)Much to my surprise, she_ tears_she read the letter.Aburst out; instant Bburst into; the instantCburst out; instantly Dburst into; instant答案:B句意:让我惊讶的是,她一读那封信就哭了起来。burst into tears/burst out crying意为“突然哭起来”,由此可排除A、C;the instant或instantly表示“一就”,可引导时间状语从句。5_for power, the general conceived a plan to overthrow the government.AGreedy BAfraidCFamous DPopular答案:A句意:由于对权力的贪婪,这位将军酝酿了一个颠覆政府的计划。greedy“贪婪的”;afraid“害怕的”;famous“著名的”;popular“受欢迎的”。6(xx河南模考)The old photos buried at the bottom of the suitcase_me of those happy old days we had spent together.Arepeated BremindedCinformed Dremembered答案:B句意:压在箱底的那些旧照片使我回忆起了我们一起度过的那些欢乐时光。考查动词词义和用法辨析。remind“提醒,使想起”;remind sb. of.“使想起”,符合句子结构及语境。repeat“重复”,remember“记住”,均不能构成“v.sb.of sth.”结构;inform“通知”,inform sb. of sth.“通知某人某事”。7Remind him_the window when he leaves.Ato closing BclosingCto close Dclose答案:C句意:当他离开时,提醒他要关窗。考查固定短语搭配的用法。remind sb. of sth.“使某人想起某事”;remind sb. to do sth.“提醒某人去做某事”(暗示动作尚未发生)。8I think if we ask a_to_us around the museum, we can understand it better.Aguide, guidance Bguidance; guideCguidance; guide Dguidance; guidance答案:C第一空guide作名词,意为“导游,向导”,指人;第二空guide作动词,意为“给领路”;guidance是名词,意为“指导,引导”,强调行为。9She made a_in our plan to play basketball when it started to rain.Arecovery BswitchCpoint Dexchange答案:Bmake a switch“做改变/更改”,符合语境。recovery“恢复”;exchange“交流”;point“要点”。10(xx安徽)_, she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.AShy and cautiousBSensitive and thoughtfulCHonest and confidentDLighthearted and optimistic答案:DA项表示“害羞谨慎”;B项表示“敏感体贴”;C项表示“诚实自信”;D项表示“愉快乐观”。句意:她愉快乐观,是那种用微笑把阳光撒给人们的女人。.完形填空Getting a good education is more important today than ever before. It is the best thing you can do to build a better _1_ for your _2_and yourself.Most children _3_public schools. Public schools are pletely funded by _4_ through tax ine. Boys and girls attend the same schools and share the same courses and classes. Schooling in Canada is provided in _5_and in French.The _6_ of Canadian children attend _7_ schools, which are supported mainly by fees paid directly by _8_.Some private schools enroll only boys or girls._9_ law, children must attend school from age 5 to 16. Children are usually in school between 8:30 or 9:00 a. m. and 3:30 or 4:00 p. m. from Monday through Friday, from September to the middle of June. There are several different levels in the Canadian _10_system. The first is called Elementary _11_. In most provinces Elementary School _12_ Kindergarten through grade 7 or 8.From grade 8 or 9 through 12 or 13, children go to Secondary School or High School. High School students must_13_ certain courses for several _14_, such as English or French and mathematics. Some courses help students get a job after they graduate _15_ school. Other courses _16_ students for college or university. In Canada, teenagers usually _17_ these choices for themselves, with the advice of their teachers, guidance counselors and parents.Schools usually _18_ extra activities at the end of the _19_ school day, i. e. after 3:30 or 4:00 pm. These include sports, games music and clubs.Most elementary and high school _20_ parents to take part in school activties. Parent _21_ are organized from time to time. These are chances for parents to _22_their childrens progress with _23_. You may wish to bring a friend with you. After graduating from high school, many young _24_ continue their _25_ through postsecondary education.1A.future BpresentCpast Dnow答案:A教育的目的是使学生有一个好的未来。2A.friends BchildrenCparents Dfamily答案:B家长投资。3A.attend Btake partCjoin Djoin in答案:A表示“上学”,可用go to school或attend school。4A.public BparentsCnatives Dgovernments答案:D公立学校主要是由政府投资。5A.Russian BGermanCCanadian DEnglish答案:D加拿大的主要语言是英语和法语。6A.lots BmostCrest Dother答案:Cthe rest of 等于the others of,表示“另外的,其余的”。7A.someone BpersonalCprivate Dpublic答案:C相对于公立学校的是私立学校。8A.us all BthemselvesCstudents Dparents答案:D私立学校的子女教育费用主要是家长负担。9A.By BInCAt DFor答案:Aby law 意思是“依照法律;按照法律”。10A.classes BeducationCputer Dschooling答案:B本文主要内容是加拿大的教育问题。11A.Lessons BClassesCSchools DCourses答案:Celementary school 意思是“小学”。12A.to include BincludeCincludes Dincluding答案:Cinclude作及物动词,意思是“包括在内”。13A.choose BmakeCcarry out Dtake答案:D“学习课程,参加考试”,习惯上用take。14A.years BmonthsCseasons Ddays答案:A学校开设课程一般以xx为单位。15A.from BinCat Dto答案:A表示“从某学校毕业”用graduate from,后接学校。16A.make BprepareCget Dtake答案:Bprepare sb. for(doing) sth. 是个习惯句型,意思是“使某个人准备好干”。17A.decide BgetCmake Dput答案:Cmake.choice 是习惯用法,意思是“做出选择。”18A.get BpassCgive Doffer答案:Doffer 表示“主动提供”。19A.before BfirstCnormal Dfinal答案:C此句意思是“在正常课时之外,学校还提供额外的活动”。20A.warn BorderCencourage Dbeg答案:C学校对家长而言,是“鼓励家长参加学校的活动”。其他答案显然不合适。21A.weekdays BweekendsCdays Dnights答案:D家长白天上班,所以学校只能是晚上组织活动。22A.study BdiscussClearn Dresearch答案:Bdiscuss sth. with sb. 是“与讨论关于”。23A.teachers BchildrenCstudents Dothers答案:A老师应该是和家长商讨孩子的学习情况。24A.adults BmenCgirls Dwomen答案:A高中毕业之后,继续接受业余教育的,应该是成年人。25A.living BstudiesCwork Djobs答案:B此处应是业余学习。

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