2019-2020年高中英语 unit2 people on the move单元学案 牛津译林版版选修10.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit2 people on the move单元学案 牛津译林版版选修10目标要点 一、重点单词 1._adj.季节的,季节性的2._n.退休3._n.当地居民4._n.物理学家5._vt./n.交换,交流,兑换6._n.调整7._adj.高层的,高级的8._n.赞助,资助9._adj.转弯抹角的,不直截了当的10._n.护照11._n.公民身份12._n.恐惧13._n.托儿所14._vi.补偿15._adj.非政府的,非官方的16._n.货币,通货17._adj.全年的,常年的18._n.(报刊的)标题19._n.津贴 20._n.律师二、重点短语1. _在旅途中,在迁徙中2 _.往南行进3. _是 .的原因,占,占据. 4 _国家最早退休年龄5. _移动人口的激增6. _我自己的亲人7. _用同一个声音说8. _提供更好的机会9. _利用10. _从中获利11. _鼓励人们创办自己的事业12. _言传13. _与相连14. _服从,听任_15. _衣衫褴褛16. _放弃游牧的生活方式17. _染上非法的恶习18. _大量地19 _部分地20. _优惠的政策三、词汇联想1. mobile adj. _(n.)2. edition n._(person)3. change v._(adj.)4. botanical adj._(n.)5. return v._(n.)6. prefer v._(n.)7. adjust v._(n.)8. account v._(person)9. closed adj._(n./v./adj./adv.)10. penny n._( plural)四、重点句型1.The students who are willing to take part in school activities_(占了很大比例).2. _(他注定成为一个顶尖的会计师) makes no sense.3. The advantage of living here is that youll_(得到好的医疗,周围也都是和您年纪相仿的朋友).4. People are_ (对他们生活做出改变) to try to cause less damage to the environment.5. The houses low price _(很有吸引力)people who are dependent on allowance.6. Parents should _(意见一致)when their children are naughty.7. _(更好的机会以及用外币支付的薪水)appeal to all of us.8. They were always on the move, _(徒劳地尝试着寻找一个国家)where they could live peacefully.9. He _(找工作有困难)for lack of high education.10. _(人才外流有了一线希望).Because the government are taking effective measures.考点点拨1. The wall was so hard that he used much to drive a nail into it.A. strength B. force C. energy D. power【点拨】power表示体能、智能、能力、势力、影响、权力,能量,电等; strength可表示物质的或精神的力量,尤指体力、智力、或道德力量。force表示力量或力气,尤指武力; energy表示精力、精神、活力或能源。又如:1) some animals are different from others and seem to have the to see in the dark.A. strength B. force C. energy D. power2) You dont seem to have the _ to lift the big stone. Youd better turn to someone else for help.A. strength B. force C. energy D. power答案: 1) D; 2) A 2. Id appreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the puter.A. that B. it C. this D. whether【点拨】谓语动词appreciate,dislike,hate,like,love等后跟if或when等从句时, 往往从句前加上形式宾语,又如:1) I take that you will be leaving for New York next week. So I must book a plane ticket for you in advance.A. if B. it C. this D. whether2) I will be busy this evening. Could you see to _ that my daughter can finish all her homework.A. if B. this C. it D. whether答案: 1) B 2) C 3. _ modern agriculture and industry develop, more and more waste is produced which causes pollution.A. With B. As C. Despite D. Though【点拨】as作为连词有多种用法:(1)当时;随着 (2)照的方式 (3)因为,由于 (4)正如,如同 (5)尽管,虽然。这里属于第一种用法。又如:1)Julia is leaving tomorrow, I heard from Kate this morning.A. which B. like C. as D. that2) _ he is, he seems to live a happy life.A. A poor sanitary man as B. Poor sanitary man asC. A poor sanitary man even though D. As a sanitary man答案: 1) C; 2) B 【高考链接】 【例1】.What do you think of the performance today?Great! but a musical genius could perform so successfully.(07福建高考)A. All B. None C. Anybody D. Everybody【解析】 none可用于指人或物,使用none 时,可有一定范围,用of构成的短语来表示,也可不表示出来。还可用于回答how many和how much的提问。这里的none相当于nobody。 【例2】 You are always full of . Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day.(07福建高考)A. power B. strength C. force D. energy【解析】energy表示精力。【例3】 , his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. (07重庆高考)A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strangeC. As strange it might sound D. Strange as it might sound【解析】as引导让步状语从句,应把名词/形容词/副词/分词/动词放在句首。【例4】He didnt make clear when and where the meeting would be held.(07天津高考)A. this B. that C. it D. these【解析】it作形式宾语,真实宾语是when and where引导的从句。考点演练一、选择题1It is the prevention of disease_ its successful treatment that has led to the rapid increase of the worlds population. A. rather than B. including C. but also D. less than2. When she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man with a scar on the cheek, the young girl fled_. A. in surprise B. in sorrow C. in terror D. in vain3. -Does Bill do his job well?- _ his old job. Im afraid there is no hope for him.A. Not better than B. No better than C. Not so well as D. More than4He decided to find a good job and make more money because his whole family_ him.A. rely on B. put on C. take on D. e on5. The gym instructor created all kind of exercise which _ various special interests of groups of people .A. referred to B. catered to C. got to D. took to6. -I wonder why he is acting so strangely these days.-Recent pressure at work may_ his behavior.A. account for B .explain for C. make for D. stand for7. She was always _ the move, never staying in one town over a few days.A. of B. at C. on D in8. It is hoped that the new cars style and design will _ for its lack of speed.A. pensate B. wish C. search D. stand9. The students are from different families, but they have much in _.A. mon B. total C. general D. particular10.The hostess _a kiss with her guests, which made the conservative Chinese a little nervous. A. presented B. display C. exchanged D. treated11. The lawyer _ every opportunity to get evidence for the womans evil deeds. A. had advantages over B. take advantage of C. e into use D. put into practice12. The trend of the clothes market needs to be _ before you invent.A. started with B. taken up C. put up D. looked at 13.After retirement, they planned to live in Florida temporarily so they were concerned about how much the _ was for a double-room flat there.A. rent B. prize C. value D. expensive 14.The conference will make a final decision about whether the law will be carried out or will be_.A reduced B. repeated C. reversed D. returned15._houses came into being in some cities where land is precious .A. Seasonal B. Local C. fortable D. Mobile二、阅读理解 AMy wife and I got our first jobs in New York years ago in a fur factory, located in a street on Broadway.I believe that most Americans would not want my job. I worked from nine to five , six days a week. The room I worked in was 14 by 20 feet. Ten people worked in that space. There were no windows. We were given twenty minutes for lunch. The pay was all on a piece-rate that worked out to be less than minimum wage. We got paid in cash and there was no overtime pay. Also, the factory offered no acmodations so we had to find place to live in. Finally I got a place at the subway station for free. Our life here was difficult in many different ways. Most of all, the fur factory, didnt officially exist because it had no legal papers. In those days, immigration used to search this street unexpectedly. One day, immigration came here suddenly, asking for our papers. Men and women in the factory dived into piles of clothes, or tried to hide in the toilet. Later I was told that one of my friends working in a neighboring restaurant had even hidden in the freezer for 20 minutes. Most of time, we were afraid of being caught by the officers in immigration, which made us worried over the years. If we were unluckily caught, we would be driven back to Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 for sure. Therefore, this possibility made us upset, which was not like the life in Ecuador. There we were part of Ecuadors middle class. She was a music teacher, working in a private school, and I work in a government office. Although we belonged to the middle class in our hometown, we still wanted to make more money in America. Getting from Ecuador to New York required a lot of money at that time and it was really a luxury for people of a middle class in our country. However, a lot of our friends in Ecuador often struggled to live and work in America because there were more opportunities to develop themselves in this developed country.Since then, my wife and I decided to move again. And we went to Jersey City-of all the places I had dreamed of visiting.1. Which of the following is NOT the factor why the writer didnt like the job in the fur factory?A. The resting hour between the work was too short. B. The working place was too small.C. The pay they got was too low. D. They could have a long break between their work.2. Which of the following statements is true according to the writer?A. Over the years, most of their relatives had e to New York.B. His wife was a lab technician, and he worked in a government office in Ecuador.C. Getting from Ecuador to New York required a lot of money.D. They led a difficult life in Ecuador.3. According to the passage, what was the writers constant fear?A. They would be out of work and couldnt earn more money.B. The immigration officers would inspect them.C. The factory would fire them. D. They had no hope of succeeding in America.4. Why did men and women hide anywhere?A. To escape the search by immigration officers. B. To avoid the gas bomb.C. To search for something. D. To escape the punishment by the boss.BWhen cold weather is ing, some birds will hibernate. However, other birds will leave us to fly away to the warm places, leaving human beings to deal with the snow and ice. So the birds migrations always puzzle many people, because birds dont have maps-so how do they know where theyre going? And how do they get the energy to get there? Now look at following tips given by the researchers and youll know the reasons.How do they know where to go?。Sighting the landscape features like rivers, coastlines, and mountain ranges.。Flying by Earths magnetic field, obviously with their visual system and with something called magnetite磁铁矿 in their heads.。Using the stars for guidance at night or if the weather is not sunny.。Using the sense of smell.。Probably with the help of their neighbors or experienced birds. It is observed that many birds migrate in large flocks, followed by their neighbors and experienced birds.How do they get the energy to get to the destination?。Flying slowly and steadily. This is the most basic way that birds use. Many other birds migrants keep beating their wings until they land during their long journey.。Taking advantage of updrafts. Smarter birds know how to make full use of updrafts of air caused by solar heating, to take a free ride high into the sky.。Flapping and gliding(moving in a smooth, effortless manner). These birds wave their wings for a few beats, and then glide for a while. After they lose some speed, they flat some more.。Bounding (Leaping forward or upward). This is a bination of flapping and gliding.5. What does the text mainly tell us?A. The birds migrants are good at flying. B. How birds know the direction and the good way of flying C. The birds migrants are good at finding ways. D. The birds will fly to warm places when winter es.6. Which of following is NOT true about how birds find the direction?A. Birds can use the sun for help. B. Birds can observe the landscape.C. Birds can use the weather condition. D. Birds can be guided by the stars.7. Which of the following means the underlined word “updrafts”?A. a strong wind against birds B. heat given out by the sunC. a rising current of warm air D. weather condition8. What does the underlined word “flapping” mean in the passage?A. waving wings up and down B. closing wings for a short whileC. following down all the time D. resting wings on the body of another bird三、书面表达当今,越来越多的人涌入大城市,有些问题随之产生。请你以“City Problems”为题写一篇短文,列举出比较明显的问题(三个以上),并谈一谈怎样解决这些问题(至少两点)。要求:1、字数150左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。 2、注意行文连贯。Nowadays, more and more people flock into cities in search of jobs or better living conditions. However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities._Module 10 Unit 2一.1.seasonal 2.retirement 3.local 4.physicist 5.exchange 6.adjustment 7.high-level 8.sponsorship 9.roundabout 10.passport 11.citizenship 12.terror 13.nursery 14pensate 15.non-governmental 16.currency17.year-round 18.head-line 19.allowance 20.lawyer二1. on the move 2.head south 3.account for 4.the national minimum retirement age 5.a boom in population mobility 6.my own flesh and blood 7.speak with one voice 8.offer better opportunities 9.take advantage of 10.benefit from 11.encourage people to start their own businesses 12.word of mouth 13.be associated with 14.sumbit to 15.in rags 16.abandan their nomadic lifestyle 17.take to illegal behavior 18.in large numbers 19.in part 20.preferential policies三1. mobility 2.editor 3.changeable 4.botany 5.returnee 6.preference 7.adjustment 8.accountant 9.close 10.pence四1. account for a large percentage 2.That he promises to be a top accountant 3.get good medical care and be surrounded by friends of your age 4.making adaptations to their lives 5.is attractive to 6.speak with one voice 7.Better opportunities, as well as a salary in foreign currency 8.trying in vain to find a country 9.had difficulty in finding work 10.There is a ray of light for brain drain.考点演练1、选择题1-5ACBAB 6-10ACAAC 11-15BDACD2、阅读理解Answers: 1-5DCBAB 6-8 CCA3、书面表达Nowadays, more and more people flock into cities in search of jobs or better living conditions. However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities.Firstly, cities bee more and more crowded, putting much pressure upon transportation, housing, medical treatment, education, employment and so on. Secondly, city services and facilities cant meet the demands of the increased population and have been stretched to a breaking point. Thirdly, a growing number of private cars produce huge amount of waste gases, leaving the air seriously polluted. Last but not least, the city is also threatened by rising crimes. Not a single day passes without the report of someone being robbed, or having their houses broken into. All these problems have greatly harmed the attractiveness of the city. But what can we do to solve these problems? First of all, I think, the government should lay much emphasis on the development of rural areas so that more people will be willing to move or live in the peaceful countryside. Also more improvements should be made in the cities to satisfy peoples need.

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