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2019-2020年高中英语第一册上Unit6Goodmanners(1).Teaching Goals:1.Talk about good table manners.2.Learn to apologize to people.3.Express your gratitude.4.Understand the Restrictive Attributive clause and the Non-Restrictive Attributive clause:The man who greeted me is my teacher./John,who greeted me,is my teacher.5.Write a thank-you letter.Teaching Time:Five periods.Background Information.Being A Wele GuestWhen people in the United States have pany or when they are invited to(formal or informal)get-together,they usually,make a point of trying to make others feel fortable and relaxed.On the whole,they tend to be informal.Men shake hands,but usually only when they are introduced.Male friends and business associates who havent seen each other in a while may shake hands when they say hello.Women usually dont shake hands when being introduced to each other.When a woman and a man are introduced,shaking hands is up to the woman.Americans rarely shake hands to say good-bye,except on business occasions.American women are used to being independent.They are used to going to places by themselves,earning their own money,and often living alone.Sometimes they will ask men for help,but they usually dont want to be protected.Since the womens movement started.Its not always clear whether women expect men to open doors or help them into their coats.American women may start conversations with men or even ask them to dance.There are a lot of Americans who dont smoke or drink,and many who dont want people to do those things in their houses.Its always best to ask for permission before you bring alcohol(酒)to a dinner or before you light up a cigarette,if you are with people you dont know very well.Non-smokers have bee more militant about smoking in public places.Many restaurants,for instance,have established special sections for smokers.House guests may bring gift when they e to visit,and they often offer to help in some way.As a guest,you may want to ask your host or hostess if theres anything you can do to help in the kitchen.In many cases,the gesture is more important than actually helping.American Table MannersIf youre invited to an American friends home for dinner,keep in mind these general rules for polite behavior.First of all,arrive approximately on time(but not early).Americans expect promptness.Its OK to be 10 or 15 minutes late but not 45 minutes late.Dinner might be overcooked and ruined by them.When youre invited to someones home for a meal,its polite to bring a small gift.Flowers or candy are always appropriate.If you have an attractive item made in your native country,your host/hostess would certainly enjoy receiving that as a gift.Some Americans dont know about the dietary restrictions of various ethnic and religious groups.What do you do if youre served a food that you dont like or cannot eat?Dont make a fuss about it.If your host doesnt say anything about what you arent eating,then you shouldnt,either.Simply eat what you can and hope that no one notices what you left.If you are questioned,you may have to admit that you dont eat meat(or whatever),but you can also say that youve enjoyed the other foods and have had“more than enough”to eat.Dont make the cook feel obliged to prepare something else for you.Be sure to pliment the cook on the food that you enjoyed.Dont leave immediately after dinner,but dont overstay your wele,either.When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of conversation,take their behavior as a cue to leave.The next day,call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.The First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn to apologize to people.2.Train the Ss speaking ability.3.Train the Ss listening ability.Teaching Important Point:Master the ways of making apologies by listening and speaking.Teaching Difficult Point:How to help the Ss use the expressions for making apologies freely.Teaching Methods:1.Pair work to practise speaking.2.Listening-and-answer activity to train the Ss listening ability.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a projectorTeaching Procedures:FStep .GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.FStep .Free Talk and PresentationT:In our daily life,it is very important to be polite in munication with others.Whether in China or in foreign countries,you should pay attention to your manners.For example,if you run into someone,you should saySs:Im sorry.T:If you are in a strange place,you want to ask someone to tell you the way,what should you say first?Ss:Excuse me.T:If someone helps you,you should saySs:Thank you.T:Very good.Youve learned much about how to be polite.Today we are going to learn Unit 6 Good manners.Can you tell me what“good manners”mean?Ss:Yes.It means“being polite”.T:Quite right.Now lets learn some words and phrases.First Ill ask some of you to read the new words,and then Ill give you some explanations.(After Ss read the new words,teacher shows the following on the screen and begins to explain.)1.make use of:use(well,in the best way)e.g.You must make good use of any opportunities you have of practising English.2.interrupt vt.vi.:to say something when someone else is already speaking and cause them to stop.e.g.Its rude to interrupt.Dont interrupt me.3.Im terribly sorry.=Im very sorry.4.apologise v. apology n.e.g.He apologized for his bad behaviour.Bill made an apology for losing Cliffs bike.5.anyway adv.:used when you are saying something which supports what you have just said.e.g.Anyway I must finish this work today.6.introduce v.e.g.He introduced his friend to me.7.mean:to plan or want to do sth.e.g.Please forgive meI didnt mean to be rude.8.no problem:a phrase you use to tell someone you can easily do sth.for them.e.g.Will you please help me with my homework?No problem.(Bb:make use of,interrupt,apologise,apology,anyway,introduce,mean,no problem)FStep .Warming upT:OK.Now please open your books at Page 36 Warming-up.Look at the pictures carefully and plete the dialogues.You can use the expressions in the second column.First do it by yourself.Then practise in pairs.At last,Ill ask some pairs to act out the dialogues using the look-speak method.You can begin to do it now.Suggested answers:Picture 1A:Excuse me,May I e in?B:Sure,weve already started.A:Im sorry.I missed the bus.B:Thats OK,Were on Page 47.Picture 2A:Excuse me.May I interrupt you for a moment?B:What is it,Jordan?A:Im sorry,Mr Baker,I put my homework on your desk.Picture 3A:Hey,be careful.B:Oh,Im so sorry.A:Thats all right.Picture 4A:Ouch!What are you doing?!B:Im terribly sorry.FStep .ListeningT:Next,lets do some listening.Turn to Page 37 and look at the listening part.First read the questions quickly.Then make a guess what happened in the dialogue.(Ss begin to read.After that,teacher asks a student to guess what happened.)S:Bill took Cliffs bike without asking him,and he also lost Cliffs bike.T:Well,sit down,please,Now listen to the tape of the dialogue between Bill and Cliff.Check if his/her guess is right,OK?Ss:OK.(Teacher plays the tape.)T:(After that)Now please tell me if his/her guess is right.Ss:Its right.T:OK,lets listen to the tape once again.Pay attention to how Bill made apologies to Cliff and how Cliff answered.Meanwhile,write down the answers.At last,Ill play the tape again for you to check the answers.(Teacher plays the tape twice for Ss to finish their work.)FStep .SpeakingT:Have you learnt something about making apologies from the dialogue between Bill and Cliff?Ss:Yes.T:Then,lets practise making apologies.Look at the next partspeaking.First lets go through the three situations and the following expressions for making apologies and the possible answers.Then you can choose two of the given situations to make dialogues with your partner.(First teacher asks three students to read aloud the situations one by one.One student,one situation.Then teacher goes through the given expressions together with the students.At last,teacher goes on to say the following.)T:Do you have any questions?Ss:No.T:Well.You can practise now.After a while,Ill ask some pairs to perform before class.Suggested answers:Situation 1A:Look!Mr,Black is ing.Why not have a talk with him?You know,he will work with you tomorrow.B:Oh,Really?Id like to,but I havent met him before.A:Sorry,I didnt know.B:Would you please introduce me to him?A:No problem.Situation 2A:Excuse me.Are these bags yours?B:Yes,they are mine.A:Are these seats free?B:Yes,they are free.A:Do you mind if my friend and I sit here?B:No,go ahead,please.FStep .Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,weve learnt to make apologies to people by listening and speaking.Now please tell me the ways of making apologies and the possible answers without looking at your books.Answer together.(Teacher writes them on the Bb.when Ss answer.)Besides,weve learned some useful words and phrases.You should remember and master the mon use of them.Please look at the blackboard make use of,interrupt,After class,please revise what weve learnt in this class carefully and try to practise more so that you can use the words and useful expressions freely and correctly.FStep .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 6 Good mannersThe First Period.Words and phrasesmake use of interrupt vt.vi.Im terribly sorry. anyway adv.apologise v.(for)apology n.(make anfor)introduce v.(to)mean v.(to do sth.)no problem.Ways of making apologies:Forgive me.Im very sorry.I apologize forIm sorry.I didnt mean toOops.Sorry about that.Excuse me.Possible answers:Oh,thats all right.Oh,well,thats life.Its OK.Thats OK.No problem.FStep .Record after Teaching_

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