2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 20 New Frontiers Lesson2教案 北师大版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 20 New Frontiers Lesson2教案 北师大版选修7Teaching aims:To learn something about the Artificial Intelligence To develop students listening abilityTo make students speak about the Artificial IntelligenceTeaching difficult and main points:To improve students listening and speaking abilityTeaching aid:Teaching procedures:Step1. Warming upTask1: Get students have a free talk about the following questions, work in pairs.1. What science fiction films have you seen that are about intelligent robots or robots that look like human?2. How did the robots behave towards humans?3. Which of these things can robots and puters do now?Task 2: talk about the film Artificial IntelligenceTask 3: to watch a short period of the film to arouse the students interests and help them understand what Artificial Intelligence is.Step2. Listen to learnTaks1: Listen to the interview with Ananova and answer the questionsTask2: Read aloud the following words togetherin other words, is that clear? What I dont quite understand, to put it another way, What I mean is, what that means, so does that mean, could you explain how, What Im trying to say, what Im getting at, that a programme which, I meantask3: Listen to the interview again. plete the Function File with these expressions.Step3. Speaking Voice your opinion: People use a robot to act as guard dog, are you curious? Now turn to page 103, read information about the robot. Could you add your own information so that the robot dog bee more perfect?Explain your robot to your partner using expressions from the Function File. Ask questions about your partners robot.Step4. Assignment一:New words1. present vt 1.介绍; 2.出现; 出席; 呈现3.赠与; 交给eg.Miss Smith, may I present Mr. Brown?史密斯小姐, 让我把布朗先生引荐给你好吗?The question naturally presented itself in my mind.我的脑海中自然而然地出现了这个问题。We presented him a basketball on his birthday.他生日那天我们送给他一个篮球。2. category n 类型;类别The strings are a category of musical instruments.弦乐器是乐器的一种。These form an independent category.这些形成了一个独立的种类。辨析:category, type和kind1 category意为“类型;类别”。是正式用语,指对材料或图书等进行分析而划分的种类。Place these books in categories, please.2 Type意为“类型,型式,样式”。指不太明确类别的划分,有主观判断之意。What type of house would you prefer to live in?3 Kind意为“种类,性质,本质”。指各种种类的东西。There are all kinds of animals in the zoo.3. autonomousEach of the U.S. states has an autonomous government. 美国的每个州都有一个自治政府。4. colleague n.同事;同僚My colleague has broken off the habit of smoking.He is a colleague of mine.5. rescuevt/n援救,营救,挽救,拯救,救援He rescued three children from the burning building.The life boat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.Rescue was at hand.e to ones rescue来营救某人辨析:save与rescue1 save 强调被救的人可以继续享有生命His life was saved by the doctor.2rescue的意思是不失时机地是某人,某物免遭上海,免收危险或避免死亡。He rushed into the house on fire to rescue a child in it.6. original adj/ n.1起初的; 原来的 The original settlers are the Indians.最早在这里定居的是印第安人。 2独创的; 新颖的 The inventor had an original mind.那个发明家具有创新的头脑。Your designs are highly original.你的设计很独特。2 This is a translation; the original is in French.这是译文, 原文是法文。7. operational adj.1.即可使用的 The airport did not bee operational until May.机场到五月才可使用。二: Language notes1. be set on 把背景设置在之上All that happens is on Mars.所发生的一切都是把背景设在火星上。be set in 以为背景set aboutdoing sth开始;着手The girl attendant has set about cleaning the room.set aside留出;把置于一旁set off 出发;启程;引起set out动身;开始;陈述set up创立;建立2. take over 接管;接替;带领到另一地;在上花费The strikers took over the factories.She took us over to the window.I have taken two years over the book.take apart拆开take away拿走;夺走;带走Take back 收回(所说的话);使回想起takefor以为(某人或某物)是take in 吸收;欺骗take up (doing) sth 开始从事;占据占用(时空)3. give away 泄露,暴露;告发;赠与;颁发;失去She decided to give these old clothes away.We heard a shot. The smoke had given us away. Youve given away a good chance of success.4. pensate for 赔偿,补偿损失nothing can pensate for the loss of ones health.We pensated his loss with money.5. figure out计算出;解决;弄明白I just cant figure him out.No one can figure out how the fire started.6. make up for弥补(失去或不足的东西)We have to make up for the lost time.Hard work can often mke up for a lack of ability.make up with sb和重归于好make up to sb巴结,讨好,奉承某人make up of由组成,构成7. get across被理解;被接受your meaning didnt really get across to the students.8e out1出版;发表 2出来3出现4说出,讲出His new book will e out sometime next month.e out and get some fresh air.A new model will e this summer.He came out with some funny stories.8. turn off1 解雇;辞退2使某人感到厌烦3拐弯4把关掉He was nearly turned off by the boss for his carelessness.I was turned off by his boring speech.turn on sb 突然攻击, 反对, 对.发怒,turn to sb求助于 He turned to me for help.他向我求助。9. in other words, I have no childhood.比较:in a word/ in one word/ in word/in plain words10. children can get a lot out of being involved ina. be involved in trouble 卷入纠纷b. be involved in disaster 陷入不幸c. be involved in a dispute; 卷入一场纠纷d. be involved in the case 同这桩案子有干系e. bee a participant; be involved in. 成为某项活动的参与者;参与某项活动。f. be involved in the big power conflict; 卷入大国的冲突11.I was so angry that I walked out, leaving him sitting there shocked and white-faced.Leave用法: vt /vi.留下;遗忘;听任;离去;委托等。n.请假,假期I must go back, Ive left my car keys.Leave him to his father; hell deal with him.Ill leave everything to you then.Were giving him a party when he leaves.She asked 3 days leave.After a long flight, the pilot landed on the ground-.A. safe and soundB. safely and sound C. safely and soundly D. safe and soundly注:形容词作状语

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