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2019-2020年高中英语必修4Unit4BodylanguageTeaching aims:1. Topic Body language; cultural differences and intercultural munication2. Useful words and expressions:Nouns: check, stranger, action, edy, expression, agreement, chest, gesture, adultVerbs: approach, represent, introduce, touch, express, nod, avoid, misunderstanding, yawn, punishAdjectives: major, local, curious, spoken, general, similar, facialExpressions: be likely to, at ease3. Functional items:1. Prohibition and warnings Do not smoke here. Watch out! A car is ing! You may not. Dont slip. Always stay. Be careful when Dont enter here. Dont sit here. Stop! Be quiet. 2. Obligation You /He must You should never4. Grammar 1). The ing form as the attribute. They are visitors ing from several countries. and this is an exciting experience for you His nose touches Mr. Cooks moving hand. 2). The ing form as the attribute Four people enter looking around in a curious way. She arrives hurrying, recognizes Mr. Garcias smiling faceTeaching proceduresPeriod 1 Speaking Step 1. Warming-up T shows some pictures on screen. These pictures are from the Evening Party Celebrating the ing Lunar New Year of the Rooster of xx.Step 2. Speaking Task 1. Ss look at the screen and try to explain the meaning of the pictures.Suggested answers: Action Meaning A handshakeYou are wele.A clap of hande on ; be cheerfulA wrinkling of the brow in thought or displeasure or a scowlWorriedTears ing out of his eyesHe is very sad.Waving handsSay “hello” or “goodbye”People jump with their both hands stretched open in the air They are cheering for the victory. Task 2. Ss finish warming up on page 25. Suggested answers:Meaning Action 1. You are wele.A smile and a handshake.2. I am worried.A frowned or upset look.3. I ate too much.Putting a hand on the stomach, patting or rubbing4. I am sorry that I did something wrong.Drooping or hanging the head.5. Im so happy.A loud laughter with a shining face or smiling with arms open and head back.6. You did a good job.A thumb up.7. You are angry.Turning your back to someone on purpose.8. Stop here.Putting the left palm on the fore-finger of the right hand.Step 3. Time for funTask 3. Ss in groups of four. One thinks of a situation and asks the others to show some actions using body language. When the one chooses the action that is most likely, it is his or her turn to think of some other situation for the others to show the actions so that the game may go on for a few rounds.Step 4. Talking Task 4. Get the Ss to work in pairs. The situation is that you are worried about Lin Pei, who is not friendly any more, and does not want to talk to you or her other friends. She seems to be sad. She stays alone. She is not doing her homework and the teacher is not pleased with her. She doesnt seem to care about how she looks and behaves.Step 5. Role play Task 5. Ss finish the speaking task on page 67. Period 2. ReadingStep 1. Warming up Task 1. Ss try to answer the following questions:1. What is the purpose of language?2. Do people send each other messages only by words? What other ways can be used?3. How can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak?4. Give an example of how you can municate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language.Step 2. ReadingTask 2: Ss read and answer the following questions:1. Whats the main idea of the passage?2. How many parts can the passage be divided into?3. Whats the main idea of each part?4. What can we learn from the passage?A. Never too old to learn.B. Do as the Romans do.C. Four eyes see more than two.D. Every country has its own customs.5. “Mr Garcia approaches Ms Smith,” the underlined word has the same meaning as _.A. all the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops(军队).B. The club has made an approach to a local business firm for sponsorship(资助).C. The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new house.D. I find him difficult to approach.Task 3: Ss read and fill the following chart:Person and country Suitable greeting A man from ColumbiaTo a man: same as for a womanTo a woman: touches her shoulder and kisses her on the checkA woman from BritainTo a man: not too close, shakes handsTo a woman: shakes hands, will get closerA man from JapanTo a man: bowsTo a woman: bowsA man from CanadaTo a man: shakes handsTo a woman: shakes hands or kisses on both cheeks if knownA woman from France To a man: shakes hands ,kisses twice on the cheekTo a woman: same to someone she knowsA man from the Middle East or some Muslim countriesTo a man: es close, shakes handsTo a woman: nods Step 4. After- reading Task 4: Ss in groups and discuss: Suppose your friend is to attend an English corner. Many students ing from different countries will be present as well. She is excited but nervous because she doesnt know how to make others accept her. What should she do then?Period 3. Language learning Step 1. Revision Ss retell the text with their own words.Text retelling: My boss has sent me to Pudong Airport to meet some business people from many parts of the world, who are interested in the development of the economy in China.The first one to arrive is Mr. Garcia from Columbia with Julia Smith, a British lady, following behind closely. I introduce them to each other and Im surprised to see Mr. Garcia e up to Ms. Smith, touch her shoulder and kiss her on the cheek while Ms. Smith steps back appearing surprised. Just then, in es a visitor from Japan, smiling at the time when the Canadian, George Cook reaches out his hand to him. It happens that Mr. Cooks hand touches the Japaneses nose as he bows and they both apologize.So you see, people from different cultures may not greet others in the same way. English people usually do not stand very close to others or touch strangers as people from Spain, Italy and South American countries do. Most people around the world shake hands when they meet while Japanese people will bow. People from Jordan stand quite close to other men and shake hands, but they simply nod to women. And French people shake hands and kiss others on the cheeks. In a word, body language varies in different cultures and is widely used in munication.Step 2. The ing form as the Attribute and Adverbial Ask Ss to pick out the sentences with v-ing in them and underline them:1. They are visitors ing from several other countries2. Four people enter looking around in a curious way.3. This is an exciting experience for you, so you stand watching and listening.4. You see her step back appearing surprised, and take a few steps away from Mr. Garcia.5. The visitor from Japan es in smiling at the same time as George Cook from Canada.6. His nose touches Mr. Cooks moving hand, and they both apologize.7. , nor are they fortable touching strangers or being too close or too far away.8. , they also express their feelings using unspoken language through keeping physical distance, actions or posture.9. Most people around the world now greeting each other by shaking hands10. She arrives hurrying, recognizes Mr. Garcias smiling face, and then they shake hands11. It is an interesting study and can help you avoid difficulty in munication.12. In most countries, nodding the head up and down shows agreement, while shaking the head means that you do not agree13. If you stand holding your arms across your chest, you may be protecting yourself14. If you sit looking at and turn toward the person you are talking to15. We show respect for people by using different gestures.16. Children are taught that looking directly at an adult is not good behavior.17. so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.18. Showing our hands means that we are not armed.19. .the Western custom of shaking hands is used,20. Japanese people might cover one hand with the other and, depending on whom they are greeting, how slightly or quite low.Step 3. Language points 1. make: make sb do sth. Make oneself done Make sth to do His fathers death made him leave school. He was made to leave school by his fathers death. I had to speak loud to make myself heard. They had to make a fire to warm themselves.2. prepare: v. preparation: n. prepare for: be prepared to do3. disappoint: v. disappointment: n. disappointed / disappointing: adj.4. closely /close She sat close against the wall. Please listen closely. e close to doing sth.= almost doing sth.5. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they . 表否定的not放在句首,该句用倒装语序。 They do not shake hands with women, nor are they likely to kiss women publicly. Nobody can learn body language in one day, nor can I. 类似的还有:Not, never, neither, hardly, seldom. Not a singly word did he say at the meeting last night. Never has he been to Columbia.6. likely /probable/ possible Its possible for sb. to do sth Its possible that Its probable that Its likely that He is likely to be late for class.7. avoid: v. avoid doing sth. How can you avoid doing such meaningless things?8. look away (from sth.) : turn the eyes awayStep 4 Learning about language1. Ss do part 1 of the discovering useful words and expressions.2. Ss finish part 2 and 3.Step 5. Practice 1. Ask the Ss to do Ex. 1and 2 on page 63.2.Do Ex 3 on page 64Period 4. Reading Step 1. Pre-reading This reading passage introduces the use of body language as the expression of personal emotions and reactions. Although some of the gestures are specific to cultures, others are more or less universal. Students should be encouraged to learn to understand the personal body language of other people, and to know what their own is.Step 2. Reading Task 1: Ss read and decide which of the statements on page30 are true and which are false.Task 2: Ss read again and try to finish the following chart.SimilarBody language Ideas, Feelings or Attitude1. frowning or turning ones back to someoneTo show anger2. closing ones hand and shaking it at someoneTo threaten that person3. nodding the head up and downTo show agreement4. shaking the headTo show disagreement or refusal5. looking away from a person or yawningTo show no interest to the person6. standing, holding your arms across your chest To protect yourself from an unwanted conversation 7. sitting, looking at and turning towards the person you are talking to To show you are interested8. rolling your eyes and turn head awayTo show you do not believe what you hear or you do not like itDifferent 1. childrens looking directly at an adult in Asia and South AmericaNot good behavior2. childrens not looking directly at the teacher in North AmericaTo get punishment from their teachers because they think the children are not telling the truthMisunderstanding 1. a smile 1. A smile usually intends tok put people at ease.2. A smile does not always mean that one is happy.3. A smile can hide other feelings, such as anger, fear or worry4. If someone “loses face” they may smile to hide it.2. a hug to your boss or teacherProbably not a good idea to show respect3. standing too close to your boss or teacherNot acceptableStep 3. Reading task (page 66) This passage gives students a little history of the greeting gesture. The suspicion with which humans have always regarded strangers has led to this open hand or showing the hand. The gesture varies from culture to culture but its history and purpose are mon.Task 3: Ss read the passage and finish the form on page 67. Suggested answer:1. It can be dangerous for you to meet people you do not know.2. Many Asian people do not usually physically touch strangers.3. If we show an open hand, it means that we are not holding anything dangerous.4. The right hand is usually used because it is almost always the stronger.5. People shake their hands when meeting people to show that they can be trusted.6. To show respect Muslim people will touch their heart and mouth when greeting someone.Period 5. Listening Step 1. Warm upAsk the Ss to talk about what they know about body language.Step 2 Listening Task 1: Ss are asked to read as fast as possible the requirements and look through the six pictures, and then listen to the tape twice to get the best answer.Step 3. Act out the actions in the listening passage Task 2: Ss work in groups of three and write down the actions which show the story in the listening passage. Be prepared to act it out using spoken language and body language. Try to use the following expressions:l You may notl Always stayl Be careful whenl He mustl You mustl Neverl Do notl You should neverl Watch outStep 4. Listening task (on page 62) Ss look through the requirements and the pictures and then finish the following task.Task 3: Ss listen to the tape twice and finish Wb Ex 1 and 2 on page 62.Period 6. Writing Step 1. Pre-writing Task 1Lets Ss read “showing our feelings” on page 29 again and make a list from the passage of three body language expressions that show good or positive feelings. Then list three body language expressions that show bad or negative feelings. Positive body language Negative body language 1. shaking hands1.hugging your boss or teacher2. nodding the head2. standing too close or too far away3.smiling 3. closing your hand and shaking it at someoneStep 2. While-writingTask 2: Ss read the description on page 32 and give Lin Pei some advice.Writing steps Ss do oral position before they take up the writing. Ss write their advice. Ss check their mistakes in the writing. Ss exchange their writings and check the mistakes. Ss rewrite their passages.Step 3. After-writing Choose some students to read their passages in class.Step 4. writing task Ss in pairs finish the writing task on page 68.

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