2019-2020年高一英语 Unit17 Warming-up, Listening Speaking45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Unit17 Warming-up, Listening Speaking45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版基础过关.补全对话A:My wife and I are going to the exhibition of Chinese painting this afternoon, Henry.1B:Thanks.2I havent been there.You know I dont know much about Chinese painting.I just have an interest in it.A:Thats good enough for us.We know almost nothing about it.B:3A:Well,why not e and have lunch with us? Well have an early lunch and then go there by bike together.B:4You see, some of my students said that they would be ing over Sunday morning.5Ill e about one thirty.Will that be too late? A:Well, but e earlier if you can.A.Thanks,but Im afraid not.B.Would you like to e with us?C.That would be nice.D.Well wait until you arrive.E.I dont know when they are leaving.F.When and where shall I meet you?G.I learned something about it at school.答案:15BCFAE巩固提高.单项选择1.If he failed in the exam, what will bee_him?A.forB.ofC.to D.at答案:B提示:bee of 意为“某人(某事物)情况如何”。2.Tom supports his whole family_vegetables.A.to sellB.sellingC.by sellingD.with selling答案:C提示:by在此意为“通过方式”,后加动词ing形式。3. _is the richest man in our city?A.Whom do you thinkB.Who do you thinkC.Do you think whoD.Who you think答案:B提示:do you think是插入语,who在整个句中充当主语。4.What_of blood does Tom have?A.kind B.typeC.sort D.category答案:B提示:blood type意为“血型”。5.(xx高考福建卷,21) Who called me this morning when I was out?A man calling_Robert.A.himB.himselfC.his D./答案:B提示:one calls oneself+名词意为“称自己为的人”。本句意为:“一个称自己为Robert的人。”.翻译下列句子1.这座桥以其悠久的历史而出名。(be known for)2.演讲者感动了听众。(inspire)3.她看上去好像已经意识到了自己的错误。(as if)答案:1.The beidge is known for its long history.2.The speaker inspired the crowd.3.She looks as if she has realised she is wrong.拓展应用.听力理解第一节听下列5段对话,选出最佳选项,每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the woman mean?A.She likes rain.B.It has rained a lot.C.She thinks the man is kidding.2.What is the man looking for?A.A book about cows.B.A book about games.C.A book about automobiles.3.Who will drive the man to the cinema?A.The man himself.B.The woman.C.Mary.4.What will the woman do?A.Go without coffee.B.Pass the coffee to the man.C.Drink a cup of coffee.5.What can we learn about the man?A.He loves reading papers.B.He is looking for a job.C.He loves collecting papers.第二节听下列5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第68小题。6.Where does this conversation take place?Money is a good servant and a bad master.金钱是善仆,也是恶主。A.At a booking office.B.At a museum.C.In a record store.7.On which day will the Japanese Music Concert be held?A.The 28th.B.The 30th.C.The 15th.8.How does the man pay for the tickets?A.By credit card.B.With U.S.dollar.C.By check.听第7段材料,回答第911小题。9.Where does this conversation take place?A.In a hotel.B.In a hospital.C.In a shopping center.10.On which floor does the man live?A.3rd.B.8th.C.9th.11.Why does the man e to Beijing?A.He is on holiday.B.He es for the puter exhibition.C.He es to meet Stephen from Australia.听第8段材料,回答第1214小题。12.Who are the two speakers?A.They are teaching staff.B.They are doctors.C.They are engineers.13.Why is the woman unwilling to have lunch with the man?A.Because she has no time.B.Because she had lunch already.C.Because she has no extra money to spend.14.How will they pay for the lunch?A.They will go Dutch.B.The woman will pay.C.The man will pay.听第9段材料,回答第1517小题。15. Where did the man spend his summer holiday?A.In France.B.In Spain.C.In Italy.16.Why doesnt the woman like flying?A.She had a bad experience.B.It was much more expensive.C.It was a little hotter.17.Whats the mans opinion about flying?A.Its always better than taking a train or boat.B.To travel by road or rail is more interesting.C.Youd better take a plane when the journey is long.听第10段材料,回答第1820小题。18.Why is Chicago a rather young American city?A.There are smaller areas in Chicago than in Beijing.B.Its population is in fact rather small.C.Its only about a hundred years since it was rebuilt.19.What is not rare in Chicago?A.You can see snow falling all year round.B.You can see snow falling in autumn.C.You can see snow falling in late spring.20.How often can we meet with strong winds in Chicago?A.Quite often.B.Only in early April.C.Not quite often.答案:15BCCAB610AACAB1115BACCB1620ACCCAText 1M:I think its starting to rain.W:Starting to rain? The grounds already wet.Text 2M:Wheres that book about cars I was reading last night? I laid it down on the table, and now its gone.W:I dont know. I cleaned the table early this morning and I dont remember where I put it.Text 3M:Could I get a ride with you to the cinema tonight?W:I cant go, but you might ask Mary. I think shes leaving around 7:00 oclock.Text 4M:Were out of cream and sugar. If you want any coffee, youll have to drink it black.W:Ill pass then.Text 5W:Have you found a position yet?M:Im still checking the papers.Text 6M:Good morning.W:Good morning. Can I help you?M:Yes,are there any tickets left for the Chinese Music Concert on the 28th,please?W:Just a moment,please. No,I think youve made a mistake. Its on the 30th.M:Really? I read about it in the paper today. Im sure it said Chinese music on the 28th.W:Oh, sorry. I thought you said Japanese Music Concert. The Chinese Music Concert is on the 30th at 7:15,but Im afraid there are only back seats left,and they are 30 yuan each.M:Thats OK. Can I have two,please?W:How would you like to pay for these?M:By check.Here you are.W:Thank you,and here are your tickets.M:Thank you very much.Text 7M:Good morning. Im Stephen from Australia.W:Yes, sir. Your room number is 808. Thats on the 8th floor. Are you in Beijing for a holiday?M:No, Im here for the puter exhibition. Where is it, please?W:Its in the Exhibition Center, on the 3rd floor.M:Thanks. Excuse me, madam.What I want is a single room. I dont like to share a room with someone else. Whats more, my room is rather small and dark. Could you possibly find me a larger and brighter single room?W:Im very sorry, sir, but this is the rush season. We dont have any spare rooms at the moment.M:But my pany booked a room for me ages ago!W:Im terribly sorry, sir.Text 8M:Id like to have a chat with you. How about lunch tomorrow at the faculty club?W:Id like that very much, but Im afraid Im living on a very tight budget.M:Oh, no, no. This one is on me.W:I really couldnt accept.M:e on. Ill meet you in front of the faculty club at 12:00 oclock sharp tomorrow.W:Well, thank you. 12:00 oclock tomorrow then. Good-bye.Text 9W:I hear youve been to Spain this summer. Did you enjoy yourself?M:Yes, thanks. It was a very enjoyable holiday.W:How did you go? Across France?M:I flew.W:I dont like flying. I flew to Italy once. I didnt see anything except clouds.M:Oh, I had a good flight. The weather was fine and it took only two and a half hours.W:I think its much more interesting to travel by road or by rail. You can see the country so much better.M:Yes, thats true. But flying is better for long journeys.Text 10Chicago lying in the east of the USA is a rather young American city. It was almost pletely rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1871. Ones first impression of the city may include streams of cars running to and from on the highways, skyscrapers and the wide greenwater of Lake Michigan, which lies to the northeast of the city. The area of the city is over 228 square miles with a population of about 3 million.The climate of Chicago on the whole is almost the same as that of Beijing with rather hot days in summer, colorful and fresh days in fall and ice but often clear days in winter. The spring in Chicago is a little changeable in temperature. For instance, I saw a snowfall in early April this year while some of the flowers were already in full bloom.Chicago is also famous for its frequent strong winds, and as a result has got the name of “the windy city”.

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