2019-2020年高一英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train教案 外研版必修1 .doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train教案 外研版必修1I. 教学内容分析本模块以My First Ride on a Train为话题,通过在作者的澳大利亚之行来介绍其独特景色。通过模块教学,使学生学会用正确的时态和短语来描述自己的旅游体验,并掌握有关交通工具和各种地点及活动的词汇。要求学生学会如何在日常生活中正确使用礼貌用语以及如何在会话中做出回应、表明态度。Introduction 部分复习和学习有关日常交通工具的名词和相关搭配的动词,通过激活学生有关旅游经历的图式,引出本模块的话题。Reading and Vocabulary 部分是本模块的主要内容,介绍了作者第一次在澳大利亚乘火车旅游的经历,详细描写了旅途中的活动和途中的风景,并介绍了Ghan train的由来。通过学习生词以及短文,训练学生的微观阅读技能。Grammar 包括两个部分,第一部分是动词的-ed形式做形容词充当定语及定语的成分;第二部分是回忆、熟悉和运用过去时间的表达法。Function 练习让学生学会在不同场合要注意语言使用的得体性。Vocabulary 列举了各类活动场所和其相关联的词汇。以此来激活学生的记忆图式为后续活动热身。Reading and Speaking 部分是五篇有关童年回忆的段落,叙述在童年第一次印象深刻的故事,让学生了解叙事的基本要素,通过阅读为后面的话题写作提供了素材。Listening 是听一段对一位外国电影女演员过往经历的采访录音,训练学生在听的过程中捕抓关键信息的技能。Writing部分要求学生用第一人称写一篇有关自己印象深刻的经历的短文,训练学生记忆、整理和归纳等逻辑思维能力,并学会如何做好笔记。 Pronunciation 部分通过听一段关于旅游的采访对话,让学生根据话者情感态度的表达对句子重音有个认识。Everyday English 部分训练学生运用语言交际的技能,并要求学生掌握表达强烈情感态度的交际用语。Cultural Corner部分是一篇关于上海磁悬浮列车干线的文章,让学生知道这种列车是世界上速度最快的,并体会这种车的优点,从而培养学生的民族自豪感。Task部分要求学生利用已有的旅游纪念品和资料等,向同伴介绍一个风景名胜点。Module File部分有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行反思和检验。II. 教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 如何使用地道英语描述风光、事件或回忆(2) 学习-ed形式作形容词;学习过去时间的表达法(3) 学会如何礼貌进行日常对话2. 教学难点(1) 听懂对过去事件的回忆或旅游介绍并获取信息; (2) 运用过去时间表达法进行回忆;介绍旅游和地貌风光(3) 理解过去时间表达法所给予的信息(4) 描述过去的难忘经历III教学计划本单元分六个课时:第一课时:Introduction, Function, Cultural Corner第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary第三课时:Grammar 1, 2第四课时:Vocabulary, Reading and Speaking第五课时:Listening, Pronunciation, Everyday English第六课时:Writing, Task, Module FileIV. 教学步骤:Period 1 Introduction, Function, Cultural CornerTeaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about trip;2. To introduce the topic “My First Ride on a Trip”;3. Get Ss to learn some ways of transportation;4. Get Ss to know something about Maglev.5. To let Ss know how to be polite.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-in and IntroductionPurpose: To arouse Ss interest in learning about trip.1. Pair Work. Ask Ss the following question:Today we are going to learn Module 3 My First Ride on a Train. What do you think of the topic? First of all, I want you to bring out as many words about transportation as possible.Suggested answers:plane, motorbike, ship, taxi, ferry, bicycle, train, tram, bus, helicopter, etc.2. Individual Work. Ask one student to write the classification on the blackboard. Q1. Which of the vehicles travel on roads? _ Q2. Which of them travel on rails? _ Q3. Which of them travel in the air?_ Q4. Which of them travel on water? _Suggested answers: A1. Motorbikes, taxis, bicycles, buses travel on roads. A2. Trains and trams travel on rails. A3. Planes and helicopters travel in the air. A4. Ferries and ships travel on water.3. Pair Work. Ask Ss to make sentences by using the proper verbs in Activity 3 on page 21.Suggested answers:get on: plane, motorbike, ship, ferry, bicycle, train, tram, busget off: plane, motorbike, ship, ferry, bicycle, train, tram, busget into: taxi, helicopterget out (of): taxi, helicopterride: bicycle, motorbikedrive: train, taxi, bustake off: plane, helicopterland: plane, helicopter4. Pair Work. Ask Ss to describe the first time you traveled a long distance. Say how old you were, where you went and who you went with.5. .Individual Work. Ask some of them to report to all.Step 2 FunctionPurpose: To let Ss know how to be polite.1. Individual Work. Ask Ss questions like these: When you were traveling someplace, do you feel fortable? Are the people over there polite to you? Turn to P24. Lets look at a conversation between a ticket inspector and a passenger on the train. Answer the following questions: Q1. What does the ticket inspector want? Q2. What do you think of the ticket inspectors attitude?Suggested answers:A1. He wants to check the passengers ticket.A2. The inspector is very direct and impolite in the way he / she talks.2. Pair Work. Ask Ss what expressions they could use to change it. Allow them to practice within two minutes. Then ask some of them to act their conversation out.Suggested answers:Ticket inspector: Excuse me, could I see your ticket?Passenger: Pardon? Ticket inspector: Would you mind showing me your ticket? Passenger:Im sorry, I dont understand. Ticket inspector: Would you mind if I saw your ticket? Passenger:Oh, here you are. Ticket inspector: Im very sorry but this is an old ticket. Passenger:Pardon? Ticket inspector: The fact is that its out of date. Its a month old. Passenger: Oh, sorry, thats the ticket I used last week. Ticket inspector: Wheres your ticket? Passenger: Here it is. Ticket inspector: Right.3. Pair Work. Add more lines to the conversation. Use one or more of these questions to make the conversation longer. Suggested answers:Students own answers.Step 3 Cultural CornerPurpose: Let Ss know a kind of transportation called Maglev.1. Leading-in: Ask Ss the following questions:Have you heard the fastest train in the world? Do you know what is it? Suggested answers: Maglev is the fastest train in the world. It can travel at a speed over 400 kilometers per hour.2. Individual Work Ask Ss to read the passage and answer the following questions. What are the main differences between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train?Suggested answers:It is faster ,less noisy and uses less energy.3. Read the passage again and try to find some advantages of traveling on a Maglev train.Suggested answers:You travel very quickly and quietly .The train uses less energy.4. Group Work. Let Ss understand the passage by themselves. If necessary, the teacher can help them.Step 4 Homework:Prepare for the Reading and VocabularyPeriod 2 Reading and VocabularyTeaching Goals:1. Let Ss master how to read a passage;2. Let Ss master some words and phrases;3. Get Ss to talk something about AustraliaTeaching procedures:Step 1 Leading-in Ask Ss to talk about Australia.As we know, with the development of tourism, travel bees very convenient and it has bee a very important part in peoples life. Many people travel everywhere during the holiday. Today I will take you to a beautiful country Australia. (Show the pictures about Australia on the screen. Ask Ss to say one or two sentences about Australia. Then ask them some questions about Australia.) Q1. Do you know how many people live there?Q2. Do you know the name of the capital city?Q3.Where do you think most of the people live, in the central part of the country or on the coast?Q4. What do you think the central part of the country is like?Q5. What Australian animals do you know about?Suggested answers:A1. about 20 millionA2. CanberraA3. on the east /southeast coastA4. desertA5. koala bear, possum, duck-billed platypus, kangaroo, echidna and dingo. Some of these animals are marsupials, that is, the mother keeps the baby in a pouch on her stomach. 2. Studying VocabularyBefore we read the text, lets look at the words in Activity 2 on page 22. Match some of the words in the box with the 6 definitions. If you are not sure, you can turn to your dictionary for help. (Check the answers after the Ss finish it.) (1) abandoned: adj. uncontrolled v. give upEg abandon ones country 背弃祖国 abandon ones friend 背弃朋友 He abandoned the idea. 他放弃了这个注意。 (2) camel: a kind of animal骆驼 (3) cassette: 录音带 (4) desert: n. 沙漠,荒野 adj. 沙漠的,无人的Eg the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠 a desert island无人岛 (5) distance: n. 距离Eg at a distance 在远处 at a distance from 离有一段距离 from a distance 在远处 in the distance 在远方,在远处 (6) shine shone shoneEg The sun shines brightly. Rain or shine 无论晴雨,不管怎样 I shall go there rain or shine. 不管怎样,我都要去那儿。 7) supply: v. 供给,供应,补充Supply sb. With sth. = supply sth. To sb.Eg They supply the homeless children with food. =They supply food to the homeless children.其复数形式supplies指“日用品,生活必需品,补给品”等。Step 2 ReadingPurpose: To improve Ss reading skills.1. Fast reading: Individual Work. Read the passage quickly, and ask Ss what the passage is about. Suggested answers: It is about traveling to the central part of Australia.2. Careful reading:(1) Individual Work. Read the passage and catch the main idea of each paragraph.Suggested answers:Para. 1 I had my first ride on a long-distance trainPara. 2 The train was wonderful and the food was great.Para. 3 The train was fortable and the people were nice.Para. 4 Why is the train called the Ghan?Para. 5 They used camels to carry goods.Para. 6 telling facts (So we can divide the passage into four parts. Part 1 is paragraph 1 and 2. Part 2 is paragraph 3 and 4. Part 3 is paragraph 5. Part 4 is paragraph 6 and 7.) (2) Individual Work. Read the passage again, and finish Activity 4 on page 24.3. Post reading Ask Ss to discuss the following questions.(1) Group Work. What sort of people do you think travel on the Ghan train?(2) Group Work. What kind of towns and villages do you think the train passed?Step 3 Language studyPurpose: To let Ss understand the passage well.Group work. The students are divided into groups of four. Each group is supposed to read through each part, and then discuss them.1. Recently I had my first ride on a long-distance train.不久前,我第一次乘坐长途火车。(1)句子中long-distance的表达法,这是由adjective + noun构成的复合形容词。类似的有full-time全日制的,second-hand二手的,first-rate一流的,high-class高级的,large-scale大规模的,high-tech高科技的,kind-hearted善良的,absent-minded走神的,good-looking样子好看的。 除此之外,还有其他复合词的表达法: 名词:daughter-in-law媳妇,speed-reading快速阅读 动词:baby-sit照顾婴儿,window-shop观望,物色 (2)recently:最近,近来; Eg The accident happened quite recently. 那次意外事故不久前刚发生。 注意recently不指“未来”,不能说I will go to Beijing recently. 相关 recent:最近的,近来的 e.g. recent news最近的消息2. And what a ride! 一次多么美妙的乘车旅行! 本句为感叹句,主谓语被省略,全句是:What a (beautiful) ride it was! 很多感叹句是由what或how引起的,what修饰名词,how修饰形容词、副词或动词。 Eg (1) What a nice voice he has! What a tall boy he is! (2) How nice a voice he has! How tall a boy he is! 有时,感叹句可以有一些单词或词组组成: Eg Fire! Good heavens!Stop probing!A great idea!3. Suddenly, it looked like a place from another time. 突然间,时空好像发生了转变。 Look like 看起来好象 4. I sat and looked out of the window. 我坐在那儿看着窗外。 look out看外面,小心;look out of 看着的外面 英语中look是一个很有活力的词,其主要意思和用法如下: (1)看,瞧Eg She looked but saw nothing. (2)和介词连用 Please look at the blackboard carefully. Who is going to look after the children while youre away? Were looking around (round) for a house in this area. Why dont you look in on me next time youre in town? She saw a stranger looking towards her at the opposite side. A working party has been set up to look into the problem. Looking into the future, we are full of confidence. The little Match Girl looked into the Grand House and saw a roast goose. Why are you looking out of the window from time to time? What are you looking for? Im looking forward to seeing you again. She looked through her notes before the exam. (3) 与副词连用Why are you always looking back? Look forward and you will have a much better life. Passers-by simply looked on as he was attacked. At last things were beginning to look up. The official came to our classroom and looked in. (4) 作系动词(link v.)看起来 That book looks interesting. You made me look a plete fool. That photograph doesnt look like her at all. You look as though you slept badly. 5. They tried riding horses, but the horses didnt like the hot weather and sand.他们试着骑马,但那些马不喜欢炎热的天气和沙漠。try doing sth. 尝试干某事 try to do sth. 尽力干某事 Eg We should try to make everything ready before the teacher es. The students tried doing the experiment some other way. 6. The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s. 直到20世纪20年代,阿富汗人和他们的骆驼还在做着这样的工作。 (1) 请注意until的不同用法: They stayed in Beijing until the end of August. She stood there until her son waked out of sight. Grace will live here with us until she has finished her masters degree. They didnt leave Beijing until the end of August. The student didnt know the meaning until her classmate told her. The family heard nothing of him until they received his letter. (2) the 1920s 20世纪20年代 请注意时间表达法: the 1830s19世纪30年代 the 60s60年代 in her 80s在她八十多岁的时候7. Traveling at a speed over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can plete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes. 以400公里的时速,火车在8分钟内就完成了30公里的路程。 请注意速度speed和介词at 的连用: at full speedat a speed of 50 milesat the top of ones speed at what speed8. They travel very fast and they use less energy. 它们运行得很快,而能量却消耗得较少。 请注意,这里less energy是little的比较级,后面省略than ordinary trains。Step 4 Homework1. Try to retell the passage by the key words you just noted down.2. Prepare for the Grammar 1 and 2.Periods 3 GrammarGoals: 1. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: V-ed form; 2. To enable Ss to use the V-ed form.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision 1. Ask two Ss to retell the passage.2. Group Work. Now, lets do the petition. Try your best to find the ed forms from the textbook. The group which write the most right ed forms of the verbs will win.Step 2 Grammar 1Purpose: Let Ss know how to use V-ed as an adjective.1. Individual Work. Do you know why they should use ed form? (If they cannot answer. I will act out a sentence. I threw the paper away. The paper was used before. Can you use a sentence to describe my actions? The answer is “I threw the used paper away”.) From that, we can indicate that ed forms can be used as adjectives, or past tense. (Past participle of verbs has two meanings: one is finished and the other is done by others.)2. Pair Work. Ask the students to finish Grammar 1 by themselves.3. Group Work. Where to put the ed form? Show more sentences on the screen in order to let Ss understand the rules well. (1) Polluted air and water are harmful to peoples health. (2) This is the book remended by our teacher. (3) Trained students won the match. Students trained by Mr. Gao won the match. (4) This is the finished homework.This is the homework finished by Li Kang.Conclusion: Generally speaking, a single ed form used as attribute, we should put it in front of the nouns. Otherwise we should put it behind the nouns. That is to say, if it is followed by a phrase, it should be put behind the nouns.4. Group Work. Show some more sentences and let Ss pare the ed form with the ing form of verbs. (1) The woman disturbing the other workers is called Christina. The woman disturbed by the other workers is called Christina. (2) I hadnt met the man interviewing me before I came here. I hadnt met the man interviewed by the boss before I came here. (Let the students tell the differences by translating the sentences.)Suggested answers:(1)那个正在打扰别的工作人员的女人叫Christina。 那个被别的工作人员打扰的女人叫Christina。(2)在我来这之前,我从未见过面试我的这个男人。 在我来这之前,我从未见过被老板面试的这个男人。5. Pair Work. Practice: Translate them into English. (1) 升起了的太阳(2) 一本用过的书 (3) 一个被遗弃的小男孩(4) 一条参考答案 (5) 几个发达国家Suggested answers:(1) The risen sun (2) a used book (3) an abandoned boy(4) A suggested answer(5) several developed countriesStep 3 Grammar 21. The ed forms not only can be used as adjectives, but also can be used in past tense. But when should we use past tense? (It should have the past time, such as recently, during the day, one night, a long time ago, and so on.)2. Pair Work Ask the Ss to finish Activity 1 on page 26.3. Individual Work. Ask them to finish Activity 2 on P27. (Ask Ss to check the answers with their partners.)4. Multiple Choices All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _. A. has grownB. is growingC. grewD. had grown The telephone _ four times in the last hour and each time it _ for my roommate. A. has rung, wasB. has been ringing, is C. had rung, has beenD. rang, has been Did you notice Jack was not at work today? I _ with the manager. Or Id have noticed. A. talkedB. had been talkingC. am talkingD. have been talking The man was knocked down by a car which _ at 150 kilometres an hour. A. ranB. had been runningC. was runningD. had run Im sorry, I shouldnt have been so angry with you. You _ angry but thats OK. A. have beenB. areC. had been D. were Prices of daily goods _ on the Internet can be lower than store prices. A. are boughtB. boughtC. been boughtD. buying Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel. A. tired, boringB. tiring, boredC. tired, boredD. tiring, boring Most of the people _ to the party were famous scientists. A. invitedB. to inviteC. being invitedD. inviting The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back. A. being tiedB. having tiedC. to be tiedD. tied An _ crowd is awaiting the arrival of the film star. A. excitedB. excitingC. exciteD. excitedlyk. By the way, when did you get your bedroom _? Last week. A. to paintB. paintedC. paintingD. to be paintedSuggested answers:a-e CABCDf-k BAADABStep 4 Homework Finish off the grammar exercises on page 79-80.Period 4 Vocabulary, Reading and SpeakingTeaching Goals: 1. Enable Ss to know some words and expressions. 2. Develop reading and speaking skills. 3. To let Ss talk about their childhood.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionCheck the answers of the grammar exercises on page 79-80, in order to review the past participle form of the verbs and past simple tense.Step 2 VocabularyPurpose: To know some places and activities.1. Individual Work. Explain the following places to Ss. circuscinema / theatreswimming poolseasidesports stadium2. Pair Work. Ask Ss to match the Activities with the places.Suggested answers:Open.3. Ask them to say something about the places and activities if theyve been there before.Step 3 Reading and Speaking1. Group Work. Divide the class into 5 groups. Then ask them to read their own paragraph. Try to retell what they have read. The following table will help them a lot.whowhenwherewhat howwhy (Call back the answers after two minutes.)2. Ask Ss the following questions : Which childhood memories are happy and which are unhappy?Suggested answers:the happy ones: (2)、(3)、(4)、(5)the unhappy ones:(1)3. Group Work. Ask Ss to make an interview, one is a host, and the other three are guests. The host should interview the guests childhood. (The more the students have mentioned the higher score they will get.)Step 4 HomeworkFinish the vocabulary exercises on page 80-81.Period 5 Listening, Pronunciation, Everyday EnglishGoals: 1. Review the ed form. 2. Enable Ss to know some skills of listening. 3. To study some daily expressions. 4. To learn how to pronounce words stressed in sentences.Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionCheck the answers to the WORKBOOK exercises of Grammar.Step 2 ListeningPurpose: To get the main information in the listening part; To develop Ss listening ability.1. Pre-listening: Pair Work. Ask them to guess the answers to the questions in Activity 1 on page 27.2. While-listening: (Individual Work) (1) Listen to the interview

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