2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2《My New Teachers》cultural corner and task教案5 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2《My New Teachers》cultural corner and task教案5 外研版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2《My New Teachers》cultural corner and task教案5 外研版必修1.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 2My New Teacherscultural corner and task教案5 外研版必修1Teaching Objectives:1.Grasp the words and expressions:relationship, formal, discipline, relaxed, similarly, disturb, headmistress, extra help, timetable, behave badly, up to you2.Develop reading, speaking and listening skills3.Apply the learning strategies: predicting ,obtaining information, analyzing and paring4.Foster the sense of cultural awareness:Understand the differences in school systems and teacher-student relationship in varied countries.Teaching aids: multi-media Teaching Procedures:Pre-reading activitiesIntroduce some colorful pictures about schools, teachers and students downloaded from the net. Ask the questions:1. What do you think of the relationship between teachers and students?2. How do you find the school?Cultural corner1. Scan the passage and find out the answers to the questions. What kind of difference in schools does the passage describe?Whats the difference between state schools and public schools?2. Call back the answers from students.Reading1 Read the passage again and fill in the chart in pairs.CountriesRelationship betweenteachers and studentsstate schools or private schoolsNorthern EuropeFrance, GermanySpainRussiaAmericaBritainChina2. Talk about the chart in pairs.Match words and expressions with their definitions .relationship be suitable forformal like, the state of being likediscipline order, rulesrelaxed connection, having sth. to do withsimilarly in accordance with rulesbe true of less tight or strictListening and speaking (P 76) ( Divide the class into A, B groups and have a petition .Make sure students understand how to pete. See which will get more points. Whoever loses will sing a song. ) Who will win, A or B ? 1. Revise some words and expressions in listening: behave badly, disturb, headmistress, timetable, extra, up to youThats if it fits into our timetable.2. Activity 10Listen to Conversation 1 . Decide T or F of the statements( 1, 2, 4 ).3. Activity 11Go over the questions first. Listen again and choose the correct answers. Then call back the answers from class.4. Activity 10 Listen to Conversation 2 and decide T or F of the statements (3,5).5. Activity 12Listen again and plete the sentences according to conversation 2.Then report the answers to the class.Homework: Write a passage about the relationship between teachers and students in China.点评:本课堂的教学利用现代多媒体教学设备,调动学生积极性,师生共同搜索相关资料并呈现于课堂,为学生在进行阅读活动之前,对国外的学校形成感性认识,以便学生更好地完成快速阅读的任务。阅读练习设置多样,也比较丰富,不仅考察了学生信息提取情况,也学习了一些新词,在听力练习前,一些词句做了适当的练习,也保证大部分同学能够较顺利地完成听力活动,如果能将这一听力热身活动与前一段的快速阅读相联系,做一个类似Talk的口语活动会让学生有更好的听前准备活动,比较顺利地完成听力任务的同时,也使口头表达得以训练。


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