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2019-2020年高中英语Unit5ThemeparksSection自我小测1新人教版必修一、根据句意和汉语提示写出单词或短语1I dont know what the man is _(著名的)for.2The boy is Mr.Whites son._(难怪)he looks like him.3In the war,the old man always _(保留)his calmness and courage.4As you know,parents are _(模仿)after by their children.二、请用方框中短语的正确形式填空be famous for,to ones amusement,no wonder,be unique to,preserve.from,be modelled after,be familiar with,more than1Im _ happy to receive your letter.2Qufu is a small city,but it_the old temples of Confucius all over the world.3Winter is ing,measures should be taken to _ the vegetables _ frost.4The custom _ this area;there is no such one in other districts.5Their education system_the British one,so there are so many similar aspects between them.6_Paul passed the finalterm exam easily;he had been studying hard for one year.7I_the boys name,but I have never met him face to face.8_,the little boy talks as if he were a grownup.三、单项填空1Mike is always working hard and has made greater progress recently._ he got the first prize.ANo wonderBNo pityCNo way DNo good2_ hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.AHowever BWhateverCWhichever DWhenever3Can you still remember the _ song of the film we saw last night?Atheme BsubjectCtopic Dmain4Valentines Day is a day named _ Valentine who was a priest in the third century in Rome.Aof BwithCafter Dby5Tom is famous _ a writer _ his popular books.Afor;as Bfor;forCas;as Das;for四、单句改错1Mr.Black is famous as a popular book he wrote._2I want to model my handwritings style by that of Mr.Li._3The soldiers are sent there to preserving peace._4If you will are free this evening,please drop in for a drink._5He is a writer!Not wonder he knows so much about writing._五、句子翻译1这个城市因为它的建筑物而闻名。(be famous for)_2有这么多的树木和鲜花,难怪这儿的空气这么新鲜。(no wonder)_3我想荡秋千。(swing)_4这模仿的是那位著名舞蹈演员的舞蹈。(be modelled after)_5我们应该采取措施来保护自然资源。(preserve)_六、阅读理解One Saturday morning I saw a much milder(温和的)case of anger gone too far,and I wondered what could have stopped it.I was waiting in front of a sporting store in Manhattan which was having a big summer sale.It was a couple of minutes before 10 oclock and there were a few customers on the sidewalk in the beautiful morning sunshine waiting for the store to open.An employee was standing inside the door,letting in other employees.One customer waiting very close to the door started saying to the employee,“Open the door.Its 10 oclock.” The store employee said it wasnt quite 10 yet and he had to wait.This made the man outside more angry.He opened his cellphone,held it up to the door to show the employee the time,and said,in a much louder voice,“See?Its 10 oclock.” I couldnt hear what the employee said,but it made things worse.The guy outside the door started really shouting,“YOU!OPEN THE DOOR!DOOR!” and shoved the door and the store employee,and pushed his way inside.The rest of us followed.The store manager had been called and was talking to the man,trying to calm him down.It sounded like the situation had quieted down,and the man began to walk away but clearly said something under his breath.The manager heard it and said angrily,“Get out of my store!” The man refused to leave,so the manager said,“Were calling the police.” I went upstairs.I didnt want to be in the line of fire.1The author wrote the passage mainly to tell us _.Aa funny story to make us laughBan example of anger suddenly rising to a boilCto wait in line when shopping in a storeDa sporting store should treat customers well2What does the author want to buy in the store?ASomething to eat. BSomething to exercise.CSome books. DSome toys.3Why did the man open his cellphone?AHe wanted to call the police.BHe wanted to show off his nice phone.CHe wanted to lend it to the employee.DHe wanted to prove he was right.4The underlined word “shoved” probably means _.Aclosed Bopened Cpushed Dpulled5What made the manager angry?AThe man went into the store before 10.BThe man was unfriendly to his employee.CThe man didnt listen to him at first.DThe man said something under his breath.七、短文改错Yesterday I went to the park.I happened to see a touched event.At that time,some people were boating in the lake.A happy family was taking photos when suddenly the girl falls off the boat into the water.The girl could swim and was struggling,so her parents cried out,“Help!Help!”It was obviously that they could not swim,either.Hearing the cry,the young man immediately rushed to the lake.Without taking away his clothes,he jumped into the water and swam towards the girl,that was already tired out.At last he had carried her to the bank.She were saved!参考答案一、1答案:famous2答案:No wonder3答案:preserved4答案:modelled二、1答案:more than2答案:is famous for3答案:preserve;from4答案:is unique to5答案:is modelled after6答案:No wonder7答案:am familiar with8答案:To our amusement三、1解析:no wonder的含义是“难怪,不足为奇”;no pity的含义是“没有遗憾”;no way的含义是“没门,决不”;no good的含义是“没有好处”。由第一句“迈克总是努力学习,近来取得了更大的进步”可知,此处应用no wonder表示“难怪他获得了一等奖”。答案:A2解析:考查状语从句。句意:不管你有多努力,不降低你的饮食量而达到减肥的目的是困难的。however引导让步状语从句,其后要紧跟形容词或副词。故A项正确。答案:A3解析:the theme song表示“主题歌”。答案:A4解析:name after的含义是“以命名”。答案:C5解析:be famous for的含义是“因为而出名”;be famous as的含义是“作为而闻名”。答案:D四、1答案:asfor2答案:byafter3答案:preservingpreserve4答案:去掉will5答案:NotNo五、1答案:This city is famous for its buildings.2答案:With so many trees and flowers,no wonder the air here is so fresh.3答案:I want to play on the swing.4答案:This is modelled after the dance of the famous dancer.5答案:We should take some measures to preserve natural resources.六、1解析:主旨大意题。由第一段第一句中“.I saw a much milder case of anger gone too far.”可知,本文主要讲述了一个例子来说明“如果控制不好,一般的愤怒就会愈演愈烈”。答案:B2解析:推理判断题。由第一段第二句中的a sporting store可知这是一家经营体育用品的商店,因此作者应是来买锻炼身体的器械。答案:B3解析:细节考查题。由第二段最后一句可知,这个人打开手机,是为了让商店的雇员看看已经10点了,即证明自己是对的。答案:D4解析:词义猜测题。由该词所处的句子可知,shoved的宾语是the door and the store employee,由此排除closed和opened。再由“pushed his way inside”可知该词的含义不是pull(拉),而应是push(推)。答案:C5解析:细节考查题。由最后一段第二、三句可知,经理生气是因为他听到了那个人说的话。答案:D七、答案:第二句:touchedtouching第三句:inon第四句:fallsfell第五句:could后加not或couldcouldnt第六句:obviouslyobvious第七句:第二个thea第八句:awayoff;thatwho第九句:去掉had第十句:werewas

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