2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6 Section Ⅲ 课时跟踪检测 外研版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 6 Section 课时跟踪检测 外研版选修6.单词拼写1Peter, my English teacher, never fails to (鼓励) us to study hard.2Many Japanese understood that the war was lost, even if Japan had not yet (投降)3Sutton was the American serial bank robber who was (引述) as saying in court that he robbed banks because “thats where the money is.”4They did not expect their children to make (牺牲) for them later.5It is a (值得的)trip that will broaden and deepen the ties between the two countries.6The shooting in northwest Tucson was a (无意义) and terrible act of violence.7Not so far , there was a truck packing there, and (卸下) was already in progress.8The Libyan National Transitional Council would declare the total (解放) of Libya on Thursday night or Friday.答案:1. encourage 2. surrendered 3. quoted 4. sacrifices 5. worthwhile 6. senseless 7. unloading 8. liberation.单项填空1If you do _up, admit it and move on.AchaosBmassCmess Dpick解析:选C。句意:如果你把事情搞砸,承认然后继续前进。chaos为名词,“混乱”;mass为名词和动词,“块,集中”;mess up“弄糟,搞砸”;pick up“捡起,学会”。2(xx福建高考)Its nice.Never before _ such a special drink!Im glad you like it.AI have had BI hadChave I had Dhad I解析:选C。考查部分倒装。句意:“太好了。我以前从没喝过如此特别的饮料!”“我很高兴你喜欢它。”表示否定意义的词,如:never, hardly, no, not等放在句首,句子要用部分倒装。“从来没唱过”是持续到说话时的状况,故用现在完成时,选C。3All the employees except the manager _ to work online at home.Aencourages BencourageCis encouraged Dare encouraged解析:选D。句意:除经理之外的所有雇员都被鼓励晚上在家上网在线工作。考查encourage sb. to do sth.的被动语态的用法。4That is the only way we can imagine _ the overuse of water in students bathrooms.Areducing Bto reduceCreduced Dreduce解析:选B。we can imagine作定语,修饰way,前面省略了引导词that。the way to do sth. 表示“做的途径/方式”。故选B。5We _ ourselves _ whatever we could lay our hands on.Aprovided; with Bprovided; forCarmed; with Darmed; for解析:选C。句意:我们用各种能找到的东西来武装自己。arm sb.with sth.“用某物来武装某人”;provide sb.with sth.和provide sth.for sb.均意为“为某人提供/供应某物”。6_all the snow in the valley, the cabin still remained warm and fortable.ADespite BIn spite of the factCDespite of DAlthough解析:选A。句意:尽管山谷里都是积雪,小屋里还是保持着温暖和舒适。despite是介词,符合句意。若B项去掉the fact也正确。7Everything _ doing is worthy of _.Aworthy; being done Bworthwhile; doingCworth; being done Dworth; doing解析:选C。句意:每件值得做的事情都值得被做。worth (doing) sth.“值得做”;be worthy of being done (be worthy to be done),故选C。8They illuminate Kafkas life as well as his art by presenting the works in the _ in which they were written.Aconsequence BsequenceCresult Dreason解析:选B。句意:他们通过按照写作的顺序展示卡夫卡的作品来阐明他的生平和他的艺术。consequence“后果”;sequence“顺序”;result“结果”;reason“原因”。B项符合句意。9What do you think of Lang Langs performance at the White House today?Great! _ but a musical genius could perform so successfully.A. All B. NoneC. Anybody D. Everybody解析:选B。句意:“你认为今天郎朗在白宫的演出怎么样?”“太棒了!只有音乐天才才会演奏的如此成功。”none but是习语,意为“只,仅”;all but“几乎,差点”;C、D不是固定结构。故选B。10Today, in science, the teacher was talking about Earth Day and the environment.Earth Day_be a day_every person promises to do something to help take care of our planet.Ais supposed to; whenBis supposed to; whatCmust; whatDmust; when解析:选A。句意:今天的科学课上,老师谈到地球日和环境。在地球日这一天,每个人都应当承诺做点什么来爱护我们这个星球。be supposed to be意为“应当”,符合句意;when引导定语从句,并在从句中作时间状语。.完形填空For three years, Andy had been battling cancer. The day after he returned from his camp adventure, we went for a checkup. The news was _1_. I didnt know what to do.The doctor _2_ a bone marrow transplant (骨髓移植) in a hospital 300 miles away from our home.The next day we _3_ our things and left for the _4_.One of the things I brought was the present Andy had bought for me.A plastic rainbow. Like most _5_, I considered any present from my child a _6_.One day, I went to the gift store near the hospital and _7_ a rainbow prism (棱镜) for sale. _8_ the plastic rainbow Andyd given me, I bought it and hurried back to his room _9_.“Andy, make me a rainbow.” I put the prism in his hand. _10_ Andy couldnt. He was too _11_ to even raise his head.“Mom, as soon as Im better, Ill make you a rainbow.”That was the _12_ thing Andy said to me.Just five days later, the doctors told me his brain had _13_ functioning.I asked if I could _14_ him, so after I settled myself in the chair, they lifted him from the _15_ to place him in my arms. His leg made a movement and he _16_ a clear plastic cup from his bedside table onto the bed.A nurse opened the curtains, and then as the sunlight _17_ the room, the rays hit the cup lying on its side on the bed and the room was _18_ filled with flashes of color and dozens of rainbows.Andy was gone, but I felt _19_. He made the rainbow that he had _20_ me the one I would never forget. 语篇解读:久病的孩子临终时兑现了他给母亲许下的诺言给她做美丽的彩虹。这给了母亲莫大的宽慰。1A.surprisingBhopefulCstrange Dbad解析:选D。由下文母亲不知所措,医生建议安排骨髓移植手术及孩子不久离开人世可知,检查结果很“糟糕(bad)”。2A.operated BarrangedCdetermined Dexpected解析:选B。由下文到三百英里外的一家医院做手术可知,这是医生“安排(arranged)”的。3A.packed up Bthrew awayCsold out Dleft aside解析:选A。要到外地去做这么大一个手术,当然要把需要的东西“打包好(packed up)”。4A.hospital BofficeCschool Dcamp解析:选A。由上文语境“到医院做手术”可知是去“医院(hospital)”。 5A.patients BteachersCmothers Ddoctors解析:选C。由文中作者的身份可知选“母亲(mothers)”。6A.wonder BmemoryCstory Dtreasure解析:选D。作者临行前特意带上孩子送给自己的礼物,由此可知孩子的礼物在母亲眼里都是“宝(treasure)”。7A.chose BwantedCsaw Dgot解析:选C。下句提到作者买下了这个棱镜,故此处应是“看到(saw)”。8A.Missing BRememberingCNoticing DTaking解析:选B。作者去礼品店,看到这个棱镜应该是将此与儿子之前送给自己的礼物联系了起来,故是“想起(Remembering)”。9A.in time Bin caseCat first Dat once解析:选D。联系文中提到的儿子的病情和“彩虹”这一线索及hurried back可知作者当时的急迫心情,她应是“立刻(at once)”赶回病房。10A.Though BSoCAs DBut解析:选D。让儿子做儿子却无法做到,前后表示转折关系。11A.young BtiredCweak Dsleepy解析:选C。由Andy couldnt及下文他几天后就离世可知他当时很“虚弱(weak)”,都无法抬头了。12A.best BonlyClast Dreal解析:选C。根据下文儿子离世的语境可知,这有可能是儿子跟母亲讲的“最后(last)”一句话。13A.stopped BkeptCrefused Dturned解析:选A。根据语境判断,儿子的大脑“停止(stopped)”工作了,也就是死亡了。14A.feel BholdCleave Dvisit解析:选B。由下文医护人员把儿子往作者怀里放可知,母亲想再“抱抱(hold)”儿子。15A.bed BfloorCchair Droom解析:选A。根据语境I settled myself in the chair可知,应该是把“病床(bed)”上的儿子放到母亲怀里。16A.put BliftedCknocked Dmoved解析:选C。儿子已经死亡,故此处只能是医护人员在抱他的过程中,他的腿“碰倒(knocked)”了杯子。用其他词不符合他当时的状况。17A.cleaned BchangedCdecorated Dfilled解析:选D。窗帘被拉开后,阳光“洒满(filled)”了房间。这与下文阳光通过杯子折射出彩虹相吻合。18A.suddenly BfinallyCslowly Dquietly解析:选A。光的传播速度很快,所以是说房间“霎时(suddenly)”五光十色。19A.upset BexcitedCdisappointed Dforted解析:选D。参见下题。20A.given BpromisedCowed Dinformed解析:选B。由but可知,儿子离去了,但作者还是很“欣慰的(forted)”,毕竟儿子最终给她做出了他承诺(promised)的美丽的彩虹。山东、天津专用.阅读表达1In the United States, train transportation is unpopular pared with cars and airplanes. Most people like traveling by car or by air.2Officials of the United States Department of Transportation made a study in xx. The study is about how many miles Americans traveled by different means of transportation. They only studied trips longer than 50 miles. The study showed that fiftysix percent of all miles were traveled in personal vehicle. Fortyone percent were traveled in an airplane. Two percent were traveled in a bus. And less than one percent of miles were traveled in a train.3Amtrak is the national provider of train transportation in the United States. In the past ten years, the number of its passengers has increased by eighteen percent. Although the number of passengers has increased, it is still very small now. In countries such as France, Germany, or Japan, more people use trains. 4There are several reasons why many people _. 5Firstly, Americans love to drive their own cars. On highways, cars can travel as fast as trains. These highways connect all major cities in America.Secondly, many travelers like to be independent. When they use their own cars they can decide when to travel. Thirdly, many buses travel between major cities. Bus travel is less costly than train travel.6In a huge country like the United States, cities are far away from each other. In some cases, travel from one city to another by train may take more than a day. Airplanes can carry passengers over long distances much faster. People_who_do_not_want_to_spend_long_time_traveling_by_train_decide_to_fly._For_these_people_saving_time_is_the_most_important_thing.1What is the best title of the passage? (no more than 10 words)_答案:Train transportation in the USA is less popular.2Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?Its convenient for people to decide the startoff time when they travel in their own cars._答案:When they use their own cars they can decide when to travel.3Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to plete the sentence.(no more than 10 words)_答案:dont like to travel by train4What means of transportation do you like best when traveling, trains, cars, or planes? Why? (no more than 30 words)_答案:Usually Id like to travel by car, because I can decide when to travel. If it is a long distance, Ill travel by air, because it is faster.5Translate the underlined sentences in the last paragraph into Chinese._答案:那些不想花长时间坐火车旅行的人就决定乘飞机,对这些人来说,节约时间是最重要的。通用版.任务型阅读Can you imagine your parents choosing your husband or wife for you? And can you imagine not setting eyes on him or her until your wedding day? This situation is mon in India, the Middle East and many parts of Africa.1._ We dont realize that people in other places often get married in very different ways and with different motives.2._ A marriage provides a safe and stable home for the husband and wife. It also joins two families, which benefits the couples parents and makes them happy. Marriage also brings children, making sure the couple will be taken care of in old age. Because a marriage is important for the whole family, some cultures dont let young people choose whom to marry.Just as there are many different reasons for marriage, there are also many different wedding rituals (仪式). 3._ In a typical Western wedding, the bride (新娘) seeks good luck by wearing “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue”. Something old represents the past. Something new represents success in the future. Something borrowed reminds the bride she can get help from her friends and family. 4._In Poland, one wedding tradition is not only lucky, but also very practical. The wedding guests pin money to the brides dress while she is dancing. The money is meant to bring luck and to help the young couple build their new life. In Bermuda, the young couple plants a tree in the yard of their new home. Once they move in, they take good care of the tree, making it grow and blossom (开花). The planting of the tree is a good metaphor (隐喻) for marriage. 5._AEvery culture has its own ways of bringing good luck to the happy couple.BA truly good marriage is something that grows with care.CIn the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children.DAnd something blue reminds her to be true to her husbandEMarriage customs around the world often differ from our own.FIn many countries, marriage is a practical matter.GDifferent countries have different cultures.答案: 15EFADB.短文改错Mobile phones are being more wide used.Theyre light on weight and easy to carry, offering fast and convenient service for munication.The users use them for make phone calls, sending short messages and Internetsurfing.In recently years, mobile phones have bee popular with middle school students.Quite a few use it to keep in touch with their families and friends, and which, of course, was convenient.However, I dont think its good to do so.In spite of the disadvantages mentioned above, student users often waste a lot of time chatting on the phone in his spare time.Some even use them to cheat exams.In addition, mobile phone bills cost students parents lot of money.答案:第一句:widewidely第二句:onin第三句:makemaking第四句:recentlyrecent第五句:itthem; wasis第七句:disadvantagesadvantages; histheir第八句:exams前加in或during第九句:lot前加a陕西专用.任务型阅读AKnow your introduction and your conclusion.BChannel your nervous energy.CKnow your audience.DUse deepbreathing techniques.EBe prepared.FSelect an appropriate topic.How you calm yourself before giving a speech? Both modern research and centuries of experience from experienced public speakers suggest some practical advice.1.Know do to whom youll be speaking, and learn as much about your audience as you can. The more you can anticipate the kind of reaction your listeners will have to your speech, the more fortable youll be in delivering your message. Be audiencecentered rather than speakercentered.2.You will feel less nervous if you talk about something you are familiar with or have some personal experience of. Your fort with the subject of the speech will be reflected in your delivery.3.The better prepared you are, the less anxiety you will experience. Being prepared means that you have researched your topic and practiced your speech several times before you deliver it.4.You are likely to feel the most anxious during the opening moments of your speech. Therefore, it is a good idea to have a clear plan for how you will start your speech. Being familiar with your introduction will help you feel more fortable about the entire speech. If you know how you will end your speech, you will have a safe harbour in case you lose your place. If you need to end your speech ahead of time, a welldelivered conclusion can permit you to make a graceful exit.5.One of the symptoms (症状) of nervousness is a change in your breathing and heart rates. Nervous speakers tend to take short, shallow breaths. To help break the anxietyreduce breathing pattern, consider taking a few slow deep breaths before you rise to speak.答案: 16CFEAD

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