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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4BodylanguageSection自我小测1新人教版必修一、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1Tom,look at the _(run)river.Is it beautiful?2_(find)work is difficult these days in many countries.3Have you found my _(sleep)bag?4_(pass)a post office,I stopped to buy some stamps.5_(pare)with the size of the whole earth,the highest mountain does not seem high at all.6_(save)a little money,Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp.7Ive never heard the word _(use)in spoken English.8_(not know)how to do the homework,I went to ask my teacher for help.9Deeply _(move),I thanked her again and again.10He went from door to door,_(gather)waste papers and magazines.二、单项填空1Do you wake up every morning _ energetic and ready to start a new day?AfeelBto feelCfeeling Dfelt2It rained heavily in the south,_ serious flooding in several provinces.Acaused Bhaving causedCcausing Dto cause3_ at the cafeteria before,Tina didnt want to eat there again.AHaving eaten BTo eatCEat DEating4_ which university to attend,the girl asked her teacher for advice.ANot knowing BKnowing notCNot known DKnown not5A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city,_ all four people on board.Akilled BkillingCkills Dto kill6_ from endless homework on weekends,we now find our own activities,such as taking a ride together to watch the sunrise.AFreed BFreeingCTo free DHaving freed7Mary,_hereeverybody else,stay where you are.Ae BesCto e Ding8“Its raining too heavily at this moment,” said the old woman,_ out of the window.Ato look BlookingChaving looked Dlooked9_ many times,I still couldnt understand how to operate the machine.AHaving been told BHaving toldCI having been told DTelling10The _ price will save you one dollar for each dozen.Areduce BreducingCreduced Dreduces三、将下列各句中含动词ing形式的部分转换成相应的从句(定语从句、状语从句)或并列分句1All those standing at the back,please e and sit here._2The poor of the city,having lived such a hard life,fought against the rich in the end._3Who was the man shaking hands with our English teacher just now?_4Tom left home quite early,hoping he could catch the first bus._5After lunch,she sat in the sun,with the dog sleeping beside her._6Not knowing what to do,we asked Mr.Smith for some advice._7Arriving at the station,he found the train had left._8Turning to the left at the crossing,you will find the shop you are looking for._9We hope the new machine will work faster,thus reducing our costs._四、完形填空Throughout history,people have always municated with each other not only by speech but also by _1_of the hands and body.It is,_2_,only in the last few years that such munication has been _3_ widely.This kind of munication is _4_ to be body language or nonverbal(非语言上的)munication.People sometimes wonder whether you know _5_body language works._6_ is of course possible to read books on the subject but you also need to _7_ time watching peoples movements.A _8_ is a particularly good place for such a thing,as there people can be seen openly _9_ anger,sorrow,happiness,impatience(不耐烦)and many other human _10_ by means of movements.If you _11_ the sound on your television and try to _12_ what is happening simply by watching the picture,you will learn _13_ about munication _14_ words.By turning the sound back up _15_ five minutes or so,it is possible to check how _16_ your understanding is.Having studied the _17_ of body language,you will have an _18_ at a boring party.You will be able to sit on your own for the whole evening and _19_ yourself by both watching and interpreting(解读)the _20_ language of all the other people there.1Athe shaking Bthe touching Cmovements Dsenses2Awhatever Bwhenever Cwherever Dhowever3Astudied Blearned Cused Dnoticed4Aimagined Bconsidered Cexpected Dfound5Awhy Bwhat Chow Dwhere6AThat BIt CThis DThey7Asave Buse Cpass Dspend8Arailway station Bkindergarten Cclassroom Dvillage9Aspeaking Boffering Cexpressing Dfeeling10Aexpressions Bemotions Copinions Dcharacteristics11Aturn over Bturn on Cturn off Dturn down12Aunderstand Bdraw Cact Dperform13Aeven more Beven less Ctoo much Dtoo little14Aincluding Bin Cfull of Dwithout15Aeach Bevery Call Dboth16Awell Bquick Cexact Dstrange17Abirth Bdevelopment Chistory Dart18Aappointment Baction Cadvantage Daccident19AenjoyBhelp CbehaveDteach20Abody Bspoken Cwritten Dfacial参考答案一、1答案:running2答案:Finding3答案:sleeping4答案:Passing5答案:pared6答案:Saving7答案:used8答案:Not knowing9答案:moved10答案:gathering二、1解析:由于you与feel之间存在主动关系,所以此处应用动词ing形式短语feeling energetic and ready to start a new day作伴随状语。答案:C2解析:“南方下了大雨”与“在几个省份引发严重洪涝灾害”之间有明显的因果关系,因此应用含动词ing形式短语作结果状语;动词不定式作结果状语时,常表示突然出现的结果。答案:C3解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:蒂娜以前曾在这家自助餐厅吃过饭,她不想再去了。根据句意可知,此处非谓语动词表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前,且主语Tina与eat存在逻辑上的主动关系,故要用动词ing形式的完成式。因此A项正确。答案:A4解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:由于不知道上哪一所大学,这个女孩向她的老师征求建议。非谓语动词的否定式,应把not置于非谓语动词的前面,故排除B项和D项;由于know与主句的主语the girl之间存在主动关系,故选A项。答案:A5解析:考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。句意:一架小型飞机撞上城东5英里处的一座山坡,机上四人全部丧生。此处用动词ing形式作状语表示结果。答案:B6解析:本题考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。本句的含义是“从周末没有尽头的作业中解脱出来后,我们现在可以从事自己的活动,比如一起骑车去欣赏日出”,由此看出此处不表示目的,排除C项;free.from意为“把从中解脱出来”,we是动作free的承受者,故选A项。答案:A7解析:破折号前后应为两个并列的句子。玛莉(Mary)在此为称呼语,因此此处不能用第三人称单数,排除B项;动词不定式多表示目的,不符合题意,排除C项;如果使用动词ing形式ing,则该句不是句子,排除D项;用动词原形开头,为祈使句,意思是“玛丽,到这儿来其他人待在原处”。答案:A8解析:因为look和the old woman之间存在主动关系,所以应用动词ing形式短语作伴随状语。答案:B9解析:由于句子的主语I与tell之间存在被动关系,所以排除B项和D项;C项属于独立主格结构的形式,这种形式用于动词tell和句子的主语I之间既不存在主动关系也不存在被动关系的时候,因此也可以排除。答案:A10解析:由本句的句意“降低后的价格每打将为你节省一美元”可知,price和reduce之间存在被动关系,应用过去分词作定语。答案:C三、1答案:All those who are standing at the back,please e and sit here.2答案:Because the poor of the city had lived such a hard life,they fought against the rich in the end.3答案:Who was the man that shook hands with our English teacher just now?4答案:Tom left home quite early,and hoped he could catch the first bus.5答案:After lunch,she sat in the sun and the dog was sleeping beside her.6答案:Because we didnt know what to do,we asked Mr.Smith for some advice.7答案:When he arrived at the station,he found the train had left.8答案:If/When you turn to the left at the crossing,you will find the shop you are looking for.9答案:We hope the new machine will work faster,thus it will reduce our costs.四、1解析:shake表示“摇动,挥动”;touch表示“接触”;movement表示“动作,移动,运动”;sense表示“感官,感觉”。人们通过手和身体的动作进行交流。答案:C2解析:由空后的“.only in the last few years that.”可以想到此处与上文之间存在转折关系,用however。答案:D3解析:对于体态语,学习(learn)、使用(use)和注意(notice)是很久以前的事情,只有研究(study)可以是近几年的事情。答案:A4解析:imagine表示“想象”;consider表示“认为,看作”;expect表示“预计,期望”;find表示“发现”。只有consider与文意相符合。答案:B5解析:本句中的动词work是不及物动词,不缺少宾语,排除代词what;再根据句意“你是否知道体态语是如何起作用的”,应选择how。答案:C6解析:形式主语it代替动词不定式短语to read books on the subject,不能使用that,this或they。答案:B7解析:spend可以用于词组“spend time doing sth”,其他三个词没有这个用法,因此由空后的time watching可以得出答案。答案:D8解析:由本句后面的“openly ”和“anger,sorrow,happiness,impatience(不耐烦)”等可知, railway station(火车站)是一个人群特别密集的地方,可能在众目睽睽之下出现各种各样的表情。而在kindergarten,classroom和village等场所很难同时出现这些表情。答案:A9解析:speak的含义是“说”;offer的含义是“提供”;express 的含义是“表达”,常与anger, sorrow,happiness等表示情感的词连用;feel的含义是“感觉”。答案:C10解析:由于anger,sorrow,happiness和impatience等属于人的情感,因此应用emotions。而expression的含义是“表情”;opinion的含义是“看法”;characteristic的含义是“特征”。答案:B11解析:由下一句中的“By turning the sound back up every five minutes or so”可知,此处应指把音量调低,turn down与turn up相对。词组turn over的含义是“翻转;仔细考虑”;turn on的含义是“打开”;turn off的含义是“关掉”;turn down的含义是“调低”。答案:D12解析:在把音量调低的情况下,利用画面“尽量去理解发生的事情”。动词understand的含义是“理解;明白”;draw的含义是“画画”;act的含义是“行动;表演”;perform的含义是“表演”。答案:A13解析:本文是讲述体态语的作用,此处表示“借助画面你也许会知道的更多”。答案:A14解析:由该空上面的“watching the picture”可知是不借助语言,即without words。答案:D15解析:表示“每隔多久”要用“every一段时间”,不能借助于each,all或both等。答案:B16解析:本句缺少表语,应用形容词。well作形容词时的含义是“身体健康的”,与句意不符;quick表示“迅速的”;exact表示“准确的”;strange表示“奇怪的”。此处表示“核实一下自己理解的准确程度”,应用exact。答案:C17解析:由该段下面讲述的内容可知,该句与体态语的诞生、发展和历史没有关系;art的含义是“技能,艺术”,此处表示“研究体态语这门艺术”。答案:D18解析:对于掌握了体态语的人来说,是具备了一种优势。答案:C19解析:词组enjoy oneself的含义是“过得愉快”;help oneself的含义是“自取;自用”;behave oneself表示“规矩,听话”;teach oneself表示“自学”。因为是参加聚会,所以应用enjoy oneself。答案:A20解析:由本段第一句中的body language即可得出答案body。词组body language的含义是“体态语”;spoken language的含义是“口语”;written language的含义是“书面语”;facial language的含义是“面部语言”。答案:A


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