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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4AstronomythescienceofthestarsSection自我小测新人教版必修一、根据句意以及汉语或首字母提示写出下列单词的正确形式1As we all know,the moons g_ is weaker than the earths.2Mary is a very g_ person,who never loses her temper.3Unfortunately,the plane c_ shortly after taking off.4To our joy,the manned s_ was sent up into space successfully.5He likes physics and wants to be a famous p_ like Stephen Hawking one day.6There wasnt enough water in the river to _(使漂浮)the ship.7The child _(拉)at his mothers coat for more chocolate.8We should form the habit of living in low _(碳)9The space shuttle orbited a munication _(卫星)10Today all of us face the problems of _(气候)change,shortage of energy and other natural resources.二、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空begin.withnow thatcheer upbreak outmore thanwatch outblock outget the hang of,die outmake up1The speaker _ his speech _ his selfintroduction yesterday.2_ Bill has a long holiday,he can go abroad to have a trip.3You look sad._!Everything will be all right soon.4That guy was a dangerous person.You should _ for him.5As soon as the professor finished his lecture,thunderous applause _.6The heavy smoke from the big fire is rising into the sky,_ the sunlight.7Scientists predicts about two thousand species will probably _ in a century.8Press the button when the light goes onyou will soon _ it.9The farmers from villages _ about 15 percent of the citys total population.10He is _ a good teacher,but a close friend to us all.三、同义句改写1I believe that all the people in the world want a peaceful world._ _ _ is that all the people in the world want a peaceful world.2I have explained it three times,but he is too stupid to understand such a truth.I have explained it three times,but he is _ _ _ he cant understand such a truth.3Since you have got such a good chance,you should make full use of it._ _ you have got such a good chance,you should make full use of it.4This week it is your turn to do the housework.This week you do the housework _ _ _.5As we all know,smoking does harm to our health.As we all know,smoking _ _ _ our health.四、单句语法填空1When Yao Ming was present at the airport,all the people waiting there cheered _.2The searching scientists have discovered that the Arctic Ocean stores great masses _ fuel that can solve the problem of energy crisis.3Such useful information should _(feed)into your puters in case it should be used in the future.4Now _ you like her,you should express your love to her face to face.5It is not difficult to solve such math problems once you get _ hang of the skills to do them.6John studied hard,_ he got the highest marks and was admitted into Qinghua University.7There is a warning board on the road that reminds the passengers to watch out _ the danger ahead.8_ we develop our economy shouldnt be at the cost of destroying our environment.9With the temperature of the whole globe increasing,the earth will be too hot for us to live _ one day.10As _ astronomer,how I wish I could have a chance to make a trip into space.五、语法填空The pressure of our society has led to an increasing number of stressrelated _1_(ill)The only cure may be to put away your worries and anxieties,_2_ in many cases this just isnt possible._3_ instance,a person who has financial problems cannot easily forget all about his or her troubles.However,a person _4_ has a highpowered job should take time off work.He or she should do _5_(relax)things,as ones health is more important _6_ work,after all.If your health is poor,you _7_ not be able to do what you want to do._8_ is also beneficial to attend relaxation classes.What is more,you can also ask therapists for help _9_ you think you are overstressed.Therapists with specific training in stress reduction can be very helpful in _10_(teach)relaxation techniques.1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9_10_六、阅读理解How much do you know about Emma Thompson?Take and find out.Emma Thompson is cleaning house.“That film star lifestyle Ive managed to avoid all these years is I really want now!” she says on the phone from her home in London over the sound of running water.“Im entirely alone in a messy house,and I want that bloody army of servants to e and look after me!” She laughs merrily as if she would really let anyone wait on her hand and foot.Thompson wouldnt think for a minute that her two Academy Awards(one for acting,one for screenwriting)should justify the royal treatment.On screen,Thompson is equally unpretentious(谦逊的)Her excellent portraits of silent women,such as the lonely housekeeper in The Remains of the Day,the plainJane sister in Sense and Sensibility,and the midlife lonely heart in her new movie,Last Chance Harvey,are bathed in her natural humanity.Her next project is a script for My Fair Lady.In xx Thompson married actor Greg Wise,with whom she has a young daughter,Gaia(her first husband was actordirector Kenneth Branagh)Is falling in love harder in middle age?“Yes,” says Thompson,“Its ten million times more scary for my character in Last Chance Harvey because around the corner could be another heartbreak you think youll never survive.What scares her is the possibility for real anguish(苦恼)” Thompson,of course,has her own way for anguish.She thinks she admires the ability to laugh in the face of disaster in a person.She often plays the worried women,but she thinks she is a edian.1We can infer from the text that Emma Thompson is _.Aa directorBa singerCa scientist Dan actress2When Emma Thompson answers the phone,she is _.Acleaning the houseBteaching her servants a lessonCrepairing her washing machineDlooking after her child3From the passage can we know what kind of person Emma Thompson is?AShe is lazy but proud of herself.BShe is successful but lonely.CShe is successful but unpretentious.DShe is successful and kind.4Which of the following statements is TRUE?AThompson thinks she should live a very fortable life.BThompsons My Fair Lady is popular among the audience.CThe movie Last Chance Harvey was made later than Sense and Sensibility.DThompson doesnt know how to settle her anguish.七、七选五阅读理解根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Some students wish that they could always see the smiles on their teachers faces._1_ Why do teachers seldom smile,especially in class?I believe all the people,including teachers,want to smile in their daily life.Teachers teach us from morning till evening every day,which is very difficult.It is because of teachers hard work that we students can know a lot about different fields.Nevertheless,some students dont study hard,which makes teachers unhappy._2_ Whats more,other students dont listen carefully in class.Instead,they sometimes talk,make faces,look outside or do some other things not related to their study.They dont work hard,and often make teachers angry.Can teachers smile in these cases?Of course not._3_ The first and most important thing is that you must put your heart and mind in your study.That means you should listen to your teachers carefully in class.Try your best to grasp what is taught in class._4_ If you have any difficulty,you can turn to your teachers or classmates for help.Last but not the least,try to talk with your teachers in your free time.Also,when your teachers are ill,they need your care.Some of your words may make them smile._5_AAs a result,teachers cant wear smiles on their faces.BIf you can do as I tell you to,your teachers will then often smile.CIn my opinion,if you want to make teachers smile,you must do the following things.DHowever,instead of the smiling faces,they usually see the cold,even freezing faces of teachers.ESmiles are of great importance to not only us but also our teachers.FSecond,go over what you have learned after class and finish your homework on time.GRemember to smile at life however hard it is.参考答案一、1gravity2gentle3crashed4spaceship5physicist6float7pulled8carbon9satellite10climate二、1began;with2Now that3Cheer up4watch out5broke out6blocking out7die out8get the hang of9make up10more than三、1What I believe2so stupid that3Now that4in your turn5is harmful to四、1up 2of3be fed4that5the6so7for8That9on10an五、1illnesses2but3For4who5relaxing6than7will8It9if10teaching六、1D由第二段第二句中的film star以及下文提到她所演出的电影可推知,Emma Thomson是名演员。 2A由第二段第一句可以得出答案。 3C由整篇文章的叙述可知,Thompson是一位很成功的演员,再由第三段可知Thompson在电影中和生活中都很谦逊。4C由第三段第二句可知电影Last Chance Harvey是她的新电影,而Sense and Sensibility则是以前的电影。七、1D2A3C4F5B


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