2019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 《British and American English-Module Summary》导学案 外研版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 《British and American English-Module Summary》导学案 外研版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 1 British and American English-Module Summary导学案 外研版必修5学习目标Learing aims: Understand some sentences or paragraphs contains words and structures we have learned in this module. Identify some tenses:The Present Indefinite, The Present Continuous, The Present Perfect and so on.学习重点Learning Important: Express the meaning using all kinds of tenses. For exaple the Present Indefinite. Analyse, intergrade the language materials by ways of scaning to acquire the useful information.知识链接Knowledge links: Other usages of the Present Continuous: 一些非延续性动作,可用现在进行时表示很快将发生的事情。The bus is stopping. (表示渐渐停下来,很快将全部停止) 现在进行时可以表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作。Were going to London the day after tomorrow.学法指导Guidance of learning: Know about the basic usages of verb in the text.探究过程Processes of exploring:PART Simple sentences correction(单句改错) (知识应用 B级)1. Thanks for your help, we got over these difficulties.2. All the students were in favor with the reform.3. Qi Baishi is referred as the Picasso of China.4. This dictionary is belonged to me.5. How do you like the idea presenting by the head teacher.6. You may find it necessary to finish the work ahead of time.7. Do you know whether this program is in the air?8. The old man got used to live alone.9. The young couple made a fuss to their pet dog.10. How are you getting on your job here?PART Use proper preposition or adverb to plete the sentences. (B级)1. The twins have everything in mon with each other, _ character.2. The basket is filled _ flowers.3. It is polite to queue _ while you wait at the station.4. pared _ last year, he made greater progress this year.5. He didnt go to Huanggang Middle School. _ he left for Beijing No. 4 Middle school.6. What he said led _ this quarrel.7. The light will be on _ the flick of switch.8. Good sleeping has a good effect _ your health.9. It is helpful for children t present their thoughts _ their parents.10. Noah Webster graduated _ Yale University.PART Choose the best way to fill in the blanks. (C级)be divided by, on the team, stand in line, fill up with, on the other side, as well as, after all, wherever1. Do you burn coal _ gas for cooking in winter?2. Dont blame him for breaking that vase, _ he is a child.3. The garden _ a path is really a big one.4. He is the best player _ without question.5. I picked up a wallet _ money and turned it in.6. There is a new store _ of the street.7. Remember we are friends _ you are.8. The students are now _ to get their new books.当堂检测Have a in-class test Multiple Choice (C级)1. Our ancestors (祖先) celebrated_ birth of _ child by giving red eggs.A. the, aB. the, theC. /, aD. /, the2. -I just hear that the tickets for tonights show have been sold out. -Oh, no!_.A. I dont mindB. I knew it alreadyC. I was looking forward to thatD. Its not at all interesting3. _ was once regarded as impossible is very mon today.A. ThatB. WhichC. WhatD. Who 4. Where there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of_.A. handB. reachC. holdD. place5. I _ him to take the job, but I didnt succeed.A. persuaded B. tried to adviseC. did my best to makeD. tried to persuade6. China is larger than _ country in Africa.A. any otherB. any C. otherD. the other7. Americans eat _ as they actually need every day.A. twice protein as muchB. protein as much twiceC. protein as twice muchD. twice as much protein8. _ at the door before entering please.A. KnockB. To knockC. knockingD. Knocked9. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, pletely_ to the outside world.A. having been lostB. to be lost C. lostD. losing10. Look! There _ a hill in front of the village in the painting.A. standsB. beC. livesD. liesReading Field (能力提升 D级)If American customs seem strange, remember that Americans feel the same way when they visit another country, people living in different cultures do many daily things differently from one another. What a dull(not interesting or boring) the world would be if this were not true!Some differences are small, and one soon bees used to them. For example, many people find it strange that Americans move from place to place so often. Born in one city, they may attend school in a second, enter business in a third, and perhaps move several times during their lives. Today, most Americans fully expect and accept the fact that they will move frequently.However, houses are of great interest to Americans. They spend a lot of time thinking, reading and talking about their homes and how to improve them. They also enjoy looking at other peoples houses, since they would enjoy visiting and examining a house in another country, they may suppose that you will probably have the same desire(strong wish) when you visit the United States. So do not be surprised when you visit an American family and are shown every room in the house besides the bathroom and kitchen. 1. The first paragraph suggests that_. A. only American customs prove to be strangeB. customs are different in different times C. customs are different from country to countryD. Americans feel uneasy when they visit another country分析2. According to the passage, the world would be terribly dull if_. A. people living in different countries did a lot of things in the same wayB. people lining in various regions in the world did a few daily things in the same wayC. the people all over the world spoke the same languageD. most of the world people did daily things differently from one another分析3.Most Americans think it normal that_. A. the world is not dull B. they will move frequently C. they do many daily things differently from one anotherD. customs are different from country to country分析4. Which of the following statement is NOT true? A. Americans perhaps move several times during their livesB. Americans enjoy visiting others housesC. It takes Americans much time to think, read and talk about their houses and how to perfect themD. You are showing all the rooms in the houses except the bathroom when you visit an American family分析总结Summary:Introspection: _


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