2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 The written world教案 牛津译林版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 The written world教案 牛津译林版选修8【美文阅读】How to start reading classic literature诵读经典可以使人提高素养,增长才智。但是,只有掌握了一定的阅读技巧,阅读经典才是快乐之旅。The written word is one of the most powerful forms of expression. Classic literature written many years ago still has the power to educate and inspire people. Many people find it difficult to read the classics(古罗马文学). In fact, reading the classics can be a pleasurable experience especially as you mature(成熟) and develop a deeper understanding of the world.Read for enjoyment. Classic literature should be read for enjoyment as well as education. Look for the works by authors youre familiar with through movies or TV. Choose the type of classic literature that you enjoy reading from past experience.Keep a dictionary on hand. Use the Oxford English Dictionary as a reference for unfamiliar words or to define(使明确) words that have changed in meaning over time. Start slowly and work on reading 30 minutes a day to get into the habit.Get to read its biographical information. This is because it relates to the setting of the story and author. To have a better understanding of the story, find out more about the time period in which a work was created and the background of its author.Do research on the Internet. Large numbers of websites, like Bibliomania, provide information for the study and exploration of classical literature.Understand story structure. Classic literature often contains plex plots and extensive character development. Focus on reading for the overall(总的,全体的) theme or the meaning of the story, and take notes to recognize the basic elements of the story.Buy literature panions. Authoritative(权威的) works such as the Oxford panion to Classical Literature or the Norton Anthology of English Literature offer popular classic works of literature to get you started.Understand the use of footnotes(脚注) in literature. Classic literature is often full of references to social and culture elements of the past. Footnotes may be used to explain these references and make the material easier to understand.【诱思导学】1Classic literature is too difficult for us to read now. Do you think so? 2Which tip do you think is the most useful while reading the classics? 【答案】1.Yes, I think so. / Though difficult, it can be read little by little.2The last tip. Because I think footnotes are helpful to me. Period Previewing(教师用书独具)教学目标本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的生词,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。教学地位本单元让学生阅读有关英国文学作品的文章,从而吸取其中的精髓,陶冶自己的情操,提高欣赏能力。(教师用书独具)新课导入建议通过三个问题引发学生思考:Question 1:“Do you often read the English literature?” Question 2:“Do you know something about Charles Dickens, Englands the greatest writer?” Question 3:“Have you read Great Expectations? What was it mainly talking about?”教学流程设计导入新课。学生阅读“美文阅读”与“诱思导学”(见学案第1页)。学生就“美文阅读”进行讨论,统一答案。学生再次阅读课文(课本第23页)并完成“语篇理解”(见学案第2页)。师生共同讨论并统一答案。让学生快速阅读课文,(见课本第23页)并完成“篇章结构”(见学案第2页)。学生共同讨论,并让学生发表各自见解,最后统一答案。学生再次仔细阅读课文,(课本第23页)进行深度理解,并完成“课文缩写”(见学案第2页)。老师指导学生讨论,共同找出答案。让学生根据所给出的表格进行自我评估(见学案第3页)。学生讨论,并让学生代表发表他们讨论得出的答案,老师予以更正。让学生完成“知识初探”部分(见学案第3页)。老师布置作业,并让学生预习学案Period (见学案第38页)。.篇章结构阅读P23的Reading部分,完成下列表格(每空1词)1. of classicsClassics are the antiques of the literary world,taking the 2. of novels,plays and poems,which were well written long ago and are popular with present people.3. for some people not reading classicsThe language used in classics 4. from the one used nowadays,adding to their difficulties with reading.Classics are oldfashioned and boring and have nothing to do with life today.Interesting factsClassics are still in 5. and have a place in the world today.Many films adapted from classics achieved great success.6. to appreci ate classicsGrasp the main elementsTake Great Expectations for instance.ThemeWhat it means to be a 7. .SettingEngland in the early 1800s.Symbol8. Indicating danger and uncertainty.Helping readers understand the symbol.9. Pip,Joe,Pips sister,Estella,a generous stranger.BeginningIn a misty field of tombs.10. TwistA stranger gives Pip a great deal of money,and Pip moves to London.EndingPip bees a gentleman.【答案】1.Defination2.form3.Reasons4.differs5.existence6.How7.gentleman8.Mist9.Characters10.Plot.语篇理解阅读P23的Reading部分,从每题所给的3个选项中选择最佳答案1What is the authors attitude towards classic novels?AThey are boring.BThey are out of date.CThey are still received.2Why are so many classic novels adapted into films?AThey are hard to understand.BNowadays few people like to read them.CThe life today has something in mon with that in them.3What was usually used to add interest,tension or deeper meaning in the novels?AA symbol.BA mysterious setting.CA plicated plot.4When did Pip start a new life?AAt the age of 18.BWhen he moved to London.CWhen he met Estella.5What does Great Expectations tell us?AMoney is as precious as friendship.BMoney cant buy anything but friendship and education.CMoney is less important than friendship.【答案】1.C2.C3.A4.B5.C.课文缩写阅读P23的Reading部分,完成下面课文缩写As we all know, classics are the 1. of the literary world. They are examples of great writing and 2. , and even those written centuries ago can still be found in bookshops and 3. today. Even some films are 4. on them. Charles Dickens is one of Englands greatest writers. Great Expectations is one of his famous 5. . The story begins when Pip is seven. There is a 6. twist in the plot when a very stranger gives Pip a large fortune. Pip moves to London. Money and 7. have changed him. He bees vain and 8. of his background and even dislikes it when Joe es to visit him because he isnt a gentleman. He wins Estellas love. But later Pip 9. a lot. He learns happiness and friends are more important than 10. .【答案】1.antiques2.wisdom3.libraries4.based5.works/novels6.generous7.education8.ashamed9changes10.wealth.词义搭配1CharacteristicAto treat a person or an animal in a cruel way2abuse Btypical or distinctive3desperate Ca person who mits a crime4criminal Dthe feeling of fear and excitement5tension Edetermined to do or have6generous Fnot rude7vain Gtoo proud of your appearance, abilities or achievement8civil Hcharacterized by violence or bloodshed9violent Igiving or willing to give freely10bent Jshowing extreme urgency or intensity especially because of great need or desire【答案】1.B2.A3.J4.C5.D6.I7.G8.F9.H10.E.短语填空e out; base on; be bent on.; be eager to; live up to; on the run;have nothing to do with; at a time1Though he claimed he the case, the police still found evidence to prove him guilty.2 these principles, I have four proposals.3You cant realize your dream unless you achieving it.4Congratulations! Your article in yesterdays newspaper.5Mom all week preparing for Toms wedding.6She meet people and see places Id talked about, but it was not easy for her.【答案】1.had nothing to do with2.Based on3.are bent on4.came out5.has been on the run6.was eager to.句型背诵1They are novels,plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well written that people still read them nowadays.它们是很久以前创作的小说,戏剧和诗歌,写得很好,至今人们仍然在阅读这些作品。2This makes them difficult for some people to read,so they are often left to gather dust on shelves.这使得一些人阅读起来有困难,所以它们常常被搁置在书架上,积满了灰尘。3Pips sister often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm e to Pip.皮普的姐姐经常辱骂他,而乔却是一个善良淳朴的人,他宁愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。4Pip dislikes it when Joe es to visit him in London.当乔来伦敦看他时,皮普并不乐意。Period Wele to the unit & Reading(教师用书独具)教学目标(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。(2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语。(3)通过对这些词汇的学习能够更深层次的理解课文,再通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练的运用这些词汇。(4)通过对本课文的学习,让学生能够用英语简单描述所读过的英国文学作品并介绍自己喜爱的作家,以提高学生的口头及书面表达能力。教学地位单词和短语是构成句子的最小单位,在语言学习中起至关重要的作用,所以理解和正确英语单词和短语是英语学习的重点所在。(教师用书独具)新课导入建议“Lets know something about the English literature.”开门见山,直入主题。 教学流程设计老师检查上堂课所布置的作业,检查学生对学案预习的情况。导入新课。让学生就“课堂互动探究”(见学案第38页)进行讨论,让学生各自发表自己的见解,然后让各个讨论组派代表汇报各自讨论结果。让学生再次阅读课文以加深对所学单词与短语的理解。老师针对难点和重点词汇进行讲解,并补充老师认为重要的词汇和句型,补充一些必要的练习。让学生针对各自不同的意见展开讨论,然后老师给出详细正确答案。让学生完成“自我评估”(学案第8页)。布置作业并预习Period (见学案第811页)。1This makes them difficult for some people to read,so they are often left to gather dust on shelves.(P2)对有些人来说,读它们是困难的,所以常被搁置在书架上积满了灰尘。该句使用了“maken./pron.adj.”复合结构句型。Tomorrows journey makes the bikes important for us to repair.明天的旅行使得我们修理自行车变得很重要。make宾语宾补当宾语比较长时,常常用“makeit宾补宾语”这一结构,it为形式宾语。除make外,find,think也可用于此结构。The Reform and Openingup makes it important for us to grasp English.改革开放使得我们掌握英语很重要。【提示】“make宾语省略to的不定式”变为被动语态时,to不能省略。【对接高考】(xx四川高考)New technologies have made possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.AthatBthisConeDit【解析】题干为固定句型:make it adj. to do。其中it作形式宾语,替代动词不定式to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost。句意:新兴科技已经使得以更快的速度、更低的成本生产新产品成为可能。【答案】D完成句子天气使我们的计划难以完成。The weather for us to carry out.那部电影使她成了明星。The movie .我们的老师使得我们感到更自信了。Our teacher more confident.在交通嘈杂声中他无法使自己的声音提高到让别人听到的程度。He couldnt above the noise of the traffic.她明确表示反对。He that he objected.她一定要查清楚到底该谁负责。She her business to find out who was responsible.【答案】made the plan difficultmade her a starmakes us feelmake himself heardmade it clearmade it2have nothing to do with与没有关系Many people do not read them,because they think classics are old and boring and have nothing to do with life today.(P2)许多人不读经典文学作品是因为觉得它们过时了,枯燥乏味,与今天的生活没有任何关系。Our decision has nothing to do with the fact that her father is on the mittee.我们的决定与她父亲是委员会成员没有关系。That has nothing to do with what we were discussing.那与我们所讨论的问题毫不相干。have something/much/a lot/a great deal to do with.与有(很大)关系be related to与有关系be concerned in/with与有关系 That has something to do with what we are discussing.那与我们正讨论的问题有关。I was related to the matter.我和那件事有关联。完成句子You see,I (和那件事一点关系都没有)Its reported that the ship sinking in Shaoyang (与有很大关系)an overload.【答案】have nothing to do with that thinghas much/a lot/a great deal to do with3at a time每次;依次;逐一He first published many novels one chapter at a time in newspapers,and some were later performed on stage.(P2)他的许多小说起初是在报纸上连载的,每次一章,有一些则后来被搬上了舞台。Take the pills two at a time.每次服两片药。Dont try to do everything at once;take it a bit at a time.不要什么事都一块儿干,要一次做一点儿。at one time曾经;一度at all times总是;随时;永远at times有时at the same time同时at that time那时at no time决不(放句首时,句子用部分倒装) At one time Emily was my best friend.艾米丽曾经是我最好的朋友。I go to school by bus at times.我有时做公共汽车去上学。完成句子Dont all speak at once! (一次一人),please.He ran up the steps (一步两个台阶) (以前)most school teachers were men,but today there are more women than men.单项填空Dont try to do everything at once;take it a bit .Aat one timeBat a timeCat the timeDat times【答案】One at a timetwo at a timeAt one timeB4be set in以为背景Great Expectations is set in England in the early 1800s.(P3)远大前程以19世纪初的英格兰为背景。The novel is set in prewar London.这部小说以战前的伦敦为背景。The film is set in the 18th century Paris.这部电影以18世纪的巴黎为背景。set about着手做(n./doing)set aside保留,储蓄;暂时把放在一边set off出发,动身,启程;引爆set out 出发,动身;着手做(to do)set up开办,建立,设立;建造,搭起set back使退后;使延迟 The pany was set up 10 years old.这家公司是十年前建立的。Wed better put some money aside for future use.我们最好储蓄些钱以备将来之需。【对接高考】(xx安徽高考)Traditionally,college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they on their life journey.Agive upBsettle downCget throughDset off【解析】give up放弃;settle down定居,(使)安静下来;get through完成,读完,通过,用完;set off出发,(使)开始,引起。句意:依照惯例,为激励自己,大学生在踏上人生旅程之前会举行一场毕业典礼。根据句意应选D项。【答案】D完成句子The film (以伦敦为背景的)is about a romantic story.He (着手上漆)the whole house.【答案】set in Londonset about painting/set out to paint5Pips sister often abuses him, but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm e to Pip.(P3)皮普的姐姐经常虐待他,但乔却是一个善良淳朴的人,他宁愿死也不愿看到皮普受到任何伤害。(1)abuse vt.& n虐待;辱骂;滥用Dont abuse your friends.不要辱骂你的朋友。Its easy to abuse ones power.人容易滥用职权。abuse ones power滥用权力alcohol/tobacco/drug abuse酗酒/嗜烟/滥用毒品child abuse虐待儿童 The major abused his power and was put into prison.市长滥用职权,被送进了监狱。The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.政府已成立了工作组调查滥用毒品问题。完成句子她滥用自己作为校长的职权,把工作安排给朋友们。She as principal by giving jobs to her friends.报道此案的新闻记者遭到了恐吓和谩骂。Journalists covering the case .贪污是现代政治的主要弊端之一。Corruption is in modern politics.【答案】abused her positionhave been threatened and abuseda major abuse(2)本句是个复合句。but连接并列句,who引导的是定语从句修饰man。定语从句中使用了“would rather do.than do.”结构,意为“宁可而不愿”,用以表达主语的意愿,强调经过选择后做其中一件事,而不愿做另一件事。I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。Facing the enemies,our soldiers would die rather than surrender.面对敌人,我们的战士宁死不屈。would do sth.rather than do sth.宁可而不愿would rather(not)do sth.宁愿(不)做某事would rather(not)have done宁愿曾经(没)做过某事(表示主语要做某事,而结果却事与愿违)would rather that sb.did sth.宁愿某人做某事(表示现在或将来要做的事)would rather sb.had done sth.宁愿某人做某事(表示已经做过的事或过去要做的事) Id rather not have a break now.我倒宁愿现在不休息。I would rather I had not said that yesterday.我宁愿我昨天没说过那种话。完成句子我但愿你明天早上能在机场见到她。I would rather her at the airport tomorrow morning.我真希望你那天没有把那个消息告诉他。I would rather him the news that day.我宁可向朋友借钱,也不愿拒绝帮助你。 refuse to help you,I borrow money from my friends.【答案】you metyou hadnt toldRather than;would6desperate adj.铤而走险的;拼命的;绝望的;非常需要;渴望Pip, who is seven years old when the story begins, is in a foggy cemetery when a desperate criminal appears and frightens him.(P3)故事开始时,七岁的皮普正在一个浓雾笼罩的墓地中,就在这时一个穷凶极恶的罪犯突然出现了并恐吓他。A desperate man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.一个亡命之徒为了达到自己的目的什么事都做得出来。He was desperate when he lost all his money.当丢了所有的钱时他绝望了。be desperate for渴望,迫切需要be desperate to do sth.非常想做某事desperately adv.绝望地,拼命地desperation n. 拼命;铤而走险 He is desperate to pass the entrance exam.他非常渴望通过入学考试。He was desperate for work to provide for a large family.他渴望有工作来供养一个大家庭。单项填空He has been out of work for a long time, so he is to get a job.AspecialBparticularCdesperateDstubborn【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他已经下岗很久了,因此他特别想找一份工作。desperate“非常需要,渴望”,符合句意。special“特别的,专门的”;particular“尤其,特别”;stubborn“固执的”。【答案】C7generous adj.慷慨的,大方的;宽厚的,仁慈的There is a twist in the plot when a very generous stranger gives Pip a large fortune.(P3)当一位非常慷慨的陌生人给了皮普一大笔钱的时候,故事情节发生了曲折变化。She was always very generous in her charity.她行善时总是很慷慨。She was generous enough to overlook my little mistake.她非常宽宏大量,不计较我的小错误。be generous with对于很慷慨be generous in在方面慷慨be generous to sb.对某人很慷慨Its generous of sb.to do sth.某人真慷慨/宽宏大量做 It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum.她很大方,捐助了这么大笔钱。【对接高考】(xx湖北高考)He didnt selfishly keep for himself the money inherited from his uncle. Instead, he made a contribution to help the munity.AmercialBgenerousCparableDprofitable【解析】mercial“商业的,商务的”;generous“慷慨的,大方的”;parable“类似的,比得上的”;profitable“有利可图的”。根据关键词instead可知,前后语意相反,make a contribution表示“捐献”,因此B项“慷慨的,大方的”符合语境。句意:他没有自私地把从叔叔那里继承的钱自己留着,而是慷慨捐赠出去以帮助社区。【答案】B单项填空He provides 1,000 books for the primary school.He is a contributor.AgenerousBgenerouslyCrichDgenerosity【解析】考查词语辨析。句意:他为小学提供了1000本书,是一位慷慨的捐助者。generous意为“慷慨的,大方的”,作定语。B、D两项分别是该词的副词和名词形式,不可选;rich不符合句意。【答案】A8vain adj.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的Money and education, however, change him, and before long he bees vain and ashamed of his background.(P3)然而,金钱和教育改变了他,不久后他变得虚荣,对自己的出身感到羞愧。She is a vain woman.她是个虚荣的女人。He is vain of his learning.他对自己的学问很自负。in vain徒劳,白费力气地a vain attempt/effort徒劳的尝试/努力 All the polices efforts to find him were in vain.警察想尽各种各样的办法要找到他,但是所有的努力都是徒劳的。They tried in vain to persuade him to give up smoking.他们极力劝说他放弃吸烟,但枉费了一番口舌。完成句子成功后,他变得自负起来。After his success, he .我们所有的努力都付之东流了,也就是说我们又失败了。All our efforts were ; that is to say, we failed again.【答案】became vainin vain9Pip dislikes it when Joe es to visit him in London.(P3)当乔来伦敦看他时,皮普并不乐意。句中it是宾语,dislike it when.是一个常用句型。He disliked it when she behaved badly in front of his mother.他讨厌她在他母亲面前举止不当。I dislike it when I have to speak in French on the phone.当我不得不用法语打电话时,我感到很讨厌。like, enjoy, love, hate, dislike, appreciate等表“喜怒哀乐”的及物动词,需跟it再跟从句。see to, depend on, lie in等由动词和介词构成的动词短语后接that宾语从句时,先加形式宾语it,再接that从句。 I will appreciate it if you can help me.如果您能帮忙,我将不胜感激。I shall see to it that he is taken good care of when you are absent.你不在的时候我一定会负责把他照顾好的。句型转换I dont like the way that you speak to your mother.I you speak to your mother in that way.完成句子如果您能带我去看下一届奥运会,我将不胜感激。 you could take me to watch the next Olympic Games.【答案】dislike it whenI would appreciate it if10be bent on (doing)sth.决心做某事Pip is bent on being a gentleman and winning Estellas love.(P3)皮普一心要成为一名绅士,赢得埃斯特拉的芳心。If you are bent on carrying out your plan,you should give your careful attention to it.要是你决意执行你的计划,你应该仔细考虑一下。Shes bent on a career on the stage.她倾心于舞台生涯。bend ones mind to sth.专心于某事bend to.屈服于;顺从于bend down弯腰bend over俯身靠近;弯身作拱形 He bent all his mind to studying.他专心致志地学习。The tall man bent down to get through the doorway.那位高个的男子弯腰为了通过那道门廊。单项填空Can you and touch your toes without ?Abend down;bending your kneesBbend over;bending your kneesCbend down;bend your kneesDbend over;bend your knees【解析】考查短语辨析。句意:不要弯曲膝盖,你能弯腰触及你的脚趾吗?bend down“弯腰”;bend over“俯身靠近”。without是介词,其后应接bending,故选择A项。【答案】A完成句子这位老人决定自己一个人生活。The old man .她总是专心致志于她的工作。She always .【答案】is bent on living alonebends her mind to her job11violent adj.暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的,强烈的The film begins the same way as the novel doeswith Finn (Pip)meeting a violent criminal on the run from the police,and then with Finn going to a rich and crazy womans house to be Estellas panion.(P5)影片的开头和小说的一样,费恩遇上一个在躲避警察的粗暴罪犯,后来费恩到了一位富有而行为古怪的妇人家里成为了埃斯特拉的伙伴。Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies.不应允许儿童看暴力电影。He gave the man a violent blow.他给了那个人猛烈的一击。violently adv.粗暴地;凶狠地;激烈地;猛烈地violence n暴力,暴行;猛烈,激烈,激情take.by violence强夺 As far as I know,the city was taken by violence at that time.据我所知,这座城市当时是被强夺过来的。完成句子The boy shook his head (拼命地)The force has made several (猛烈攻击)on the hill.The man behaved violently and treated everything with (暴力)【答案】violentlyviolent attacksviolence12live up to达到,符合(期望);实践However, if you liked the book, you should probably not be too eager to see the film, as it is not likely to live up to your great expectations.(P5)然而,如果你喜欢这本书,你大概不会太渴望看这部电影,因为它很可能达不到你的期望。There is no doubt that he faithfully lived u


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