2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey grammar教案 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 A Social Survey grammar教案 外研版必修1The General Idea of This PeriodGet the students to study further about the grammar: The Present Perfect Tense. Practice and improve the students writing ability. At the same time guide the Ss how to pronounce the stressed words in sentences.Teaching Aims1. The students will be able to learn more about the Present Perfect Tense.2. Improve the students writing ability.3. Practise pronouncing the stressed words in sentences.Teaching Important PointsHow to improve the Ss pronunciation and writing ability.Teaching Difficult PointHow to help the Ss to learn the Present Perfect Tense.Teaching MethodsTalking, practicing and writing.Teaching Aids1. the multimedia2. the blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2 RevisionT: We have learned something about the Present Perfect Tense. Lets look at these sentences.(Show them on the screen.)Say “True” or “False”:1. I have read the instruction book but I dont understand it.()2. I have written the letter, but I havent posted it yet.()3. I cant find my glasses. Have you seen it?()4. I have bought the pen for three years.()5. The boy has fallen ill for two days.()6. Miss Li has e here since xx.()Get the Ss to say “True” or “False” and correct them. Give more explanation about how to use the verbs and time. e.g. join, lost, buy, borrow, leave, go, e, arrive, die, marry, finish, plete, begin, start, etc. 在肯定句中不能和一段时间连用,要表达“他已完成工作三小时了”可用:1. He finished the work three hours ago.2. He has been through the work for 3 hours.3. It is/has been three hours since he finished the work.Suggested answer:1.True2.True3.True 4.False5.False6.FalseStep 3 PracticeT: Lets look at this exercise: (show)Choose the correct answers: 1. The price _ but I doubt whether it will remain so.A. went downB. will go downC has gone downD. was going down2.You look like good friends.Yes, we are. We _ each other since childhood. A. knewB. got to knowC. have been knowingD. have known3.Oh, its you! I didnt recognize you.I _ my hair cut and I _ new glasses.A had; was wearingB. have had; am wearingC had; woreD. have; had wear4.We havent heard from Jane for a long time.What do you suppose _ to her?A. was happenedB. to happenC. has happenedD. having happened5. You dont need to describe her. I _ her several times.A. had metB. have metC. metD. meet (Check the answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers: 1.C“价格已经降了下来”,此处使用现在完成时表示现在时间内的已有状态。2.D从since childhood可知主句一定用现在完成时态,C项用现在完成进行时,动词一般不用状态动词。3.B甲没有认出乙的原因是乙刚理过发并戴了副新眼镜。4.C第一句是信息句,所用时态是现在完成时,答语中的时态也应用现在完成时。5.B现在完成时可表示过去发生的事情对现在产生的影响或结果,问话人以这样的时态发问可体现其焦急的心情。Step 4 PronunciationT: Please open your books at Page 37.Look at the dialogue. Listen to the tape carefully. Pay attention to the stressed words in sentences.(Play the tape for the students listening. Then get several to read it. Check the mistakes with the whole class. At the same time give some explanation.)Step 5 PracticeT: Writing is important for us. We should often practise. But first lets look at these sentences. (show)plete the sentences with “and” “but” and “or”.1.I dont like fish _ chicken,and you?I dont like fish _ I like chicken very much.2. There was no piano in the room _ the singer didnt mind. 3. The day breaks, _ the birds are singing.4.Can you lend me a pound?Im sorry, _ I cant.5. The changes in the city will cost quite a lot, _ they will save us money in the long run.6.Close the window, _ youll catch a cold. OK, _ youd better not smoke. (Check the answer with the whole class.)Suggested answers: 1.or,but2.but3.and4.but5.but6.or, butStep 6 WritingT: Please look at the paragraph.(show)Now plete the paragraph below with “and” or “ but”.Cities are exciting, interesting places to live,1I have always enjoyed living in them, as there is so much to do 2see. There are museums, cinemas, theatres, art galleries, parks, coffee bars, clubs 3many other places where people can meet 4exchange ideas.5there is time when I need the peace6quiet of the countryside. Cities are interesting,7 they can be beautiful,8they are never beautiful in the way that the countryside is beautiful. By this I mean that they do not have the beauty of nature, trees 9hills, lakes 10streams.I love cities,11there are times when I need to get out into the countryside 12 get away from the noise, the dirt 13the people. I think that there are many people who feel the same way. (Get the Ss to read it and fill in the blanks. Check the answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers: 1.and2.and3.and4.and5.but6.and7.and8.But9.and10.and11.but12.and13.andT: Now please try to write a short paragraph to introduce a country, a city or a village. Use “and” and “but”.Sample:BritainBritain is in the northwest of Europe. Its official(正式的) name is the United Kingdom(王国) of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the U.K.)and it is made up of(由组成) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and some other smaller islands(岛屿).The total area of the U. K. is 244 000 square kilometers and its population is about 55 million. About 46 million live in England. The capital of Britain is London. It is a city of 8 million people. And it is one of the worlds most important financial(金融的) centers, and Britains main center of trade and munication. The West End(伦敦西区),famous for its shops, theatres and restaurants, attracts a great number of tourists every year. Other parts of London are often much poorer, especially the East End. The British educational system is a plicated(复杂的) one, pared with(与相比) the Chinese educational system. British higher education has a long history. There are over forty universities. The word-famous universities, Oxford and Cambridge, are the oldest dating(追溯) from 1167 and 1284.Step 7 Homework1. plete the exercise in your books.2. Read the paragraph of the writing.3. plete your writing.Step 8 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 4A Social Survery MyNeighbourhoodThe Fifth Period1. join,lost,buy,borrow,leave,go,e,arrive,marry,finish,plete,begin,start等终止性动词,其肯定句不能和段时间连用。2. He finished the work three hours ago.He has been through the work for 3 hours.It is has been 3 hours since he finished the work.Step 9 Activity and InquiryWrite about where you live.StepsStudents ActingTeachers Organizing1Collect materialsTell how to do2DiscussIntroduce how to write3WriteCheck


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