2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》学案-Reading 外研版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》学案-Reading 外研版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3《Adventure in Literature and the Cinema》学案-Reading 外研版必修5.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema学案-Reading 外研版必修5Teaching aim: Reading and understandingIntroduction Pay attention to the following expressions and sentences.1)solve the problem/ have no connection with 2)a true account of Give us a true account of what happened.对我们说出事情的真相吧!3)run away from/ run away vt. 潜逃(失去控制) 逃跑,离家Eg. He ran away from home at the age of thirteen. 他十三岁那年就离家出走了。The horse has been hobbled so that he cant run away.那马的脚被绑住了,所以它无法逃走。He broke the window and ran away. 他打破窗子逃跑了。4)The two of them are sailing down the Mississippi River on a raft, when they see something in the river ahead of them.Reading and vocabulary1. Background knowledgeBased in the mid 1800s before the Civil War, the novel chronicles(编年史纪录) the journey of and relationship between Huckleberry Finn and a runaway southern slave, Jim, as they flee south on the Mississippi River. The pair have a journey that bring them together and that shows Mark Twains dislike for slavery in the southern culture.2. Understand the passage by finding the answers in the passage. 1)How many characters are there in the story? A. Four B. Three C. Five D. Six2) We can infer that _.A. Huck and Jim was caught by the two menB. the man lying on the floor was killed by the short manC. all three men were savedD. Huck and Jim escaped safely3) Which of the following statement is true?A. A steamboat sank in the sea B. The short man killed the tall man C. The frightened man on the floor escaped from the steamboat.D. Huck and Jim took away the two mens boat.4) What do you think of Huck?A. He was a shy man. B. He is a clever and brave man. C. He is a cruel man. D. He had a few frightening experiences on the river.3. Fill in the blanks according to the story.There was a big storm that night and the rain 1 _ and we saw something in the river. It looked like 2_ at first, but then we 3_ it was a steamboat. It had hit a rock. We were 4_ towards it. Jim didnt want to 5_ a 6_ship. I suggested we might find something useful on the boat. So we 7_ and climbed onto the boat. We heard someone beg not to kill him. A mans angry voice answered that they were going to kill him for he was 8_. I saw two men standing 9_a man and said that they had had enough 10_ the man. He obviously 11_to kill him. The short man disagreed and he thought the steamboat would sink and the man would 12_ _ with it.The 13_man on the floor started 14_. I thought I had to find a way to save him. I 15_ Jim to help me. And we found the mans boat. We 16_ quietly and as we paddled away we heard the two men 17_. By then we were a safe 18_away. I didnt want all three men 19_. I want to do 20_ I should do.4. Correct one mistake in the following sentences.1) We stayed inside the shelter we had built and let the raft sailed down the river.2) Although I was frightening, I also felt very curious.3) There were two men stand over there.4) He sounds as if hes going to die for fright!5) We found the mans boat tying to other side of the steamboat.6) I have to find a way save him.7) As we paddled away, we heard the men shout.8) So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat, keep as quiet as mice.9) It was quite dark, but I could see a man lie on the floor, tied up with a rope.5. Read the passage and plete the following summary. _1_ a rainy midnight, we sailed down the river on a raft, noticing a steamboat half_2_and half_3_of the water. We paddled over and climbed on _4_ it, hoping to get something useful. But _5_my astonishment, I sound that two men, one of _6_ held a gun, were just going to kill a man _7_ the floor, _8_up with rope. I decided to save the man, so I _9_Jim to help me paddle away the mens boat tied to the steamboat. When we were a safe distance away, I began to _10_ doing that.6. plete the following sentences.1) We stayed inside the shelter we had built and let the raft _(顺流航行) the river.2) Suddenly, _(借助闪电的光亮),we saw something in the middle of the river.3) There were two men _(站在他面前) him. 4) The short man suggests _(留在) the man on the floor. 5) We found the mans boat _(绑在)other side of the steamboat.6) I have _(受够了) you. Im going to shoot you new,”.7) _(使我们大吃一惊的是), there was a light in one of the cabins.8) So we _(划过去) and climbed on to the steamboat, _(象耗子一样悄无声息地).9) It was quite dark, but I could see a man _(躺在地板上), _(被绳子绑着). 答案:2. CDBB 3. 1) poured down 2) a house 3)realized 4) sailing 5) board 6) sinking 7) paddled over 8) lying 9) over 10) of 11) threatened12) go down 13) frightened 14) crying 15) persuaded16) climbed 17) shouting 18) distance 19) to die 20) what 4. 1) sailed改成sail 2)frightening 改成frightened 3) stand改成 standing 4)for改成 of 5)tying 改成tied 6)save 改成to save 7) shout 改成shouting 8)keep改成 keeping 9) lie改成 lying 5.1) On 2) in 3) out 4) to 5) to 6) whom 7) lying 8) tied 9) persuaded 10) regret6. 1) sail down 2) by the light of the lightning 3) standing over 4) leaving 5) tied 6)had enough of 7) To our astonishment 8) paddled over, keeping as quiet as mice 9) lying on the floor; tied up with a rope

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