2019-2020年高中英语 Book I Unit 4 Earthquakes单元导学案 新人教版必修1.doc

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Book I Unit 4 Earthquakes2019-2020年高中英语 Book I Unit 4 Earthquakes单元导学案 新人教版必修1内容简析本节课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的NSE高中教材必修1第四单元的Pre-reading、Reading、prehension 部分。本单元的中心话题是“地震”,内容涉及“中国唐山地震的不眠之夜”、“美国旧金山1906年地震”、“地震后重建的新唐山”、“地震的基本知识”、“在地震或突遇的灾难中如何自救、救人”等。本节课是单元的阅读课,教材以“地球的一个不眠之夜”为题,叙述1976年7月28日凌晨发生的唐山大地震。教师可在充分利用教材资源的基础上,结合学生的实际情况设计教学活动,旨在帮助学生有效地掌握阅读技巧,形成有效地学习方法和阅读策略,同时掌握如何叙述过去的事情,为下一步的写作教学做好准备。目标聚焦一、知识目标1、学习并初步掌握课文中关于地震方面的词汇;学习分析课文中的长难句,初步感知课文中出现的本单元要学的语法现象。2、能运用所学语言知识描述地震前兆、危害及震后援救。二、技能目标1、能理解文章主旨大意,获取信息、处理信息、进行推理判断和表达的能力。 2、形成分析篇章结构的能力,提升逻辑思维能力。三、策略目标1、通过图片和标题预测文章内容;运用skimming和scanning阅读策略迅速获取信息,并能够精读文章获取信息和分析信息。 2、能利用上下文猜测生词词义。四、情感态度目标1、学习唐山人民勇敢面对自然灾害,积极进行灾后重建的精神。2、在教学活动中培养学生的合作精神和互助精神。方法运用1、整体教学法2、导、读、练的教学模式 学习流程Before class (课前自主学习,合作探究)1. Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible.(温馨提示:说一千,道一万,记住单词是关键!)1) Read and recite the new words and phrases from earthquake to reporter.(方法引导:按音标以及读音规则正确读、背单词和短语。)2) Write out the words and phrases correctly according to their Chinese meanings.(方法引导:先默写,然后再核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出,写出正确单词并加以巩固。)_ n. 地震 _ 立刻;马上 _ vi. 爆裂;爆发 n .突然破裂 _ 仿佛;好像 _ vt. 损害;伤害 _ 结束;终结_ vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭 _ 严重受损;破败不堪_ n.& vt. 援救;营救 _ 掘出;发现_ vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 _ 许多;大量的2. Do the Exx in Fast reading3. Read the text and try to find out the difficult and charming sentences and then try to analyze or memorize them.【设计意图】预习词汇为下一步的阅读扫清生词障碍;通过让学生课前自己找出难句、典句并试着分析和欣赏,培养学生主动发现问题问题和解决问题的能力,同时为课上的研读环节作了充分的铺垫。In class(课上交流展示、研讨提升)Step 1 Warming up(热身)Have you ever experienced any natural disasters? Look at the following pictures, can you name all the disasters? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _【设计意图】通过多组图片激发学生兴趣,增加学生的生活常识,提高他们面对灾难的应变能力,学生可通过参阅有关书籍并运用一些生活常识来回答这些问题。Step 2 Pre-reading(展示预习成果和导入新课) 1. Recently, Feng Xiaogangs new movie - After Shock (唐山大地震) is on show. Please look at the pictures above, and answer the following questions:1) What do you think will happen before an earthquake?2) What can we do to keep ourselves safe from an earthquake? 3) Do you know anything about Tangshan Earthquake in 1976?2. Get the Ss to look at the pictures and the title of the reading passage and predict the content and then lead into the new lesson. _【设计意图】用图片更形象的展示地震的相关信息,通过问题的设置为后面的阅读做铺垫;通过图片和标题对课文内容进行预测,培养学生预测阅读内容的能力,激起进一步探究的好奇心,顺理成章的引入新课。Step 3 Fast reading(速读)1. Check up the answers of the exercises students have done before class. (方法引导:展示课下预习成果,让课堂学习更加有效。)2. SkimmingSkim the passage and guide the students to conclude the main idea of this passage. (方法引导:抓住每段的key words,从而掌握整篇文章的大意和中心思想因为文章里的每个单词、每个句子、每个段落都是为这个中心服务的。) _Tips for summing up the main idea of a storyWhen?Where?What happened?3. ScanningScan the passage and do the true or false questions.(方法引导:采用扫描式阅读 (scanning), 进行有选择有目的地阅读,目的是寻找某些资料或信息,对于无关部分可以忽略。)1. Two-thirds of the nation felt the earthquake. ( )2. All the people in Tangshan were dead or injured during the earthquake.( )3. Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei and people were very afraid of them. ( )4. Later that afternoon, a terrible earthquake shook Tangshan again. ( )5. All hope was not lost. Slowly, the city began to breathe again. ( )【设计意图】首先检查学生对课前预习任务的完成情况。然后通过问题设计引导学生运用skimming和scanning两种阅读策略快速了解课文的主要内容,并检查读前预测是否正确;让学生归纳文章大意,旨在帮助学生把握课文要点,学会总结和归纳课文内容。通过对课文主要信息的寻找,培养学生迅速搜索信息的能力。Step 4 Careful reading(细读)Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.1) When and where were the strange things happening?_2) Why didnt the chicken eat?_3) Why did such a great number of people die?_4) How was the city destroyed after the earthquake?_5) When did the earthquake hit the city again? What was the result of that? _【设计意图】通过问题设计引导学生更进一步的了解课文内容,考虑到学生归纳概括的能力比较薄弱,可以让学生通过小组讨论形式得出答案。让学生在完全掌握课文内容和结构的基础上,顺利进行下一步的研读。Step 5 Study-reading(研读)1. Try to analyze the following long and difficult sentences. (温馨提示:理解长难句的结构,弄清其汉意,是排除阅读障碍,提高阅读理解能力的关键。)1) But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. (Page 26, Para 1)译:_从结构上看,这是一个_句(简单句/并列句/复合句)。who thought little of these events是由_引导的_,用来说明先行词_,就其意义来说,在句中相当于一个并列句。因此,这个句子也可以写成:But the one million people of the city thought little of these events and were asleep as usual that night.2) One -third of the nation felt it. 全国1/3的地方都有震感。(Page 26, Para 2) One-third三分之一。分数/百分数+of +名词短语构成主语时,谓语动词的单复数由它所修饰的名词的单复数决定。(关于分数的表达方法参看课本83页注释3) Eg: More than 70% of the surface of the earth _ covered by water. 地球表面70%被水覆盖。3) All hope was not lost. (Page 26, Para 4) 译:_本句为部分否定句式,not可放于all 之前,改写为_。表示完全否定意义的为none。Eg: None of these things are mine. 这些东西都不是我的。 4) The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. (Page 26, Para 4) 译:_。 从结构上看,这是一个_句 (简单句/并列句/复合句)。_是定语从句,修饰先行词those,and起连接作用,连接_和_。5) Slowly, the city began to breathe again. (Page 26, Para 4)译:_。breathe在这里是一种_的修辞手法,表达了作者对这个被地震摧毁的城市又重现生机的喜悦与关切。2. 1) Find out a sentence in the text which has a similar meaning with the following one.In a short time , a large city was pletely destroyed._2) Translate the sentence.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads, and canals._3. Go through the Reading again and find out the sentences that you dont understand. First discuss them in your group then in class.(方法引导:通过小组之间的合作学习,解决课文中其他疑点难点,加深对课文的进一步理解。)_【设计意图】通过研读,让学生学会分析相关的长难句,彻底扫清所有的语言障碍,完成相关的知识目标,同时也是为下一步的读后任务做好必要的语言知识积累和语言障碍清除。Step 5 Post-reading(读后)1. Listen to the tape of the Reading. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(方法引导:听录音,注意语音语调以及句子的意群,以便更好的理解文意。)2. Go through the Reading again and then fill in the blanks with the books closed. (方法引导:再读课文,整合运用,加深理解,升华主题。)Several days before July 28, 1976, many s_ things happened in Tangshan. They were signs for the e_. But people in the city of Tang Shan thought l_ of these. At 3:42 am everything began to s_, which d_ everything of the city. People were s_. Then, later that afternoon, another big quake shook Tang Shan. Some of the r_ workers and doctors were t_ under the r_. More buildings fell down. Water, food, and e_ were hard to get. People began to wonder how long the d_ would last. Soon after the quakes, soldiers were sent to help the rescue workers. Slowly, the city began to b_ again. 【设计意图】在学生理解了文章的主旨大意,把握了文章的相关细节信息,并进行了深入理解后,再对信息进行再整合,加深对文章的整体的理解和把握。After class(课后巩固提高、预习准备)1. Discussion.(分组讨论)By now youve known that earthquakes are terrible natural disasters and that China is unlucky enough to have a lot of them. Now imagine that your group lives in the city that has a lot of earthquakes, what should you do during an earthquake? Look at the given situation and discuss in pairs.1) If you are OUTDOORS, 2) If you are in a HIGH BUILDING, 3) If you are DRIVING, 4) If you are HAVING CLASS, 5) If you are in a CINEMA, What should you do during the earthquake?Situation:1) how to rescue those still trapped in the ruins;2) how to take care of the survivors;3) how to repair buildings that survived the earthquake;4) what to do with the buildings that survived the earthquake;5) where to find people to help build a new city;6) how to teach children about earthquake safety;7) where to put information for survivors and their families;8) how to plan for further disasters.2. Reading for fun.(趣味阅读) I. Zhang HengZhang Heng (张衡) (78AD139AD) was an astronomer, mathematician, artist and literary scholar(文学学者)in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China.Born in todays Nangyang County, Henan, he was a good writer at age 12. At the age of 16, he left home to pursue (从事) his studying the capital city. He spent at least 10 years of his youth in literary studies and writing. He published several well-recognized literary writings. He switched to(转向) astronomy after age 30.In the year 123 he corrected the calendar to bring it into line with the seasons.In 132 Zhang Heng invented the first seismograph (地震仪) for measuring earthquakes. His device was in the shape of a cylinder (圆柱体) with eight dragon heads around the top, each with a ball in its mouth. Around the bottom were eight frogs, each directly under a dragon head. When an earthquake occurred, a ball fell out of the dragons mouth into a frogs mouth, making a noise. He also invented the odometer (里程表).Zhang Heng was the first person in China to construct a rotating celestial globe.In one of his publications he also proposed = 730/232 (or about 3.1466) . II. Earthquake Survival TipsWould you know what to do during a really big earthquake? Experts have looked into matter carefully. It may be worth you while to look over the following tips they have for us. If the ground begins shaking while you are driving, pull over and stay in your car. If you are in a building, try to get near a strong wall. The corner of the room or the space under a big doorway is the safest. As soon as the quake is over, check the gas pipe in the building. Gas fires often result from earthquakes. These tips may prove to be lifesavers. We should, therefore, keep them in mind. Remember to always hope for the best but prepare for the worst.Escape in the School l If it has an earthquake when having classes, the students should listen to the teachers instruction, protect their heads and hide under the desks.l If it has an earthquake when the students are in the sports ground, they can crouch on the spot and protect their heads with hands. Be sure to keep away with high building and dangerous objects.l Dont go back to the classroom. l Retreat in order after the earthquake.Escape in Public PlacesListen to the mand of the site workers. Dont be scared and dont rush towards the exits. Try to avoid crowds. Avoid to be squeezed to the wall or barriers.l At theaters and gyms: crouch down or slip under the chairs; avoid suspending lights and electric fans; protect the head with schoolbags; after the earthquake, listen to the mand of the workers, retreat in an organized way.l In department stores, bookstores, museums or subway: find firm counters, modities (low furniture etc.) or a pillar, or the corner of a wall to crouch down on the spot, protect the heads with hands or other objects; keep away from glass windows, glass counters or show counters; keep away from tall cupboards; keep away from advertisement boards and other suspending objects.l On buses or trolley buses: Grasp the handles to avoid being injured; lower the center of gravity; hide near the seats; get off after the earthquake passed.【设计意图】课后小组讨论属于任务拓展的较高层次,通过假设地震不同情景,不仅对学生熟习并掌握教材内容很有帮助,而且有利于学生综合运用语言的能力;趣味阅读可以开启心智,对学生的阅读和写作都大有裨益。教学反思本节课的设计从高一学生学生的实际情况出发,注重训练高一学生的阅读策略,培养恰当的阅读技能,采用了课前课中课后的这样一种阅读课教学模式。课前自主学习,合作探究;课上交流展示、研讨提升;课后巩固提高、预习准备,让学生通过自己的探索、研究,解决问题、获取知识。改变以往灌输为主的教学方式,不断自我学习自我提高,与时俱进;坚持以人为本,以学生为本,面向全体,培养学生自主学习和良好的学习习惯,授人以渔。从而真正达到学生自主学习、合作学习、探究学习、积极学习的目的。同时为激发学生的探究欲望和阅读兴趣设置了由浅入深,层层推进的任务型阅读的教学模式。孔子在论语中说过“知之者不如好知者,好知者不如乐知者”。可见兴趣对于学习是何等地重要,我的做法是把语言教学与日常生活联系起来,结合学生不同的个人爱好如篮球、足球、音乐、电脑,寻找切入点,让他们的这些爱好与英语挂钩,一步一步地培养和激发他们的英语兴趣。 参考答案Before classearthquake right awayburst as ifinjure at an enddestroy in ruinsrescue dig outbury a (great) number ofIn classStep 1 Warming upVolcano; fire; sandstormTyphoon; hailstone;thunderstorm Flood; hurricane; earthquakeStep 2 Pre-readingStep 3 Fast reading1. (略)2. This passage recounts the terrible earthquake that nearly destroyed the city of Tangshan in Hebei Province in 1976.3. FFFTTStep 4 Careful reading1) At about 3:00 am on July, 1976. In the countryside of northern Hebei.2) Because they were too nervous to eat.3) Because the earthquake happened while people were asleep and they thought little of those events.4) The whole city lay in ruins. All of the citys hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.5) On the afternoon of July 28, 1976. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped. Step 5 Study-reading1. 1) 但是,唐山市的一百万居民几乎都没有把这些情况当一回事,当天晚上照常睡了。复合句;who;非限制性定语从句;the one million people of the city.2) is。3)不是所有的希望都破灭了。Not all hope was lost.4)部队人员组成小分队,将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。复合句;who were trapped;the dig out; to bury the dead。5)慢慢地,这个城市又开始出现了生机。拟人。2. 1) In fifteen terrible seconds, a large city lay in ruins.2) 一条8公里长,30米宽的巨大裂缝横穿房舍、马路和渠道。Step 6 Post-readingstrange; earthquake; little; shake; destroyed; shocked; rescue; trapped; ruins; electricity; disaster; breathe.After class(略)Period 2 Learning about language主备人: 沂南一中 徐金超 修订人: 孔娜 邵珠梅 编制时间:xx.8.8类别课表要求掌握的项目话题Basic knowledge about earthquakes; how to protect oneself and help others in disasters目标1. 语言知识目标1)词汇earthquake, quake, well, pipe, burst, nation, canal, stream, dirt, ruin, suffering, extreme, injure, destroy, brick, dam, track, useless, shock, rescue, trap, disaster, etc.2)语法定语从句(以that, which, who和whose为引导)2. 语言技能目标能够掌握课文中涉及的词汇、句型及语法知识,能够在理解掌握的基础上熟练运用3. 学习策略目标通过方法引导,使学生能够归纳知识点用法并熟练运用,实现提高学生归纳能力及灵活掌握词汇和语法用法的目的。4. 文化意识及情感态度目标通过唐山大地震不眠之夜,美国旧金山1906年地震,了解地震有关知识,学会在地震或灾难发生时如何自救,救人,同时学会珍惜并感激生命的存在。方法任务型语言教学途径,促使学生积极运用语言,完成任务;采用词组翻译、句子理解翻译、通过句子辨析词义,在完成练习的过程中达到巩固词组以及语法的用法的目的。学习流程Before class (课前自主探究,合作学习)根据中文提示完成下列句子。(方法指导:熟读课文,独立完成练习,然后校正答案。)1. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs _ (紧张的不想吃食).2. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings _ (爆裂开来).3. But one million people of the city, who _ (没有把这些情况当回事), were asleep _(照常) that night.4. It seemed _ the world was _(世界似乎到了末日). 5. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city _ (沉浸在一片废墟之中).6. The _ of the people _ (人们遭受的灾难极为深重).7. Everywhere they looked nearly everything _ (几乎被摧毁了).8. Some of the _ (救援人员) and doctors _ (被困) under the ruins.9. The army organized teams _ (挖掘) those who were trapped and _ (掩埋死者).10. Workers _ (盖起避难所) for survivors whose homes _ (家园被毁).In class(课上展示交流,巩固提高) I. Discovering useful words and expressions: (方法指导:先把原文句子呈现出来,然后认真浏览知识点的解析,并完成相应的练习,核对答案后,背诵句子) 1. 【原文再现】 在市内,有些建筑物

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