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2019-2020年高三英语Unit5GettingthemessageTeaching aims and demands:类别课程标准要求掌握的项目话题Talking about advertising and advertisement.词汇convey advertise advertiser brand consideration charge loss blame broadcast post react annoy annoying accuse associate appeal frequent figure salesman saleswoman profit campaign policy spokesman illegal target sneaker nowadays nephew waitress hostess bridegroom attach discount bonustakeinto consideration in charge (of) hand in hand get across appeal to keep an eye out for sb./sth. point out make sense 功能表达和评价不同观点 (Expressing and evaluating different views)You are quite right. Im afraid I cant accept that.I quite agree with you. I wouldnt say that.I think so, too. Not really. I see your point, but Thats not how I see it.Thats ridiculous. Im afraid I have a different opinion.抱怨投诉和表达情感 (Making plaints and expressing emotions)It really bothers me when the ads on TV sometimes show women as young, beautiful and stupid.I am angry about the ads for weight loss products.Im afraid Ive got a plaint about I hate to bring it up, butI cant stand it when I want to get my money back becauseIm really annoyed with I really hate It makes me sick Im upset about drives me mad! is really annoying.语法复习宾语补足语 (Review the Object plement)名词、副词、形容词、介词短语、动词不定式、过去分词和-ing形式可以用来充当宾语补足语Part 1: Vocabulary I. Words: 根据释义写单词:1. a person or pany that design advertisements for productsa_2. a products name that makes it different from othersb_3. be attractive or interesting a_4. a man whose job is selling things s_5. a man who speaks as the representative of an organization s_6. a planned set of activities carried out to achieve a certain goal c_7. an object fired at during shooting practice t_8. a reduction in the usual price of something d_9. something good that you get in addition to something you were expecting b_10. an amount of money gained through doing business p_Keys:1. advertiser2. brand3. appeal4. salesman5. spokesman6. campaign 7. target8. discount9. bonus10. profitII. 选用所给动词完成句子convey advertise blame broadcast react annoy accuse associate appeal attachSuppose you are a puter salesman. How would you (1) _ if people didnt want to listen to you and even (2) _ you of trying to mislead them? Dont get (3) _ if this happens and dont be too quick to (4) _ yourself for not doing a good job. People often make their choices after seeing or hearing ads that are (5) _ on TV or over the radio. (6) _ products are preferred, not because they are better, but because they are better known. If you want to influence the choices people make, first you have to (7) _ your product with what you need. The best chance to make them stop and listen to you is to (8) _ to their emotions. Sometimes, people are more willing to buy the positive concepts, such as love, health, happiness and success, that have been (9) _ to the product. If they accept the information you are trying to (10) _, you have a better chance to get them as your customers. Keys:1. react2. accused3. annoyed4. blame5. broadcast6. Advertised7. associate8. appeal9. attached10. conveyPart 2: Language points:I. The development of radio, television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising. 广播、电视和其它媒体与广告业同步发展。go with: 与同行; 和紧密相连Happiness doesnt necessarily go with money.go with: 与相配; 一道用 Brown shoes dont go well with a black suit. Red wine _(适合和肉类一起食用).hand in hand: 手拉手地;同步地The couple are often seen _(手拉手地散步) in the evening.Keys:goes well with meat walking hand in hand II. Some people find ads useful and entertainingfind 的用法:find+n.find+n./pron.+adj.find+n./pron.+n.find+n./pron.+doing find+n./pron.+donefind+n./pron.+adv.find+n./pron.+prep. phrasefind+that find+onself+find it adj. to do sth. plete the following sentences with the proper structure of find.1. Weve _after three days search. (找到了那个丢失的孩子)2. On his return from his office, he _(发现他家闯进人来了).3. Brenner found _(自己对生物越来越感兴趣).4. We hurried to Mr. Smiths house, but _(发现他出去了).5. If you watch ads on TV, you may find _.(一些广告很令人不舒服)6. Though it was late into the night, the office guard found _.(那个老师还在办公室备课)7. People find _ (威海是一个最适合居住的地方).8. When the old alumnus came back to our school, he found _.(学校发生了巨大的变化)9. Some experts find _(某些广告误导人甚至很危险).10. Mr Brown found _.(很难判断打广告的月饼哪种较好)Keys:1. found the lost child2. found his house broken into 3. more and more interested in biology4. found him out5. that some of the ads make you feel unfortable6. the teacher still preparing for the lessons in his office7. Weihai is the most suitable place to live in 8. it greatly changed9. some ads misleading or even dangerous 10. it difficult to decide which of the moon cakes advertised is better III. On the other hand, critics sometimes accuse panies of using ads to mislead us另一方面,批评者有时指责公司滥用广告误导我们accuse sb. of doing sth. 指控、指责某人He accused me of neglecting my duty. 他指责我玩忽职守。经常与介词of 搭配的动词短语:accuse sb. of sth./doing sth. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事cure sb. of sth. rob sb. of sth.assure sb. of 向保证;使相信 inform sb. of 把告诉;告以warn sb. of 警告suspect sb. of 对怀疑Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases.1. The teacher _the student _ cheating in the examination.2. The doctor has _many patients _ the disease with the prescription(处方). 3. They _ him _ being a telltale.4. Black clouds _ us _the approaching storm. 5. I may forget to repay the five pounds you lent me unless you _ me _ it.6. I can _ you _ my full support for your plan.7. The new settlers _ the Indians _ their lands and drove them away.8. He was _(v.) , and _(v.), _selling state secrets.9. I hope youll keep _ us _ how you are getting on with your job.10. A government notice on each packet _ the public _the dangers of cigarette smoking.Keys:accusedofcuredofaccusedof / suspectedofwarnedofremindofassureofrobbedofsuspected, accusedofinformingofwarnsof IV. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across. 消费者每天看到大量的广告,因此广告商必须使出浑身解数使消费者明白他们的意图.sothat结构 及such that 结构* so + adj./adv.+ that * such + (adj.) + n.复数 +that * so + many/much/little(少)/few + n* such + (adj.) + u +that * so + adj. + a/an + n.+that =* such + a/an + (adj.) + n. +that Translation:1. 这个产品太贵了, 没有多少人愿意买。_2. 这广告真有趣,我马上就买下了这个产品。_3. Ronaldo是那么著名的足球明星,他做广告的产品很受欢迎。_4. 他有那么多的作业要做,以至于他2点才睡觉。_getacross 通过;使被理解The bridge was destroyed, so we couldnt get across.I spoke slowly, but _(我的意思仍未被理解).He found _.(自己的中国式幽默很难被英国听众所理解)Keys:1. The product is so expensive that few people would buy it. 2. The ad was so interesting that I bought the product immediately.3. Ronaldo is such a famous soccer star that the products advertised by him are popular.Ronaldo is so famous a soccer star that the products advertised by him are popular.4. He had so much homework to do that he didnt go to bed until 2 oclock.my meaning didnt get acrossit difficult to get his Chinese humour across to an English audienceV. A good slogan should be “catchy”, or easy to understand.形容词easy, difficult, hard, fortable, fit等后面可以接动词不定式(主动式)作状语,主语既可以是人,也可以是物。He is easy to get along with.The question is difficult to answer._ 这辆汽车不好停放。_ 这张椅子坐起来很舒服。_ 这儿的水不适合喝。Keys:The car is hard to park.The chair is fortable to sit on.The water here is unfit to drink.VI. Many governments used ads campaigns to make people aware of social problemsmake its programmes known to the public making us believe that make + n./pron. +adj./n./do/done (作宾补)You may take a horse to the water, but you cant _(强迫它喝水).Itll _(使我高兴) if you accept it. It was noisy. The speaker spoke loudly, but he couldnt _(让听众听见他的话).He often _(把他弟弟逗哭), but today he _(被他弟弟逗哭).Keys:make him drinkmake me happy make himself heard/make the listeners hear himmakes his brother cry; was made to cry by his brotherPart 3: Reading:Making an advertisement for television often costs more than a movie. For example, a two-hour movie costs $ 6million to make. A TV mercial can cost more than $6,000 a second. And that does not include the cost of paying for air time(电视节目开始的时间). Which is more valuable, the program or the ad? In terms of money- and making money is what television is all about-the mercial is by far the more important.Research, market testing, talent, time and money-all e together to make us want to buy a product. No matter how bad we think a mercial is, it works. The sales of Charm went up once the ads began. TV mercials actually buy their way into our head. We, in return, buy the product.And the ads work because so much time and attention are given them. Here are some rules of mercial ad making. If you want to get the lower-middle-class buyer, make sure the announcer has a tough, manly voice. Put some people in the ad who work with their hands. If you want to sell to an upper-class audience, make sure that the house, the furniture, and the hair style are the types that the group identifies with. If you want the buyer feel superior to the character selling the product, then make that person so stupid or silly that everyone will feel great about himself or herself.We laugh at mercials. We dont think we pay that much attention to them. But evidence shows we are kidding ourselves. The making of a TV mercial that costs so much money is not kid stuff. Its big, big business. And its telling us what to think, what we need, and what to buy. To put it simply, the TV mercial is a form of brainwashing.1. TV mercials are more important than any other programs to television because_. A. they bring in great profits(利润)B. they require a lot of money to makeC. they are not difficult to produceD. they attract more viewers than other programs2. The purpose of all the efforts made in turning out TV mercials is _.A. to persuade people to buy the productB. to show how valuable the product isC. to test the market value of the productD. to make them as interesting as TV movies3. From the rules set for making mercial ads, we can see that _.A. the lower-middle-class buyer likes to work with his handB. the more stupid the characters, the more buyers of the productC. ad designers attract different people with different skillsD. an upper-class buyer is more interested in houses and furniture than a lower-middle-class buyer4. The underlined word “kidding” most probably means _. A. behaving as a childB. laughing atC. making fun ofD. not telling the truth to5. It is believed by the writer that _.A. few people like to watch TV mercialsB. people do not think highly of TV mercialsC. TV mercials often make people laughD. TV mercials are a good guide to buyers Keys: AACDB

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