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2019-2020年高三英语Unit10教案新课标人教版Words and expressions:根据要求写出相应的单词:1. prince _(female) 2. furnish _(n)3. wear _(adj) 4.anyhow_(synonym.)5. bakery _(v) 6. e out _(n)7. pray _(n) 8. simple _(v)9. approve _(antonym) 10.curl _(adj)Warming up and speaking1. Present the oute of your discussion to the whole class.向全班同学介绍你们讨论的结果. oute n. 结果;结局;后果S1(+of)I think there can be but one oute to this affair.我认为这件事只可能有一种结局。She was satisfied with the oute of her efforts.她对自己努力的结果很满意。Reading: A Sacrifice for LoveTrue or false:1. James Dillingham Young was a rich young man. (F)2. Della lived in a neighborhood with many trees and flowers.(F) 3. Jim and Della were a married couple. (T)4. Della thought having a haircut will make Jim happy. (F)5. Della decided to have the hair cut out of her love for Jim.(T)6. There were two possessions of this familyJims gold watch and Dellas hair. (T)Read the text and make right choices:1. How much money was saved by Della before the Christmas Day? (B)A. $ 8.B. $ 1.87.C. $ 2.D. $ 8.7.2. Why did Della cut her hair off? (D)A. Because she wanted to give Jim a surprise.B. Because she liked wearing short hair.C. Because she wanted to be looked like a Coney Island Choir girl.D. Because she needed more money to buy Jim a present.3. How much did Della get for selling her hair? (C)A. $ 12.B. $ 18.C. $ 20.D. $ 22.4. What did Della buy for Jims present? (B)A. A gold watch.B. A gold watch chain.C. A shave.D. A new overcoat.5. What did Jim buy for Dellas present? ()A. A shampoo.B. A hat.C. A b.D. A necklace.6. Jim felt _the moment he saw Della.()A. angry B. surprised C. disapproval D. upset7. Which of the following is true according to the story?()A. The Christmas day was ing. Della was very happy and she was looking forward to it.B. Jim and Della were young and rich.C. Jim didnt love Della any more when he saw that she had her hair cut off.D. Jims gold watch and Dellas long hair were the two possessions which they both took pride in.8. The word in the fifth paragraph “hesitated” is closest in meaning to_.()A. imaginedB. dreamed C. felt uncertainD. watched9. Which of the following is NOT true according to the story?()A. The day before Christmas Della was worried because she had only saved one dollar and eighty-seven cents for Jims Christmas present.B. The young couple lived a hard life but they loved each other deeply.C. Della was very nervous and worried before she heard Jims step when he came back home from work.D. When Della saw her present, she was so happy to get the expensive bs that she burst into tears.10. From the sentence, “She stood by the window and looked out at a grey cat walking along a grey in a grey backyard.” we can infer that Della was very_.()A. angryB. calmC. happyD. sad11. Della burst into tears when she saw the bs because_()A. she didnt like them B. the bs didnt match her beautiful hair.C. her hair had gone for his chain. D. she liked the bs very much.12. Jim didnt obey Della when she told him to take out his watch because_(B)A. he had lost it. B. he had sold it to get the money for the bsC. he disked obey others D. the chain didnt match it.13. What does the story mainly tell us?()A. How to celebrate a happy Christmas for a young and rich couple.B. How to choose Christmas presents for couples.C. A love story between a young and poor couple.D. Money is love.14. The title of the story means_()A. the couple needed sacrifice to maintain their love.B. the couple sacrificed their possessions out of love.C. they would sacrifice their lives for each other.D. they sacrifice their favorite things to God.15. The story is a typical O Henry story because it_.(B) A. it is moving. B. it has a surprise ending.C. the hero and the heroine are poor. D. it is short.Language points1. Pennies saved one or two at a time by bargaining at the grocery, at the bakery and the butchers until ones check burnt.这些前是在杂货店、面包房和肉铺里讨价还价争得面红耳赤从而一分、两分地省出来的。 at a time 一次,每次He often eats two eggs at a time. 他经常是一次吃两个鸡蛋.注意 at a time和以下这些短语的区别:at one time: (过去)有个时期,曾经一度 at any time: 无论何时, 随时at all times 随时,总是 at the time of: 在的时代 at no time 在任何时候都不 at this time 此时此刻at the time 在当时She wanted to leave school for business at one time.You can e here to ask me at any time /at all times if you have any questions.There appeared many famous writers at the time of Renaissance.At no time will China turn superpower.I agreed at the time but later changed my mind.You can guess what he is doing at this time. Bargain n. 交易,买卖合同Weve made a bargain that he will do the shopping and Ill cook.我们讲定了,他买东西我做饭。n.廉价货These shoes are a real bargain at such a low price.这些鞋价钱这么低,确实便宜。v. 讨价还价,成交If you bargain with them, they might reduce the price.如果你和他们讲价钱,他们可能会降价。2. Della wept.德拉哭了起来。 weep (-wept-weeping)(该词还可以做名词用)哭泣,流泪(+over/for) The girl wept over her sad fate. 那女孩为自己悲惨的命运而哭泣。 Mother wept for joy. 母亲高兴得流眼泪。 悲叹,哀悼(+over/for) We all wept in silence for the deceased. 我们都默默为死者哀悼。 比较cry,weepcry和weep都指发出表示悲伤、不高兴或痛苦的口齿不清的声音,并且cry 和weep 都与流眼泪有关。 cry 则更强烈地表示伴随的声音。 When he died ,the little children cried in the streets.当他死时,小孩子们在街上大声哭喊起来。I weep for what Im like when Im alone.我为我孤独时的样子而哭泣。3. They lived in a furnished flat at $8 per week.他们住在一个提供家具的出租屋里,每星期租金为8美元。 furnish vt.furnish A with B(=furnish A to B) 为某人提供某物furnish sth with sth 为某物提供家具How are you going to furnish the house? 你将如何布置房子? Ill furnish you with all you need. 我将提供你所需要的一切。She rents a furnished flat. 她租了一套备有家具的单元房。furnish的名词为furniture,意为“家具”,是不可数名词。a piece of furniture / an article of furniture 一件家具4. The place is shabby.这地方年久失修。 shabby adj.破旧的,寒酸的, 卑劣的a shabby old hat破旧的帽子a shabby old man一位衣衫褴褛的老人What a shabby trick, driving off and leaving me to walk home!多卑劣的恶作剧,把车开走了让我走路回家!5. Della finished crying and attended to her cheeks with powder rag. 德拉哭完了,用粉饼脸上抹了一点粉。 attend to处理,照看He offered to go out and attend to the matters. 他提出出去处理这些事情。 If you go out, who will attend to the baby? 假如你出去的话,谁来照看孩子呢?attend to ones work做好自己的工作attend a meeting参加会议,attend classes听课,attend school上学attend ones wedding参加某人的婚礼attention n. 关心,留心;注意常见的搭配有:draw/attract/call ones attention 引起某人的注意pay special/no/close/enough attention to sth.特别/不/密切/足够注意某事bring ones attention to sth. 叫某人注意某事be worth ones attention 值得某人注意fix/focus ones attention on全神贯注于6. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result.几个月来,她一直在省下每一分可能节约的钱,而结果就是这样。复习resultas a result =as a consequence= in consequencein consequence of =as a result of/because of/due to/owing toresult from 是的后果,是的结果 result in(无被动语态)导致,造成I forget to take my umbrella, as a result, I was wet all over.我忘记带雨伞,所以全身都湿透了。As a result of the rain, I was late.雨太大,所以我来晚了。The terrible accident resulted from his carelessness.这次严重的事故是由他粗心造成的。His attempt resulted in failure.他的企图以失败告终。7. Twenty dollars a week doesnt go far. 每周20美元根本就不够用 go far (钱等)耐花,价值大(常用于否定句);效力大,大有帮助;成功Although he earns 1000 yuan a month,it doesnt go far for his family尽管他每月有1000元的收入,但是不够家里用。Your suggestion will go far towards solving the problem.你的建议有助于问题的解决。A man with courage and confidence will go far.有勇气和信心的人是会成功的。8. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated.开支比计划的要多。 expense: 名词 意思是“开销,费用,花费” at great /little/ no expense 花费很大/很少/ 没有花费at the expense of sb/sth “以 为代价” He saved the girl at the expense of his life.以他的生命为代价at ones (own) expense 由/让某人付费The dinner was at my own expense.这顿饭我请。9. Something fine and rare something worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.一个既精美有珍稀的东西一个能配得上Jim的东西。 rare adj. 罕见的;珍奇的;煮得很嫩的That bird is very rare in this country.那种鸟在这个国家很稀有。Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.贾斯珀.怀特是那些少有的相信古代神话的人。rarely .adv. 难得,很少(=hardly)She is old and rarely goes out. 她年纪大了,很少外出。He rarely es here any more. 现在他难得来这儿。陈述句中含有否定词的反意疑问句构成He rarely has lunch at school,_? A. hasnt he B. has he C. doesnt he D. does he (hardly, never, scarcely, seldom, little, few, nowhere, nothing)但是:He was unsuccessful, wasnt he?(否定的前缀)对比:He was not successful, was he? Those are little boys, arent they?某些表示否定意义的副词或短语位于句首时如rarely, not ,never, little, seldom, nowhere, hardly, not only , not until, neither-nor , no sooner-than , hardly -when , in no time, by no means, under no circumstances, 等Seldom have I read a story so touching.In no case will they look on with folded arms. Never shall I forget the day. 我永远都不会忘记那一天。Not only does he like English, but also he learns it well. 他不仅喜欢英语,而且学得好。No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.我刚到家,天就下起雨来。10. it was worthy of the watch. be worthy of sth/ being done/ to be done worthy adj. (做表语)值得的,配得上的;(做定语)有价值的,可敬的,优秀的He did a worthy job.=He did an excellent job.The park is worthy of a visit. of being visited.to be visited.He is worthy of your trust.他值得你的信任Your advice is worthy of being considered.= Your advice is worthy to be considered.=Your advice is worth considering.你的建议值得考虑11. There were two possessions of the Jmaes Dillingham Youngs in which they both took great pride拥有他俩特别感到自豪的东西。 pride n. 自负;骄傲;自尊(心);自豪She showed us her new home with great pride.她非常得意地给我们看她的新家。Pride goes before a fall./Pride will have a fall.(谚).骄者必败。wound/hurt a persons pride.伤害一个人的自尊心have a pride in ones son .为自己的儿子感到自豪pride oneself on sth/ doing sth以自豪;对感到自豪take pride in (=be proud of)对感到自豪,以为荣,对感到自豪He took great pride in being a member of the club.(=He was proud that he was a member of the club.)他以身为那个俱乐部的会员而深感自豪。He was proud of his school record.=He took pride in his school record.他以学校的成绩自豪。be proud to do 因做而自豪Im very proud to call you my friend.能够和你以朋友相称,使我感到自豪。proud adj.有自尊心的,高傲的He was too proud to borrow money.他很有自尊心,不会伸手向人借钱。I got angry at his proud manner.我因他那傲慢的态度而发怒。12. And then she quickly did it up again. 她很快把头发梳理好。 do up u梳理 When Della reached home she quickly sat down to do her hair.德拉回到家,很快就坐下来整理头发。v 扣(纽扣)Do up your coat and hurry.把你的衣服扣上,快点!This dress does up at the back. 这条连衣裙扣子在后面。 w 整理(房间)Lets do up the room first.我们先整理房间。x 包,扎(包裹),捆 (东西)Please do these things up for me.请帮我把这些东西包扎起来。y 修理 The room needs doing up. 这房子需要修缮。 z 使穿上 She was done up in her Sunday best. 她穿着节日盛装。 使精疲力尽 He was done up /worn out after the long trip. 长途旅行后他精疲力尽。 do away with 摆脱;废除,取消 do for 照料do out of 抢劫;骗走,骗去 do with (前面与could, can连用)需要;有关系have sth. to do with 和有关系 have nothing to do with 和没有关系do without 没有某事物也行 do oneself up 梳妆打扮,化妆13. She hesitated for a minute and stood still while a tear or two fell on the worn red carpet.她迟疑了一会儿,呆呆地站在那儿,一两滴眼泪溅落在那破旧的地毯上。 worn adj (经使用或穿戴)破烂的,损坏的These shoes are looking rather worn.这双鞋子不成样子了。(指人)看起来精疲力竭的She came back worn and worried.她回来时既疲惫又忧虑。wear sth out 消瘦, 穿破, 用坏, 克服/wear sb out 消磨, 疲劳sth be worn out某东西破了/wear sth away 磨损, 消逝, 衰退, 磨减, 消磨, 虚wear sb/sth down削弱/wear off 逐渐减弱, 消失, 磨损, 耗损14. She put on her old brown jacket and her old brown hat, and ran out of the door and down the stairs to the street跑出房门,下了楼梯,来到了街上。The kids ran out to meet their parents.孩子们跑出来迎接他们的父母亲。复习对比第二单元中所学到的run out of We are running out of water.我们的水要用尽了。We ran out of petrol yesterday.昨天我们用光了汽油。比较:All our supply of food has run out.我们所有的食品供应都用光了。We decided wed better go home, before our money ran out.我们决定最好在钱用光之前回家。表示“用光、用尽”的还有:use up, give outAll those I had are used up.我所有的都用光了。They have used up their money.他们用光了钱。The fuel gave out.燃料用光了。You cant have a hot baththe water will give out.你不能洗热水澡了。要没水了。从以上例子可看出,虽然这些词组都表示“用光、用完”,但use up,run out of 为及物动词,而run out, give out为不及物动词。归纳拓展:run into遇上,偶然遇到;陷于,碰上(困境、麻烦等)I ran into Emma on my way home.我在回家的路上碰到了Emma。If you run into difficulties, try to overe them.如遇困难,要努力去克服。15. The next two hours she was searching the stores for Jims present.接下来的两个小时里,她跑了一家又一家商店为Jim寻找礼物。 in search of 中,不用任何限定词;search前有限定词时,后接介词for: in a/the/ones search for 寻找常用词组:search sb. for sth. 搜查某人找某物 search a place for sth. 搜查某地找某物search for sb./sth.in some place在某地寻找某人/物 search through ones pockets仔细搜寻某人的口袋16. It was really something that had been made for Jim and no one else.那的确是专为Jim制作的东西,而不是为别人做的。注意对比Unit 7练习中的词组词组make for的意义:走向,往走去,有助于,促进We made for home together.我们一起往家走去。They set off by car and made for the nearest town.他们坐上汽车出发,往最近的城镇开去。What youve said will not make for good relation between our two peoples.你讲的话无助于发展两国人民的友好关系。Such collective work makes for speedier improvement of teaching methods.这样的集体工作有助于较快地改进教学方法。17. With that chain on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any pany.这条表链如果能佩在Jim的表上的话,那么他无论在哪家公司上班都会很关注时间常拿出来看看的。in any pany与任何人在一起in ones pany与某人在一起 be fond of pany好交际be in good/bad pany=keep good/bad pany与好人/坏人来往keep sbpany陪伴某人 for pany作为陪伴,为应酬in pany with sb.=in ones pany与某人一起keep pany with sb.与某人结交part pany (with sb.)(与某人)分开/断绝关系 As the journey was a long one, he took a friend with him _.A. along B. together C. for pany D. as a panyIntegrating skills18. Della doubled the watch chain in her hand and sat on the corner of the table near the door. 德拉把表链对折着握在手里She got double scholarships 双学位Double the carpet, and cover it on the baby. 折叠19. When she heard his steps on the stairs away down on the first flight, she turned pale for just a moment. pale 苍白的,灰白的, (颜色)淡的 She was pale with fear. 她吓得脸色发白。 Her beauty seemed pale beside Marys. 她的美貌与玛丽相比似乎显得黯然失色。 20. She had a habit for saying little silent prayers about simplest everyday things 她有一个为日常生活默默祈祷的习惯。 make a habit of doing sth (page.90)形成做某事的习惯be in/fall into/get into/ form the habit of doing sth有/养成做某事的习惯Hes not in the habit of drinking a lot.他不习惯于多喝酒。get out of the habit of doing sthIve got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast.我已经不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯。21. Poor fellow, he was only twenty-twoand to be burdened with a family! and to be burdened with a family He was to be burdened with a family to be burden with family承担起养家的重担burden sb. with sth. 加负担于某人sb. be burdened with sth.使某人负重担I dont want to burden you with my problems.我不想让我的问题给你增加负担。The students are burdened with heavy load of study.学生们的学习负担很重。 burden (n.)重担,负担He, a disabled child, is being a burden to his mother.他,一个残疾儿童,渐渐成了他妈妈的累赘22. His eyes were fixed upon Della, and there was an expression in them that she could not read.他的眼睛一直盯着德拉看,他眼睛里的表情德拉琢磨不透。be fixed upon stare at in them in his eyes She was _ frightened that she could not _ her thoughts on anything.A. so; fix B. so; spend C. such; fix D. such; spend23. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor a look showing that he did not approve, nor horror, nor any of the feelings that she had been prepared for.那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,也不是不同意,也不是惊恐,更不是她准备承受的任何一种表情。 approve u 批准;认可 The city council has now approved the scheme for the erection of a new public library. 市议会业已核准建造一座新的公共图书馆的计划。 The mayoress approved the new building plans.女市长批准了新建筑计划。v 赞成;赞许 (+of) My parents dont approve of me smoking cigarettes.我的父母不准许我吸烟。I dont approve of wasting time. 我不赞成浪费时间。 approval n. 【U】 赞成;赞许; 批准He showed his approval by smiling. 他用微笑表示赞成。24. He simply stared at her with that strange expression on his face.吉姆脸上带着那种奇怪的神情一个劲儿盯着她看。 stare at盯着某人Slowly it turned its face and stared straight at Mrs. Smith.慢慢地它转过脸来,盯着史密斯夫人。at多表示“目标,方向”,如:shoot at the bird向着鸟射击 shoot the bird击中这只鸟glare at 盯着(愤怒地) glance at 一瞥 shout at 向喊 rush at 向冲去laugh at 嘲笑 throw at 朝扔aim at 瞄准 tear at 撕,扯25. Im me without my hair, arent I? 剪掉了头发我还是我啊,难道不是吗? 陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用 arent I.Im as tall as your sister,arent I?26. “Dont make any mistake about me, Della,” he said. “I dont think there s anything in the way of a haircut shampoo德拉,请不要误解我。我并不认为什么发型或洗发水会影响 make a mistake about 对误解in the way of 这一类东西;在方面27. Would you stop loving me if Id had a shave? 如果我刮个胡子,你会不会不爱我了呢? shave ones face 刮脸 28. Beautiful bs,pure tortoiseshell, with jewels on the edgesjust the right shade to wear in her beautiful hair.多漂亮的梳子呀,纯玳瑁做的,边上镶着珠宝,恰好能配得上她那美丽的长发。 b n.梳子;(羊毛等的)毛刷,马鬃刷,女人头发上梳状的饰物 vt. 用梳子梳理,用梳子)梳理 (指动作)My hair needs a good b. 我的头发需要好好梳理一番。 The mother bed the childs hair. 母亲梳理了孩子的头发。 彻底搜查(+for) We bed the city (to look) for our lost dog. 我们搜遍了全城寻找我们走失了的狗。29. However, she hugged them to her breast, and at length she was able to look up and smile and say at length 最后,终于 At length, we began to understand what she wanted. 最后,我们总算弄清楚她到底要什么。详细地 长时间,彻底地He talked at length about his work. 他详细地谈了他的工作。speak at length长时间地演说treat a subject at length详细处理一问题30. The dull precious metal seemed to flash, as if reflecting her bright spirit flash u v.使闪光;使闪烁(+at) Why is that driver flashing his lights at me? 那个司机为何用灯照我? v (向.)闪现出(+at) I flashed a warning glance at them. 我向他们投去警告性的一瞥。 (火速地)发出(电报,电讯等);使迅速传遍 The news was flashed around the world. 这一消息迅速传遍世界各地。 w 闪光,闪烁 The stars flashed in the night sky. 夜空中群星闪烁。x (想法等)掠过,闪现A thought flashed through my mind. 我脑子里闪过一个想法。y 飞驰,掠过A car flashed by. 一辆汽车疾驰而过。z n. 闪烁,闪光C There was a flash of lightning a moment ago. 刚才有一道闪电。31. One year, as the deadline for the Christmas edition was approaching, his editor got anxious fearing that O Henry would let him down. (page86) let down使某人失望,不帮助Tom will never let you down, you can always depend on him to help you.汤姆将永不会置你与不顾,你永远可以依赖他的帮助。let down 扫(某人的)兴;失约/let in 让进来,放进来let off 放(炮),投放(炸弹);(与with连用)宽恕;赦免;从宽处理let on 泄漏(秘密)/let out 加宽,放宽(衣服);放出let up 放松; 减弱,停止32. Look for simplified(page 90) simplify vt . 使简易;使易做;简化The English in this story has been simplified to make it easier to understand.这个故事里的英语被简写了,可更容易理解。The subject is immensely plex, and hard to simplify. 这个题目非常复杂,并且很难简化 simple adj. 朴素的;朴实的;简单的,不复杂的;单纯的;绝对的;正直 的simple clothes 朴素的衣服The little boy can already do simple problems in arithmetic.那小男孩已经能做简单的算术题。 simply adv简单地;容易地;朴素地;清楚地;自然地;仅,只;真地He is simply a workman.他只是一名工人罢了。She looks simply lovely.她看起来的确可爱。 Simplicity n. 简单;简易;朴素;朴实;单纯

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