2019-2020年高一英语Unit3 Going Places 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit3 Going Places 人教版 单元教学目标技能目标GoalsTalk about travelingTalk about means of transportationExpress good wishesReview verb tensesUse the present continuous tense for future actionsWrite travel letters 目标语言功能句式Intentions and plansWhere would you prefer doing .?How would you like to go .?When are you going off to .?How are you going to .?WishesHave a good trip!Have a nice / pleasant trip!When are you going to Guangzhou?How are you getting to the airport?Is anybody seeing you off?She is leaving for Shanghai next week.词汇1四会词汇:consider, means, transportation, board, experience, simply, vacation, nature, basic, equipment, simple, tip, poisonous, paddle, stream, normal, excitement, adventurous, handle, similarity, particular, poison, separate, bine, task2认读词汇:destination, raft, backpack, spider, cell-phone, eco-travel, responsibly, unpack3词组:get away form, watch out, protect sb/sth from, see sb off, on the other hand, as well as4重点词汇:consider, means, experience, nature, particular, separate语法The Present Continuous Tense for future action重点句子1. Where would you prefer going (to doing .)2. I would prefer to do sth3. I prefer to do . rather than do .4. How would you like to go to the places?5. When are you going off to Guangzhou? P196. If you want a normal ., choose a quiet stream or river that is wide . or rock . P177. As with hiking, you should always think about.and wear good clothes.P188. Eco-travel, on the other hand, is a way to travel responsibly. P209. By staying at hotels . , tourists can help the villagers make money . . P20 III. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以“旅行”为话题,所涉及的内容有:外出旅游的行为规范、旅游的方式等。通过本单元的学习使学生了解旅游的不同方式,学会表达计划和任务。能自己设计一次旅行计划并能写信介绍自己的旅行情况。1.1 Warming Up部分提供了四幅有关外出旅行中的个别行为不当的图片,让学生判断四位旅行者在旅行过程中的错误行为,通过讨论让同学们认识到外出旅行时,应遵守交通规则和维护公共秩序,第二、三部分要求学生能根据具体情况自行选择交通工具。1.2 Listening两部分材料是机场广播和明信片。通过表格的形式训练学生集中捕捉信息的能力,另外两段材料分别突出现在时和过去时,强化了学生的时态意识。1.3 Speaking部分借助于“时间机器”设计科幻旅游。通过三个问题诱发他们的想象力。同时也能表达出同学们对过去和未来的真实愿望以及情感。1.4 Pre-reading提供了三个问题使同学们自己去把这方面的经历和课文联系起来,激发他们的学习兴趣。1.5 Reading部分分为三部分。Adventure Travel中的第一句引出本段,列举人们出行旅游的种种目的,由此引出后两个话题。Hiking和Rafting各分为两段。第一段分别介绍hiking和rafting,第二段列出外出hiking和rafting的建议,可以采用对比阅读的方法。1.6 Post-reading选择最佳答案和完成表格是对课文的检查和巩固,加深同学们对课文的理解。1.7 Language-study部分包括两方面的训练。第一部分通过单词的配对练习,帮助同学们加深理解本单元的部分重要单词和词组。语法部分通过读写来操练时态,了解进行时的另一种用法: 进行时表将来。1.8 Integrating skills部分提供“生态旅游”的信息。先阅读,然后四人一组讨论并制定一个“生态旅行”计划来训练学生的说、读、写技能。Writing部分要求学生书写两封信,训练他们对不同时态的应用。1.9 Tips 明确写作的几要素,指导学生如何明确写作的目的。1.10 Checkpoint总结了本单元的语法现在进行时,并设计了一些最基本的练习,检查和强化了对本部分的掌握情况。2. 教材重组2.1 Warming up, Speaking和Talking均属于说的训练,因此把Warming up, Speaking和Talking整合成一节“口语课”。2.2 Listening和Workbook中的Listening放在一起,设计成一节“听力课”。2.3将Pre-reading, Reading和Post reading三项活动放在一起,合成一节“阅读课”。2.4 Language study和Workbook中的Practice整合成一节“语法课”。2.5 Integrating skills中的Reading和Workbook中的Integrating, reading部分整合为一节“泛读课”。2.6 Integrating skills中的Writing和Workbook中Integrating skills, writing合为一节“写作课”。3 课型设计与课时分配(根据学情,经教材分析,本单元要分六课时完成)1st Period 口语课2nd Period 听力课3rd Period 阅读课4th Period 语法课5th Period 泛读课6th Period 写作课The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 词汇和短语 consider, means, transportation, informationb. 重点句型和交际用语Where would you like to go?Which year would you like to go to?How would you like to go to the places, by train or by bus?2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to make a plan for a trip and give some tips on trip.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标1. Help the students to talk about trips.2. Encourage the students to learn how to make a plan for a trip.Teaching important points 教学重点Talking about travelling means of transportation.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Talking about travelling means of transportation.Teaching methods 教学方法a. listening and responseb. watching and sayingc. pair work or group workTeaching aids 教具准备1. slide-show2. picturesTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionT: Hello, everyone, first, lets review the important points of last unit. Please look at the slide show.(show the slide)1. Mother said to me “Be sure to lock the door before you go to school.”2. “Drink more water every day.” The doctor said.3. “Why are you late again?” said the teacher angrily.4. _ (别忘了)to turn off the light before you leave the room.5. The teacher told us (把所有东西摆放整齐)_. Students do the exercises and check the answers.Suggest answers:1. Mother asked me to be sure to lock the door before I went to school.2. The doctor asked me to drink more water every day.3. The teacher asked angrily why I was late again.4. Dont forget5. to put everything in order.Step II Lead inT: Today we are going to talk about “travelling”. Mike, have you ever traveled?M: Yes, I have ever been to Beijing.T: When did you go there?M: Last summer.T: How did you go there?M: We went there by bus. T: Why did you go there by bus?M: Because it isnt too far away from here and its very convenient to go there by bus.T: Good. How about you? LiMing, have you ever traveled?L: Yes, I have been to Hainan last winter vacation.T: How did you go there?L: I went there by plane?T: Why?L: Because its too far from here and we can save lots of time by going there by plane.Ask more students like this.Step III. Warming upT: If we go out for traveling, we can go by bus, by train, by plane or by ship. How can you get to these places.Show the slides. conditions transportationShanghaiLondonChongqingChengduBeijingGuangzhouDalianQingdao T: What would you like to take from Shanghai to London?S1: Id like to go there by air.T: What about others?S2: I think Id like to go there by bus.S3: Id like to go by train.S4: I would go there by ship.T: We can go to places by bus, by train, by bike, or even on foot. What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?Divide the students into groups to discuss the means of transportation. Then each group reports their answers.T: What should you consider before you decide which means of transportation you will use?S1: We should consider how far it is. S2: We should consider the landscape.S3: We should consider the weather.S4: We should also consider how many things we should take.T: Thats good. After we get to the destination. We should also pay attention to our behavior. Look at these four pictures on Page 15. Are they doing anything wrong? Show the pictures.T: Is there anything wrong in Picture 1?A: He is driving too fast.T: What should he do?A: I think he should lower down.T: What about Picture 2?B: He is littering. I think he shouldnt throw things everywhere.T: Is he doing anything wrong in Picture 3?C: Yes, he is smoking where he shouldnt.T: Thats right. How about Picture 4?D: His car is parked in the wrong place.T: We should pay attention to these behaviors when we are traveling. Any other things we should pay attention to?Students discuss and raise their answers.S1: We cant jump the queue when we are waiting for the bus.S2: We cant pick flowers.S3: We shouldnt throw thing everywhere.S4: We shouldnt curve on the buildings or on the trees.Step IV SpeakingShow a picture of “Time machine”.T: Whats it?Students guess what it is.T: Its a time machine. With it you could travel to the past or to the future. You could also visit any year and any place you wish.T: Hi, Jim, which year would you like to go to?J: Id like to go to the year 3000.T: Where would you like to go?J: Id like to go to Africa.T: Why?J: Because I want to see how they live at that time.T: OK. How about you , Mary? Where and when would you like to go?M: Id like to go to the year 1840 in China?T: Why?M: If I went there, I could prevent the foreigners from attacking China.T: Good. Now, lets work in pairs to talk about where and when you would like to go.Students work in pairs to discuss about it. Then ask some pairs to act it out.eg.A: Which year would you like to go?B: Id like the year 3000 BC.A: Where would you like to go?B: Id like to go to Egypt?A: Why?B: I want to be one of the designers of Pyramid and discover the secrets in it. Step V TalkingDivide the students into two parts to discuss if it is good to open up the mountain to tourists.A: I think we should open up the mountain. In that case, we could make more money.B: Although it can help us make more money, but I think it will destroy the mountain. A: We can use part of the money to protect it. And it can also make our city famousand develop the city. Itll be good for all of us.B: Im afraid I cant agree with you. I think its better if our city is famous for a good pany. Its a place for tourists. It will not be a good place to live.A: If we open it up. It will help people get more interested in history and nature.B: I agree it will help, but its not the only way. We can build up a web site to make it known.Homework1. Fill in the role card on P98.2. Preview the listening part on P15 and P97.


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