2019-2020年七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose Section D教学设计.doc

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2019-2020年七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose Section D教学设计The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the consonants:/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /2. Review the simple present tense with“have/has”and objectives of description:(1)He has small eyes.(2)They have round faces.(3)Do you have a pencil? Yes, I do./No, I dont.(4)Does she have small eyes? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.3. (1)Review the description of peoples appearances:I have a big nose.My face is round.He has short hair, a big nose and a wide mouth.(2)Review some useful expressions:Who is your favorite movie star? Its Bruce Lee.Yes, youre right.We are in the same school, but in different grades. Teaching aids 教具单词卡片/录音机/图片/小黑板/彩色粉笔. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案1. (通过小组竞赛积分的形式利用单词卡片复习本单元的单词和主要句型。)(1)(利用单词卡片进行集体认读单词活动,事先把单词进行归类,如身体部位类、形容词类等。)(2)(小组活动。把学习卡片打乱,展示中文意思的一面,以必答的形式让学生拼读单词,每组12个单词,答对1个1分。)T: Lets have a petition. Ill show you the Chinese meanings of the words. You should spell them one by one quickly. OK?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Group One. Lets begin.(老师出示单词卡。)S1: N-O-S-E, nose.T: Good. Next.S2: L-O-N-G, long.T: Good. Next one.S3: H-A-V-E, have.T: Next.S4: Er .T: Next one.S5: R-I-G-H-T, right.T: (如果这个学生没法回答,由下一位学生来回答,结束后在表中填上分数。)(3)(找两位学生,一位背朝黑板,另一位根据老师出示的单词卡片表演动作或用文具等进行提示,让自己的搭档说句子,其中要有这个单词。)T: Now. Ill show you some words. One of you acts it out and the other makes a sentence. S6、S7, please e to the front. S6, Turn back, please.(教师出示has单词卡片。)S7: (运用肢体语言表演。)S6: I have a pencil.T: No. Try again.S6: He has a pencil.T: Good, “has”.(另请两位学生来表演,这时可多出示些单词卡片。)S8: (表演) (出示long单词卡。)S9: I have long hair.T: Good, “long”. Next.(再出示short单词卡。)S9: He is short.S10: S11: (在学生表演的过程中老师应多给予肯定评价,以此来活跃课堂气氛。)(积分表可在课前画在黑板右方)Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4WordsSentences2. (师生互动问答,对Do you have? 句型进行复习。)T: Do you have big ears?S11: Yes, I do.T: Do you have a big nose?S12: No, I dont.T: Do you ?3. (学生快速一个接着一个的进行Do you have ?句型的问答复习,老师可以先开个头。)T: Do you have big ears?S13: No, I dont. Do you have small ears?S14: Yes, I do. Do you have long hair?S15: Yes, I do. Do you ?S16: 4. (根据上一节课布置的作业,请一位学生描述自己母亲的外貌,鼓励学生主动参与描述。)T: Very good. Now let us describe your mothers. Zhong Bin, please.Zhong Bin: My mother has short hair, big ears and a small mouth.T: Great. Another one.S17: Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)1. (利用事先准备的归类单词卡片,通过学生拼读方式来完成,注意突出/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /的读音。)T: OK. Boys and girls, attention please. Look at the word cards. Read and spell them.(老师依次出示pen, plane, apple三张卡片。)Ss: Pen, P-E-N, pen.Ss: Plane, P-L-A-N-E, plane.Ss: Apple, A-P-P-L-E, apple.(板书单词与/p/,用彩色突出单词中的字母p,然后齐声朗读。)/p/ pen plane apple (用已学音标,启发学生读这个单词) T: Now look at the blackboard and read them together. (以同样的方式学习/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /。) /b/busbookbag/t/catphotobot tle/d/doctorhanddumplings/k/deskchickencup/girlglasstiger2. (听1录音并跟读,注意其发音,了解发音规律。) T: Listen to 1 and repeat, pay more attention to the pronunciation. Then learn about the regularities of the pronunciation.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)1. (再听1录音,让学生跟读并为每个音标再找一个例词来补充,从而加深印象。)T:Now listen to 1 and repeat.T:Who can find another word with /p/ sound?S1:Please.T:Good. Thank you.T:Who can find another word with /b/ sound?S2: Box.T:Very good. Thank you.2. (老师出示小黑板,让学生按要求完成此题。把方框中的单词按音标归类。)teacher green do pencilboy neck guess twoclass please does bye/p/_ _ /b/_ _ /t/_ _/d/_ _ /k/_ _ /_ _Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)1. (1)(利用书中Kangkang的图片进行师生互动问答,复习有关描述外貌的句型。)T:Who is this boy?Ss:He is Kangkang.T:Does he have a big head?Ss:Yes, he does.T:Does he have a big nose?Ss:No, he doesnt.T:Does ?Ss:(再呈现一张Amy的图片, 进行类似上面的练习。)T:Who is this girl?Ss:She is Amy.T:Ss: (2)(让学生根据图片,两人一组进行类似的口语练习。)S1: Whos this boy?S2: He is Kangkang.S1: S2: (3)(根据班上学生的外貌特征,让学生表演对话。)S3: Hello, S4! Who is this girl?S4: Hello! She is Li Mei.S3: Does she have long hair?S4: Yes, she does.(4)(让学生完整地描述老师的外貌。)S5: This is my teacher, Mr. Chen. He has short hair. He has a small nose. I like him.T: Well done! Thank you.2. (1)(听录音2,给“运动员”标上符号。完成2。)T:Look at the picture in Part 2. We can see some boys. They are playing soccer. Now listen to the tape and number the players in the order you hear.(2)(核对答案,再听1遍,让学生写出所听到的句子,可利用暂停键操作。)T:Listen to the tape and try to write down the whole sentences.Li Ming has big hands.Toms arms are very long.Peter has big feet.Kangkang has a big head.3. (放3a和3b录音,学生跟读。然后学生齐读。师生一起总结,完成3a和3b。)T: Listen and repeat. Then read together.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1. (老师让学生两人一组,通过相互问答的方式获取有用信息,完成5中1的表格。活动前老师可为学生提供一些有用的句型。)T: Now work in pairs. Ask your partner some questions about his/her teacher/friend. Then fill out the table according to his/her answers.S1: Who is your favorite teacher?S2: Miss Li.S1: Does she have a round face?S2: Yes, she does.S1: Is her mouth wide?S2: No, it isnt. Her mouth is small.(S1依次询问S2的老师或朋友的外貌特征,并依据S2的回答完成表格,然后两人交换角色继续问答。)2. (让学生根据完成后的表格所提供的信息,描述同伴的老师或朋友的外貌,完成5中的2。)T: Describe your partners teacher/friend according to the table. Then write a passage.3. (带领学生完成4。)T: Sing this song. Touch the parts of your body while you are singing.4. Homework:(1)复习Unit 2, Topic 1的主要句型。(2)写一篇关于你的兄弟姐妹或朋友的外貌特征的短文。(3)带彩色笔准备下节课用。板书设计:/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /I have a small nose.Section D1. /p/penplaneapple2.Li Ming has big hands./b/busbookbagToms arms are very long./t/catphotobottlePeter has big feet./d/doctorhanddumplingsKangkang has a big head./k/deskchickencup/girlglasstiger

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