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2019-2020年高三英语总复习第一部分回归教材Unit1Culturalrelics随堂演练新人教版必修.单词拼写1Have you seen the latest _(设计)of the bridge over the Changjiang River?2Lucy has a good sense of beauty, and always _(装饰)her bedroom in a fortable manner.3On her maiden voyage, Titanic knocked against a huge iceberg and _(下沉)under the sea before the rescue ship arrived.4While _(移动)these valuable vases, you must be very careful, because they are easy to break.5How was it that the two boys discovered the _(入口)to the cave of the ancient paintings in the 1980s?6A team of rescuers were sent to that area to search for those who might _(幸免于难)the flood.7There was a lot of _(证据)that could prove that the young man had stolen many things in the past five months.8When the bomb hidden under the seat in the bus _(爆炸),many passengers were killed or hurt.9Five excellent students were _(精选) to take part in the Spoken English petition for our school.10My sister likes to wear _(奇异的)clothes, so you can recognize her in the crowd easily.答案1design2.decorates3.sank4.removing5.entrance6survive7.evidence8.exploded9.selected10.fancy.单句语法填空1Im afraid weve taken up too much of your _ (value) time.2There is no _ that Catherine is _ of her future, for she doubts whether she can continue to work. (doubt)3Luckily, I _ the terrible car crash last week and I was the only _ of the accident. (survive)4It was _ that all the _ we collected proved him to be guilty. (evident)5Some drivers like to draw some special patterns as _ (decorate) on their cars.6Believe it or not, this is the most _ (amaze) experience of my life.7The shopping center has a wide _ (select) of winter clothes.8Floridas population _ (explosion) after the Second World War.9Its _ (consider) of him to help me with my handbag.10Its an _ (formal) party, so you neednt dress up.11The house _ (belong) to Mr. Green was burnt to the ground.12The passengers remained _ (seat) until the bus came to a stop.13The beautiful village is well worth _ (pay) a visit to.14There is no doubt _ I can pass this petition, but there is some doubt _ I can win the first prize.15_ (consider) her age, she should be retired from her work.16He had the dirt _ (remove) from his shoes before ing into the room.17He told us whether _ (have) a picnic was still under discussion.18The boy was bathing in the river _ a crocodile attacked him.19We think _ (high) of this wise leader.20There was a time _ we lived a peaceful life in that remote village.答案1valuable2.doubt; doubtful3.survived; survivor4evident; evidence5.decoration6.amazing7selection8.exploded9.considerate10.informal11belonging12.seated13.paying14.that; whether15Considering16.removed17.to have18.when19highly20.when.单句改错1I think the room can serve a study room._2His work was high thought of by the critics._3Tome returned back to his pany on time as usual._4Scientists are in search for a cure for this serious disease._5The schoolbag was given back to the student when she proved that it was belonged to her._6There is no doubt whether we will succeed in designing the project._答案1serve后加as2.high改为highly3去掉back4.for改为of5去掉belonged前的was6.whether改为that.语法填空Shopping cart handles are the most bacteriainfested (滋生细菌) items among some monly used objects while doorknobs on public bathrooms are not as bad as might be expected, according to a survey _1_ (conduct) in South Korea.The South Korea Consumer Protection Board tested six items that are monly handled _2_ the public and ran tests for their bacteria content. Shopping cart handles led the way with 1,100 colony forming units of bacteria per 10 sq cm (1.55 sq inches) followed by a mouse used on _3_ (puter) in Internet cafes, _4_ had an average of 690 colony forming units. “The reason why shopping cart handles had so much bacteria is _5_ the area is larger than the others and people have _6_ (much) space to place their hands, ” Kwon Youngil, an official at the consumer body, said by telephone. Hand straps _7_ buses were next with 380 units, followed by bathroom doorknobs at 340. Rounding out the list _8_(be) elevator buttons at 130 colony forming units and hand straps on subways at 86. The report released this week said _9_ (wash) hands with soap _10_ (remove) almost all of the bacteria.答案1conducted2.by3puters4.which5.that6more7.on8.were9.washing10.removes.短文改错(xx宜春中学、丰城中学、樟树中学、高安中学联考)It was a brightly Sunday morning. Jim and Lily were excited so their father had bought a new house in the city center. After three months of decorate, the family was ready to move out the new house. The family was satisfying with the design of it. The walls painted blue. When Jim saw his new bed, he couldnt help shout with joy and started to jump on it. Lily put her books in the order when her mother was carefully cleaning the house. After dinner, the family go to bed, tired and content.答案It was a Sunday morning. Jim and Lily were excited their father had bought a new house in the city center. After three months of , the family was ready to move the new house. The family was with the design of it. The walls painted blue. When Jim saw his new bed, he couldnt help with joy and started to jump on it. Lily put her books in order when her mother was carefully cleaning the house. After dinner, the family to bed, tired content.


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