2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Robots同步详解 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 2 Robots同步详解 新人教版选修7【目标要览】类别新课程标准要求掌握的项目单词: desire n. 渴望;欲望;渴求 vt. 希望得到;想要 satisfaction n. 满意;满足;令人满意的事物alarm vt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n. 警报;惊恐 alarmed adj. 担心的;害怕的 sympathy n. 同情 elegant adj. 优雅的;高雅的;讲究的 acpany vt. 陪伴;伴奏 declare vt. 宣布;声明;表明;宣称 envy vt. 嫉妒;羡慕 obey vt. & vi. 服从;顺从: pile n. 堆;摞;叠 vi. 堆起;堆积 vt. 把堆起来;积聚 scan vt. 仔细看;仔细检查;粗略地看;浏览;扫描 fingernail n. 手指甲 absurd adj. 荒谬的;可笑的 haircut n. 发型;理发 affair n. 事务;事情;暧昧关系 talent n. 天才;特殊能力;才干 chapter n. 章;篇;回 :digital adj. 数字的;数码的;手指的theoretical adj. 理论上的;假设的短语:test out 实验;考验 ring up 给打电话 turn around 转向;回转 set aside 把放在一边;为节省或保留 in all 一共;总计:leave alone 不管;别惹;让一个人待着;和单独在一起 be bound to do 一定做句型:Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot.It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious.:By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair.:She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go.语法Infinitive (不定式):The panys new car is going to be designed in the ing months. (不定式被动语态)学习策略英语完形填空技巧(二)如何做词语辨析类题 芝 麻 开 门 科学技术以超乎人们想象的速度在发展,过去认为不可能的、可笑的事情已经或正在变成现实。科学技术在改变着你我的生活质量与方式。 教 材 知 识 全 解 Warming-up知识详解A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. 机器人是设计用来做通常由人做的工作的机器。【知识新解】perform vt. vi.1)演出 The singer had never performed in Beijing before. 这位歌唱家以前从未在北京演唱过。He will be performing on the flute tonight. 今晚他将演奏笛子。2)执行、履行、完成One should always perform what one promises. 一个人应始终履行自己的诺言。The doctor performed the operation with success. 医生成功地做了这台手术。3)有时可指机器等的运行情况。The machine can perform three operations at a time. 这部机器可同时进行三种作业。This jeep performed well on hills. 这种吉普车在山路上走得很好。词汇拓展performance n.表演;演出;操作 performer n. 演出者;操作者即学即用 We went to Canada to travel and my cousin _as our guide .A. played B. showed C. acted D. performed 解析:C act as意思是“担当;起作用”。The best method to _ this goal is to unite as many people as possible.A. undertake B. conduct C. perform D. acplish问:这四个选项有什么区别?为什么要选择D?答: undertake“担任、约定、许诺”; conduct“指导、指挥”;perform“表演”; acplish“成功地做完、实现(目标,任务)”,与goal搭配,意为“达到目标”。答案:D Pre-reading1. Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires? 你认为机器人有自己的需要和渴望吗?【知识新解】desire1)n. 渴望;欲望;渴求 He has a strong desire for knowledge to learn. 他有强烈的求知欲。They had a desire that I attend their wedding. 他们希望我参加他们的婚礼。2) vt. 希望得到;想要We all desire happiness and health.我们都渴望幸福和健康。I have long desired to meet them. 我早就渴望见到他们了。易错点提示desire作动词后面可以跟名词或不定式做宾语,也可以跟复合宾语,但是后面跟宾语从句要运用虚拟(谓语“should+动词原形”或直接动词原形)。2. It was originally written by the science fiction writer, Isaac Asimove, and published in 1951. 它原是由科幻小说家艾萨克阿西莫夫写的,出版于1951年。文化拓展艾萨克阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov, ( 1920-1992),美籍犹太人,为本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就大师奖。以他的名字为号召的艾西莫夫科幻杂志,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。阿西莫夫是一位多产得惊人的作家,自50年代初,至今已出版了300多部著作。 Reading 知识详解英汉互译SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Larry Belmont worked for a pany that made robots. Recently it had begun experimenting with a household robot. It was going to be tested out by Larrys wife, Claire. Claire didnt want the robot in her house, especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldnt harm her or allow her to be harmed. It would be a bonus. However, when she first saw the robot, she felt alarmed. His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine. He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice although his facial expression never changed. On the second morning Tony, wearing an apron, brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human. One day, Claire mentioned that she didnt think she was clever. Tony said that she must feel very unhappy to say that. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. But she began to trust him. She told him how she was overweight and this made her feel unhappy. Also she felt her home wasnt elegant enough for someone like Larry who wanted to improve his social position. She wasnt like Gladys Claffern, one of the richest and most powerful women around. As a favour Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant. So Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read, or rather, scan. She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page and suddenly reached for his hand. She was amazed by his fingernails and the softness and warmth of his skin. How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine.Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore. As he was not 1 allowed to acpany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her. Claire went into the city and bought curtains, cushions, a carpet and bedding. Then she went into a jewellery shop to buy a necklace. When the clerk at the counter was rode to her, she rang Tony up and told the clerk to speak to him. The clerk immediately changed his attitude. Claire thanked Tony, telling him that he was a dear. As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. How awful to be discovered by her. Claire thought. By the amused and surprised look on her face. Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. After all, she knew Claires husbands name was Larry, not Tony. When Claire got home, she wept with anger in her armchair. Gladys was everything Claire wanted to be. You can be like her, Tony told her and suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return. By that time, Tony expected the house to be pletely transformed. Tony worked steadily on the improvements. Claire tried to help once but was too clumsy. She fell off a ladder and even though Tony was in the next room, he managed to catch her in time. He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of the day. The night of the party arrived. The clock struck eight. The guests would be arriving soon and Claire told Tony to go into another room. At that moment, Tony folded his arms around her, bending his face close to hers. She cried out Tony and then heard him declare that he didnt want to leave her the next day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her. Then the front door bell rang. Tony freed her and disappeared from sight. It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window. Her guests had seen everything! The women were impressed by Claire, the house and the delicious cuisine. Just before they left, Claire heard Gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as Tony. What a sweet victory to be envied by those women! She might not be as beautiful as them, but none of them had such a handsome lover. Then she remembered - Tony was just a machine. She shouted Leave me alone and ran to her bed. She cried all night. The next morning a car drove up and took Tony away. The pany was very pleased with Tonys report on his three weeks with Claire. Tony had protected a human being from harm. He had prevented Claire from harming herself through her own sense of failure. He had opened the curtains that night so that the other women would see himand Claire, knowing that there was no risk to Claires marriage. But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt-you cannot have women falling in love with machines.包君满意 拉里贝尔蒙特在一家生产机器人的公司里工作。最近,该公司要对一个家用机器人进行试验。这项试验将由拉里的夫人克莱尔来尝试。 克莱尔并不想把机器人留在家里,特别是在她丈夫离家三周的这个期间。但是克莱尔被拉里说服了。他说,机器人不会伤害她,也不会让别人来伤害她。这样会是个意外的收获。然而她初次见到机器人的时候就感到有点儿吃惊。机器人名叫托尼,看上去更像一个人,而不像台机器。他虽然面部表情毫无变化,但是个子高大、相貌英俊,头发平整,声音低沉浑厚。 第二天早晨,托尼戴着围裙,给她端来了早餐,然后问她是否需要帮忙穿衣打扮。她感到有点儿不好意思,很快就打发他走了。机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。 有一天,克莱尔说起,她觉得她自己并不聪明。托尼则说,克莱尔一定是很不高兴,才会说出这样的话来。克莱尔觉得,机器人会向她表示同情,这有点荒唐可笑。但是她开始信任托尼了。她告诉托尼她太胖了,这让她很不高兴。还有对于像拉里这样很想提高社会地位的人来说,她的家也不够高雅。她跟格拉迪斯克拉芬不一样,格拉迪斯是远近闻名的有钱有势的女人。 托尼为让克莱尔高兴,答应帮助她,使她变得漂亮,使她的家变得高雅大方。于是克莱尔从图书馆借来一堆书给托尼阅读,或者说给他浏览一下。她惊奇地看着他的手指翻动着书页,忍不住突然伸出手来摸他的手指。他的手指甲和他那柔软温暖的皮肤使她感到大为惊异。她在想,这是多么可笑啊,他只不过是一台机器呀! 托尼给克莱尔换了个发型,又改变了化妆风格。因为不允许托尼陪克莱尔去商店,所以托尼就给她写了一份购物清单。克莱尔进城去买了窗帘、坐垫,地毯和床上用品。然后她去了一家珠宝店买项链。柜台售货员对她很粗鲁,她就打电话给托尼,让售货员同托尼讲话。售货员马上就改变了态度。克莱尔对托尼表示感谢,并说他是个“可爱的人”。她刚一转过身去,就看到格拉迪斯克拉芬站在那儿。克莱尔想,被格拉迪斯发现了,这多么难为情啊!从格拉迪斯脸上的那种有趣而又惊奇的神色来看,克莱尔知道,格拉迪斯认为她有风流韵事了。毕竟格拉迪斯知道她的丈夫是拉里,而不是托尼。 克莱尔回到家里,坐在扶手椅上气得直哭。格拉迪斯的一举一动都是克莱尔想模仿的。托尼告诉克莱尔说,你可以同格拉迪斯一样,还建议克莱尔邀请格拉迪斯和她的朋友到家里来玩,时间就定在托尼离去和拉里回家之前的那个晚上。托尼想在此之前将房子改装得焕然一新。 托尼有条不紊地搞着装修。克莱尔有一次想来帮忙,但是太笨手笨脚了,竟从梯子上掉了下来。尽管托尼当时在隔壁房间里,他还是及时赶过来把她接住了。他把她紧紧地搂在怀里,她感觉到了他身上有股暖气。她尖叫了起来,把他推开,跑回她的房里,那天她就再也没有出来过。 聚会的那天晚上来到了。时钟敲响八点,客人马上就要到来了。克莱尔叫托尼到另一间房里去。就在那一瞬间,托尼弯曲胳膊搂着她,弯下身去把脸贴近她的脸。她大叫一声“托尼”,然后听到托尼一本正经地说,明天他不想离开她,而且他并不满足于仅仅使她开心。就在这时,前门的门铃响了。托尼放开了她,消失得无影无踪了。也就在这时候,克莱尔才意识到托尼早就把前边窗户的窗帘拉开了。她的客人把这一切看得一清二楚。克莱尔和她的房子、美食给女士们留下了深刻的印象。就在他们离开之前,克莱尔听到格拉迪斯跟另外一个女人小声地说,她从来没有见过像托尼这样英俊的男人。受到那些女士的妒忌,这该是多么甜美的胜利!克莱尔也许并没有她们那样漂亮,但是他们中没有任何一个人拥有这样英俊的情人。 这时候,她记起来了托尼只不过是一台机器。她高声嚷着:“让我独自呆一会儿!”就跑上床,哭了一个通宵。第二天早晨开来一辆汽车,把托尼接走了。 “公司对托尼同克莱尔相处三个星期的实验报告非常满意。托尼保护了一个人免受伤害,他使克莱尔没有因为她的失败感而伤害自己。那天晚上,他拉开了窗帘,让其他女人看到丁他和克莱尔在一起,他明白这么做对克莱尔的婚姻并不造成危害。但是,尽管托尼很聪明,他还得作一番改建总不能让女人和机器相爱吧。1. Claire didnt want the Robot in her house, especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks ,but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldnt harm her or allow her to be harmed. 克莱尔不愿把这个机器人放在家里,尤其是这三个星期丈夫将不在家,但是Larry说服她说:机器人决不会伤害她或让她受到伤害。【知识新解】but连接两个具有转折意义的并列句,是并列连词;as引导的原因状语从句在but前面的句子中作原因状语,补充说明她不愿让机器人呆在家里的原因。【词汇新解】especially adv.1)尤其;特别。修饰介词短语、形容词、副词等。 The climate here is very pleasant, especially in spring. 这里的气候宜人,尤其是在春天。 There is one part of the country with an especially large Indian population. That is the southwest. 美国有一个区域的印第安人特别多,那就是美国西南部。【词汇新解】persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事 Thank you for persuading my mother to let me join the army. 谢谢你劝服了我妈让我参军。短语链接除使用persuade sb. to do sth.外,也可以使用persuade sb. into doing sth.。 Finally I persuaded him into stopping smoking. 最后我终于劝着他戒了烟。advise sb. to do sth.也有“劝说某人做某事”的意思,但persuade sb. to do sth.强调劝说收到成效,即“劝服”;advise sb. to do sth.不涉及劝说有无成效, 甚至很可能劝而不服。 Many friends advised him to see a doctor, but he refused all of them. Who can persuade him? 很多朋友都劝他去看医生,但是他一一拒绝,谁能劝服他?即学即用Has Tom given up smoking?Yes, his doctor _ him to. A. suggested B. persuaded C. insisted D. advised问:A, B, D都表达建议,怎么区别?答:advise只表达“建议”的动作,不表达结果,而suggest后面不跟不定式做补语。答案:B 2It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human. 机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕。【句型新解】It是形式主语,that引导的句子是这个句子的主语,that从句叫主语从句。It放在句首,真正的主语放在后面,这是英语的一种常见结构。 It was clear that Claire had fallen in love with Tony. 很显然,克莱尔已爱上托尼。 It seems unlikely that she will refuse the offer. 看上去她不太可能会拒绝给她的帮助。 Its possible that some of the professors may not think much of it. 有些教授可能会对它评价不高。 有时,为了强调that从句的内容,也可将that从句放在句首。但如果是疑问句,则只能用先行词it结构。 Is it surprising that so many passengers were unhurt in the accident?在这次事故中,那么多乘客没受伤,这是不是很令人惊讶? Is it true that he would take the risk?他真的要冒这个险? 带有出that从句的先行词结构有以下几种不同的搭配关系: 1)It +be+ adj +that-clause. It is certain that William will do well in his exam.威廉肯定会考得很好。 即学即用_ is well known that the area is rich in oil A. What B. That C. It D. This解析:C “It is well known that ”是一个固定句型,其中,it为形式主语。英语中的形式主语只能由it充当。3. But she began to trust him. 但是她开始信任托尼了。【词汇新解】trust 1) vt.相信,后接名词、代词或从句等。Can we trust his words? 我们能相信他的话吗?Surely she was to be trusted. 当然她是靠得住的。A blind man trusts his own sense of touch very much. 盲人非常相信自己的触觉。 2) vt. “把委托给”、“托付、”“存放”、“赊卖”句型是trust sth. to sb. 或trust sb. with sth.。Can I trust the matter to him? 我能把这事委托给他办理吗?Can you trust me for a pound of apple until next month? 你能赊给我磅苹果,我下月来付款好吗?I trust my affairs to my lawyer. 我已把我的事务委托给律师了。3) vt. 盼望自信地期待;设想I trust that you will be on time. 我确信你会准时到来的4) vi.信任;依靠Trust in the Lord. Trust to destiny. 相信上帝。相信命运。5)n. 信任对某人或某事的正直、能力或性格的坚定依靠 Dont put your trust in that man; he may trick you. 不要相信那个人,他会骗你的。词语辨析单词释义例句belief 指“承认某事是真的, 尽管有或没有确凿的证据”。That man has a strong belief in God. 那个男子虔诚地信仰上帝。faith 指“认为有确凿证据或道理而完全相信”。I have faith in his ability to succeed. 我相信他有成功的能力。trust 指“信赖”、“信任”, 含有“坚定的信念”的意思。enjoy the trust of the people 得到人民的信任confidence指“在有证据的基础上相信”, 也常指“自信”、“有把握”。She has great confidence in her success.她对自己的成功充满信心。即学即用完成句子A blind man _(相信自己的触觉) very much.答案:trust his own sense of touch 2)vt. 善用;很好地利用;获利地使用 improve ones time 善用时间 3)vi.变得更好 I hope the weather improves before Saturday. 我希望天气在星期六之前好转。 3)vi.改进,改善作有利的增加或者改变 improve on the translation 改进这篇译文归纳小结 improvement n.改进;进步短语链接improve away 通过改良而去除 improve on 对加以改进;作出比更好的东西 improve upon 对加以改进;作出比更好的东西 Im unable to improve on his suggestion. 我提不出比他的建议更好的了。即学即用完成句子He came back from his holiday with _. (他度假回来,健康大为好转。)答案:greatly improved health5. So Claire borrowed a pile of books from the library for him to read, or rather, scan. 于是克莱尔从图书馆借来一堆书给托尼阅读,或者说给他浏览一下。【词汇新解】or rather或者说,准确地说What I want is the truth, or rather a series of truth. 我需要的是事实,准确地说是一系列事实It would make the reader pity me, or rather laugh at me, to tell how many awkward ways I took to raise this paste, what odd shaped ugly things I made. 要是读者知道我怎样制造这些陶器,一定会为我感到又可怜又可笑。我不知用了多少笨拙的方法去调合陶土,也不知做出了多少奇形怪状的丑陋的家伙Americans , or rather Afro - Americans are good at jazz music . 美国人,或者更确切地说非洲裔美国人擅长爵士音乐。其他短语rather than 而不是 would rather 宁愿 other than 而不是即学即用I went to bed very late last night, _, early the next morning.A. or rather B. at least C. at most D. in a word解析:A or rather “更确切地说”,符合上下文的意思。【词汇新解】be amazed by/at 对大为惊奇I was amazed at his rapid progress in English. 我惊异于他在英语上取得的快速进步。I was amazed that he was only sixteen.他竟然只有16岁,真让我惊奇。其他短语amaze vt. 对惊奇,对感到惊讶。类似的词有:surprise, shock, astonish等。常用结构:be amazed at/by; be amazed to; be amazed that。8. As she turned ground there stood Gladys Claffern. 当她转过身时,那儿站着格拉迪斯克拉芬。【句型新解】句子谓语动词是go, e, run等表示位置转移的动词和be动词,且句中又有表示方位的副词there, here, up, down, in, out, away等,为强调该副词,可将副词置于句首,若这时主语是名词,则主谓全部倒装。Down came the hammer and out flew the sparks.锤子落下,火花飞溅。There es the bus!车来了!Out rushed the boys.男孩子们冲出去了。Then followed ten years of hard work. 接着就是十年的辛劳工作。易错点提示在这种倒装句中,我们可以看到主语都是名词,而谓语是表达“位移”的不及物动词,如果主语是人称代词,则句子不用倒装。There they e. 他们来了。即学即用In the dark forest_, some large enough to hold several English towns. A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand 问:怎么知道本题运用的是倒装?答:表示方位的介词短语位于句首,主语是名词,因此句子用部分倒装。stand指立着的物体。答案B 2)也可以放在句子的末尾,这时表“虽然, 但毕竟”的含意,表示和预期的情况相反,说话人的意思转折。如:They met with difficulties, but I hear that theyve succeeded after all. 他们遇到了困难,但我听说他们终究是成功了。 She said she would not go to the ball, but she went there after all. 她说过她不到舞会上去的,但是她终归还是去了。即学即用Have you nearly finished? _ , we have just begun.A. Above all B. After all C. On the contrary D. On the other hand问:本句什么意思?答:本题上文说“你们差不多快做完了吧?”,下文说“恰好相反,我们才刚刚开始哩”。答案:C 10. Tony told her and suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return. 托尼告诉克莱尔说,你可以同格拉迪斯一样,还建议克莱尔邀请格拉迪斯和她的朋友到家里来玩,时间就定在托尼离去和拉里回家之前的那个晚上。【句型新解】suggest+ that从句(虚拟语气)suggest v. 建议,提出(建议)。后接宾语从句时用虚拟语气,句中谓语动词多用(should)+动词(原形)构成,should可以省略。类似用法的词有:insist,order,demand,request,mand等表示欲望、建议、命令等。The assistant suggested that she should e another day. 营业员建议她改天再来。It is suggested that a meeting should be held at once.有人建议应立刻召开一个会议。易错点提示但suggest作“暗示、表明”不用虚拟语气。His pale face suggests bad health. 他脸色苍白,看来身体不好。Her expression suggested that she was angry. 从她的表情可以看出她生气了。 在it is suggested /requested/ordered.that从句也要用虚拟语气;同时suggest/insist/order 等以上动词对应的名词在表示愿望、建议、命令时;其后面的表语从句或同位语从句也用虚拟语气。 即学即用2)该做或不该做的事情(语气上接近于should, must, ought to, have to),表示一种命令、规劝性语气。You are to go to bed and keep quiet, kids. Our guests are arriving in less than 5 minutes. 孩子们,你们必须上床睡觉,不准吵闹。我们的客人5分钟之内就要到了。3)能或不能发生的事情(接近can, may)How am I to pay such a debt? 我怎么可能还得起这么大的一笔债呢?4)不可避免将要发生的事情,后来将要发生的事情。Anne was wondering what was to bee of her boy friend, Tommy. 安妮想知道她的男朋友汤姆会是个什么样的人。The murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment and was never to see his family again. 那个杀人犯被判终生监禁,将永远不会见到家人了。5)用于条件从句“如果想,设想”(接近if want to,或if should)Even if you were to take a taxi now, you would not be able to arrive at your destination on time.即使你现在乘上了出租车,你也不能准时到达目的地。11. Tony worked steadily on the improvements. 托尼有条不紊地搞着装修。【词汇新解】work on意思等于work at或do,意思是“忙于”或“做”,强调动作。He is working on a novel recently. 最近他正忙着写一本小说。词语辨析单词释义例句work out意思是“算出”、“解出”,等于get the results of,强调结果。I cant work out the maths problems. 我解不出这些数学题。Can you work out how much it costs to build the bridge?你能把建桥的费用计算出来吗?work on1)意思等于work at或do,意思是“忙于”或“做”,强调动作。2)可作“对产生影响”解释。The headmaster might accept our suggestion if someone works on him properly. 如果有人适当地做校长的工作,他也许会采纳我们的建议。The medicine works on the affected part only. 这药只对患部起作用。work as意思是“充当”。These people can work as nurses when necessary. 需要的时候,这些人可以充当护士。work for意思是“为而工作”,for表示目的。Were working for the lives of ourselves and our families. 我们为自己和家庭的生活而工作。即学即用Many people in China are _ a “Hope Project”, helping poor children to get pulsory education. A. taking on B. taking out C. working out D. working on问:这四个短语有什么区别?答: work on表示“从事某项工作,如设计、创作、研究等”; take on表示“呈现,接受”; take out表示“拿出”;而work out则表示“解决,做出(题目)”。答案:D He succeed in escaping from the fire.He_ _escape from the fire.答案:managed toHe tried his best to pass the exam, and he made it.He_ _pass the exam.答案:managed to【词汇新解】in time1)及时;按时 They started out early so they got there in time. 他们出发的很早,因此及时到达了那里。2) 总有一天;最后;终于In time they came to accept the harsh facts. 他们最终承认了严酷的事实If you keep on, you will succeed in time. 如果你坚持,总有一天你会成功的。即学即用If you keep working like that, youll break down _. A. in time B. on time C. in fact D. after all问:如何辨别这几个介词短语?本句的意思是什么?答:in time在这里的意思是“迟早;终有一天”,on time准时,in fact事实上,after all毕竟;别忘了。本句的意思是“如果你还是那样工作,你身体早晚会垮掉的。”答案:A13. She cried out “Tony” and then heard him declare that he didnt want to leave her the next day and that he felt more than just the desire to please her. 她哭喊了声“托尼”,接着听见他声明:他不想离开她,而且他感到自己不仅仅是想取悦她。【词汇新解】declare vt.&vi. 1)宣布;宣告;声明;声称。I declared the meeting closed. 我宣布会议结束。 She declared that she knew nothing about the robbery.她声称自己对这一次抢劫一无所知。2)申报;详报 即学即用At the conference the Chinese foreign minister _his opinion that China was strongly against the terrorism.A. declaredB. announcedC. statedD. showed问:本句的意思是什么?答:本句的意思是“在会上中国外交部长陈述了自己的观点,中国坚决反对恐怖主义。”答案:C【词汇新解】more than 1)用在数词前表示“比多”、“超过”。在名词面前,意为“不只是”、“不仅仅是”,相当于not only。 Beijing Weekend is more than a newspaper. It can help us to learn English. 北京周末不仅仅是一张报纸,它对我们学英语有帮助。 The science museum is more than a museum. It is like a school in which we can learn a lot. 科学博物馆不仅仅是一个博物馆,它就像一所学校我们从中学到很多。 This book seems more than a grammar. It is like a book on idioms. 这本书看起来不仅仅是语法,它就像一本惯用法的书。2)不仅仅,倒不如说This book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar book. 这本书与其说是一本语法书,倒不如说是一本词典。即学即用History is _ a subject that not only let us know something in histo

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