2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit4 Unforgettable experiences(第二课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语上册 nit4 Unforgettable experiences(第二课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册Teaching Aims:1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Learn how to organize ideas in a text using “First”“Next”“Then”“Finally”.3. Master some important words and expressions.Teaching Important Point:Help the students to understand the passage better.Teaching Difficult Points:How to improve the students reading ability.Teaching Methods:1. Discussion to let the students know something about natural disasters.2. Fast reading to get the general idea.3. Careful reading to help the students understand some detailed information.4. Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1. a tape recorder2. a projector3. a TV set and a VCD discTeaching Procedures:FStep .GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.FStep .Lead-in and DiscussionT: Today, were going to read something terriblethe natural disasters. What natural disasters do you know? Who can name them?S: I know. Flood and earthquake.T: Good. Anything else?S: Typhoon and fire.T: Yes. Please sit down. Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?Ss: No.T: OK. Now, Ill show you something on TV. Watch carefully and then answer my questions. OK. Lets begin.(Teacher shows a program about a flood. After that, begin to ask questions.)T: Now, who can tell us what it was about?S: I know. It was about a flood.T: Right. Can you describe what it was like?S: Let me try. It was terrible. It swept trees down and destroyed many buildings. Many people were washed away and many became homeless.T: Very good. And how did you feel?S: I felt frightened.T: If you were in the classroom, what would you do?S: I think I would try to get out of the classroom and then I would run into a strong building or go to a higher place, such as, the roof of a building or the top of a hill or something else like that.T: Good. Thank you. Please sit down. Now, please turn to Page 24.Look at “Pre-reading”.You can choose any of the situations to discuss with your partner about the questions. Five minutes later, Ill ask some of you to describe what would you do in any of the situations, using temporal markers such as FirstNext Then and Finally. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.Samples:Flood: You are in the classroom.We had been practicing our English lessons when our headmaster used the Inter to tell all the students that the river was flooding our village. First, we all ran out of the classroom. Next, we started climbing to the roof of the school building. Then, we waited for a team of soldiers to e in boats and bring us to a safe place. Finally, I found my parents and was happy we were all saved.Earthquake: You are sleeping in your bedroom.I had been sleeping for a few hours when I heard some dogs in the yard. First, I heard a strange noise as if a train was passing under our house. Next, I got up and ran out of the house with my father, mother and my grandmother. Then everything started shaking and we saw some houses falling down. Finally, everything became very quiet and we all held each other, happy that it was over.Typhoon: You are riding a bicycle on the road.I was cycling home after school with my classmates on a hot summer day. First, we saw the tree tops moving and sticks and leaves were swept up in the air. Next, we cycled as fast as we could hear and see the black typhoon. It looked like the nose of an elephant ing towards us, sucking up cars and destroying houses, and it made the sound of a thousand roaring lions. Finally it passed over our heads as we held each other sitting under the bridge.Fire: You are shopping in a supermarket.I was in the supermarket to buy a big bottle of Sprite when the fire started. First, I smelled something, like burning paper. Next, everybody started running to get out. Then, I saw a little girl who was crying. Finally, I took her in my arms and carried her out of the building. FStep .ReadingT: Very good. Now, lets read a passage about a terrible flood. Read it quietly and quickly, and find out the answers to the two questions on the screen. You may check your answers with your partner after you have finished.(Show the following on the screen.)1. What were Floras first two feelings when she turned around and saw the water ing?2. Why was Jeff looking for the chimney?(A few minutes later, the teacher asks some students to say their answers and checks with the whole class.)Suggested answers:1. Floras first two feelings were “surprise” and “wonder”. The sentence “She was so surprised” explicitly states her feeling of surprise. The second sentence does not give an explicit answer as to her feeling. The sentence “she wanted to watch it” is a way of telling that the spectacle fascinates her.2. Jeff was looking for the chimney because that is the strongest part of the house.T: Good. Now, please read the passage again carefully. This time, you should pay attention to some sentences on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)Work out what the underlined words refer to.1. Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar.2. There she saw a big mass of water that was quickly advancing towards her.3. She wanted to watch it.4. Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying.5. For some moments both were silent.(A moment later, teacher checks the answers.)Suggested answers:1. a great noise 2.behind her 3. a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her 4. Floras 5. Flora and JeffFStep .Explanation and Further Under-standingT: Well done. Now, please look at the screen. Ill explain something to you.(Show the following on the screen.)1. a wall of fire/ water etc.(a tall mass of something such as fire or water, that stops anything from getting past)e.g. The boat was hit by a wall of water.2. advance v. (move forward or develop)e.g. The soldiers advanced on the enemy.A month has passed and the work has not advanced.n. (forward, movement or development)e.g. You cant stop the advance of old age.There have been great advance in space travel in the last 20 years.advanced adj.e.g. advanced education in advancee.g. The rent must ne paid in advance.Send your luggage on in advance.3.sweepe.g. Sweep the house clean.A storm swept over the country.The old mans eyes swept the distance.4. swallow v.(to take in, causing to disappear)e.g. The fog swallowed up the whole city.5. struggle v.(move ones body vigorously, try hard; make great efforts)e.g. He struggled to get out of the trap.The two leaders are struggling for power.6. look n. a look of pleasure/fear/reliefe.g. There was an angry look in his eyes. The man and the woman looked into each others faces with a look of fright.7. strike v. (struck; struck/stricken)e.g. The stone struck me on the side of the head.The tree was struck by lightning.8. must have donee.g. He must have know what he wanted.I met Jeff at the gate a moment ago.He cant have gone to Australia.We can hear loud voices in the meeting room. They must be quarrelling.Helen is Lucys good friend. She must know Lucys e-mail.9. drag v. (pull sb./sth. along with effort and difficulty)e.g. He dragged me to the cinema.He dragged a heavy box out.10. pull v.(to move sb./ sth. towards oneself, sometimes with force.)e.g. He pulled his chair up to the table.The child pulled (at) its mothers coat.(Teacher gives brief explanations.)FStep .Reading AloudT: Now, I think youve understood the passage well enough. Please listen to the tape carefully, playing attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Then read aloud by yourselves. Finally, fill in the table on the blackboard. Are you clear about that? (Teacher draws the table on the Bb.)Ss: Yes.(Teacher plays the tape first. Then allow the Ss a few minutes to read aloud the passage and fill in the table. Finally check the table with the whole class.)Sample answers:FirstFirst, Flora saw Jeff running and waving his arms. She turned around and saw a wall of water advancing towards her quickly.NextNext, the water swept Jeff and Flora down and they are struggling for their lives.ThenThen they tried to get to the house and climbed the stairs to be safe from the water.FinallyFinally, part of the house fell down but they were safe next to the chimney.FStep Summary and HomeworkT: Today, weve read a passage about a terrible flood, and also learnt some useful words and expressions, such as, swallow, struggle, (Write them on the blackboard.)Besides, weve learnt to describe sequences using “FirstNextThenFinally” After class, you should try to understand the passage better and master the words and expressions. Todays homework: Retell the story in your own words using “First”“Next”“Then”and“Finally”,and do the exercise for Talking on Page 103. Thats all for today!Sample dialogue:B: Are you the man (woman) wo discovered this place?A: Yes, I am. While working in the fields, we found this tomb.B: Can you tell me how you discovered the tomb?A: Well, we were digging in the field where I struck something made of stone. First I thought it was a rock, but then I saw that it wasnt just a rock, but a part of a wall.B: Why were you digging in that field?A: We are building a new (hotel) there. Im a (an engineer). How old do you think this tomb could be?B: At this moment its difficult to say. One thousand years perhaps? Please tell me what happened next.A: Really, so old? We dug around it carefully until we found a wall and a door made of wood. We were all very excited. We pushed carefully and opened the door.B: Did anyone go in?A: Eh, as a matter of fact, yes. We did go in, but we didnt touch anything and we didnt take anything away. Of course, it was very dark and we couldnt see very much. Was it wrong to go in and look around?B: Well, of course it would have been best if you had not gone into the tomb. You could have damaged something, even if you dont see it. Anyway, what did you do next?A: Then I realized we had made a discovery that is perhaps important, so we called the police. When they came, they closed everything off and told us to go home. In the end some scientists and the village leader came, and they told us we had done a good job.B: Yes, you sure have!A: Can you tell us a little bit more about it? Is this an important discovery?B: Sure it is. We do not very often find such tombw.A: Have you ever seen anything like this beford?B: Yes, there are many tombs in Xian and Beijing; but I myself have never seen a discovery like this in another place.A: Do you have any idea who has built this tomb?B: Hmm. What will happen next?B: Well dig more and make photos. Then well look into this discovery. Next, many items will be studied in Beijing. Finally, many things and materials will e back and there will perhaps be a small museum in this town.FStep .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 4 Unforgettable experiencesThe Second PeriodWords:advance v. sweep v. swallow n.struggle v. look v. strike v.drag v. pull v.Expressions:a wall of fire/ water etc. pull sb. up sth. After sth. get on ones feet must have done/ cant have doneDescribing sequencesFirstNextThenFinallyStep VII Record after Teaching

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