2019-2020年高一英语 Unit 2 word study 教案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Unit 2 word study 教案Teaching aims:Learn the new words and know how to use these words. Remember the new words and some expressions.Teaching important points:Master the pronunciation, spelling and usage of the words.Teaching difficult points:Help the students master the usage of the new words.1 throughout作介词,可指时间上从头到尾=all through, 也可指地点上遍及,各处=all overHe is busy throughout the year. 他一年忙到头The news spread throughout the country 消息传遍全国through可指时间上从头到尾, 不可指地点上遍及2 confusing adj confused adj confuse v The instructions on the box are very confusing. 盒子上的使用说明含糊不清All your change s of plan have made me totally confused 你把计划改来改去,我都糊涂了They confused me by asking so many questions. 他们提了一大堆问题,把我都弄糊涂了Confuse A and/with B 把.误当作.Dont confuse Austria and/with Australia. 不要把奥地利和澳大利亚弄混淆了3 be made up of.= consist of 由.构成 后者没有被动语态The novel is made up of twenty chapters. = The book consists of twenty chapters=Twenty chapters make up the novelYour work consists of washing and cooking.Be made up of 的主动形式为make up 不与of连用Six states make up New EnglandMake up 编造,化妆Make up for 弥补Consist with一致,符合 The information consists with his account.消息与他的叙述相符合。Consist in 在于,存在于 Tolerance consists in respecting the opinions of others.宽容在于尊重别人的意见。 The beauty of the picture consists in its colors.这幅画的美在于其色彩。4 Pick up Radio Beijing 收听北京台 the dictionary 拿起字典 the passengers 接乘客 French 学法语 everything on the floor 收拾地上的东西 a story 继续讲故事pick out Let me pick out some good ones for you.让我来替你挑几个好的5 contribute v捐赠, 贡献 contribution n 捐款(u) 捐赠物(c) contributor 捐赠者 contribute to 是.的成因之一, 给.做贡献, 把时间投入Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? 吸烟会导致肺癌吗?All these factors contributed to his success. 所有这些因素促使他成功He offered to contribute to the Red Cross. 他主动向红十字会捐款He contributed his poems to the magazine. 他给杂志投稿他的诗。6 take control of 控制 get/bring sth under control 使在控制之下 lose control of 失去对.的控制 go out of control 失控 be in control of sth 控制,管理某物 in/under the control of sb 在.的控制下The English conquered America and took control of it英国人征服了美国并控制了美国The fire lasted half an hour before it was brought under control 火烧了半小时,才被控制住He lost control of the car and crashed his car into the tree他对汽车失去了控制撞到了树上Because of the war, the country went out of control. 由于战争,那国家失控而混乱Who is in control of the project? 谁负责这个项目?7 invasion (n) invade (v)(1). vt./vi. 侵入,侵略The Normans invaded England in 1066.诺曼人于一六六年入侵英国。(2). 拥入,大批进入In summer tourists invade the mountain village.夏天游客成群结队地到这个山村来。(3). (疾病等)侵袭Bird flu invaded the country.禽流感侵袭全国。8 replace vt.1.取代;以.代替 (+with/by)= take the place of =be in place ofElectric lights have replaced candles.电灯已经取代了蜡烛。The gate was broken so we replaced it with a new one.大门坏了,因此我们换了扇新的.2.把.放回(原处)She replaced the receiver.她将听筒放了回去。3. 归还;偿还I will replace the cup I broke.我愿用一个新杯子赔还我打碎的一只。9 despite prep.1. 不管,尽管,任凭 (in spite of )Despite the traffic jam, he arrived at the conference on time. 尽管有交通阻塞,他还是准时赶到会场。Despite advanced years, she is learning to drive.尽管年事已高,她还在学开车。He went to work despite his illness.尽管生病,他还是去工作。10 impact nhave an impact on影响;作用 ( influence) Those TV programs had an impact on his English studies.这些电视节目对他的英语学习很有影响。 The book made a great impact on its readers.这本书对读者有很大的影响。The car hit the stone wall with great impact.汽车猛地撞在石头墙上.V 撞击 The big waves impacted the ship大浪撞击着船11 raise vt./ n 饲养,喂养Raise 可以表示饲养家禽,强调过程Feed 可以表示喂(动物)饲料,给(病人或小孩)喂食,强调动作1).The baby was raised on soybean milk. 这孩子是用豆浆喂养大的。2)People feed the cattle with grass. 人们用草喂牛raise 的其他意思:2. 增加The landlord raised my rent to $200.房东把租金提高到$ 200。3. 筹集,召集They are going to raise money for the school buildings.他们将为盖校舍筹集资金。4. 举起,提起He raised his glass and said: Your health, Carl.他举起了杯子说道:祝你健康,卡尔。5.提出,引起,使-产生raise fears, doubtsRise vi (rose, risen)上升,增长,提高,站起身The sun rises in the east and sets in the westHis temperature is still rising I rose from my chair12 adopt vt. 1.采取;采纳adopt ones suggestion.采纳建议adopt a name 取名adopt an idea 采纳意见adopt a style of dress 采用一服装样式2 过继,收养adopt a child (as ones son)13 undergo vt (underwent undergone) =experience The explorers had to undergo much suffering 探险的人们必须遭受很多困苦14 depend on (1)靠.决定 Whether to hold the sports meet next week depends on the weather下星期是否开运动会决定于天气情况(2) 依靠,指望,信任They knew he wasnt a person to be depended on 他们知道他是个靠不住的人那得看情况了That depends./ It all depends Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not so busy. It all depends.有时我们很忙,有时不太忙,得看情况.15 record V 记录,记载record process/ developments 记载进展,发展等情况 N 1)a record of road accidents 交通事故记录2)put on/ play some records 播放一些唱片3)set a record/hold a record/break/beat a record 创/保持/破纪录(尤指体育运动)On record 记载下来的 Last summer was the wettest on record for 50 years.刚过去的这个夏季是50年来记录中雨水最多的16 promise V 1)许诺,答应做promise sth to sb /promise sb sthpromise sb that They promised an immediate reply to me.He promised me to be here at 6He promised me that he would be here at 62)使-很有可能The clouds promise rain. 阴云预示有雨。Promise well 大有希望,可望产生良好结果 N of sth 1).的诺言,承诺 We received many promises of help.许多人答应帮助我们.短语:make/keep/carry out/break a promise 作出/遵守/履行/违背诺言2)可能性,希望There is a promise of better weather tomorrow.promising adj有前途的,有出息的a promising young pianist 有前途的青年钢琴家17 look up (1) 仰视,向上看She looked up from her book when I entered the room(2) 好转, 改善 Unemployment is ing down, things are looking up(3) 拜访,看望(口)Do look me up the next time you are in London.(4) 查阅 If you dont know the word, look it up in the dictionary.有关look的词组:Look at look likeLook for look afterLook out look roundLook into look throughLook up to sb look down upon sbLook back on sth look forward toLook sb up and down18 disagree vi disagreement n 1)disagree with sb about/on sth 与某人观点不同,不同意Parents disagreed with their son about his future plans2)disagree with sth 不一致,不同,不符The reports from Rome disagree with those from Milan罗马的报道与米兰的不符3)Sth disagree with sb (食物,气候)对某人有不良影响I feel sick, because that fish disagreed with me.我感到恶心,那条鱼吃得我不舒服disagreeable adj 令人不愉快的,讨厌的, a disagreeable person 令人不愉快的人19 standard N 标准,规范 an international standard of weight 国际重量标准.set a standard 确定一个标准be up to/below standard 达到/未达到标准.Their work is not up to standard 他们的工作成绩不够标准.adj 标准的, 符合标准的Standard sizes of paper 纸的标准尺寸Standard English 标准英语20 set 制定,确定1)Set a standard 确定一个标准2)安排,确定They havent set a date for their wedding yet 3)铺桌子set the table for supper4)将-放在某处He set a post in the ground 他在地上树了一根秆子5)建立She set a new world record for the high jump. 有关set的词组:set sail set out/off set up set sb free set fire to sth set about doing=set out to do21 care about 忧虑,关心,惦念;在乎(常用于疑问句和否定句中)She didnt care about anything people might say. 人们说什么她都不在乎care for 1)喜欢(常用于疑问句和否定句中)I dont really care for tea.2)照顾,照料(较正式用语) At night he fed and cared for the cattle 22 department 部门,基本意思是整体中的一部分the Health Department English Department the business department a department store 23 ban (banned banned)ban多指官方利用指令禁止某事, forbid多指私人关系中的禁止The government has banned the use of chemical /nuclear weaponsHis father forbids him to smoke. ban sb from sth /doing sth forbid sb to do sthforbid doing sthShe has been banned from driving for six months. My mother forbids me to swim in the river. 23 pure adj 纯的 purify v 净化某物 pure gold/cotton/white pure water/air pure thoughts a pure young girl 24 spread ( spread spread)1) 展开,铺开 spread wings spread ones armsspread a cloth on the table = spread a table with a cloth2) 传播,蔓延Flies spread disease.Fear spread quickly through the village. 全村不多久就人心惶惶了3) 扩大,伸展The forest spreads as far as the river. spread like wildfire(指谣言,消息,疾病)飞速地传开,蔓延N (通常作单数)The spread of disease/knowledge/education25 easily adveasy 和easily 两者都可用作副词,easy作副词多用于一些成语,例如:Easy e, easy go Go easy省点劲儿,别那么卖力,慢点儿Stand easy 稍息Take it easy Easier said than done 一般情况使用easily:They could be easily seen at a distance of miles. easy表示容易做时,一般用主动形式,尽管有时含有被动意义This novel is easy to read. Its easy for sb to do sth 26access n/vhave/gain access to sb/sth 有机会得到或接近某人/某物所有的学生都可进入图书馆The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 27 racial adj 种族的 race n 种族racial harmony race/nation/state的比较:race意为种族,指有相同肤色和体型的人。the yellow race nation意为民族,国家,指具有共同语言和历史,通常居住在同一地域,比小的人类群体。the Chinese nation中华民族state意为国家或州,是一种政治上的划分,既可指独立的国家,也可指一个国家内部的州。 How many states are there in the United States of America? 26 character n (1)字母,符号Chinese/ Greek /Russian characters(2)(人)品质,性格;(地方)特性,特点have a strong/weak characterWhat does her handwriting tell you about her character?27 differ vi 作不及物动词,意为不同,通常与介词from, in, with 搭配使用differ from 与不同differ in 是指两个以上的人或物在某个具体的方面有区别differ with是指与有分歧,持不同意见1)Modern cars differ from the early ones in many ways.2)The two sisters differ widely in their tastes. 3)Im sorry to differ with you about that question.adj different be different from与不同My shoes are different from yours.be different in在某方面有区别They are different in the color of eyesn differencemake a /some difference make no difference A weeks holiday made some difference to her health It makes no difference to them whetherthe baby is a girl or a boy. 29 represent vt 代表 n 有代表性的人或事物1) The petition attracted over 500 players_ 8 different countries.2)The rose represents love. 30 action 行为,动作take action 采取行动active inactive activity n31 bine vt / vi 组合,联合bine A and/with B 使A和B组合起来bine the eggs with a little flour .31 physical adj 有形的,实物的 physically advthe physical world physical change physical examination physical exercise n physics 物理 physicist 物理学家Physics_ interesting. We all like it.表示学科的名词,如:physics, mathematics, politics, 虽然以-s结尾,但都被看作是单数,因此,作主语时,其谓语动词要用单数形式, 32 square adj 方的a square room/table one square meter一平方米n 方型,正方形,广场 a market square 集市广场The square of 7 is 49 33 simplify v simple adj Simplify the orders so that children can understand thema simplified process34 originally adv 最初地 origin n起源,开端original adj 原始的,新颖的 n 原作 1)The school was originally small. 这所学校原先很小2)She es originally from Sichuan.35 peak 山峰,尖顶, 顶峰The plane flew over the snow-covered peaks the peak of a roof peak time 36 turn into 使 变成 = change into Water turns into ice when it freezes. 天很冷时水会结冰37.reflect vt 反映1) His face was reflected in the mirror.反射2) The windows reflect sunlight.37 Symbol1)符号 for sthWhat is the chemical symbol for copper?2)象征 of sthThe lion is the symbol of courage 38 direction n 方向,指导in the direction of /in direction 向 的方向in all directions向四面八方from.direction 从. 方向under ones direction在. 指导之下1)A woman was seen running in the direction of the train. 2)No further sound came from their direction. 3) He finished the work under my direction. 他在我的指导下完成了工作。39 opposite n后接of +名词Black and white are opposites= Black is the opposite of whiteopposite to 在对面, 和相反I sat opposite to him during the meal.adj/adv 相反的,对面的drive off in the opposite direction40 indicate vt 表示,显示 indication n 指示,象征1)A red sky at night indicates fine weather the following day2)With a nod of his head he indicated to me where I should sit


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