2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Art教案 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Art教案 新人教版选修6【美文阅读】Leaving a hightech job to help African children带着无私的爱,Silbaugh用艺术帮助乌干达的孩子们逐渐成长,将自己的青春的汗水无悔地洒向非洲大陆。Up until his early thirties,Silbaugh led a typical American life.He attended public schools,went to college,and got a job in the hightech industry.But then he wanted to live overseas.While planning to leave for East Africa,Silbaugh was introduced to Laban Movement Analysis.“Its a way of describing movement,”he says.“So,you could create a dance and actually write out that dance in a language that someone else could look at and then reproduce that dance or that movement.”In Uganda,Silbaughs interest in Laban,teaching skills and his experience in business came together with In Movement,a program using Laban Movement Analysis as a form of cure for children who dont have parents or were abused.“We work with about 300 disadvantaged children and youth from the surrounding area.And we use the arts as a tool to build their selfconfidence,to develop their munication skills,leadership skills and give them opportunities to really develop in life through the arts,”he said.The children e to the program after school and on weekends,to learn music,dance,creative writing,the visual arts and circus performing.When kids first e to the threeyear program,they are shy,quiet,and unable to express themselves.As the time goes by,Silbaugh watches them transform into happy,confident youngsters,with a positive outlook for their own future.But then,there arises a question.The Ugandan government offers free education only through primary school.“A lot of the kids finish our program and they have so much energy and enthusiasm for their future,but they cant pay the fee for higher education,”says Silbaugh.So,In Movement has begun to try to help students connect with organizations that could sponsor their education costs.Despite the challenges,Silbaugh says he would like to see the arts program developed,and reach children in other parts of Uganda and the rest of Africa.【诱思导学】1Do you think the arts can be a tool to help children improve themselves?Why?_【答案】1.Yes.Because we can build childrens selfconfidence,develop their munication skills,leadership skills and give them chances to really develop in life through the arts by using arts as a tool.2What does the children in Uganda change into after finishing the program?_【答案】2.They change into happy,confident youngsters,with a positive outlook for their own future.PeriodPreviewing教学目标本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对下一堂课课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。教学地位本单元的中心话题是西方绘画艺术的历史、中西方各种艺术形式与风格,各时代的著名画家以及他们的作品。听说读写等语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“绘画艺术”这一主题设计的。老师要引导学生讨论这些问题,让学生了解绘画艺术极其各个历史发展时期的不同风格,培养他们对艺术的兴趣。 新课导入建议首先让学生回顾所见的西洋绘画和著名的画家,然后互相交流对西方绘画艺术的了解和认识。帮助学生认识国画和西洋画不同历史时期的不同特征、代表作品及著名画家。 让同学们自由发言,讲述他们最熟悉的或令他们印象最深刻的作品或画家 。最后老师做出总结。教学流程设计学生再次仔细阅读课文(课本第13页)进行深度理解,并完成“课文缩写”(见学案第2页)。老师布置作业,让学生看课本第13页并完成课本第3页1、2、3、4题,预习学案Period (见学案第39页), 写一篇介绍西方绘画或著名画家的作文。.篇章结构阅读P13的Reading部分,完成下列表格A SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTINGPeriodsThemesArtistic CharacteristicsThe Middle Ages(5th to the 15th century AD)1._to paint in a(n)2_ wayThe Renaissance(15th to 16th century)3._to adopt a more 4._ attitude of life;to draw things in 5._ and oil paints developedImpressionism(late 19th to early 20th century)to show how 6._ fell on objects at different times of dayto work 7._;to paint 8._Modern Art(20th century to today)to look at their 9._ in new waysto paint in a(n)10._ or realistic way【答案】1.religion2.unrealistic3.people and nature4humanistic5.perspective6.light and shadow7.outdoors8.quickly9.environment10.abstract.语篇理解阅读P13的Reading部分,从每题所给的3个选项中选择最佳答案1What does the passage mainly tell us?AArt is influenced only by the customs and faith of a people.BEurope has followed a similar way of life for a very long time.CHow western art developed.2The art of the Middle Ages shows_Areal lifeBold songsCreligious themes3Who was first to use perspective in his paintings in 1428?ARoman and Greek painters.BMasaccio.CThe Impressionists.4In the Renaissance,people paid attention to _AhumansBnature Creligion5Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?ABecause it was raining.BBecause natural light changed so quickly.CBecause there was no light.【答案】15C C B A B.课文缩写Art is influenced by the customs and 1._ of a people.There are so many different styles of Western art that it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text.2._,it will tell about only the most important ones.During the Middle Ages the main 3._ of painters was to represent 4._ themes.Artists were not interested in showing nature and people but 5._ a feeling of respect and love for God.In the Renaissance new ideas and values replaced those 6._ in the Middle Ages when people paid more attention to humans.One of the most important 7._ during this period was how to draw things in perspective.In the late 19th century,Europe changed from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly 8._ one.Impressionism dated from the late 19th to the early 20th century.Then in Modern Art,the painter does not 9._ to paint objects as we see them with our eyes but 10._certain qualities of the object.【答案】1.faith2.Consequently3.aim4.religious5.creating6.held7.discoveries8.industrial9.attempt10.concentrates on.词义搭配1faithAvery silly or unreasonable2aimBwhat you are going to achieve by a plan,action or activity3evident Cbelief4superbDeasily noticed or understood;obvious5ridiculous Ean act of trying to do sth.,especially sth.difficult6attempt Fextremely good;excellent7coincidence Gthe dark shape that sb./sth.s form makes on a surface8shadow Hthe fact of two things happening at the same time by chance,in a surprising way【答案】18CBDFAEHG.短语填空concentrate on,by coincidence,a great deal,on the other hand,break away from,lead to1.You should _ your English study.2_ money was used in rescuing the victims in the disaster.3_,we got to the cinema at the same time.4I dont want to buy these books,_ I seldom have time to read them.5Only the small road can _ the house on the top of the mountain.【答案】1.concentrate on2.A great deal of3.By coincidence4.on the other hand5.lead to.句型背诵1But it_was_evident_that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.但是很显然,在13世纪(人们的)思想正经历着变化,像乔托这样的画家们开始以一种现实的风格来画宗教场景。2They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves,their houses and possessions as_well_as their activities and achievements.他们聘请著名的艺术家,不仅让艺术家画他们的活动和成就,还让他们画自己的肖像、房子及所有物。3Among_the_painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists,who lived and worked in Paris.在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。4The Impressionists were the_first_painters_to_work_outdoors印象派画家是第一批室外写景的画家。5At the time they were created,the Impressionists paintings were controversial,but today they are accepted as the beginning of_what_we_call“modern_art”在印象派作品的创建初期,它们是存在着争议的,但是如今已被人们接受而成为现在所说的“现代艺术”的始祖了。较好一般较差对教材整体结构理解程度对文章大意的理解程度单词短语的掌握程度句型的掌握程度自己的不足:_Period Warming Up & Reading教学目标(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。(2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运用这些词语造句。(3)通过对这些词汇的理解能够更深层次的理解课文,并通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练地运用这些词汇。(4)通过对本课文的理解,让学生学会写建议信、日记等。并培养学生养成自觉用英语写日记的好习惯,以提高学生的书面表达能力。教学地位单词和短语是构成句子的最小单位,在语言学习中起至关重要的作用,所以理解和正确使用英语单词和短语是英语学习的重点所在。新课导入建议As we all know, there are many famous different styles of western art. Now I want to ask to say something about one of styles of western art.教学流程设计让学生就“互动探究”(见学案第39页)进行讨论,让学生各自发表自己的见解,然后让各个讨论组派代表汇报各自讨论结果。布置作业。让学生完成课本第4页第1、2、3题,“课时作业”和预习“Period ”(见学案第1013页)。1abstract(教材P1) adj.抽象的;深奥的A lot of people dont like abstract art.很多人不喜欢抽象艺术。Human beings are the only creatures capable of abstract thought.人类是唯一有抽象思维能力的生物。abstract n摘要;概要 vt.提取;抽取;写的摘要in the abstract抽象地;大体上;理论上make an abstract of.做一个的摘要abstract sth.from sth.从某物中提炼出某物Im just talking in the abstract now.我现在只是在泛泛而谈。She abstracted the main points from the argument.她把论据概括成要点。完成句子我们尽可以谈论美的事物,但美本身却是抽象的。We may talk of beautiful things,but beauty itself_抽象地谈犯罪根本是不够的。Talking about crime_just isnt enough.我对他的讲话做了一个摘要。I have_his speech.【答案】is abstractin the abstractmade an abstract of2Would you rather have Chinese or Westernstyle paintings in your home?(教材P1)在你的家里,你愿意悬挂中国画还是西洋画?He doesnt want to learnhe would rather stay at home and play video games.他不想学习他宁愿待在家里玩电子游戏。I would rather stay at home than go to see the film Mural.我宁愿待在家里也不愿去看电影画壁。would rather do sth.宁愿做某事would rather not do sth.宁愿不做某事would rather do.than do.宁愿做而不做would do.rather than dowould rather do.than do.would rather sb.did.宁愿某人做Id rather you met him at the airport tomorrow.我宁愿你明天在机场见到他。I would walk there rather than take a bus.我宁愿步行去那里也不愿乘公共汽车。【提示】would rather的否定式在rather后加not。would rather接从句时,从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,从句谓语动词用一般过去式,表示现在或将来要做的动作;从句谓语动词用过去完成时态,表示过去的动作。完成句子他们说他们宁愿死也不愿离开家园。They said they _their homes.我宁愿你那天没有把消息告诉他。I would rather you _ him the news that day.【答案】would rather die than leavehadnt told3As there are so many different styles of Western art,it_would_be_impossible_to describe all of them in such a short text.(教材P1)由于西方的艺术风格多种多样,在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全面的描述。It would be impossible to do.做是不可能的。It在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。It is impossible to predict the future accurately.精确预测未来是不可能的。It is impossible to finish the task in a month.在一个月内完成这个任务是不可能的。Itbeadj.to do.做是的Itbeadj.从句 是的It is necessary to master one or two foreign languages.掌握一两门外语是有必要的。It is obvious that China has made great progress in economy in the last five years.很显然,在过去五年里,中国经济取得了长足发展。【对接高考】(xx课标全国卷)It is by no means clear _ the president can do to end the strike.AhowBwhichCthatDwhat【解析】it是形式主语,空格后是一个主语从句,从句部分的动词do缺少宾语,此处所填单词既要引导主语从句,又在从句中作宾语,四个选项中有此功能的只有what。句意:总统能采取什么措施来结束这场罢工根本不为人所知。【答案】D翻译句子我在八点之前不可能赶到那里。_很显然,他没有听懂我的话。_【答案】It is impossible for me to be there before eight.It was obvious that he didnt catch my words.4faith n信任,相信;信心;信仰Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.(教材P1)艺术受习俗和人的信仰的影响。Im delighted to know you have such faith in me.得知你对我如此信赖我很高兴。have faith in sb./sth.对某人/某事有信心lose faith in不再信任;对失去信心keep faith with忠于;守信faithful adj.忠实的be faithful to sb./sth.忠实于某人/某事faithfully adv.忠实地In no case shall we lose faith in the future.在任何情况下,我们都不该对未来失去信心。She has served the family faithfully for thirty years.她为这个家忠心耿耿地操劳了30年。完成句子我的老板非常信任我。My boss _ me.她一直忠于自己的祖国。She is always _ her country.【答案】have great faith infaithful to5consequently adv.结果;因此;所以Consequently,this text will describe only the most important ones,starting from the sixth century AD.(教材P1)因此,本文只谈及从公元六世纪以来的最主要的几种艺术风格。My car broke down and consequently I was late.我的车坏了,因此我迟到了。consequence n后果;结果;重要性take/suffer/face the consequences承担后果in consequence (of sth.)由于(某事物)的缘故;因而as a consequence结果as a consequence ofin consequence ofconsequent adj.作为结果的;随之发生的consequent on/upon由引起的;跟随发生的He got up late,as a consequence,he was late for class.他起床晚了,结果他上课迟到了。完成句子他触犯了法律,现在必须承担自己的行为带来的后果。He broke the law,and now he must_of his actions.大多数的计算机用户都没有经过正规的键盘训练,因此他们的键盘技巧效率不高。Most puter users have never received any formal keyboard training._,their keyboard skills are inefficient.【答案】take/suffer/face the consequencesConsequently/As a consequence/In consequence6aim n目标;目的 v瞄准;(向某方向)努力During the Middle Ages,the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.(教材P2)在中世纪,画家的主要任务是把宗教的主题表现出来。The visit was aimed at expanding the relation between the two countries.这次访问的目的在于扩展两国的关系。take aim(at) (向)瞄准with the aim of 以为目标;意在aim at 瞄准;目的在于aim sth.at 把瞄准;把用于;旨在aim at doing sth./aim to do sth.意欲/企图/力求做某事be aimed at (doing)sth.旨在;目的在于aimless adj.没有目标的They went to London with the aim of watching the xx Olympic Games.他们去伦敦是为了观看xx年奥运会。I was aiming at the tree but hit the car by mistake.我对准树射击,不料误中了汽车。He aimed to be a successful businessman when he was young.他小时候的目标是成为一个成功的商人。句型转换She went to London,aiming at finding a job.She went to London,aiming _ a job.She went to London _ a job.完成句子要达到这些目标需要齐心协力。Teamwork is required in order to _ .这些措施旨在减少空气污染。These measures are _ air pollution.【答案】to find;with the aim of findingachieve these aimsaimed at reducing7typical adj.典型的;有代表性的;平常的A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols,which created a feeling of respect and love for God.(教材P2)那个时期的典型的绘画充满了宗教的特征,体现出了对上帝的爱戴与尊重。This painting is typical of his early work.这幅画是他早期的代表作。be typical of sb./sth.是的特点It is typical of sb.to do sth.某人一向typically adv.典型地;有代表性地;一向;总是Its typical of her to be rude to people.她这个人就是总是对人无礼。完成句子他一向上课迟到。It is _for class.这幅画是他的典型作品。This painting is_work.This painting is_work.【答案】typical of him to be latetypical of his;his typical8adopt vt.采用;采纳;收养People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.(教材P2)人们开始更少地关注宗教主题,而对生活采取了更加人性化的态度。The agenda was adopted after some discussion.经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。Mr.Kern adopted the orphan as his own son.克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。adoption n采用;收养adopted adj.被收养的adopt/adapt单词辨析典型例句adopt采取,采用;收养,领养He adopted a new policy.他采取了一项新政策。They decided to adopt an orphan from the earthquake area.他们决定收养一名地震灾区的孤儿。adapt使适应,使适合;改编,改写;改建,改造He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions.他努力使自己适应新的情况。The author is going to adapt his play for television.作者将把他的剧本改编成电视剧。The boys adapted the old barn for use by the club.男孩子们将这个旧谷仓改造成为俱乐部用房。用adopt的适当形式填空The _ of the new technique has promoted the productivity.She was forced to have her baby _选词填空:adopt,adaptI heard that she was an _ child.He always _ easily to new circumstances.After much consideration,the president decided to _ her suggestion.【答案】adoptionadoptedadoptedadaptsadopt9possess vt.拥有;具有;支配Rich people wanted to possess their own paintings,so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses.(教材P2)富人们想拥有自己的艺术品并用来装饰自己的高级宫殿和豪宅。One main idea possessed her:she must get away from home.她只有一个想法:她一定要离家出走。Im afraid he doesnt possess a sense of humour.恐怕他没有什么幽默感。be possessed of拥有be possessed by/with被控制possession n拥有;财产(多用复数)get/take possession of占有;取得所有权in possession of占有;拥有in the possession of sb.被占有;为所有You cant legally take possession of the property until 3 weeks after the contract is signed.契约签署三周以后,你才能合法取得这份产业的所有权。His family was possessed of a large fortune.他家拥有大笔财富。【教师备课资源】in possession of与in the possession of两者都表示“占有”之意,但前者表示主动意义,后者表示被动意义。因此,前者一般译为“占有”;后者译为“被占有,为所有”。与之用法相似的短语还有:in charge of 掌控;in the charge of被掌控;in control of控制;in the control of被控制介词填空She was found _ possession of stolen goods.He is possessed _ some evil ideas.She was possessed _ exceptional powers of concentration.句型转换She possesses a large fortune.She _ a large fortune.A large fortune _ her.【答案】inby/withofis in possession of;is in the possession of10They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves,their houses and possessions as_well_as their activities and achievements.(教材P2)他们聘请著名的艺术家,不仅让艺术家画他们的活动和成就,还让他们画自己的肖像、房子及所有物。as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,作“不但而且”解;有时也用来表示同级比较,意为“与一样好”。He speaks Spanish as well as English and French.他不但会讲英语和法语,也会讲西班牙语。He plays football as well as,if not better than his brother.他踢足球如果说不比他哥哥踢得好,至少是和他哥哥一样好。as well 还、也(在句中作状语,一般放在句尾)in addition 除此以外、还(在句中作状语,一般放在句首)in addition to 除以外He is a scientist,and a poet as well.他是一位科学家,也是一位诗人。【教师备课资源】as well as和not only.but also.as well as的含义与not only.but also相似,只是在用as well as 时,被强调的部分在as well as之前,而在用not only.but also时,被强调的部分在but also之后。A as well as B作主语时,谓语动词的数与A保持一致;not only A but also B作主语时,谓语动词的数与B保持一致。He has a talent_music_language.Afor;as wellBfor;as well asCin;in additionDin;in addition to【解析】“有的天赋”应用have a talent/gift for.来表示。第二空可用as well as(和;又)或者in addition to(除之外,还有)。【答案】B11coincidence n巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合By coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time,which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.(教材P2)巧合的是油画颜料在这一时期也得到了发展,这使得绘画的色彩看上去更丰富、更深沉。“Im going to New York tomorrow.”“What a coincidence!Im going there too.”“明天我要到纽约去。”“太巧了,我正好也要去。”by coincidence巧合地by accident碰巧;偶然by chance碰巧;偶然happen to do sth.碰巧做某事on purpose故意coincident adj.同时发生的coincidental adj.巧合的It was not a coincidence that you met each other in Lijiang.He went there after knowing your going there.你们在丽江“偶遇”不是什么巧合的事。得知你去了那儿后他就去了那儿。完成句子It was _(巧合)that he was born on his mothers birthday._(巧合地),I met the person whom I had been looking for.【答案】a coincidenceBy coincidence/By accident/By chance12a great deal 大量In the late 19th century,Europe changed a great deal,from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one.(教材P2)19世纪后期欧洲发生了巨大的变化,从以农业为主的社会变成了以工业为主的社会。A great deal has been finished,but there is still much to be done.虽然已经完成了许多工作,但仍然有许多事情要做。He likes to swim a great deal in summer.他夏天非常喜欢游泳。表示“大量,许多”的短语荟萃:后只接可数名词的有:many,quite a few,a great many,a number of等。后只接不可数名词的有:a large amount of,much,a great/good deal of等。后既可以接可数名词又可以接不可数名词的有:a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a large quantity of等。A great deal of money was spent on the project.那计划花费了大量金钱。【教师备课资源】a great deal用作名词时,意为“大量,许多”,一般作主语或宾语;用作副词时,意为“很,非常”;作状语,修饰动词或用来强调比较级。另外,a great deal of意为“大量的,非常多的”,后接不可数名词。句型转换Much has been said on how to work efficiently._ has been said on how to work efficiently.He wasted much money on drinking._ money was wasted on drinking by him.【答案】A great dealA great deal of单句改错He has spent a great deal money on his new house._I have learned a large deal from my visit here,so the city is well worth visiting._【答案】deal后加oflarge改为great/go


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