2019-2020年高中英语 Module1 Life in the Future短语.典句.考点 外研版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module1 Life in the Future短语.典句.考点 外研版必修4look like 看起来像【经典例句】 The building looks like a school.那所建筑看起来像个学校。【考点聚焦】 1)look like 和be like 都可以指人或事物的外部形象,但be like 还可以指性质、性格、特点等。如:What does she look like?/What is she like?她的长相如何?What is the teacher like?那个老师如何?2)look as if“看起来像”,后接从句,如:It looks as if it is going to be a fine day.看起来是个好天气。3)look可以作为系动词,意为“看起来;像是”,侧重指外表给人的印象,其特殊疑问句用how引导;look like侧重的是“像某人/某物的样子;外表像”,其特殊疑问句用what引导。如:He looks healthy.他看起来很健康。He looks like a teacher.他看起来像个老师。in the future 在将来【经典例句】 Who knows what will happen in the future?谁知道将来会发生什么事?【考点聚焦】 1)in future 在今后;从今以后,如:I will never make such foolish mistake in future.以后我再也不犯这种愚蠢的错误了。2)作“前程;前景”讲时,可与a连用。如:Im sure that we will have a bright future.我确信我们会有一个美好的未来。【活学活用】 9.汉译英你能预见将来会发生什么吗?_答案:Can you predict what will happen in the future?for sure确定地【经典例句】 I think he lives there but I couldnt say that for sure.我想他是住在那里的,但我不敢确定。【考点聚焦】 1)同义短语:without doubt 无疑地2)其他与sure相关的用法:be sure of/about对有把握如:Are you sure of your facts?你能肯定你的资料属实吗?be sure to do sth.务必做某事;肯定做某事如:He is sure to e today.今天,他肯定会来的。【活学活用】 10.改错No one knows to sure what happened to Bill._答案:第一个toforuse up 用完;耗尽【经典例句】 I have used up all the glue.我把胶水用完了。【考点聚焦】 1)近义短语:eat up吃光,吃饱;finish up 终结,结束2)use up短语中的up是副词,宾语如果是代词需置于use与up之间。【活学活用】 11.把下面的句子改为一个主从复合句We used up all the paper so we began to write the massage on the stone.答案:After we used up all the paper,we began to write the massage on the stone._run out 被用完【经典例句】 Our time is running out.我们剩下的时间不多了。【考点聚焦】 1)同义短语:use up2)请注意run out 和run out of的区别:run out意思是“被用完;变得缺乏;耗完供应”,是不及物动词短语,不能接宾语。如:The money that my mother gives me every weekend always runs out quickly.每个周末妈妈给我的钱总是很快就花完了。run out of意思是“用完;用尽”,是及物动词短语,需要接宾语。如:My bottle of ink was run out of yesterday.Can I use yours?我那瓶墨水昨天用完了。我可以用你的吗?rely on/ upon指望或依赖某人【经典例句】 Nowadays we rely increasingly on puters for help/to help us.现今人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作。You may rely on me to help you.我会帮助你的,这一点你可以信赖我。【考点聚焦】 1)同义短语:depend on 依赖2)rely on 后可接宾语从句,常用it作形式宾语,把宾语从句后置。如:You can rely upon/on it that it will rain this weekend.你放心好了,本周末一定下雨。3)rely on/upon 后可接动名词复合结构。如:I relied on/upon your ing early.我指望你早来。【活学活用】 12.英译汉You cant rely on the weather._答案:这天气可靠不住。place order订购【经典例句】 In the future we can place orders through puter.将来,我们可以通过电脑订购货物。【考点聚焦】 1)place an order for sth.with sb.与订购2)order v.&n.命令;订购3)order作名词讲,表示“订购;订单”,与for sth./with sb.连用。如:He has placed an order for 100 copies of the book with that bookshop.他已经与那家书店预订了一百本这种书。no matter where无论(在)哪里【经典例句】 No matter where you go,you should let your parents know.无论你去什么地方,你都应该让你父母知道。【考点聚焦】 1)wherever(=no matter where)无论(在)哪里2)“no matter+特殊疑问词” 只能用来引导状语从句;“特殊疑问词+-ever” 既可以引导状语从句,也可以引导名词性从句。比较下列句子:We will punish him,no matter who breaks the law.无论谁犯法,我们都将惩罚他。(状语从句,no matter who可以换成whoever)We will punish whoever breaks the law.我们将惩罚任何违法的人。(名词性从句,只能用whoever)I dont believe him,no matter what he says.无论他说什么,我都不相信他。(状语从句,no matter what可以换成whatever)I dont believe whatever he says.我不相信他说的任何话。(名词性从句,只能用whatever)carry out实行;进行;执行【经典例句】 We should carry out that plan.我们应该执行那个计划。She had finally carried out her promise to quit smoking.她最终实现了戒烟的诺言。【考点聚焦】 1)carry out短语中out是副词,宾语若是代词,代词放在carry与out中间;宾语若是名词,可放在其后或中间。如:You should carry out your promise.你应该履行你的诺言。2)固定搭配:carry out a promise/an order/task/an intention 履行诺言/执行命令/执行任务/实施意图【活学活用】 13.改错She had finally carried on the plan without any words._答案:on改为outbe busy doing sth./ be busy with sth.忙于做某事【经典例句】 Hellen is busy with her homework,while Bill is busy collecting materials.海伦忙于自己的作业,而比尔忙于收集资料。【考点聚焦】 1)be busy不能接to do sth.2)注意be busy doing sth.与be busy with sth.在特殊疑问句中的回答:比较下面两组句子:What is he busy with these days?Preparations for the ing exam.What is he busy doing these days?Preparing for the ing exam.【活学活用】 14.完成句子She was busy_(看报纸)when I came into her office.答案:reading a newspapersome time 一段时间【经典例句】 He will stay here for some time.他将在这儿待一段时间。【考点聚焦】 请注意sometime,some times,sometimes的区别:1)sometime意为“(过去或将来)某个时候”。如:I saw him sometime in May.五月的某个时候我见过他。Hell e sometime tomorrow.明天的某个时候他会来。2)sometimes意为“有时”。如:We sometimes go to the cinema.有时我们去看电影。3)some times意为“几次;几倍”。如:We have met some times.我们见过几次。【活学活用】 15.汉译英父母盼望儿女和他们多待一些时间。_答案:Parents expect their children to stay with them for some more time.look out当心;小心;往外看【经典例句】 Look out!There is danger ahead.当心!前方有危险。Thank you.I was looking into the sky.谢谢!刚才我朝天空看了。【考点聚焦】 1)同义短语:watch out 小心2)当表示“当心;警惕或留心”时,look out与watch out后接介词for。如:Look out for pickpockets.小心扒手。3)look out还有“往外看”之意。如:Dont look out of the window while listening to class.听课时不要向窗外看。not all并非所有【经典例句】 Not all students like going there.并非所有的学生喜欢去那儿。【考点聚焦】 1)not all/every/both=all/every/both not “不是全部”“不是每个都”“不是两者都”注意两种结构都是部分否定,而非完全否定。如:All is not gold that glitters.=Not all that glitters is gold.发光的并不都是金子。2)表示完全否定用no one,nothing,neither 或 none。如:I like neither of the books.这两本书我都不喜欢。None of them had any money.他们都没有钱。【活学活用】 16.根据汉语提示填词Poverty can_make_the children plete secondary education.贫穷不能让所有儿童完成中等教育。答案:not;allon the way out 即将不流行或不被喜爱;即将灭亡;正在离开【经典例句】 That type of dress is on the way out,but it is still of great value.那种式样的服装就要过时了,但是,它仍然很有价值。On the National Day,they are on the way out of the city to the hills.在国庆节,他们正在离开城市,去山上玩。The enemy was on the way out with the peoples rebellion.在人民的反抗下,敌人正在灭亡。【考点聚焦】 1)on the/ones way在去的路上 如:He is on the/his way to school.他正在上学的路上。2)in the/ones way挡着路如:Please move a little.You are in my way.请动一下,你挡着我的道了。3)lose ones way 迷路如:He lost his way in the forest.他在森林里迷路了。4)by the way 顺便说 如:Oh,by the way,there is a telephone message for you.噢,对了,有你一个电话口信。5)by way of 路经;途经 如:They are traveling to France by way of London.他们经伦敦去法国。【活学活用】 17.根据语境完成下面的对话What do you think of Li Yang Crazy English?It is never_ the_out.答案:on;way


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