2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 Fine Art-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts教案 外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 4 Fine Art-Western, Chinese and Pop Arts教案 外研版必修2Teaching aims: Aimed at carrying out quality education, based on students development, letting students grasp the vocabulary, grammar, function in this module, strengthening students language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing set in this module, developing students learning strategies.Through learning this module, students are expected to learn about the artists and their painting styles, be capable of introducing their favorite artists and their works, be interested in art, improve their aesthetic consciousness, love life and develop their sense of cooperation. Aimed to cultivate students integrated language capability in various student-centered tasks or activities.Periods 1:Introduction, Reading and vocabulary, FunctionTeaching aims:(multimedia courseware)Language objectives:To enable the students to grasp the new works, phrases and the structures to give opinions about likes and dislikesSkill objectives:To enable the students to match descriptions with paintings, choosing the correct answers and filling in the form in the aspect of readingTo enable the students to give opinions about certain paintingsCulture awareness, emotions and attitudes objectives:Teaching important points:To enable the students to speak out opinions about some paintings with some expressions To enable the students to grasp the new works and phrases in this partTeaching procedures: PWP Teaching ModelStep1.leading-in activity Use the paintings The Smile of Mona Lisa by da Vinci and the works by Zheng Banqiao on the screen to lead in the topic. Meanwhile, I will introduce the key new words: artist, paint, traditional, brush, ink. Step 2.Whilereading1)ScanningDuring the start of the period, let the students scan the passage to find out the answers to the questions on Page32, which are about the topics.Match paintings 1-4 with descriptions in paragraphs A-D.Say which paintings are mentioned in paragraph E and F.2)Detailed reading During this period, Ill allow students enough time to read the text and then I let them work in groups to do the following two tasks: Do the multiple choices on the screen.Fill in the form on the screen, which is mainly about the famous artists. 3)Language pointsconsider 认为This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, and he is considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, _ _ _the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. We consider that his advice is helpful. We consider his advice _ _ helpful. She _(被认为是个可爱的孩子). with复合结构 Cubist artists painted objects and people, and different aspects of the object or person showed at the same time.Cubist artists painted objects and people, _ different aspects of the object or person _ at the same time. He had so much work to do, he was kept as busy as a bee. _ so much work _ _, he was kept as busy as a bee. I felt a bit nervous because so many people were watching me so closely.I felt a bit nervous, _ so many people _ me so closely.Because his homework had been finished, he went out to play._ his homework _, he went out to play.He went to sleep, with the door open.He went to sleep, and _ _ _ _.Tom came in, and there was a baseball bat in his hand.Tom came in, with a baseball _ _ _.aim 以为目标;意欲;打算Pop art (from the word “popular”) was an important modern art movement that attempted to show ordinary twentieth-century city life.Pop art (from the word “popular”) was an important modern art movement that _ _ show ordinary twentieth-century city life.Our aim is to start and run our own pany.We _ _ start and run our own pany.Im aiming at losing 4 kg before the summer holidays.I _ _ _ lose 4 kg before the summer holidays.stand 忍受I dont like that picture of a golden-haired girl.I cant _ that picture of a golden-haired girl.We have to put up with her bad temper.We have to _ her bad temper.I cant stand working in the extreme heat for several hours.(英译汉)_ I got bored of looking at pictures all the time.I _ _ _ looking at pictures all the time.Tom gradually became interested in art.Tom _ _ _ _ art.Step3. Postreading During this period, Ill let the students do the following tasks. Find out the structures that can be used to giving opinions about likes and dislikes from the paragraphs E and F individually. And then, along with the students, Ill look through the sentences giving opinions, provided in the first part of Function, making sure that they know how to express likes and dislikes. Show the students a series of paintings on the screen, letting them in groups talk about the pictures they like and dislike, and why or why not, using the information learned from the reading material(or in the form of interviewinggroup work).Step4. Homework Try to find more paintings and artists you like through the Internet. Prepare to introduce a painting in English to your classmates next class. (The day students are assigned to the first task; and the rest of the students to the second.)Blackboard design:Module 4 Fine artsWestern, Chinese and Pop Arts Period Oneconsider: consider sb./sth. to be adj./n.with复合结构: with+宾语+宾补(adj./adv./prep. Phrase/-ing/-ed/inf.)aim v./n. aim to do sth. aim at doing sth.stand+n./doing sth.get tired of/get bored of “厌烦” develop an interest in“养成对的兴趣”Teaching reflection :In the process of leading in, students are familiar with the paintings and the artists, so the pictures can easily arouse their interest and desire to participate. In the process of while-reading, pay attention to the developing of students reading strategies. In the process dealing with language points, setting the new words in a context helps the students learn and prehend the meaning and the usage of them. In the discussion about their favorite paintings, some students are reluctant to speak, partly because of their lack of knowledge of painting; most students can municate with their partners or group members after learning the reading materials. The task of assignment is set for the sake of the second period, that is, Listening and vocabulary, to some extent.Periods 2:Listening and vocabulary, Everyday English, SpeakingTeaching aims:To enable the students to grasp the new words in the listening material.To enable the students to prehend and put to use the everyday English in the listening material.Skill objectives:To enable the students to follow the listening material about artists and art works, which has similar difficulty to the reading material, and identify opinions.To enable the students to pay attention to the weak sound and read correctly.Teaching important points:To enable the students to follow the listening material about artists and art works, which has similar difficulty to the reading material, and identify opinions.To enable the students to pay attention to the weak sound and read correctly.To enable the students to give opinions about certain paintingsTeaching procedures: PWP Teaching ModelStep1. Pre-listening Show some pictures on the screen;:that is, a watercolor, an oil painting, a portrait, a landscape, an art gallery. Through showing the pictures, I, together with the students study the new words,( watercolor, oil painting, portrait, landscape, art gallery), letting them pay attention to the pronunciation and the weak sounds/unstressed syllables of the words. Then Ill let the students in pairs learn the meaning of the new words in the contexts, in the form of pleting the sentences with them (Part1, Page36), after reading after me.Step2. While-listening Before listening, ask the students to look at the two pictures on Page36 and find out some similarities and differences. Listen for the first time, and answer the following questions: What are the boy and girl are discussing? Which picture is the boy painting, Picture1 or Picture2? Say how you know this. Why does the girl say sorry at the end of the conversation? Detailed listening/Pair work Listen to the conversation again, and plete the following sentences. First let the students check their answers with their partners; then Ill play the recording again for them to check; and then Ill check the answers with the class. Then Ill show the following sentences on the screen: Youve got it right. Dont change a thing. Im not half as good as you. What do you make of it? Theres (an exhibition) on. Thanks for the pliment. This time I ask the students to think about the meaning of the sentences after listening to the recording again, and then do the exercise on Page38 (Part1) in pairs. Then collect the answers from the whole class.Step3. Post-listening Let the students describe the Picture2 on Page36 in pairs.Act the dialogue out in pairs. Make up dialogues using the everyday English learned from the listening material.Step4. Homework Look through the Cultural Corner and collect some works of Pablo Picasso or information about him on the Internet. Look through the Cultural Corner and tell which picture below belongs to the “pink period”, Which one do you like best? Which do you like least? And give your opinions about the pictures.1 2 3GuernicaThe day students are assigned to the first task; and the rest of the students to the second task.Teaching reflection :At the start of the period, using the pictures to introduce the some of the new words in the listening material can arouse students interest and reduce the difficulty students have in listening to the material. Similarly, letting students look at the two pictures on Page36 and find out some similarities and differences can arouse their curiosity and reduce the difficulty of Question- Which picture is the boy painting, Picture1 or Picture2? Say how you know this. In the process of while-listening, After showing the six sentences taken from the recording on the screen, then let students listen to the recording while listening to the recording, which helps students prehend the everyday English according to the context. In the process of post-listening, the task of making up dialogues in pairs strengthen students cooperation in one aspect; meanwhile, students can grasp the usage of the everyday English. The task of assignment is set to make students learn more about art and artists and provides more chances for students to practice giving opinions. On the other hand, it is for the transition to the grammatical learning in the next period.Periods3:Grammar1 & Grammar 2 and VocabularyTeaching aims:To enable the students to grasp the usage of ing form acting as subjects and objects and the infinitive acting as objects.To enable the students to grasp the usage of the new words and phrases.Skill objectives:To enable the students to understand the grammatical function of ing form and the infinitive.Teaching important points:To enable the students to grasp the usage of ing form acting as subjects and objects and the infinitive acting as objects.To enable the students to grasp the usage of the new words and phrasesTeaching procedures: PWP Teaching ModelStep1.Revision Ill let some volunteers show their works about of Pablo Picasso or information about him on the Internet.Step2. Leading-in/Presenting Ill show a series of sentences containing ing form or the infinitive acting as subjects or objects on the students learning plan. And then let the students in groups discuss similarities and differences between the sentences and classify them according to their characteristics.Group One(verbs/verbal phrase + the infinitive as objects):1) attempt; 2)promise; 9)aim; 10)pretend; 11)happen; 12)agreeGroup Two(verbs/ phrase + ing form as objects): 4) suggest; 7)stand; 13)put off; 14).give up;3)be fond of; 8)get tired ofGroup Three(verbs/verbal phrase + ing form as objects/ the infinitive as objects): 15),16) go on; 17),18)mean; 19),20)likeGroup Four (-ing form as subjects): 5)painting; 6)copying a picture; 17)being lateThen let the students continue discussing in groups and then give them a listing task, that is, adding as many verbs or phrases as they can to Groups1-3.Group One只能用不定式作宾语的动词:refuse, promise, pretend, wish, hope, agree, ask, decide, expect, manage, offer, afford, agree, ask ,beg, care, choose, dare, desire, determine , fail, learn , prepare, plan, long, happen, seemGroup Two只能用v-ing 形式作宾语的动词或短语:admit, avoid, appreciate, keep, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, imagine, mention, mind, miss, practice, permit, risk ,suggest, advise, allow, permit feel like, give up, put off , cant help (禁不住), cant stand (无法忍受) , be busy in, be worth, lead to, look forward to, devote.to, stick to, be used to, get down to, object to, pay attention toGroup Three1)能用不定式又能用v-ing 形式,并且意义差异不大的动词:prefer, continue, like, hate, love2)既可接不定式又可接v-ing 形式,但含义不同的动词有:remember, forget, try, go on, mean, regret Step3. Practice1. You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting . Well , now I regret _ that .A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. doing2.The squirrel was so lucky that it just missed _. A. catching B. being caught C. to be caught D. to catch3.The teacher doesnt permit _ in class. A. shouting B. shout C. to shout D. having shouted4. What makes you so happy? _.A. Passing the driving test B. Because Ive passed the driving testC. For passing the driving test D. Pass the driving test5.I forgot _ (buy) the book, so I have to borrow one.6.Please remember_ (turn off) the light when you leave.7.Try _ (knock) at the back door and see whether he is in or not.8.We must try _ (e) here as early as possible.9.What do you mean _ ( do) with it?10.I wont stay if it means _(listen) to another dull talk.【速记口诀】同意提出学会的打算,要求答应来帮忙。准备决定遭拒绝,敢于设法有希望。未能做到莫假装,选择破釜沉舟当自强。Agree (同意)offer(提出), learn(学会), intend, plan(打算), demand, ask(要求), promise (答应), help (帮忙), prepare (准备), decide, determine (决定), refuse (拒绝), dare(敢于), manage(设法), wish, hope want, expect(希望,想要), fail, pretend (假装), choose(甘愿)接动名词作宾语的动词【速记口诀】建议停止享受-想象完成逃跑(suggest, advise, stop, resist, enjoy, imagine, finish, escape)承认借口-推迟实践(admit, excuse, delay, practice)认为应该保持头脑清醒-懂得避免冒险(consider, keep, mind, understand, avoid, miss, risk)实施效果与反思:In the process, through various ways of presenting and practices, according to the cognitive learning of students, with the inductive and deduction method, students with different characteristic and levels can obtain much in the process of learning grammar and words; meanwhile, students can keep interested and participate in the individual work, pair work and group work. Periods4:WritingTeaching aims:To enable the students to learn about the structure of a typical paragraph, what is a topic sentence and how to develop a paragraph.Skill objectives:To enable the students to write a passage containing a topic sentence.To enable the students to have ability to enjoy the process of writing.Teaching important points:To enable the students to write a passage containing a topic sentence. Teaching procedures: Step1. Pre-writing First Ill present a typical paragraph on the screen and analyze it, pointing out the structure of the paragraph. And then define the topic sentence.The topic sentence(主题句): We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit,because it causes health problemsSupporting sentences(拓展句): 1) Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer of the lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs. 2) In addition, it can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases.The concluding sentence(结论句): It is clearly known as one of the chief causes of death in our society段落中的主题句(topic sentence)是全段的统领,它说明段落的中心思想和作者写作的目的。段落的其余句子必须与主题句密切相关,共同阐明、证实主题句。因此,主题句具有概括性,支配段落中其他各句的走句。有时,段落中没有结论句。Step2. While-writingAfter making sure students know what a topic sentence is, what the structure of a paragraph is, Ill let them in pairs identify the topic sentences in paragraphs on the students learning plan. Meanwhile, remind students that sometimes topic sentences lies at the end of a paragraph, or even in the middle of a paragraph.Exercise One:Read the following paragraphs and underline the topic sentence.1)But no matter what it is called, all polyester has certain good points. It does not wrinkle easily. It dries quickly after it is washed. It holds its shape. It is strong and keeps its colors well.2)Names usually have origins, especially for Indians. Indians with distinctive physical characteristics, might be given names such as Big Foot or Crooked Leg. If there had been a big storm on the day of a babys birth, the baby might have been named Thundercloud. Grey Eagle, Red-Dog, Big Bear, and Spotted Wolf are examples of Indian names after animals.3) Electric products are closely connected with our lives. Electric alarm clocks and music pouring from our radio awaken us; we brush our teeth with an electric toothbrush, and shave with an electric razor. We read todays headlines from newspapers printed on huge electric presses, and we write a letter on our electric typewriter before leaving for work to operate a puter and word processor.Exercise Two:Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph.1)Topic sentence:_ I love sunny days because they are ideal for outings. I remember the sunny weekend when two roommates and I had a marvelous time in the old Summer Palace. Under the blue sky, the trees are bathed in golden light. On rainy days, I enjoy the sound of raindrops beating on the windowpanes. I watch the rain washing the trees and grass clean, knowing they will glitter when it clears up and hoping a rainbow will follow. In winter, a heavy snowfall offers a different type of pleasure. Cold as it often is, I always go outdoors and leave my footprints in the thick snow while throwing snowballs and making snowmen with my fellow students. A. A person should learn to be happy in all weathers. B. Ones mood should not be affected by bad weather. C. People usually prefer fine weather to severe weather. D. I enjoy both sunny weather and rainy or snowy weather.2) Topic sentence: _ On a cloudy day the clouds hide the sun, but the sun is always there. The clouds of thoughts, worries and desires cover and hide our happiness. We have to get rid of them in order to experience it. Then the happiness that lies in the soul and is always there will give us warmth. Also, happiness does not depend on circumstances. Objects and events are not its causes. It is dependent only on one thing: the peace in our mind. This means that in order to experience happiness intentionally, we have to make our mind silent, calm and relaxed. This happiness I am talking about is constant and existing for ever. It is our nature; only our thoughts stand in our way of experiencing it. Drive away the thoughts and you are happy.A. Happiness always gives us warmth.B. Happiness can be found everywhere.C. Happiness is not dependent on our mind.D. Happiness is inside us and


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