2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema教案 外研版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema教案 外研版必修5【美文阅读】绿野仙踪这部童话情节动人、意义深远,一出版就受到广大读者的欢迎,被誉为20世纪杰出的美国儿童文学作品。这部历险记不仅满足了小读者的好奇心,而且能够激发他们勇敢进取的精神。The Wonderful Wizard of OzThe Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a childrens book written in 1900 by LFrank Baum.It was originally published by the George MHill pany in Chicago, and has since been reprinted countless times.It is one of the bestknow stories in American popular culture and has been widely translated.The story describes the adventures of a girl named Dorothy Gale in the land of Oz.She is a young girl who lives on a Kansas farm with her Uncle Henry and Aunt Emily, and her little dog Toto.One day, a great storm whisks(卷走) Drothy and Toto, along with their house, off to a faraway place.The house lands on, and kills the Wicked Witch of the East.Dorothy is just eager to return home.The Good Witch of the North es to greet Dorothy, and gives her the Silver Shoes the Wicked Witch of the East had been wearing when she was killed.The Good Witch(女巫) tells her that only the wise old Wizard of Oz is able to get her back to her family.Dorothy and Toto set off to the Wizard.On her way down the Yellow Brick Road she meets a brainless scarecrow(稻草人), a heartless Tin Woodman and a cowardly(胆小的) lion and all three decide to ask the Wizard to solve their problems, too.Before the Wizard will grant(同意,允许) their wishes, however, they have to kill the Wicked Witch of the West, which Dorothy finally manages to do, thus making all their wishes e true. This book will show all the readers the fantastic adventures of young Dorothy Gale and her dog, Toto, as well as her strange friends.【诱思导学】1What kind of people was this book designed for? 【答案】Children.2What does this book tell about? 【答案】The story describes the adventures of a girl named Dorothy Gale in the land of Oz.3Who does Dorothy Gale meet on her way down the Yellow Brick Road? And what do they do then? 【答案】She meets a brainless scarecrow, a heartless Tin Woodman and a cowardly lion and all three decide to ask the Wizard to solve their problems.Period Previewing(教师用书独具)课标技能要求初步掌握本课文中的词汇,浅层次理解课文,了解相关的背景知识。教学目标本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。教学地位本模块题材内容为文学和电影作品中的冒险故事,要求学生通过学习了解该内容,熟悉英语文学,并且掌握有关的词汇,培养有关的语言技能。教师可以围绕上述主题,设计和组织相关的活动,以发展学生的语言综合运用能力和交际能力。(教师用书独具)新课导入建议T: Boys and girls, what is adventure? Adventure is an exciting trip.If you are bored, you could imagine going on a great adventure.Have a go at caving, climbing, sailing and canoeing at Adventure Club during the summer vocation.All the activities at Adventure Club are run and supervised by qualified and experienced staff.Adventure Club started life in the 1970s as a sailing club for young people.Since this time it has grown and grown.Adventure Club now provides over 10,000 sessions of adventure to young people each year.Would you like to go? Then e with me! T: 教师组织学生注意本活动所列出的书,并逐一简单介绍内容。如:Look at the pictures in the book.They are interesting books.Let me tell you about them one by one.The first book tells about .I like it because.Ss:两人活动,按示例进行,先说所列出的书,然后再说出各自所熟悉的书。T: Do you like reading? What kind of book do you like? Why? Will anyone tell the class the name of the book you like? Who has ever read the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? And what are the main characters of the book? Ss: HucK Finn and Jim.T:Look at the picture.Think about what Huck and Jim will do.教学流程设计导入新课。学生阅读“美文阅读”与“诱思导学”(见学案第32页)。学生共同讨论,并让学生发表各自见解,最后统一答案。学生再次仔细阅读课文(课本第2223页),进行深度理解,并完成“课文缩写”(见学案第33页)。老师指导学生讨论,共同找出答案。让学生完成“知识初探”部分(见学案第3334页)。学生讨论,并让学生代表公布他们讨论得出的答案。老师予以更正。让学生根据所给出的表格进行自我评估(见学案第34页)。老师布置作业,让学生看课本第2223页并完成课本第22页2题和23页4题,预习学案Period (见学案第3437页)(对应学生用书第33页).篇章结构阅读文章,然后完成下面表格(每空不超过3词) Time1. PlaceIn the middle of the riverCharacters2. , Jim, three men on a boat What happened Huck and Jim saw a(n) 3. that hit a rock and was half in and half out of water.Huck and Jim 4. the ship.After hearing someone shout on the ship, Jim 5. and ran to the raft, while Huck saw a man 6. , tied up with rope and two men standing over him.They threatened to 7. the man on the floor.Huck 8. Jim to help him find the two mens ship and 9. to save the man on the floor.Huck began to 10. what they had done, because he didnt want all three men to die.【答案】1.After midnight2.Huck3.steamboat4.boarded5.panicked6.lying on the floor7.shoot8.persuaded9.take it away10.feel bad about.语篇理解阅读P2223的Reading and Vocabulary部分,从每题所给的3个选项中选择最佳答案1Why did they climb on to the steamboat quietly?ABecause they knew that someone was on the steamboat.BBecause they didnt want others to know.CBecause they didnt know about the situation on the steamboat.2Why did the two men want to kill the man lying on the floor?ABecause they didnt like him.BBecause they thought the man let out their secret.CBecause the man broke the steamboat.3What can we infer from the last paragraph?AThe man was saved by them.BThe two men could find them stealing their boat.CThe three men died at last.4Which place was his final aim when he left home?AMississippi.BNew Orleans.CAmazon.5When did Mark Twain begin to write stories?AWhen he worked on a steamboat.BAfter he became a writer.CAfter he became a journalist.【答案】1.C2.B3.B4.C5.C.课文缩写用所给单词或短语的正确形式完成课文缩写to our astonishment;pour down;by the light of;shelter;panic;persuade;tie;regret;paddle;curious aboutAfter midnight it began to 1. and we had to stay inside the 2. .Suddenly we saw a steamboat in the middle of the river 3. the lightning.We 4. over and climbed onto the sinking steamboat, hoping to get something useful.5. , we saw a light and heard one man threatened to kill the other man.Jim 6. and ran back to the raft.I remained, feeling 7. what was happening.Learning that two men wanted to shoot the one lying on the floor, I decided to save the man, so I 8. Jim to help me paddle away the mens boat 9. to the steamboat.When we were a safe distance away, I began to 10. doing that.【答案】1.pour down2.shelter3.by the light of4.paddled5.To our astonishment6.panicked7.curious about8.persuaded9.tied to10.regret.词义搭配1solveAvery frightened2account Ba sudden feeling of fear3panion Cwanting to know about something4pour Dto move along on your hands and knees5shelter Eto find or provide a way of dealing with a problem6panic Fsomeone you spend a lot of time with, especially a friend7curious Ga place to live, considered as one of the basic needs of life8fright Hto make a liquid or other substance flow out of or into a container9crawl Ito suddenly feel so frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave well10terrified Ja written or spoken description that says what happens in an event or process【答案】1.E2.J3.F4.H5.G6.I7.C8.B9D10.A.短语填空have no connection with;pour down;to ones astonishment;be curious about;die of;run away;by the light of;in panic1 , they arrived on time.2People are cancer more and more often.3He the criminal case.4The small boy looked round .5He was so worried that sweat began to his face.6 a torch, she began to read.7It is good to the world around you.8When he tried to , I got him by the neck.【答案】1.To our astonishment2.dying of3.has no connection with4.in panic5.pour down6.By the light of7.be curious about8.run away.句型背诵1Suddenly, by the light of the Lightning, we saw something in the middle of the river.突然间,借助闪电的光亮我们看到河中间有东西。2So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat,keeping as quiet as mice.于是我们把木筏划了过去,蹑手蹑脚地,像耗子一样悄无声息地爬上了汽船。3To our astonishment,there was a light in one of the cabins.使我们大为惊讶的是,有间船舱里还亮着一盏灯。4It was quite dark,but I could see a man lying on the floor,tied up with rope.四周都很黑,但我能看见一个人被绳子捆着躺在地板上。5“He sounds as if hes going to die of fright!” “听起来他就要被吓死了!”Period Introduction & Reading and Speaking(教师用书独具)课标技能要求重点词汇的理解与应用。教学目标(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。(2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运用这些词语造句。(3)通过对这些词汇的理解能够更深层次的理解课文,并通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练地运用这些词汇。(4)通过对本课文的理解,让学生学会用一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时和表示将来用法的句子和段落完成有关语言的区别表达,提高学生的书面表达能力。教学地位单词和短语是构成句子的最小单位,在语言学习中起至关重要的作用,所以准确理解和正确运用英语单词和短语是英语学习的重点所在。(教师用书独具)新课导入建议Look at the pictures in the book.They are interesting books.Let me tell you about them one by one.The first book tells about.I like it because.? (通过学生谈论自己所喜欢的书及理由,引出哈克费恩历险记,让学生阅读课文,排出本文事件发生的先后顺序。)教学流程设计导入新课。老师检查上堂课所布置的作业,检查学生对学案预习的情况。让学生完成“自我评估”(见学案第37页)。(对应学生用书第34页)1solve v解决;解答;破解a story in which a detective tries to solve a problem, such as identifying a murderer (教材P21)一个侦探努力解决问题,例如确认凶手的故事Perhaps time would solve the problem.或许时间会解决这个问题。This difficulty can easily be solved.这个问题很容易解决。solve difficulty/problem/question/riddle解决困难/问题/问题/谜solution n解决;解答;溶解过程;溶液a solution to the problem问题解决的(方法)solvable adj.可解决的The solution to the problem required many hours.解决这个问题需要好几个小时。The worlds AIDS crisis is solvable.世界艾滋病危机是可以解决的。solve/settlesolve“解决”,侧重给出一个答案,如:question,problem,puzzle等名词。settle“解决”,其宾语通常是某种争端,如:argument,dispute,affair,matter等名词。用solve/settle的适当形式填空They tried hard to the dispute between them,after which there is still one problem to ,so the is needed badly.An apology on his part the quarrel.【答案】settle;solve;solutionsettled完成句子你能解答那个问题真是聪明。It was clever of you to .这个问题的解决方案是可接受的。 this problem is acceptable.【答案】solve the problemThe solution to2account n叙述;描写;报道;账单;账户; 说明;解释a true account of the past(教材P21)一个对过去的真实叙述She gave the police a full account of the incident.她把事件向警方作了详细叙述。on account of由于,因为on all accounts在各方面,总之on no account决不(位于句首,主句要部分倒装)take account of sth./take sth.into account考虑;顾及;注意account for说明/解释的原因;(数量上、比例上)占account to sb.向(某人)解释She cant work much on account of the children.她主要是因为孩子而不能工作的。He has to account to the chairman for how he spends the panys money.他一定要向主席说明他是如何花公司的钱的。完成句子他无法说清楚为什么旷课。He could not his absence from school.计划旅行时,我们应该把天气因素考虑在内。We should the weather when planning our travel.由于天气原因,会议延期。The meeting was put off the weather.【答案】account fortake account ofon account of3run away(秘密地)逃跑;避开Huck is a teenage boy who has run away from home.(教材P21) Huck是一个离家出走的少年。He ran away from home at the age of thirteen.他十三岁那年就离家出走了。You just cant run away from the issue.这事你没法回避。run across偶遇run into撞上;陷于;碰上(困境、麻烦等)run down撞倒run out用完run out of用光/完I ran across an old friend the other day.数日前我偶然遇见一位老朋友。I nearly run into a bus when it stop suddenly in front of me.前面一辆公共汽车突然停住,我险些撞上。The cyclist was run down by a lorry.卡车把骑自行车的人撞倒了。What if/Say you were to run out of money? What would you do? 假设你的钱用完了呢?你将怎么办呢?用run相关短语的适当副词和介词填空On the way they had run a high wind.The careless motorist ran a boy on a bicycle.My summer vacation is running very quickly.The young couple decided to run and get married.【答案】intodownoutaway4“It looks as if itll go under soon,” Jim said, after a couple of minutes.(教材P22)过了几分钟吉姆说:“看起来似乎要沉下去了。”句中的look是系动词,as if引导的是表语从句。It seem as if nothing had happened.好像什么事也没有发生过似的。It looks as if it will rain before long.看起来一会儿就要下雨了。如果as if引导的从句只是表示一种假设的情况,从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,但如果从句的动作发生的可能性较大,就要用陈述语气。as if引导状语从句时通常用虚拟语气。与现在事实相反,从句谓语要用过去式;与过去事实相反,从句谓语要用had done;与将来事实相反,从句谓语要用would/could/might do。I felt as if my heart would burst with joy.我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。She looks as if nothing had happened to her.她当时看起来好像什么事都没发生似的。He talks as if he knew everything.他说起话来好像什么都知道似的。【对接高考】(2011湖南高考)Jack wasnt saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him he had done something very clever.Aas ifBin caseCwhile Dthought【解析】考查状语从句。句意:Jack什么也没说,但老师向他笑了笑,好像他做了件聪明的事情一样。as if意为“似乎,好像”,引导方式状语从句。【答案】A用所给动词的适当形式填空He behaved as if nothing (happen)We have missed the bus;it looks as if we (have) to walk.It sounds as if/though she (be) really ill.【答案】had happenedwill havewere5lie v说谎;撒谎 n谎言A mans angry voice answered, “Youre lying.You said that last time.Were going to kill you.” (教材P22)一个男人以生气的声音回应道:“你在撒谎,上次你也是这么说的。我们要杀了你。”I promise never to lie to you from now on.我发誓从今以后再也不向你说谎话。I can tell from your face you are lying to me.我可以从你的表情看得出你在对我撒谎。He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies.他因欺骗、撒谎而损害了自己的人格。 lie躺着;位于lie on ones back/side/stomach仰卧/侧卧/俯卧lie in在于;睡懒觉 a white lie善意的谎言tell a lie说谎lie to sb.对某人说谎 liar说谎者Dont move! Just lie on your back like this.别动!就这样平躺着。The town lies to the north of the city.这个乡镇位于城市的北边。Its a holiday tomorrow, so you can lie in.明天是假日,你可以睡懒觉了。His success lies in his hard work.他的成功在于他的刻苦。lie/lay含义原形过去式过去分词现在分词 躺;位于 lielaylainlying 撒谎 lieliedliedlying搁置;下蛋 laylaidlaidlaying用lie/lay的适当形式填空There was a man on the ground, dead.He the bag and began to do his homework.The boy to his father and was punished.【答案】lyinglaidlied6panic vt.(使)恐慌;(使)惊慌失措 n惊慌;恐慌When he heard these words, Jim panicked and ran to the raft.(教材P22)当吉姆听到这些话时,他惊慌失措并且跑向木筏。The thunder panicked the horse.雷声使马受惊了。There was a panic when the building caught fire.大楼起火时, 人们一片惊慌。Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸后,客人们惊慌失措,尖声惊叫。get into a panic陷入恐慌in (a) panic惊慌失措的panic sb.into doing sth.使某人惊慌失措地做某事panic at.因(看到/听到)而惊慌Im in a panic about getting everything done in time.我一阵手忙脚乱,想及时做完所有事情。The banks were panicked into selling sterling.银行因恐慌而抛售英国货币。She got into a panic when she thought shed forgotten the tickets.她想起忘记带入场券,顿时惊慌起来。【提示】panic是个不规则变化的动词,其过去式、过去分词、现在分词的形式分别为panicked;panicked;panicking。【对接高考】(2011湖北高考)“Tommy, run! Be quick! the house is on fire!” The mother shouted, with clearly in her voice.Aanger BrudenessCregret Dpanic【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:“汤米,快跑!快点儿!房屋失火了!”妈妈叫喊着,声音里明显带着“恐慌”。anger怒火,怒气;rudeness粗鲁;regret懊悔,遗憾;panic恐慌。D项符合句意。【答案】D句型转换Seeing the building gradually emerged by the flood, people on the top of it panicked.Seeing the building gradually emerged by the flood, people on the top of it .Seeing the building gradually emerged by the flood, people on the top of it .【答案】were in a panic;got into a panic 7curious adj.好奇的;渴望知道的But although I was frightened, I also felt very curious, so I put my head round the door.(教材P22)而尽管我很害怕,但我还是感到十分好奇,于是就把头凑向了那扇门。I am curious how she will receive the news.我很想知道她如何接收那消息。Its curious that he didnt tell you.他没有告诉你,实在反常。The boy was curious about everything he saw.那男孩对所见的一切都感到好奇。 be curious about对感到好奇be curious to do sth.很想做某事It is curious that是反常的curiosity n好奇心out of/from curiosity出于好奇satisfy sb.s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心with curiosity 带着好奇心;好奇地in curiosity 好奇地I had to explain the reasons to satisfy his curiosity.我只好解释原因来满足他的好奇心。Looking up, I saw their eyes fixed on me in curiosity.我抬起头,看见他们的眼晴都好奇地望着我。I believe Wang Lin was just acting out of curiosity.我觉得王林这样做只是出于好奇。完成句子由于好奇,我打开了父亲的抽屉。 , I opened my fathers drawer.史蒂夫非常想了解我以前生活的那个世界。Steve was intensely the world I came from.我迫不及待地想更多地了解他的情况。I was intensely more about him.我很想知道她待在哪。I am where he stays.【答案】Out of curiositycurious aboutcurious to know curious to know8It was quite dark, but I could see a man lying on the floor,tied up with rope.(教材P22)周围很黑,但我能看见一个人被绳子捆着躺在地板上。句中see为感官动词,后面跟了复合宾语结构(宾语十宾补),宾补的形式是高考考点之一。句中分别用现在分词短语lying on the floor和过去分词短语tied up with rope作宾补。There was a person who had seen the man killed.有人看到过这个人被杀了。I saw her walking into the bookshop.我看见她走进了书店。感官动词see,hear,feel,watch,notice,observe,find等后接复合宾语(宾语宾补)时,宾补通常有三种形式:感官动词宾语do sth.做了,表示动作全过程,宾补和宾语在逻辑上是主调关系。(此结构变成被动语态时,原来不带to的不定式要加上to。)感官动词宾语doing sth.正在做,表示动作正在进行,宾补和宾语之间在逻辑上是主谓关系。感官动词宾语done sth.被做,表示动作已经完成或表示状态,宾补与宾语之间在逻辑上是动宾关系。I saw him put the key on the desk.我看到他把钥匙放在了桌子上。I watched all the glasses that were on the table fall off on the floor.我看到桌上的玻璃杯都掉到地上。Why did you stand and watch them fighting?你为什么光站着看他们打架?【对接高考】(2011浙江高考)Even the best writers sometimes find themselves for words.Alose BlostCto lose Dhaving lost【解析】考查非谓语动词作宾补。句意:甚至连最好的作家有时也发现自己词穷(找不到好词)。(be) lost for words表示“难以用语言表达,无以应对”。【答案】B用所给动词的适当形式填空She is often heard (sing) songs.When I got home I found the window (break) and the thief gone away already.When did you last see the boy (play) in the garden?They knew her very well.They had seen her (grow up) from childhood.【答案】to singbrokenplayinggrow up9terrified adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的Jim looked terrified.(教材P23)吉姆看起来很害怕。There was a startled, almost terrified look on his face.他的脸上显出了一种吃惊的、近乎恐怖的表情。The terrified children ran home.受惊吓的孩子跑回家去。be terrified at. 对恐惧be terrified to do sth.非常惊恐地去做某事terrify vt.使惊恐terrifying adj.令人恐惧的;令人害怕的People are terrified at the Japanese nuclear crisis.人们对日本的核辐射很惊恐。The animals were terrified by the storm.动物被风暴吓坏了。完成句子当战士们到达地震后的云南时,他们看到的是多么可怕的景象啊!What a sight they saw when the soldiers got to Yunnan after the earthquake!他丑陋的表情吓坏了这个小男孩。His ugly look the little boy.由于内心害怕,他眼前的黑暗似乎更加深一层。 as he was, it seemed almost a double darkness.【答案】 terrifyingterrifiedTerrifiedPeriod Integrating Skills & Grammar(教师用书独具)课标技能要求重点词汇的理解与语法的掌握。教学目标(1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。(2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运用这些词语造句。(3)通过对语法的教学让学生能够理解并能够运用这些语法知识。教学地位语法是学生感到比较难以掌握的东西。让学生正确理解和掌握语法知识是让学生学好英语的关键,所以应给学生创设一个语境,让学生理解该语法的应用,而不要让学生死记硬背语法条文,应从理解的基础上去运用这些语法。(教师用书独具)新课导入建议通过对学生作业的检查导入本堂新课。教学流程设计导入新课老师检查上堂课所布置的作业,检查学生对学案预习的情况。老师对语法部分给以点拨。让学生掌握本单元语法知识。让学生完成“当堂双基达标”(见学案第40页)。师生共同讨论“当堂双基达标”并给出答案,并对难以理解的或有争议的地方给出详解。自我评估(见学案第40页)。(对应学生用书第37页)1play a trick/tricks on sb.捉弄某人;对某人恶作剧He particularly enjoyed playing a trick on the three men.(教材P24)他特别喜欢捉弄这三个人。Dont play a trick on the poor boy.别捉弄那个可怜的男孩。The boys hid Jones bike to play a trick on him.孩子们把乔恩的自行车藏起来捉弄他。play a joke/jokes on sb.开某人的玩笑;捉弄某人play tricks on戏弄某人make fun of sb.嘲弄某人;取笑某人make a fool of sb.愚弄某人;嘲笑某人I suddenly realized that I was being made a fool of.我突然意识到我正在被人愚弄。The kids at school always made fun of my strange clothes.学校里的孩子总取笑我穿的奇服。翻译句子没有人愿意与他交朋友,因为他喜欢戏弄别人。(trick) 她害怕在公共场合被人取笑。(fun) 这个淘气的男孩喜欢捉弄女孩子。 (fool) 【答案】No one wants to make friends with him, because he likes playing tricks on others.She is afraid of being made fun of in public.The naughty boy likes making a fool of girls.2disturb vt.打扰;妨碍;使不安;弄乱;搞乱“Who is it disturbing me at this time of night?” said the captain.(教材P25)船长问到:“是谁在深更半夜这个时候打扰我呀?”I am sorry to disturb you.很抱歉

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