2019-2020年高中英语 Book 4 Unit 2 Working the Land教案 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Book 4 Unit 2 Working the Land教案 新人教版必修4 expandable 可扩展的expensive 广阔的,辽阔的.词汇拓展1expand (v)expension(n)扩张,扩大adj2.bacteriabacterium (单数形式) 3.confuse(v)confusing (adj)令人迷惑的confused (adj)感到迷惑的confusion (n)混乱4.occupation occupy (v)占领,占用5.nutrition(n)营养,营养品nutritional (adj) 营养的,营养品的6.circulate(v)编环circulation circular (adj)循环的 环绕一圈的7.export vexporter (n)出口商,输出国import (反义词)进口8.suitable adj合适的,适当的 suitability (n)适应,适合 suit (v)9.chemical (adj)chemistry(n)化学 chemist (n.) 化学家,药剖师 10hunger (n) hungry adj感到饿的,饥饿的.短语记忆1care about 计较,在意 2ridof 摆脱, 除去 3谈及,查阅,指的是 refer to 4.没有的,免除的 free from 5.年复一年 year after year 6.装备,配备 be equipped with 7.沉思,想得出神 be lost in thought 8.盛产,富含 be rich in 9.担心,关心, be concerned about 10.献身于/专心于 devote to .单词精讲1intend v.意欲,打算,意指常用句型to do/doing 打算做 be ed for 为而sb to do 打算让某人做 be ed to do 为了 that打算做beed as 作为 haded to do=ed to have done本打算做 eg.他打算让儿子经营这家公司。 He ed his son to manage the pany . 这本词典是给小孩用的。 The dictionary is ed for children. 我昨天本想给你写信的。 I had ed to write to you yesterday. 2.satisfy vt.&vi达到,满足(欲望,期待,条件等);使人满意The basic needs of the world population should be satisfied first. 世界人口的基本要求应得到满足。 相关链接:1)派生词:satisfied adj 感到满意的 satisfying=satisfactory adj令人满意的 satisfaction n满足,满意2)常用结构be satisfied with=be content/pleased with 对满足 be satisfied to do 对做感到满意be satisfied of+n/ that从句说服/使相信Im satisfied of his innocence=Im satisfied that he is innocent.3.supply vt供给,供应,满足(需要)n供应。供给之物1)常用短语sth to/for sb= sb with sth 向某人供应某物in short,短缺2)相近短语provide sth for sb= provide sb with sth offer sb sth= sth to sb 他们为他提供含物。 They supptied him with food=They supplied food to/for him=They offered him food 4.certain adj1)“某种,某一”修饰单数名词时,前面加不定冠词(some adj修饰单数名词,意为“某一,”前面不加冠词)a certain person/some reason某人a certain Mr wang/some Mr Wang一位姓王的先生certain people某些人for a certain reasonfor some reason 因为某种原因2)确定的,必然的be certain of确信,深信 beto do必然,一定 be not whether不能确定是否for肯定地,确凿地 makeof/that把弄清楚,保证 辨析应用sure/certain相同点:都可以构成be certain/sure of/todo,make certain/sure of/that不同点:sure 不能用it作形式主语certain & 4人。eg.他肯定会获一等奖。 It is certain that he will win the first prize/ = He is certain to win the first prize. 我确信你会成功。 Im certain of year success/ = Im certain that you will succeed 5.would rather宁愿would rather(not) do sth 宁愿 (不)做某事 would ratherthan(=wouldrather than) 宁愿 ,也不 prefer torather than宁愿,也不would rather sb did sth宁愿某人做某事,(用一般过去时表示现在和将来)would rather sb had done sth 宁愿某人做过某事(过去完成时表示过去的情况)eg. Id rather have the red one than(have)the green one.我宁愿要红的,也不愿要绿的。 Id take the train rather than go there by air我宁可坐火车去那儿,也不愿坐飞机去那儿。Dont e tomorrow, Id rather you came next weekend 明天别来,我希望你下周末再来。 Rather than refuse to help you,I would borrow money from my friends.我宁可向朋友借钱,也不愿拒绝帮助你。6.倍数的表达方式A is +倍数+as+adj+as+BA is +倍数+adj/adv的比较级 年级 than+BA is +倍数+the size (height/weight/depth/width,/etc)+of BA is +倍数+what clauseeg.卧室是厨房的两倍大。The bedroom is twice as big as the kitchen.=The bedroom is twice bigger than the kitchen. =The bedroom is twice the size of the kitchen. =The area of the bedroom is twice that of the kitchen. What he gave me was three times what he gave her.他给我的东西,是他给她的三倍。 7.with the hope of怀有的希望 联想发散1)with the purpose of怀有的目的 with the intention of 有的意向 2)in the hope of希望(有情况)in the hope of doing希望做in the hope that希望,期望hope for希望(有情况)eg.他满怀着挣大钱的希望进了城。 He went to the city with the hope of making much money.

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