高一英语M1 U2 Grammar课件 牛津译林版.ppt

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1. 熟练掌握关系代词的用法, 2. 掌握关系副词与关系代词的用法区别, 3. 掌握介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,He, who knows nothing but pretends to know everything, is indeed a good-for-nothing. 不懂装懂, 永世饭桶。 He that cannot ask cannot live. 万事不求人, 哪里能生存?,学习目标:,M1U2 Attributive Clause,自主学习,静学深思 独立完成(1-6题),God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。,小组研讨,准备展示 (1-6题),我的舞台我做主,温馨提示: 1. 组长控制好进度,确保每个成员都能代表小组展示 2. 脱稿展示,认真书写 3. 非展示同学准备点评 4. 点评同学声音洪亮、注意补充、拓展 5. 非点评同学认真听,及时做笔记,积极动脑质疑,1. The storybook _ was written by his uncle is quite interesting. 2. The student _ the teacher praised at the class meeting is our monitor. 3. The room _ windows are broken is in the charge of Tom. 4. That is the book _ he is looking for. 5. The factory _ his mother works in is very large. 6. Tom is the boy _ we were talking with a moment ago.,任务一:带的句子中,介词后的which,whom可以换成that, who吗? 可以省略吗? 任务二:如果将第5句、第6句中the factory,the boy 分别换成the farm,the problem,介词选择会有变化吗? 任务三:第4句中介词for能提前吗?,合作探究 ,携手共进,5. The factory _ his mother works in is very large. =The factory in which his mother works is very large. 6. Tom is the boy _ we were talking with a moment ago. =Tom is the boy with whom we were talking a moment ago.,任务四: 什么时候用关系副词引导?(观察7、8、9例句),合作探究 ,携手共进,7. This is the temple (寺庙) that / which / they visited last year. where he lived two years ago. 8. Do you remember the day that / which/ you spent in the countryside? when you joined the army? 9. Give me a reason that / which sounds reasonable. why you are late again.,独立完成10-16小题,检测巩固,能力提升,Lend your ears to us. Enjoy our performance! 我展示,我快乐!,10. Id like to know the reason _ you changed the plan. 11. Yesterday he was late, but the reason _ he gave was reasonable. 12. It was raining on the day _ they met. 13. I found some photos of interesting places _ were not far away from our city. 14. In China, 25 is considered to be the proper age which young people get married. 15. I should thank you for the help with which I couldnt have made such great progress. 16. I dont like the way which she talked to her teacher.,From this valley they say youre going. I will miss your eyes and sweet smile, For I know you are taking the sunshine that has lighted my pathway awhile. Come and sit by my side if you love me, Do not hasten to bid me adieu, but remember the Red river valley, and the one that has loved you so true.,歌曲欣赏, 学以致用 (The Red Rive Valley红河谷),


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